Redtail Rise the oval portrait
899 Posts
Ooc — mercury
All Welcome 
@Redsky. @Mulherin. @Carrion. @Wanderer.

all four of her younger children, here. even the ones who had strayed (or been captured, like her?). it soothes the pain that is the absence of Redd and Relic.

she seeks them out now, auburn muzzle lifted in an inviting howl. she's feeling nostalgic, lingering near the site of her whelping den, of their birth. a solemn, cozy little place, tucked away in the woods just beneath the peaks of Redtail Rise.

nostalgic. . .or in preparation?

she shakes off the notion of finding a mate over the winter. time enough for that, yet, and her heat will drive her to enough length to do so.

for now, Avicus hopes to reconnect. 

to connect, really. she's been gone a while—even longer in mind than in body.
Redtail Rise
339 Posts
Ooc — April
The call reaches him sooner than the others. 

He and Avicus are orbiting planets; never far from one another, existing in tandem, but rarely convene. 

For once his trajectory will be changed. He goes and seeks her promptly. 

There, a silhouette of red against the earthy landscape. He sees her, knowing this place she’s brought him to all too well. It is the first place he has ever known.

The darkling woofs a low note and joins her side. His head tilts, eyes gleaming with curiosity. Why?
[Image: VpR1P5E.png]
Young Hunter
79 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
Redsky follows his brother, in question as well. Why were they back here. Why had their mother summoned them here.
26 Posts
Ooc — Chelsie
When Avicus' call came, Wanderer was already meandering through the trees, chewing on a new quandary. She had come home, but what should one who no longer wanders be called?

She pondered this as she changed course and headed for where her mother's voice had come from.

Avicus was almost a stranger to Wanderer, and yet someone so intimately familiar, she did not know what to make of it. She had not been back here since she was only little. Seeing Mulherin and Redsky present emboldened her to come forward where Avicus could see her, but she hung back.

After all, they do not know one another so well these days.
62 Posts
Ooc — Van
An ear twitched at the invitation sent forth by her mother, but nothing else. Carrion resumed her quiet foraging, instead following the much more interesting prospect of finding something dead among the fallen leaves.

cameo post - love u, bye!
899 Posts
Ooc — mercury
three out of four ain't bad, she supposes, though making a mental note to seek out Carrion one-on-one later. it doesn't bode well for the girl to be absent; it reminds her too much of incalcitrant Atreus—

and where is he nowadays? not here.

but she focuses her current attention on the three that have shown up. they're understandably confused, and a bit standoffish, especially Wanderer.

she doesn't blame them. she'd been gone too long, too early in their life.

i've nohh' been a goodh moh'her, Avicus notes, gazing at them all in turn. buhh' i wanna do behh'her. an' i wanna pah'hrol an' eh'plore our home wi' you.

so that one day, you may lead in my stead.
but see, amid the mimic rout,
a crawling shape intrude —
a blood-red thing that writhes from out
the scenic solitude
Redtail Rise
339 Posts
Ooc — April
Redsky and Wanderer join. His twin was not present. He never expected her to show, it was just the norm for her.

As for Avicus, her reasoning for summoning them surprised him. There were few times he’d heard her admit her shortcomings. Her words were true however, and much needed to be addressed.

You feelin’ okay? He asks, head tilted ever so slightly. We can go. Where you wanna start?
[Image: VpR1P5E.png]
Young Hunter
79 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
"Its ok." Redsky said. "We understand that you're sometimes too busy to be involved, but we know you're here for us." He assured her.

"I'd love to patrol our home with you." He then said, ears perked.
899 Posts
Ooc — mercury
we can fade if you'd like or continue - up to you!

they are so good. it must be the Ashlar in them, she reckons—though Redsky has the look of Prophet about him. but then, Prophet had been a forgiving man, as well.

she'd chosen the best for her womb, and she is glad of it—especially now.

wanna 'hhow you Raven Hollow, she says. perhaps they'd seen it before, but she wanted to tell them of Astara herself. namedh for my Ma.

are you watching, Mama? do you see your proud, fierce grandchildren?

she sets off, flicking her tail in an indication to fall alongside her and follow.
but see, amid the mimic rout,
a crawling shape intrude —
a blood-red thing that writhes from out
the scenic solitude
Redtail Rise
339 Posts
Ooc — April
I’m fine with whatever!

Two more of his siblings appear. And so, their mother lays out her itinerary. 

He knows the area and has seen it before, but never has learned its name. 

Raven Hollow. He will not forget it.

D’she live here? Your Ma? The boy asks her. 

Finding the side of Wanderer, he walks with her, finding solace in her silent company. They will follow in Avicus’ trail.
[Image: VpR1P5E.png]
Young Hunter
79 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
Redsky listens as his brother asks a question, waiting for his mother's answer.

you can continue here and just assume sky is still there but this will be the last from me
899 Posts
Ooc — mercury
she shakes her head at Mul's question. no. i wah' born far from here—a land calledh Bearclaw Valley, she explains. the walls of the place seem to rise up around her as she speaks, and she feels acutely the shadow they cast. 

maybe one day, she'll take her children to see it. the madness of Merrick runs in their blood, too, after all.

Avicus settles in and tells them more about Astara—her fierceness, her bravery, her savage motherhood. 

if she can be even a tenth of the matriarch the dark woman was. . .she will have done well in this role.
but see, amid the mimic rout,
a crawling shape intrude —
a blood-red thing that writhes from out
the scenic solitude