Ankyra Sound we ain’t spoken for weeks and so much has changed
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Whatever her children thought about a road trip, Meerkat was still mulling the idea. It seemed like perhaps now was not a good time to go, after what had happened to Requiem. As much pain as she felt over Njord’s continued absence, Meerkat couldn’t imagine how Chacal must feel. The rest of the pack was in mourning as well, some clinging to the hope that he might be alive.

She did not join any searches officially, though today she wandered a little westward toward the sound. Meerkat kept her eyes peeled for any sign of the boy, though truthfully she doubted he would be found. Mostly, she was out here just to clear her mind and stretch her legs a bit.

If I need to tweak the location or timestamp, just let me know, @Rodyn! :)
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Ooc — Danni
i think it will be fine. It usually takes a day to go through territories or so.

Rodyn's russet paws met sand and he froze, ears ruffled by the sea. He took a deep breath of the salty air and another and a slow pang colored his chest as he realized he'd rather be here with Samani as promised.

Though this was for Samani, he had wanted his first trip to the ocean to be with her. He looked around actually realizing fairly quickly he had no idea what even a seashell was.

He knew it was pretty and housed something living, but otherwise. He bent his head down and sniffed, and promptly sneezed. The fine grains of sand tickling his nose.

He shifted paws in the ground a little surprised at the warmth of the top and the cool underneath and he couldn't shift without sliding a little.
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Ooc — Kat
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Naturally, she thought of her mate as she wandered into the cove proper. Her eyes cast out to sea as she wondered for the nth time if Njord was alive. By now, she knew something must have waylaid him either on his way to Meares Island or on the journey home. Meerkat shook her head gently, wondering why she pored over the details when she would likely never know. Closure might never come.

She looked up from her paws and stopped suddenly when she noticed a stranger down the beach. The way he shifted his feet in the sand instantly reminded her of Stingray’s initial reaction to the stuff as a baby. She smiled to herself at the memory. It was bittersweet, remembering Njord’s presence that day.

She focused on the stranger, who reminded her a bit of Rosalyn, Reyes and her younger sisters. Wondering if he was possibly a relative headed to Sapphique to visit, Meerkat made a curious noise under her breath and walked closer, announcing herself with a quiet bark in case he hadn’t noticed her presence yet.

Hello there. What brings you to the sound today?
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Rodyn lifted a paw and settled it down. Eyes lingering on the fine sand. This would be difficult to traverse until he was used to it. Though truthfully, it wasn't his favorite, but he knew Samani loved the ocean so he was trying to like it for her sake at least.

A gentle wuff took him from his musings and he lifted head to meet sad brown eyes. He smiled anyway and bowed his muzzle.

Hi! I'm a trader from Moonglow. Rodyn Ardeth.
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Ooc — Kat
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When he mentioned Moonglow, her dull eyes brightened a little. She wondered how Kukutux, Sialuk and the rest of the village was doing these days. She tried to remember the last time she had seen either one of them. She sipped in a sharp breath when she remembered telling Sialuk about her blossoming romance, sometime back in late winter.

Pushing that thought gently aside, she refocused on Rodyn again to say, I’m Meerkat of Sapphique. I was part of Moonglow once. I was close to Kukutux and Sialuk. How are they? She paused, then added, And what do you mean when you say you’re a trader?
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Ooc — Danni
He saw a brightening in her gaze at his packs name. Which made his smile brighten in return, granted it was already pretty bright.

He was proud of his village. Adored all of them. Though at her mention of Sialuk he frowned.

Well met Meerkat. Kukutux moonwoman is well. Sialuk has gone on a spirit journey we have not seen her for some time. Though she was hail and hesrty when she left. Moonwan takes care of village and Stratos and callyope and Mojag.

Rodyn smiled at her again. I am a hunter. I trade my services of hunting and other skills for things we need, stories, that kind of thing. Some traders will offer to father children for honor and females, but I do not offer that particular service.

He almost added anymore, but he never had though it had been on the table. Now he was simply a hunter. He did not fear her judgement if she had been a part of Kuktuxs village she would be a little aware of their vustoms at least.
2,013 Posts
Ooc — Kat
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Her lips drooped a little when he told her Sialuk had left some time ago, although she remembered her friend telling her, “…they have lain a path for me.” Perhaps her loved ones’ spirits had guided her away from Moonspear to find her good fortune. It was hard, these days, to feel optimistic, but in this, Meerkat decided to hold out hope that Sialuk would return to fulfill her destiny: “In time, I return to the spear. Make home there. Not for many moons.”

She didn’t know any of the other names he mentioned: Stratos, Callyope, Mojag. Meerkat assumed they must be this year’s brood. Despite herself, she smiled, warmed at the thought of Kukutux bringing more young ones into the world. She was the portrait of a maternal figure, after all.

Rodyn explained his title and the services he provided. She met the mention of siring pups with a blink, though paid it no mind once he said it wasn’t something he offered. He hadn’t mentioned any relation to the Rivainis, so she wondered if he’d come this way by pure happenstance, simply keeping an eye out for a good trading opportunity.

Maybe we could do a trade of some sort? Is there anything in particular you’re searching for? Meerkat wondered, definitely intrigued by the possibilities.
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Ooc — Danni
He frowned. He hadn't meant to upset her. He hadn't realized that she and Sialuk had been close. He had even entertained the thought of a life with Sialuk, to get to know her better, until he met her little sister and realized she was more his speed. Not that Sialuk was bad. Her mysterious air was appealing and she was as nice as her siblings, down to the very heart that beat.

Rodyn smiled at her blink, it was a thing hard to understand. But he had also been a bit surprised, though he had accepted what Kukutux had planned for him at first, until their plans had changed. And now he would possibly become one with her family.

Moonwoman has given me many items to hunt for. I will need 3 stag pelts, 4 otter pelts, 8 ermine pelts, and 1 Seashell. Though I wish to take many as Samani likes them and so Callyope and Sialuk. the problem.

He looked down sheepish, a small crooked smile on his maw, as he shuffled his paws. I have never seen a seashell before. So i'm not certain what I am looking for.
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Ooc — Kat
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In fact, he wasn’t simply wandering in search of general opportunities; he had a very specific task set before him. Meerkat’s eyes widened with every item he listed. Why had Kukutux sent him out to gather such an extensive list of objects? Perhaps he had to prove himself for some kind of promotion?

I can definitely help you with that, Meerkat said when he confessed he didn’t know much about seashells. Do you mind telling me why you’re collecting all these things? I’ll help you either way, I’m just curious.

Meanwhile, she motioned for him to come along as she strode a little nearer to the surf. There were many, many seashells scattered along the waterline, many of them broken into pieces. Meerkat combed the wet sands, letting the cool saltwater swirl about her heels as she searched. She wanted to find at least one intact shell to show Rodyn as an example.

It didn’t take too long. Scooping it out of the wet sand, she nipped it with her teeth and carried it out of the water’s lapping reach. She set it gently in a mound of drier sand, which clung to the pearly contours of a small and rather generic seashell.

This isn’t the most impressive example but, Meerkat said, looking up to catch Rodyn’s eye, this is a seashell.
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Ooc — Danni
Rodyn smiled though it was a bit lopsided. He was not to say. But he didn't wish to make this wolf think he was doing it for no good reason. Instead he thought on it.

It is a price I must pay to secure a future that lies in my heart.

His mind wandered to Samani. His ocean wolf. The moonwoman's daughter and the wolf that had captured him. He still didn't know what would come of this, but he wanted to prove that he was true, that he could provide and love. And that he had chosen her, even if she did not wish to choose him. Though she seeemed to like him all the same.

He smiled down at the tiny thing in her paw. Is it true that creatures leave in these? And that they can come in all colors. I must find one at least the color of the ocean when the sun touches it. The way it glows. It matches the eyes of someone dear to me.

He smiled at her with the truth in his eyes. Have you ever wanted something so bad Miss. Meerkat, that you were willing to do anything for it, even if what you wanted could possibly not happen?
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Ooc — Kat
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His answer piqued her curiosity, though its vagueness told her he didn’t want to reveal anything further. Meerkat merely nodded, pursing her lips against any followup questions and focusing her attention on the tiny, fragile treasure she’d set on the sand.

I’m not sure, she answered his question truthfully, but I have seen some in various colors, yes. We can sift for whatever you’d like, Meerkat added, making a sweeping gesture at the whole of the sound, where there was much beach to comb.

Her eyes returned to his face when he posed a philosophical question. Of course, her brain helpfully supplied, Yes! I want Njord to come home to us. But she wasn’t sure she would do anything for that outcome. That was why she hadn’t gone after him, nor asked anyone else to locate him. She wouldn’t risk tearing apart what was left of the Sveijarn-Corten family.

She answered with the truth once more, repeating, I’m not sure, and looking away, toward the horizon, as she let out a long breath.
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Ooc — Danni
Rodyn did not want to be vague. He would love to speak at length to anyone, someone about what he was doing and why. But Kukutux had told him not to let the reason fall unless his quest for items came wrong. And thus far, it had been fine.

I would like that. We can gather some for your pack as well? Or I can trade with fish or something? Would that work? I appreciate it, Meerkat.

Rodyn frowned at her expression. You know I can offer a listening ear while we search. If you should like? We can speak about anything you like?

He motioned to the sand. How do I sift it? It's so, so loose and strange. How do you hunt on it? You can't feel the animals walking? And all I smell is brine?
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Ooc — Kat
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Sapphique needed neither fish nor shells, though Meerkat didn’t tell him that. Instead, she smiled and nodded at his offer. Whatever they caught or collected, she was sure her kids might enjoy it.

Rodyn offered a listening ear and she bit the inside of her cheek. She hadn’t meant to be so obvious, though maybe he was only intuitive. Despite being a counselor herself, she didn’t like the idea of bending a stranger’s ear. If she needed to talk, she would speak with one of her loved ones.

Before she could even decline or respond in any other way, Rodyn fired off a bunch of questions about hunting on the beach. Meerkat smiled, once more thinking of her eldest’s son very first reaction to sand.

You get used to it with some practice, she said, though I recommend sticking close to the water’s edge to look for shells. They’ll be easier to dig out of the wet sand, plus that’s where they tend to collect. Come on.

Motioning for him to follow, she padded back toward the ebb and flow of the surf. The incoming wave hit her heels with a shock of cold, though she quickly adjusted to the temperature. She stood still, waiting for it to pull back out toward the ocean, then pointed out the line of treasures washed up at the waterline.
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-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
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Ooc — Danni
Rodyn was willing to trade other things. You live by the sea. If you would prefer. I can catch you a small deer and drop it at your borders? A change of taste, perhaps?

He had only just realized his mistake in offer. He was to offer things that they did not have regularly. I am still learning to trade correctly. Kukutux told me to offer things that the other does not have. So deer since you don't have many meadow and grassland. Yes I like that better.

Rodyn offered her a shy smile, as he moved closer to the ocean. He would be lying if he said it didn't scare him a little. The ocean felt, strong on his pawsteps. Like it could pull him into it's dark depths and not allow him to surface again. He shuddered a little, but kept his nose down and eyes on the sand.

He chuckled at the treasures left behind. Tiny treasures. He murmured.
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Ooc — Kat
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Rodyn seemed to be thinking aloud. Meerkat glanced at him, listening, meeting his words with a blink. He could catch a deer all on his own? She began to shake her head.

That’s really not necessary… she tried to say, only he kept talking, convincing himself that Meerkat evidently required venison.

She snorted a good-natured chuckle and shook her head again, saying, Rodyn. Please let me get a word in edgewise. Fish is fine… or maybe some nice driftwood if you find some.

She didn’t really need anything from him, beyond a pleasant distraction. But she understood how trading worked and didn’t intend to refute his sense of purpose.

Meerkat stirred a paw in the shallows, sifting through several broken shells, even a few sand dollars. She couldn’t say why the sight of them made her think of something, though maybe it was nothing more than an astute if errant thought.

You know what you could do for my pack, actually? One of our youngest members, Requiem, went missing. He was taken by an eagle, Meerkat said quietly. He’s still quite small, with a dark brown coat. I know it’s unlikely he’s alive out there… but just in case, if you could keep an eye out for him or spread the word while you’re going around trading…
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Ooc — Danni
Rodyn couldn't catch a large deer on his own, but a lame doe or a fawn older than spots, he could and he had T.K. He could find, and possibly Void. Though as much as he got along with the dark furred wolf. He also knew that Void had made enemies and his opinion of women was not high.

Rodyn chuckled and ran a paw over his muzzle and smiled, abashed. He hadn't meant to continue speaking or to completely zero out his offer for her to speak. He was just worried and excited. This was really important to him and he couldn't even tell her the real reason, that was the hardest part.

He blinked at her. What do you use driftwood for?

He wondered if it had a purpose, eyes scanning the edge of the water for such a thing. Even the rivers had driftwood, he knew what it was, but what could it do? Other than a nice chew toy? Maybe to poke something?

A soft sadness worked it's way around him and he stopped moving to look down. That's awful. I'll tell any that I see and I'll look for him. Is there anyway, he may know I'm a friend and not be afraid? Is there something I could tell him maybe if I find him?

He refused to entertain the thought of a child being dead. He just refused, point blank. He swallowed the bile that rose and blinked his suddenly moist eyes. He also found he hoped he did find the child either alive or dead, preferably alive, but he would rather be the one to find him dead than anyone from this pack. They didn't need to see that.

Russet paws ran along the sand, digging through and shifting the shells around. When a rather large one caught his eye. It was not bigger than his paw, but it was spiraled and rather heavy if he was honest. He didn't see any eyes poking out of it, but he wasn't sure.
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It’s decorative, mostly, but also serves other purposes: chewtoy, jungle gym… Meerkat explained.

But largely the conversation shifted beyond that, no longer an exchange of pleasantries. She could see that he was affected by Sapphique’s tragedy as he vowed to spread the word. She did not expect his query, though Meerkat found it touching.

Maybe tell him his maman misses him, his brothers and sister too. They’re called Theo, Etienne and Suzu, Meerkat murmured, making sure to add a heartfelt, Thank you, Rodyn. That’s really all I need in exchange.

Besides, she had hardly exerted himself by showing him where to find seashells. It was up to him to really sift through the sea’s bounty and find what he needed. Her brown eyes watched his face as he discovered something promising, gaze drifting down to catch sight of it.

It reminded her of the engagement conch, tucked safely in a choice cache near the rendezvous site along with a few other treasured belongings. Meerkat’s throat thickened and she glanced away at the sea again.
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-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
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Ooc — Danni
Rodyn looked up with a smile. Oh for little ones. To test their reflexes and grow better adept at walking and balance? I bet it's adorable to see.

Rodyn smiled though it was sad. I will tell him that. How do you say that name. Maman? Rodyn shrugged a shoulder with gentle movements.

It's nothing.

He flipped it around for a moment and then held it out. How do you know if something is leaving in it? I would rather not take it to Moonwoman and have something snap at her nose.

He chuckled and looked up at her. And then out to sea. For my first time to sea. This isn't so bad, though I wish Samani was here. She is of the sea, and she promised we'd come together, but then my trading job came up to quick to make a journey. I'll need to bring her here.
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Ooc — Kat
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Maman, she repeated, pronouncing it slowly and carefully. Her name is Chacal, Meerkat added, though of course Requiem likely wouldn’t recognize it.

There was no avoiding the shell, not when Rodyn held it out to her to inspect. Swallowing a sigh, Meerkat peered at it. She motioned for him to set it down and then screwed her left eye shut, placing the right one close to the opening.

I don’t think there’s anyone in here, she said to him, then sat up, and even if there was, I don’t think it would have teeth. But I think this is a solid choice.

He mentioned Samani again. Meerkat tried to remember what he’d said earlier, something about taking many seashells to her. She tried to remember if she knew anything about her, yet she just couldn’t place her. Whoever she was, she sounded very important to Rodyn.

Samani, is she your… Meerkat asked quietly, trailing off to let him fill in the blank if he wished.
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-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
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Ooc — Danni
Maman he nodded, he would ask around. Hopefully he could find him for them.

Rodyn fought a small chuckle at her peering into the shell, though a small dash of worry wormed inside. What if something got her nose or her eye.

Rodyn settled down to his haunches and looked over the shell.

Samani is for now my best friend. I would like more, but there are traditions to follow as Moongirl. And I'm not sure if she feels the same. She seems to, but I am new to such things.
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Ooc — Kat
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Only as the question left her lips did Meerkat suddenly recollect: Samani was Sialuk’s younger sister, thus one of Kukutux’s daughters. She had never met her, though she must be from last year’s litter, making her a yearling now.

It sounded like they were taking things slowly, in part because she was the Moonwoman’s daughter, not to mention still fairly young. She’s about the age you were when you fell for Atlas, a voice whispered in the back of Meerkat’s mind.

Something about his wording also made her think of Issorartuyok for the first time in a long while. She let out a shaky exhale, wondering how he was doing these days. Had he found someone else? Would she have been happier with him than she was now, no matter how lovely things had been with Njord?

Finding herself tearing up, Meerkat turned away from Rodyn with a sniffled, Sorry… She tried to steady herself, still facing the other direction. Just got a bit up in my feels for a minute. I’m okay though, as okay as was possible in the circumstances.
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-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
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Ooc — Danni
Rodyn did not wish to rush things and ruin what he could have wtih Samani. And he wanted to be respectful of both her, her culture and her family. Not to mention he didn't know much about the matter of the hearts. There was the one awkward time he tried to emulate his parents in his former home, it had..not been good.

Rodyn gave a soft whine and moved a little closer, but tried to keep his distance in case she didn't wish to have someone so near. I'm sorry if I upset you, Miss. Meerkat. It was not my intention.

Rodyn smiled. What is your favorite color? Maybe we can find a shell and then look for some driftwood?
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You didn’t, she assured, still looking the other way.

It took her another moment to collect herself. By that time, Rodyn was trying to redirect the conversation a bit. Meerkat truly appreciated it, though she realized she no longer felt up for conversation. She was grateful to have distracted herself from her woes for a little bit but it was time to retreat.

Actually, now that you know what to look for, I think you should do it all on your own. I think it’s more meaningful that way. I know that if I was Samani, I would be touched, knowing you and only you personally chose the gifts for me.

Brushing away an errant tear with her paw, she added, If you find any particularly striking driftwood, you can always deliver it to Sapphique’s borders. But just spreading the word about Requiem is really all I need in exchange.

Meerkat telegraphed her intention to disembark, moving slowly, before saying, It was nice meeting you, Rodyn, and I wish you luck in your searching and trading. Take care, of yourself and Samani, she thought, offering a wan smile and dip of her head before turning toward home.
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-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
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Ooc — Danni
Rodyn's tail drooped and his ears flattened to his head. I'm still sorry that you are upset about something.

He frowned unsure what else to say.

Samani would too. She's like that. She likes things more from the heart. Thank you for your help.

Rodyn saw her turning, she was done with this day. He spoke softly. I hope you have a better day Miss. Meerkat, and perhaps on my return trip home I'll stop again? Would that be alright, just to say hello? Maybe i'll find some antlers for the young of your pack?

He continued a way's down the coast. He would hunt for more sea shells, picking off some rabbits to use their skin to wrap the seashells. He needed to find a way to carry the furs. He would need to look into that soon.