Two Eyes Cenote if everyone’s confused;
burying them there while we carry on.
408 Posts
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All Welcome 
the child’s tail hung between her claws. 

behind her a gluttonous moon rose, fat with a wax yellow face that glared doubly from the faintly rippling pools beneath her. 

she spoke the tongue of the overworld; her face drawn in deep concentration. another haka’s arrow notched towards akashingo’s gilded halls; this one squirming with the animus of disgruntled souls.  

and then she drew her wicked talons back, the tail falling from its raised height. 

a soft splatter was heard beneath her, followed by the gurgle of a well-fed beast as the tail disappeared forever beneath dark ripples of ancient water.
[Image: OTLS5SY.png]
1,550 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Slam dunks my timeline into the trash for this thread
Reverie had gotten the urge to wander further from Kvarsheim than usual, and so this time she took @Blossom with her, sending up a howl to inform @Boone. Whether he followed or not, Reverie set her sights west; south of the mountains, where she'd wandered before that fateful day with Riverclan and Bjarna, though she could not recall it.
There was no denying that the desert was familiar to her. Reverie was so reminded of The Gilded Sea that for a time she felt sick. She felt like a child all over again. But she kept Blossom close to her, stopping at each source of water they found along the path to some nameless destination. They traveled well into the night, searching now for a place to rest.
Certainly Reverie didn't expect to find a coyote under moonlight. A woman at the water's edge, dropping something into the depths. She'd thought they might be able to shelter here, under the overhang of stone and vegetation, but now — Um, Reverie hesitated. Hello? She pulled her daughter close to her side, wary. What was going on here?
21 Posts
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cameo, please skip unless tagged

moon ascended, it's ethereal glow illuminating the starless water as she soared above, wings a fury of silent hurricane. 

a cry, a chant, a curse. it bled into the air like an open wound, it's tone flavorful enough to turn the air sour. 

she let out a deafening shrill of her own to echo the haka, voice high and metallic. 

a stray soul wandered in, and her neck twisted to let moon-eyes drink in the assembly. 

she perched herself atop a lone cacti, deadlocked like gatekeeper of the damned. 

here she watched.
burying them there while we carry on.
408 Posts
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the haka traveled north, joined by the eerie call of a night bird as it went. 

qiao froze under the sound of footfall. between her and the rippling pool, a face appeared shrouded in moonlight — at its side stood a small child. 

she set her to’lang aside and climbed from the embankment. a prayer to my gods. qiao answered, turning her gaze unflinchingly upon the mother, a thornprick of annoyance edging across her features to be interrupted.
[Image: OTLS5SY.png]
1,550 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Your gods? Reverie echoed, curiosity in her voice even as she withered slightly under the woman's annoyance. Her ears tilted back. She kept Blossom close to her, shivering a little in the wake of the bird's call, but her eyes were only for the coyote woman.
She didn't know much about coyotes, really. Her parents had always hated them, but Reverie had never seen the sense in it. After all, they mingled with dogs, who were arguably more foreign; less suited to the wilds than coyotes. And so Reverie herself held no particular prejudice against them, aside perhaps an ingrained wariness regarding the safety of her daughter. She knew what often happened to an unattended wolf pup in the presence of a coyote.
burying them there while we carry on.
408 Posts
Ooc —
qiao listened for the return of owlsong - but whatever had spoken remained silent, and the sounds of the night resumed around them. 

the woman kept her child close. her ears were swept back, and a mien of unease clung to her. good. qiao’s gaze settled on the child, hunger in them. my gods. she repeated obscurely. would you like me to show them to you?
[Image: OTLS5SY.png]