Noctisardor Bypass asceso
5 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
a mother doe pranced through the woods, a set of too-small twins at her hocks. she looked to be new to the role; either too young herself or too unlucky, as she was very thin while both fawns were round of belly.

the wolf had followed them across the region. at first the doe had been easily spooked, and would run at the first sign of the wolf. that proved stressful and taxing upon her; now, accustomed to being tailed, she only watched as dorothea made her advance.

the fawns had grown tame. they saw how their mother watched the wolf but learned not to run, and hugged her shadow as they followed her.

the wolf had ample opportunity to chase them now, but did not. some fascination prevented the urge from taking anchor.
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
987 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Etienne wasn't usually one that met other's at the borders. But it was with surprise that he met this one. A shift in his weight as he got nearer. Golden eyes following the deer that traipsed and danced nearby.

He gave a gentle chuff. Letting the other know he was there. This one was lanky like him, though he actually was surprised to see he was just alittle larger. That barely ever happened to him.


Eww crappy hello post from me. I am sorry it's not great.
5 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
movement disturbed the quiet of the forest, but it was enough to prompt the doe to look away from the wolf.

a greeting came as the man made himself visible. he looked very much at-home here within the riparian wilderness.

oh! hello, dorothea answered quickly, eyes darting between the stranger and the fawns, ready in case they bolted.

are you—uh, here for them? her voice hesitates while her eyes dart between wolf and deer, and it is clear by the awkward almost-whisper of her voice that she is unsure how to proceed.
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
987 Posts
Ooc — Danni
The forest had been sitting in silence. Etienne had been quite enjoying it honestly. So when he moved out to greet the girl.

A soft smile at her. She seemed to keep looking at the deer. He followed her gaze. They were rathe rcute and sweet there.

No. For you. You're near the borders of Rivenwood.
5 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
riven—oh, oh. as the girl realized that he was speaking of a place, and that she was very close to trespassing, her fur puffed and she stepped back on her heel.

the shift in her attention away from the deer was advantageous to the doe, who swiftly ushered her fawns to safety in the dark of the tree line.

realizing a moment too late that she had let them slip away, the wolf looked crestfallen, and her attention divided between their vanishing point and the man guarding the edge of a claim.

im sorry i didn't notice. i guess i was so distracted by the deer—um, im dorothea. her name was hastily given.

you live here? i mean, of course you do, why else would you be... here, on guard, hah, um, she was clearly uncomfortable now that the doe had vanished.
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
987 Posts
Ooc — Danni
The silence had been paramount. And he had disturbed it. He felt a little bit bad about it. She very much gave him a startled look.

It be okay. he spoke quickly as she backed up skittish.

I be Etienne. Would you be likin' to go after dem?

He watched the deer curiously.
5 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
go after? he must have thought she was hunting! it wasn't the first time a stranger had mistaken her interest as something utilitarian. no, no, it's not like that.

while her mother would have been adamant about spreading the gospel of her forebears, dorothea clutched to the knowledge with an iron grip.

i guess i got so used to following her that i lost myself for a while. that probably makes me sound so weird. one thing dorothea refused to be was fanatical, like zephrine.

im from pretty far away actually— the girl turns to look over her shoulder and realizes she doesn't recognize anything about the area, or the path she had been following. without the doe in her sights she understands the full breadth of her own aloneness.
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
987 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He listened closely. Ears twitch3d with surprise, but he nodded.

Just be watc'in' dem? I do dat somwtim3s too.

Etienne listened closely. So she jad been wandering and got a little lost in her wanderings. Now she was here. That wasn't necessarily a bad thing, just different.

Well if you be needin' a place to rest. I can call for de leaders?
5 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
the man offered her a place to stay, and quite abruptly. the girl was surprised and the expression on her face conveyed as much as she looked upon etienne.

really? it would be easier than wandering on her own, for sure. she could hear her mother's voice ringing in her memories, warning her of 'heathen outsiders'; but dorothea had run from that, and run from her mother's alienating beliefs.

she could start anew, here.

you just met me, but you'd do that? she didn't know what to say. um, what sort of people live here?
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
987 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He had only offered to call the leaders. He himself couldn't give her a home. But he had no doubt that Heda and Druid would be willing. He wondered who to call. Probably heda, but the thought of being close to the island wolf with Anselms scent wreathed on her turned his stomach.

He nodded. I can only call the leaders, but @Heda and @Druid are good.

He thought about it. There are a mixed group of us. Some our hunters, healers, trackers. Some are religious. All sorts,.

He lifted hia nose for Heda and Druid, hoping it was druid that came.
1,356 Posts
Ooc — ebony
there was no way for anselm or heda to explain themselves to etienne.
heda was determined to have — some sort of relationship with the dour man, for the sake of the sons who had mistakenly been born to them.
she did not know what anselm wanted. they could never marry, they could never speak of their connection; in truth she found it hard at times to even be near him, to work beside him.
and so the unfair torment for etienne went on!
heda came when he called, however, setting her eyes on a young woman with an unexpected pang of jealousy. "hello. i'm one of the den mothers, heda. druid is my sister. how can i help?"