To Swiftcurrent Creek she fled, unaware if anyone followed but running as if @Qiao still pursued her. Mae was breathing hard around @Cygnet's pale fur. She felt as if she might be sick. But the baby was safe. Safe, and hers.
She stumbled across the border on weak legs, and set the baby down very gently, afraid now that she was hurt. Mae licked her a few times, grimacing at the tastes of birth and swamp that still lingered. She started to cry.
Wren. Wren and Eshe and Moss and that man. She had to —
She called for @Arric.
She stumbled across the border on weak legs, and set the baby down very gently, afraid now that she was hurt. Mae licked her a few times, grimacing at the tastes of birth and swamp that still lingered. She started to cry.
Wren. Wren and Eshe and Moss and that man. She had to —
She called for @Arric.
August 04, 2023, 02:30 PM
Arric heard the call and raced towards it. The sound of distress loud on Mae's voice. And what he found curdled his blood.
He licked along her head. Snuggling both. Thanking god that this baby was alive, but scared to death too.
Oh shit.he mumbled and moved closer to Mae and gathered her up. Nose along the babies fur and pulled it in tighter than mae so it didn't get cold.
Mae Mae.he said quietly.
I need you to take a deep breath and tell me where you got this baby from right now. They are too little to be without a mommy they can get very sick and can only drink milk.
He licked along her head. Snuggling both. Thanking god that this baby was alive, but scared to death too.
August 04, 2023, 02:34 PM
Mae cried out at the sight of him. Oh, he was here, Arric was here now and it would all be alright. She burrowed eagerly into his fur. She kept the baby close to her, clutching the tiny pale girl as she started to sob.
Arric -She choked on her cries.
Arric, it's, it's, s-something is - is wrong -
Th-there was a - a man,She tucked her face against his fur.
And - and Wren and E-Eshe - they - they were f-fighting him, and Moss - she didn't m-m-move, Arric, something is w-wrong with her!Mae pulled away from him, leaving the baby in his arms as her throat began to close and she felt herself gagging and heaving.
August 04, 2023, 02:38 PM
I may post intermittently but feel free to skip me and PP Cygnet being handled.
Cygnet’s bawling stopped when she felt the repetitive (almost hypnotic) beat of movement carrying her somewhere. Blood dripped from the stub where her tail used to be. The only warmth she got was from the heaving of Mae’s breath- but it was enough to keep her from succumbing to shock completely.
She wobbled when she was placed on the ground, severely dizzy from all the movement within moments of her birth. Her head moved in small circles and she trembled violently. Smacking her lips together, she uttered a small whine.
Warmth came within seconds, but still she shivered and wobbled. Confused and needy, she uttered soft chuffs, weakened too much to properly protest or cry out.
Mae eagerly burrowed into him. Keeping a hard grasp on the little one. He let her. Didn't move the baby away. It seemed Mae needed to hold. And she wasn't hurting.
Arric listened and felt like growling. They had no peace here, but as she continued he got sicker. Oh no, no no. Moss. Oh hell.
He shifted the baby and gently leaned forward and licked along her face and head.
It's okay baby. Uncle Arric got you.his chest tightening at each sob from the little girl. Where the hell. What the hell. Cheezus.
Arric listened and felt like growling. They had no peace here, but as she continued he got sicker. Oh no, no no. Moss. Oh hell.
He shifted the baby and gently leaned forward and licked along her face and head.
Okay first we need to get you some water. Then I'm gonna need to find a place for you and this baby.
Mae began to calm after expelling the soured contents of her stomach. Her breathing started to return to something like normalcy. She tried to listen to what Uncle Arric was telling her, what he was asking.
She looked at the pale puppy again, trembling.
I - I don't know,She managed after a moment, thinking hard. In the moment she had taken no notice of those finer details, and so it was strange to try to recall them. Her voice was a whisper as she went on.
Moss smelled bad. I c-couldn't smell anything else. Just her.
She looked at the pale puppy again, trembling.
Sh-she needed me,Mae said in a rush of guilt, desperate to explain.
Th-there was a - a woman, I don't know, she tried to t-take her! From me!Her ears flattened.
S-so I - I ran away.Mae noticed then that the girl was bleeding, and gasped, and her heart started to race again.
A-Arric, Arric look,She stammered, but could say no more.
She was calming down slowly. And she was listening.
They'd have to keep an eye on this one for any sickness. Whatever had happened he'd need to wait on Eshe or Wren. And definitely @Akavir
Arric looked at the tail and swiftly lifted the puppy into his jaws. And motioned for Mae to follow him. Near the river he placed the puppy down gently.
Then he slowly did as Arlette had showed him trusting that Mae would listen.
They'd have to keep an eye on this one for any sickness. Whatever had happened he'd need to wait on Eshe or Wren. And definitely @Akavir
Arric looked at the tail and swiftly lifted the puppy into his jaws. And motioned for Mae to follow him. Near the river he placed the puppy down gently.
Mae mae i need you to curl around the baby while i get some reed fluff okay? Hold her tight and keep her warm.
Then he slowly did as Arlette had showed him trusting that Mae would listen.
August 04, 2023, 03:05 PM
Mae was doing her absolute best to stay calm and hold back her tears, but her lower jaw trembled a little. She looked down at Cygnet, at how small and helpless she was, and knew that she would have to be strong. So she did as Arric asked, curling around the baby carefully so as not to disturb her bleeding stump of a tail.
Y-you're too white to be my sister, but that's okay,Mae whispered to her, hoping that it would soothe her. She wasn't aware that the newborn couldn't hear her.
I got a little white too. No one w-will know.
[Ooc] @Qiao youre more than welcome to show up at Creek if you want. I know the thread is large and confusing.
He gently pressed the fluff to the tail. Making gentle soothing noises to both Mae and the puppy.
You know what Maemae you were really brave today. And you're such a good girl. The best. And helping me out. I know its hard and once we get her cleaned up you can cry.::
Arric spoke soflt.
He gently pressed the fluff to the tail. Making gentle soothing noises to both Mae and the puppy.
August 04, 2023, 03:19 PM
She was warm, but what was left of her tail ached, and the pain seemed as though it would never end. Whenever it was touched she murmured soft whimpers in pain, at times escalating her voice to a soft shriek- but she found herself exhausted from all of the overwhelming stimulation.
She was hungry, but began to fade. She smacked her lips together and burrowed her face into whatever furry limb or body she could find, searching for food, only to find nothing.
She stopped searching with a sigh, and fell still to conserve energy.
She was hungry, but began to fade. She smacked her lips together and burrowed her face into whatever furry limb or body she could find, searching for food, only to find nothing.
She stopped searching with a sigh, and fell still to conserve energy.
August 04, 2023, 03:25 PM
But Mae didn't want to cry. She blinked hard to keep the threat of tears away, searching for something else to focus on.
W-what about milk?She asked after a moment.
She needs a - a mom,Mom. Such a foreign word to her. She knew it only in passing, the vaguest sense of loss. Like being incomplete somehow, but not quite knowing how. Mae wished fiercely that she did have a mom just then. She would have shared her gladly with the bleeding child. But she had nothing to give.
August 04, 2023, 03:34 PM
Arric nuzzled her gently. And sighed softly.
When the baby was a little better and bleeding was stopped he dippwd his head down.
I'm sorry you had to go through that MaeMae
When the baby was a little better and bleeding was stopped he dippwd his head down.
There are some new moms in our pack ally Kvarsheim. They can help her with milk and maybe you can stay with them sometimes? If its okay with Akavir.
Eshe followed the trail that the children left in their departure. She was almost at her limit—but she couldn’t stop now. Her heart ached for both of them, but especially for Mae who would remember this day for the rest of her life.
She felt a tremendous amount of relief when she recognized Arric’s scent among the path—they were safe as far as she was concerned.
She was panting by the time she arrived, her coat covered with mud, blood, and marsh-water. Her eyes fell upon Mae and the newborn, and her expression softened … until she’d heard what was being planned by the beta.
”Arric, please, no“ she pleaded, her voice wavering a desperate. ”That baby needs us,” I need that baby, ”I have a plan—I’m g-gonna try and force myself into a false pregnancy.” She didn’t even know if that was possible. ”U-Use milkweed to try and get my m-milk to come in.”
She was getting desperate; exhaustion and anxiety rattled her body, and her eyes began to water. ”S-She needs us—Mae needs her,” her voice cracked, and she glanced at the adolescent. ”She was so brave and risked her life and …”
She felt a tremendous amount of relief when she recognized Arric’s scent among the path—they were safe as far as she was concerned.
She was panting by the time she arrived, her coat covered with mud, blood, and marsh-water. Her eyes fell upon Mae and the newborn, and her expression softened … until she’d heard what was being planned by the beta.
”Arric, please, no“ she pleaded, her voice wavering a desperate. ”That baby needs us,” I need that baby, ”I have a plan—I’m g-gonna try and force myself into a false pregnancy.” She didn’t even know if that was possible. ”U-Use milkweed to try and get my m-milk to come in.”
She was getting desperate; exhaustion and anxiety rattled her body, and her eyes began to water. ”S-She needs us—Mae needs her,” her voice cracked, and she glanced at the adolescent. ”She was so brave and risked her life and …”
August 04, 2023, 04:43 PM
Kvarsheim. Mae didn't know anything about their allies, except that she had been at Riverclan once, briefly. She hardly remembered it. But she trusted Arric, so she started to nod —
And then Eshe was there, as much a mess as Mae felt. She stared at her with wide eyes, too caught off guard to hate her. Mae was torn. She didn't know what to do, or why Eshe didn't agree with Arric. To her it seemed inconsequential where the milk came from, so long as it reached the small mouth of the girl who Mae had abruptly decided was her sister.
And then Eshe was there, as much a mess as Mae felt. She stared at her with wide eyes, too caught off guard to hate her. Mae was torn. She didn't know what to do, or why Eshe didn't agree with Arric. To her it seemed inconsequential where the milk came from, so long as it reached the small mouth of the girl who Mae had abruptly decided was her sister.
I w-want to s-stay with her,Mae looked at the newborn anxiously, but didn't move. She didn't want to disturb her any further.
August 04, 2023, 04:54 PM
Mature Content Warning

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: swearing
Arric was immediately on guard pulling the newborn to him and Mae too. He was irritated and angry and scared. He had no idea who had attacked anyone and he was getting pissed. He didn't know if moss had already been dead or if some sick fuck had done something. So he loosed a small growl and hugged the two little girls tighter though mindful not to crush the baby.
He took a deep breath and stood to full height, tucking Mae tight to him. She was still tiny enough to fit near his legs right.
Keep her warm Mae Mae.
Then he nsrrowed his eyes.
Please don't, Eshe. First if all we dont even know if that would work and if it did it wouldnt for a few days. She needs milk today she needed milk probably awhile ago. So no. And don'tpresume to know who needs who.
Arric lowered his gaze to the kids and sighed.
She has to go to Kvarsheim for now. Then, only if we get the okay from other healers. ONLY THEN will you be allowed to try it. I wont have you putting yourself in danger to fulfill a dream. Nor will I allow Mae to worry so much.
Arric shifted and met her gaze.
You can come with so the little ones know you i won't stop you, but we wont do something like that until we talk to @Arlette, @Crowfeather and I'd like to talk to my friend @Ashlar.
tags for reference
This was a day she would never forget—his words would haunt her for a lifetime.
“And don't presume to know who needs who.”
“I wont have you putting yourself in danger to fulfill a dream.”
The words hurt her deeply; she laid down, bared her belly, and looked away as he started talking. He was correct. As soon as she realized it, she understood her selfishness had endangered the baby. How could she have been so self-serving? So cruel?
She swallowed hard, forcing aside the remnants of her pride. This wasn’t about any of them—it was about Cygnet.
“If it’s okay with you, I can help get them over there, and return home with you,” she replied, her voice quiet and rough. She felt defeated, but now wasn’t the time to wallow.
“I’m sure Gunnar has wonderful medics.” Had she known Bonario was from Kvarsheim, she would have objected. But there had been too much going on—too much action, too many smells, all the emotions … she hadn’t caught it.
“And don't presume to know who needs who.”
“I wont have you putting yourself in danger to fulfill a dream.”
The words hurt her deeply; she laid down, bared her belly, and looked away as he started talking. He was correct. As soon as she realized it, she understood her selfishness had endangered the baby. How could she have been so self-serving? So cruel?
She swallowed hard, forcing aside the remnants of her pride. This wasn’t about any of them—it was about Cygnet.
“If it’s okay with you, I can help get them over there, and return home with you,” she replied, her voice quiet and rough. She felt defeated, but now wasn’t the time to wallow.
“I’m sure Gunnar has wonderful medics.” Had she known Bonario was from Kvarsheim, she would have objected. But there had been too much going on—too much action, too many smells, all the emotions … she hadn’t caught it.
Mae looked between the adults, not quite understanding all that passed between them. She knew that Arric's word was final. She knew that she would not be parted from her new sister. That was enough.
But Eshe was upset, and she couldn't help but feel bad for her. Maybe, Mae thought, she was upset because she thought that if they went to Kvarsheim, they would never come back.
But Eshe was upset, and she couldn't help but feel bad for her. Maybe, Mae thought, she was upset because she thought that if they went to Kvarsheim, they would never come back.
She's part of Swiftcurrent Creek,She spoke up then, her voice stronger.
Even if we go to K-Kv... Karshit. She's family.
Arric sighed and bent his head. His shoulders aching. He was tired and where the fuck was Akavir. His throat closed up for a minute and he felt like crying or biting shit. But he bit it back and took a shaky breath.
He shook his head.
He chuckled.
He bent and lifted the baby gently.
Eshe. I have no problem with trying it once we talk to the other healers. Nor do i mind you adopting her if thats what you want, we just can't do that today. And i am certain if you wanted to stay near none of them would mind. It actually might be good. So she gets used to you since once shes weaned she'll come back here.
He shook his head.
Riverclan is the one with healers, but they have no nursing mothers.
He chuckled.
That's right Mae Mae. But maybe not call it it Karshit at the pack.
You gonna be okay? Its a long run and we gotta get there in a day or she won't be healthy.
He bent and lifted the baby gently.
August 04, 2023, 06:13 PM
She felt her belly rumble and gurgle, and began to sniffle softly, upset. She did not like the discomfort of life; she was grabbed, jostled, carried, and the only one who had ever fed her had made her feel very cold. Only now did she begin to warm, though her strength had begun to flag.
She could only whimper softly by the time Arric reached for her. She sighed a heavy, knowing sigh when she was lifted, and felt the little tips of her toes begin to go numb.
She could only whimper softly by the time Arric reached for her. She sighed a heavy, knowing sigh when she was lifted, and felt the little tips of her toes begin to go numb.
Arric backtracked, and Eshe shook her head. “We should discuss this later,” she advised, knowing they didn’t have the time to flesh out their plans. “She needs to eat as soon as possible.” This conversation needed to happen when they both rested and in the right state of mind.
Mae spoke, and Eshe almost began to cry. The sentiment was both hilarious—Karshit was something she’d be laughing about for the foreseeable future—and endearing. “I couldn’t have said it better myself,” she said, wiping away the tears that hadn’t shed yet. “She is family.”
She picked herself up, shook some of the loose filth off of her coat, and cleared her throat. “I’m ready when you guys are,” she said, avoiding any glance of him and the child he held.
“Or, no—you two go.” She said suddenly, thinking of @Akavir as her mind began to clear—selfishly, she needed him now more than anything and distance from the situation. Not to mention the immense jealousy she’d feel seeing somebody else care for the child she so desperately wanted. “Akavir’s going to need somebody to tell him everything thats going on.” Especially about where his daughter went, she thought to herself. It wasn’t her place to speak on it—she was outranked and already in deep shit.
Mae spoke, and Eshe almost began to cry. The sentiment was both hilarious—Karshit was something she’d be laughing about for the foreseeable future—and endearing. “I couldn’t have said it better myself,” she said, wiping away the tears that hadn’t shed yet. “She is family.”
She picked herself up, shook some of the loose filth off of her coat, and cleared her throat. “I’m ready when you guys are,” she said, avoiding any glance of him and the child he held.
“Or, no—you two go.” She said suddenly, thinking of @Akavir as her mind began to clear—selfishly, she needed him now more than anything and distance from the situation. Not to mention the immense jealousy she’d feel seeing somebody else care for the child she so desperately wanted. “Akavir’s going to need somebody to tell him everything thats going on.” Especially about where his daughter went, she thought to herself. It wasn’t her place to speak on it—she was outranked and already in deep shit.
August 04, 2023, 06:42 PM
Mae was eager to go. She wasn't thinking of Akavir, and even if she had, she wouldn't have cared. She was far too old now to be forced to stay anywhere, or at least big enough to cause more of a fuss than it was worth. She rose when Arric lifted the baby, watching her pale sister closely.
She didn't look so good, did she? Mae whined under her breath. They would have to hurry.
She didn't look so good, did she? Mae whined under her breath. They would have to hurry.
Arric eyed Eshe with a sharp gaze. Was she going to make him into a bad guy. Great. He huffed and then motioned for Mae to follow. They'd have to run far and fast. He hoped Mae was up to it.
But he couldn't worry about that right now and he definitely couldnt worry about Akavir who was absent again. He loved the guy, but man he was really starting to feel run down.
But he couldn't worry about that right now and he definitely couldnt worry about Akavir who was absent again. He loved the guy, but man he was really starting to feel run down.
last from me
August 04, 2023, 08:19 PM
Although she disagreed with some choices, she understood he was trying his best. She would never paint him as a villain because that wasn’t who he was. “Just the facts,” she promised, noticing the sharpness in his gaze. “You’re doing everything you can.” That was all anybody could do.
They left, and she lingered until they were out of sight. When she was finally alone, the weight of everything hit her like a ton of bricks. Overwhelmed by emotions, she fell to the ground and gave herself permission to cry. She cried for a while, but then she got up, brushed herself off, and went back to search for @Akavir. For now, she felt light. But she knew her they’d return when she had to think about the situation again.
They left, and she lingered until they were out of sight. When she was finally alone, the weight of everything hit her like a ton of bricks. Overwhelmed by emotions, she fell to the ground and gave herself permission to cry. She cried for a while, but then she got up, brushed herself off, and went back to search for @Akavir. For now, she felt light. But she knew her they’d return when she had to think about the situation again.
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