Sunspire Mountains Is it a game of hide and seek, or tag? Either way, I'll end up dead.
44 Posts
Ooc — Karma
All Welcome 
Open to anyone currently inhabiting within the mountains, or even any travelers passing through!

Covered in mud and the stench of putrid earth, the man looked more haggard and tattered than any loner he'd ever come across. Fur ends stuck out at random, giving a thorn like appearance to the strands. Regardless of its faults, it would do the job well in keeping his scent concealed, just as was requested of him.

Even with a eager feet and a quick pace, it took longer to reach the mountains than anticipated. By now, he felt just as bad as he looked. Exhausted, above all else. 

This is no time to sleep. He reminded himself, running the words through his head over and over, forcing his body to go on.

Sunspire was quiet to the ear and bare to the eye. Nothing conspicuous. At least, not yet.
an hour of wolves and shattered shields
2,516 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Tactician

and there.

germanicus had taken @Glaukos and @Kallik to explore the outer terrain. by now their scent would have rooted in the red sands of the claimed canyon.

presently he motioned for them to take heed of the stranger and move into a hidden pincer. they had been apt to intercept the ones near the canyon. it would do well for their 

germanicus called out to the man when the young auxilia had gone. "watch where you tread."
seraphs sob at vermin fangs
695 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Following his boss, running alongside a pale stranger who had somehow met Germanicus' expectations, Glaukos was in his element.

The canyon had been his home now for months; he knew every inch of it, had patrolled it diligently, and could be of tactical use to the other auxilia as the days wore on.

He thought himself alone in this knowledge until the dark shape was sighted on the rise. Germanicus called to both warriors, ordered stealth and great care be taken. Observation over action. Glaukos need only to glimpse the large dark shape and feel the threat of it.

If nothing else, the boy had retained the lesson from the elder: do not rush headlong in to conflict, think before you act. Glaukos wanted nothing more than to give chase now, but he hung at Germanicus' heel now, treading as carefully as his bulky body would allow.
636 Posts
Ooc — hela
He followed silently at the imperator's other side, listening to whatever was being told to the auxilia. Today, they were learning of the lands outside the canyon, and so Kallik paid careful attention. 

They came upon a stranger—his ears perked and his muscles tensed. He studied the dark man as Germanicus told them to hide. He didn't want to leave the leader's side, but neither did he want to disobey a command.

So he found somewhere close that would conceal him, and he watched and waited.
44 Posts
Ooc — Karma
The stranger surprised him, abruptly appearing to address the shadowed wolf.

"Watch where you tread."

Didn't he always? He wouldn't dare say voice such a thing aloud. There was no present desire to start a battle here.

By the warning you've given, I take it lands are taken? He returned a query, shifting his sights to the one who had called to him.

If so, you have my apologies. I'd assumed they were still open and traveling through unscathed would be a possibility.
an hour of wolves and shattered shields
2,516 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Tactician
he had been heeded. mereo's auxillia lurked promisingly.

"these mountains will still grant safe passage to a traveller. if he has an escort."

the yellowpaint eyes did not move from the stranger. "do you hunt or only journey?"
seraphs sob at vermin fangs
695 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
It was clear by the way the shadow moved, he had spotted the wardens to the reaches, and it was Germanicus who called out to them first. Glaukos moved to encircle from one side, barely heeding the man, for he was one and they were many.

He was dismissive while the general confronted the stranger and equally disinterested while an answer came; his eyes lingered upon the back of the man's head, then the side of his face, as he prowled.

It was then that recognition came to Glaukos. It was not a stretch to be reminded of the Saints final meeting; though the boy had been infuriated by Nyra's betrayal, he had taken note of those present. The white bear of a woman was one, the mother who would not fight was another, and lastly was the shadow.

The boy began to bristle but he did not say a word. His eyes lit upon Germanicus' face from where he had stationed himself behind the wanderer, his expression almost livid, his lips threatening to pull back from his teeth; the urge to chase and maim had arisen within Glaukos but, for this moment, he paused to think and to observe.

This is a threat, his posture conveyed to both Germanicus and Kallik, while he remained otherwise mute, and turned his full attention to the Saint on their door.
636 Posts
Ooc — hela
Kallik had never seen the dark stranger before. He watched his every move, studied every expression as he tried to determine if this man was a threat or not. He didn't seem to bristle at the imperator's warning that he should watch where he wandered. 

He caught a glimpse of Glaukos and could feel the tension that radiated off his fellow auxillary. Something about the stranger told the other soldier that he was a threat. But from what Kallik had seen, nothing yet called for them to be on such high alert. Still, he watched even closer now, his muscles tensed as he readied himself to jump into action.
44 Posts
Ooc — Karma
Faintly grunting, the shadowed man's audit twitched. The query annoyed the shadowed man, but he would not admit this aloud, solely for the fear of tossing himself into a hole he wouldn't easily crawl out of.

I only wish to pass through... nothing more. The desire to be freed from the lands of the west has been put on hold far too long. It was my plan to move more northeast and find a place to spend the rest of my years. He admitted plainly, chin leveled and gaze cold.

This was more information than was asked of him, but in order to lower suspicion, an alibi would surely come in handy. The only concern was whether his bluff would be called, or if the warden here would pick out his truth.
an hour of wolves and shattered shields
2,516 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Tactician
germanicus noted the expression upon glaukos' hard young face.

the eagle swung his silver tail. if the others took his meaning, the tall soldier would hold and kallik would also move to flank the stranger.

the imperator's attitude became sharper. 

he jerked his muzzle toward glaukos. speak.

germanicus did not care for what might be lies. the dark wanderer was cold. apt. he would not be underestimated by mereo.
seraphs sob at vermin fangs
695 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
The man knew what to say to appear indifferent. Glaukos did not know how to feel about him; he was a threat because he was once a Saint, but the Saints were gone. Glaukos had found himself a new contract so perhaps this one did too.

Either way, what did it matter? Glaukos respected Germanicus so far as he must, for survival's sake, and for the contract forged with the elder; if this stranger proved to be an issue, they'd deal with it. Better yet, Glaukos could keep his knowledge to himself and watch as this panned out — whatever this was, whatever business this man had in the region.

The boy thought of these things as he lurked behind the shadow, watchful, livid, and then it was Germanicus that motioned to him — and Glaukos realized he had been too open about his thoughts, for they'd played upon his face.

Glaukos had to think fast.

We should chase him out, he answered to the general.

Unless he can be of use to us and to Mereo, he should not be here. His face was a grimace of teeth, watching the man now rather than the elder, bristling. His voice erupted again, this time with a teenage crack to it: We guard these mountains like you want, Germanicus, so let us do our job.
636 Posts
Ooc — hela
Kallik moved exactly when told, slinking through the brush and shadows to flank the stranger as directed. He didn't reveal himself yet, not even when the imperator asked for the other auxillary to speak his concerns. He wasn't sure yet how things would go, and he thought keeping himself hidden would give them more advantage over the shadow than they already had. 

Glaukos spoke, stating they should chase him from the mountains if he was no use to Mereo. Kallik didn't disagree, nor did he disagree that they should be able to do the jobs they were given; he might have found a more respectful way to say it, though. He also thought it was beneficial to observe Germanicus as he sussed out why the stranger was here. They outnumbered him, so there was no harm in delaying the inevitable. 

He hunched to the ground, watching and waiting.
44 Posts
Ooc — Karma
The shadowed man's gaze shifted between each wolf. Tension was rising quickly and Xynos was sure to get caught if he remained here any longer. 

As I said... my intent isn't to start any trouble. I have no business here, so I will move on. I'll go back the way I came and find a new route to my desired location.

Before receiving a reply from either, he turned and slowly paced back the steps that would lead him from the mountain's shadows. The sooner he could get out, the better. To stay here would be leading him to his death. Now was not his time... surely.
an hour of wolves and shattered shields
2,516 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Tactician
it seemed that the man would not cross through their lands.

germanicus set himself to watch until the figure had faded from sight.

another route was not acceptable. he turned to kallik and then looked upon glaukos. "when we are away from mereo, i am the imperator. you are my auxillary." his voice was stern. "do not give more information away than is necessary."

he gestured to the pair. "i will stand watch here. the two of you will patrol and see that our guest keeps his word."

germanicus signalled for them to depart at once.
seraphs sob at vermin fangs
695 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Glaukos watched the man retreat.

He wondered what they were up to for all of a breath, and when he lost interest in the next one, Germanicus was speaking. Correcting. Teaching.

The boy scoffed and turned away.

When both auxilliary were dismissed Glaukos lurched to movement, heading off to scout the dark man's path as he was told — his fur serrated thickly, regardless.
636 Posts
Ooc — hela
Kallik moved from his hiding place as soon as the man had left, and he watched the interaction between the imperator and his fellow auxillary. Germanicus was stern when he spoke, pointing out what all Glaukos had done incorrectly. The other soldier's response pulled a frown from Kallik.

It was not his place to speak now, and the imperator had given them orders, so he nodded and turned, following after Glaukos to ensure the stranger left.