Blackfeather Woods [mandatory pack meeting] awaiting a word
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
Pack Activity 
Meant to discuss all the goings-on of recent days — staying vague about some events that Maegi hasn't technically learned about IC yet. Everyone should please post at least once in this thread; failure to do so means your character will be presumed to have abandoned the woods in a time of crisis and may lead to IC consequences. Next round will begin Friday, Sept. 27.

@Jakoul @Moonshadow @Vaati @Amun @Aries @Reed @Rowan @Scylla @Sakhmet @Sobek @Anansi (also @Moonshine tho not sure what's going on IC there) @Nightstar (forgot to tag you so so sorry!!)

The earth was moving, trembling, breaking under the internal strain—and Maegi could only assume it had something to do with the daedra. But which? Which had she angered enough to fell trees within the sacred woods, to create fissures within the ground, to take one of her closest friends from this world?

So much had happened that Maegi hadn't had time to properly mourn, nor ask these questions. It was the latter that surfaced as she entered the Redgrove and howled for all who dwelled in these woods, moving to the center and awaiting her pack.

Death aside, there were wolves missing. There was trouble with Redhawks. There were enemies of hers nearby. And all of this amid the unsteady terror of the Teekon Wilds; it was apocalyptic, and she wondered if this was it. If this was their end—

If I'm being punished for all my wrongs. Peryite, my lord, my god. . .why?!
326 Posts
Ooc — siv
Never would she ignore a call from Nona, especially not in such an urgent time. Her legs carried her swiftly despite the tiredness that had begun to grip her as of late. Weary of the world and of the state of things. Such burdens to carry that she had not ever done before. But she was still here, standing strong as she could within the Woods.

A gentle rumble vibrated through her chest to greet Maegi. Her presence had been missed terribly. It was a shame for them to have time together again under such stressful circumstances. She rounded Redgrove to close in to where the Nona stood and aimed to stand near the tattered ruler's side.
511 Posts
Ooc — siv
She slipped away from the temple at the call of her mother. Her growing legs tried their best to stretch quick across the lands. Undoubtedly she was still a touch exhausted from their trip but the trip had also helped build muscles she had not worked before, taught her to be quick and surefooted.

It was Redgrove that she found herself being drawn to. She was not first it seemed but she was certainly early. Ena. She whispered as her tail offered a few study waves behind her. The Melonii child would not shy away from this meeting and picked to settle herself close in front of the leaders, keen to hear what was going to be said.
"You must make a friend of horror and of mortal terror."
48 Posts
Ooc — Jitterwater
The ground was unstable, that much he had figured out days ago. It kept him from going in to the tunnels where he'd usually feel safe. Sobek pined for his prizes from the tarn but did not dare complain aloud for them to anyone lest they think his need was dire; if they went to fetch them in the dark tunnels then they might not come back. Sobek didn't know what was going on or why it was happening, but he didn't want to be the reason for someone to get hurt. So, he moped a little bit.

When a quake rolled through the land he'd squeeze himself against the earth and ride it out, trembling, or seek a sibling for comfort. He was trailing after Maegi in the grove when he caught sight of Jakoul, and as another shudder rolled underfoot he lunged for the safety of her body, crawling beneath her like a duckling to a mother goose. He had gotten a bit bigger since the last time he'd done that, and it was a tight, uncomfortable squeeze (perhaps for both of them).
534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
The quaking of the eart had startled her female pup and possibly injured her and she wandered off. Thankfully one of Rowan’s pet ravens; stick she believed it’s name was  out looking for her.

The mother was about to head out to go search when she heard Maegi calling the pack to a meeting. She turned around quickly and saw some had gathered already.
s t i g m a t a
440 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
Rowan didn't know what to do.
He lived in fear and blamed it all on his Mother. He'd tried to protect Moonshine but...she'd gone. She'd left the woods after he'd pleaded her to stay. Begged her to. She couldn't leave when the world was going to shit. It wasn't safe.
He still blamed Moonshadow.

He spent much of his time alone with his birds or patrolling the borders, waiting for his sister to return. Maybe even his brother or Tundra...
No. He was the last fucking Blackfeather. And their brood was the first.
He was the guardian of these woods and if anyone prevented him from doing so, Sithis help them.

He knew Stick had returned recently, had taken a liking to Moonshine. He knew she'd been feeding the blackbird and he didn't mind her following and looking after his sister. Good reason too, for Stick had returned to show Mother the way with her caws of come see. 
He wouldn't be leaving.

So he sulked to the Redgrove, glaring daggers as his remaining two -- Stone and Void -- followed. The two dark sentinels.
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One lie is enough to question all truths. 
110 Posts
Ooc — remus

reed does not know what to make of the trembling earth, only that the deepest part of her psyche knows it means doom. she is not yet familiar enough with the other wolves of blackfeather to seek solace among them; she thinks of the witch and her omens and wonders if just them or if it is all of the world. maegi's summons for the pack gives her something to focus on (despite her nervousness, thinking of maegi, her leader, tickles her and gives her pride both.)

she arrives quickly, wobbling on the heels of the ground's gentle shaking, and moves as close to maegi as she thinks she can get away with. there's not much else she can do but place her faith in her friend and in the moment: she has no escape plans now.
71 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
Nothing seems right anymore.

Nightstar heeded the call on autopilot and found a place near his sister, but not quite close enough that he'd be forced to interact with any pups. He'd not had much experience with them, and the evoked strange instincts and even stranger memories that he was doing his best to supress.

Besides, there seemed to be bigger things to worry about. There was a pale, malformed shewolf at their head that he'd not met before, and the one that'd greeted him at the borders beside her. Others, too, that he did not know. The world seemed strange and large and empty around him. He tried to focus on the voices of his packmates to cement himself in the present, but he was still sleeping poorly, and concentration came only with great difficulty in such a state.
what is the colour of night?
139 Posts
Ooc — Rebel
You forgot to tag Venamis too.  ;_;

To the redgrove he went, slinking tentatively through the woods and toward the sound of Maegi's summons. He'd mostly kept his own company since the collapse of the tree that almost killed him and the tragedy that befell the speckled wolfess, though he'd certainly noticed @Hela's absence in the days that followed.

Venamis did not feel guilty for what happened to Cassiopeia, but he maintained a quiet caution of his pack-mates. He would be blamed for it, surely, for it was he who witnessed the she-wolf's death. Normally he wouldn't care, for the young Melonii revelled in lies and trickery, but there was something unsettling about his first experience with the death of his own kind.

Still, he went to her, and lingered in the background - hoping that no one would look his way.

sanguine, my brother
you are an artist and your heart is your masterpiece
46 Posts
Ooc —
Anansi's arrival was slow and leisurely, a pace he recently took to since returning from their trip. His legs were getting long now, the better to compliment his sweeping but measured gait. Consequently, he was among the last to arrive. If he cared much it didn't show on his face, though his eyes did instinctively crawl over Maegi's features for signs of disapproval. The opinions of the others hardly mattered to the youngster who spent most of his time avoiding and watching them from afar, but ena's opinion meant everything to him.

He didn't hesitate to find his place next to Sakhmet, settling next to her with a quiet huff of greeting. He shot his brother a concerned look, but it was hard to empathize even with Sobek's fright. So far the shaking of the earth had done nothing to Anansi or his family, and he remained completely convinced that it meant them no harm whatsoever. If the actions of the daedra killed a few non-Melonii, it weakened the pack, but at least the most important members were safe.

So believed Anansi, anyway, whose eyes nevertheless flashed with some concern as he turned them to Maegi.
Thread titles from I'll Keep You Safe by Sleeping At Last.
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
Sorry again to Rebel whom I indeed forgot to tag ;-; Next round begins Oct. 4! (No posting order will be enforced, but please only post once this round.)

Two of her children arrived relatively quickly. She gave the twins each a warm smile, an expression she extended to Jakoul as well, who'd settled by her side. Rowan, Moonshadow's only remaining child here, and his mother. . .Reed. . .Nightstar. . .Venamis (recent goings-on with him still had her rattled, too). Anansi was a late-comer, but no matter—he was here.

Notable absences included Vaati and Scylla, who may well be in the throes of grief, if not themselves missing. Aries, too, was not here, and neither was Amun. Should she find them afterward, they would receive stern reprobation. Now was not the time to skip out on pack gatherings.

Maegi turned her attention to the group as a whole and began, I'm sure you're all aware that many things have gone wrong, these past few days. Cassiopeia is dead, crushed by a fallen tree. Her daughter, Hela, has gone missing, as has Moonshine. Tundra, too, has seemed to disappear. Meanwhile, the earth trembles under our paws, and I've not heard anything from the gods as to why.

Her lips folded into an even grimmer line as she continued. Also, there is a pack settled nearby with less than honorable wolves in their ranks. In particular, Serem—the woman who kidnapped me as a child, who apparently recently went after Rowan as well. She's a black wolf with deep brown eyes; she is not welcome anywhere near this forest, nor are any of her friends. Keep on guard for her.

Speaking of Rowan. . . I've heard that some of our children have been cruel to other Fledgelings in the ranks, Maegi went on, eyes flickering to the youngest five of the crowd in particular. This will not be tolerated. All of our youth are valued and welcome here. If I have to step in and punish the offender, I will. No exceptions. She did hope her trio, especially, was behaving themselves.

Does anyone else have something to report? she asked, gaze sweeping over the small crowd. She glanced at Jakoul, knowing that the Morta was largely non-verbal; her input on matters, however, was crucial, and Maegi wanted to know what was troubling the woman's mind.
s t i g m a t a
440 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
In a way, he felt everything was directed at him or a consequence of him leaving. Or being here.
It just seemed he was a problem.
Tundra, Hela, Serem, his Mother, Moonshine, the other Fledglings.

He cast a glare at all who looked at him. They were Melonii assholes. Had Maegi been the same when she was a fledgling? Surely not, she was so kind and understanding. She too had been hurt, he knew. Was she like him, and he like her?
Maegi's promise of punishing one of her own seemed ridiculous. Some stern words maybe but they'd come back wanting to give him more grief. Did he even want to protect these woods? Yes. The woods, not the inhabitants. 
What will happen when Maegi dies? He knew it was inevitable. 

"I will replace Tundra's patrols." That was his only input. Where they'd be able to find him. He knew the pale woman spent most of her time roving and searching for trouble, so it was only fitting he did. To see if anyone came back.
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One lie is enough to question all truths. 
"You must make a friend of horror and of mortal terror."
48 Posts
Ooc — Jitterwater
Quickie, god I hate mobile posting.

Sobek listened while his mother spoke of dangers; he had not been present for the first telling of Serem and the terrors inflicted upon Maegi, and upon hearing of these new concepts (kidnapping, primarily) he was innocent enough to merely tilt his head, his ears touching at the limbs of the wolf he had squished beneath. Then she spoke of issues between the kids - and this did not make any sense either. Sobek had not been present for any of it and neither had his blood siblings, as they had been questing for his return. Still, he looked to the children gathered and made a mental note to be friendly.

Then one of the other kids spoke up. They were young, a few months old maybe, and had a similar build and size to Sobek. Rowan looked like a child from a fairytale adventure who, weilding a wooden training sword, would vow to vanquish dragons when even trained adults fell victim. He worried immediately that the other child would get hurt, and idly looked up at the upside-down face of Jakoul as if to implore her to intervene, but remained silent. What good could a child do against the darkness that was Serem? And why would anyone leave the safety of the forest? 

Sobek had learned during his wayward discovery of the tarn that the world was a large and frightening place. His experience had not included a homicidal woman but it had been enough to make him wary of the outside world. With a small glance to Maegi - followed by a scramble, as he uprooted himself from Jakoul's shadow and wedged against his mother, he clung to her intently. Nothing bad was allowed to happen anymore, to anyone.
326 Posts
Ooc — siv
Admittedly it was a bit of a tight fit to have Sobek wiggled his frame under her lithe form. However she did not usher the boy away, she was fit to guard his frame and hopefully usher away any fears. A gentle touch to his crown to assure him he was welcomed and safe.

Her gaze swept to look to the growing group before the leaders, some faces were absent. Most notably for her was Amun. He had seemed so keen fit in and belong, to make a home among the woods. Where had he gone? As much as she desired to dwell on it there were other matters more pressing. Tall ears pushing forward atop her skull to listen keenly to Nona. As with most large conversations that are cram-packed with information, she gets lost every now and then. But she is not completely dull. As Morta she knows the ongoing of the woods and the tragedies that have gripped them.

There is news of unsavory neighbors though and she inwardly scolds herself for not being on the ball a bit more. She had found herself a new task though with this news. Then the children are addressed until finally the ball is rolled into her court. But one of their Fledgling members spoke words that caused a deep furrow to dig into the woman's face. She need not exchange a look with the boy under her (although she did gaze upon him as he scrambled out to his mother) to know it would certainly need addressing.

With adult. She rumbled as her gaze fell upon the boy who had spoke up. There was no room for argument in her tone but should anyone try she would be quick to harden her stance on the matter. If their neighbors were not to be trusted, she would not have children trying to patrol unsupervised.

Rumbles...go far. She shared with an apologetic glance towards Maegi for the Morta's lack of fluent speech. Be safe. Watch. Listen.
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
Rowan piped up about supplementing Tundra's patrols and she shook her head quietly, one ear turning to catch Jakoul's remark before she nodded. That's right, Maegi agreed, staring at the Blackfeather boy. There are too many dangerous wolves out there to have you on the borders by yourself. Thank you for wanting to help protect the woods. . .but always patrol with an adult. She was more appreciative of his support than perhaps he'd ever know. They couldn't afford to lose another child.

Then Jakoul gave a status update on the disturbances beneath the earth, and she frowned, watching the Morta with turbulent eyes. Yes, she murmured, be safe. Stay away from anything that looks like it could collapse if you feel the ground start to shake.

She recalled Mahler's words about moving to more open ground. Should that be something they considered, given the circumstances? The falling trees had already claimed one life; how many more, before this crisis ended (if it did at all)? They'd have to drag Maegi's dead body from these woods before she left them, but it wasn't just her to keep in mind. It was them, she thought, looking at her little pack. All of them.

Thanks for coming, the Nona said brusquely, though not without kindness in her voice. Stay alert. Be safe. Come to us with any questions or problems, Maegi added, glancing at Jakoul. And with that, class dismissed.

probably final post from me -- feel free to jump in one last time and I will archive on Oct. 11!