Sun Mote Copse he went galumphing back
360 Posts
Ooc — Kat
All Welcome 
One year ago today, Sugar and her siblings had made their debut in Sun Mote Copse. Now, it was time to come back home, if only for a visit. As she roamed the final stretch toward the copse, her heart skipped a beat. Her black eyes roved over the familiar trees, presently gilded by the setting sun, as her pink nose tipped into the air, trying to recapture all the smells of home.

She rolled to a stop, her little white toes digging into the soil. Sugar took a moment to catch her breath before tossing her head into the air and howling for @Elwood, @Finley, @Avery or @Penn.

Title from "Jabberwocky" by Lewis Carroll.
614 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Figment paused.

There was something familiar about the voice that carried over the Copse, though he couldn't immediately put a finger on it. Fig knew he wasn't one of the ones being summoned, but still he turned his paws back towards the borders to answer. He'd just finished his patrol and was headed back to spend some time with his favorite little beasties, so he was nearby still. He also noted that no one being called was still amongst their ranks, so... might as well.

Fig wracked his brain for the memory as he went, but it wasn't until the moment before he set eyes on her that he realized how he knew the voice. Sugar Glider. He looked up and spotted her head, eyes widening with surprise and pleasure. And then dread. It was good to see her--he'd wondered about her from time to time, after all. But shit. Did she know about her parents? Was he going to have to tell her? Thinking back to how she'd specifically called for them, he realized with a sinking feeling in his stomach that the answer was yes.

Still, it was good to see her, so Figment approached with an honest smile and wagging tail. "Hey, you look kinda familiar," he said as he came near enough, his smile broadening as he let the feeling of relief and joy fill him, "Didn't you help me get a wolf out of a bush once?". She wasn't Fennec, not that he realized in that moment  that his sister's displacement was any sort of factor in his reaction, but seeing Sugar back again gave him hope that Fenn really could come back someday.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
Fenn is welcome at all times and will in fact make me sad if she doesn't show up.
360 Posts
Ooc — Kat
In her initial excitement at finding herself among such familiar surroundings, Sugar overlooked the telltale lack of particular scent markers along the borderline. Her parents' were missing entirely, for instance, and her siblings' were so faint they could've been an olfactory hallucination. But as the moments ticked past while she waited for her family to come greet her, she noticed these things, her lips drawing into a frown.

The shadows grew long as Sugar stared into the forest, a sense of foreboding growing. She jumped a little when one of the shadows moved closer, taking on the features of a wolf. It wasn't any of the four she'd called, though a smile found its way back onto her petite features as she regarded Figment. She laughed quietly at his joke.

"Fig! It's good to see you again," she said warmly, momentarily forgetting her dread. But it came rushing back in the next heartbeat, her little brow slowly knitting. "Are my parents and my brother and sister around?"
614 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
That hadn't taken long. Fig's smile faltered as the conversation took an immediate turn towards exactly what he'd known and feared it would. His features softened as pity overtook his expression--a clear sign to her that something was amiss, though she'd obviously picked up on that already. He definitely didn't know how to approach this subject, and in the moments before he answered her, his mind reeled with all the ways he could do this wrong and make it worse. But, he steeled himself after a few seconds as he realized that regardless of what he did or how he said it that for her, this already was the worst.

"No, they're not," Fig answered as he settled his gaze softly on her, "Avery left to go to the Frosthawks and spend time with her family there. Penn and Fenn took off... somewhere. On some grand adventure of Penn's imagining, I guess." He paused, bit his lip, then shook his head, "And.. I'm sorry, Sugar. But your parents... they passed away. About a month ago."
360 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Her limbs felt queerly jellylike when she saw the way he looked at her, just before delivering the bad news. Slowly, she sank into a sit, breathing through a slight ringing in her ears. Avery went to the Frosthawks? That was unexpected, although certainly not bad news. The same went for the tidbit about Penn and Fen going off on some grand adventure together. Well, that was something, wasn't it?

But there was something else, something horrible, coming and Sugar guessed at its nature in the heartbeat before Figment broke it (the news and her heart). She didn't say anything, just internally grappled with this information. Death was a part of life, the natural conclusion especially for the elderly, and her parents hadn't been spring chickens when she'd left on her ill-fated trip. Her mouth felt dry and her throat clicked as she tried to drum up the details from the last time she'd seen them. She'd told them goodbye for now, unaware that it would be goodbye for good.

She waited for tears to come, though they didn't. Sugar's legs were trembling though. She looked down at them, then back up at Fig, feeling... not exactly numb, but almost as if this information was too enormous to truly process. She knew it would hit her (over and over, probably) but all that she had to show for it at the moment was a case of the shakes. She still couldn't find her voice; what words could she even say to this?
614 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Fig watched her reaction in silence, feeling awful every second he stood there doing nothing. He knew there wasn't anything he could do to prevent her pain. It was inescapable, unless he figured out some way of bringing Finley and Elwood back from the dead. Death was hard. He'd been fortunate to be merely a bystander to it so far in his lifetime, but he saw the way it damaged those it affected more deeply. He hadn't learned yet how best to help others combat their grief, and while his own was truly quite small in comparison, he knew how he helped himself hold it at bay.

He gave her a moment before he broke the silence to offer some consolation, meager though he knew it was. "From what we could tell, they went together," he said softly, "During the night. We found them a little ways outside of the borders, lying side by side. It just looked like they went to sleep and didn't wake up. They didn't suffer, and they had each other... at the end."
360 Posts
Ooc — Kat
When she didn't speak, Fig broke the silence, answering a question Sugar hadn't even realized she wanted to ask. She shot him a grateful look, soothed by this information. Although losing them both was very hard, it was poetic. No, it was meant to be, of that Sugar felt certain. Those two went everywhere together, even into death, because they should never be parted. One without the other never would've made any sense and would've been somehow more unbearably painful.

"Thank you," she managed to say after a while, her voice very quiet. There were probably other questions to ask and Sugar had come here with things she wanted to say. But this had certainly thrown her off kilter, quite effectively shattering her schema as she knew it. I'm an orphan, she realized, the errant thought flicking through her mind like a winged barb, stinging and then gone.

"What about everyone else? Is Wraen still in charge?" The news she had brought might belong with her now that the intended recipients were all gone in one way or another. Sugar swallowed, throat still giving her trouble. "I only came to visit and tell them about things at Triquetra. But now..." Now, everything had changed.
614 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
It was strange to be thanked for what had just happened, though he understood why it was said. He gave her a half smile and a quiet nod. He was glad she was able to find some tiny shred of consolation in this news. He just wished he could give her more, but he wouldn't pretend there was more to give in order to do so.

So, he was quiet and watchful, letting her move through her emotions on her own. He saw no sign from her that she neeed physical comfort, so he stayed put and merely listened to her questions when finally she broke the silence that had fallen. "She is," he answered after she'd finished the asking, "Eljay is here still, and Weejay. Towhee, Phox, Bronco, Nellie, Niamh, Maia. Maia's on a trip at the moment, still looking for... um... Elfie? I think?" He hadn't met Elfie, but he was pretty sure that was the boy's name. But anyway.

"There are newcomers too. A couple of adults who found their way here, one way or another. And four pups," Fig couldn't help but smile a little more at this, "One is my mom's, and three others from my Dad and Niamh."
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
Fenn is welcome at all times and will in fact make me sad if she doesn't show up.
1,652 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
Off on the distant borders of the pack, Bronco patrolled, but paused as soon as he heard a voice call out for attention. Instantly, he recognized the voice, and his demeanour- formerly more sullen than anything else- brightened considerably but the perk in his mood only lingered for a moment. She called for her parents and her siblings and most noteably- she called for Penn, and not him. Stung by this, and taking it as a slight against their friendship, Bronco paused for a moment before he trodded off in the opposite direction, his tail and head dropped. Too immature to realize that Sugar Glider probably still would've enjoyed seeing him, he chose instead to dwell on his omission from her summon and interpreted it, bitterly, as apathy. He disappeared off into the wilds beyond the border of the pack to soak in self-pity without being disturbed.
360 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Although she felt utterly bereft to learn that her entire natal family was gone from this place, Sugar still felt comforted as Figment listed some familiar names. She wondered how Eljay had taken the loss. Before she could think about asking, Fig mentioned that Elfie was missing. She had never much liked her older brother's son, though she still felt a pang, especially for Eljay. He had lost his whole family too.

The news about pups reminded her that she wanted to share about Tegan's and Bat's litter. But first, she opened and shut her mouth at these surprising tids and bits. Towhee had had a baby? Who was the father? And since when were Phox and Niamh an item? It took a moment for the news to settle in her mind, at which point, Sugar decided it might be a little strange, though it was all good.

She smiled faintly, though it didn't reach her black eyes. "That's wonderful. I hope they're all doing well." A quick pause. "Do you know who Tegan and Bat are? He's my older brother and they both lived here once," Sugar said, unaware that they had never actually called Firebirds home. "They just had a litter the other day." She paused again, steeling herself with a breath before adding, "One of the little girls is called Finley, actually."

Sugar felt her legs quivering again and she thought again of Eljay. He would want to hear this news too, plus she simply wanted to check on him. "Can we call for @Eljay?" she requested quietly.
614 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Sugar seemed to be somewhat soothed by his update about the remainder of the pack. Though soothed was perhaps not the right word. Maybe just... distracted? He couldn't quite place it. But in any event, while the smile didn't really show much in the way of honest happiness, he knew that she'd be glad for her family a little later on down the road, when the wound wasn't so fresh. 

Fig nodded to confirm that they were in fact doing well, not bothering to add the caveat as well as they can be. He felt that went without saying. He listened to her news about Tegan and Bat, making a noncommittal gesture with his muzzle that didn't really indicate whether or not he knew of them. The names were familiar, but he was pretty sure he'd never actually known Bat. Tegan, it took him a minute to realize, was the angry guy who'd killed his sister's hawk. That might not be worth mentioning just now.

"That's great to hear," Fig replied. It was bittersweet how they'd name a pup after Finley without realizing the matriarch was gone. Little Fin was the reigning Fin now. She'd have big shoes to fill with her little peets, or so Fig understood.

He smiled, then nodded at her last. "Of course," he answered, though he felt an anxious sickening in his stomach at what Sugar would think of her older brother's current state. He lifted his chin back and howled for @Eljay at her prompting, then dropped his chin back to look at her. "He's... Well, I just want to warn you," Fig started hesitantly, "He's not holding up.. the best..."
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
Fenn is welcome at all times and will in fact make me sad if she doesn't show up.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,125 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Eljay had been laying around outside of the den, staring blankly at a few blades of grass in front of him. When he heard the call he wondered why Figment would be looking for him — why anyone would be looking for him. It sparked some sort of hope deep inside of him, for being unnecessary was one of the things that he feared the most and one of the bigger things that had sent him spiralling. Perhaps his parents' death on top of all of the other loss he had suffered in the past year had been the true culprit, but being unnecessary was the straw that broke the camel's back.

Yet even despite that coming into motion and getting up from the ground cost him some effort. Eljay shook his fur, which looked unkempt and not taken care of the best. The caretaker started to make his way to the borders, not sure what to expect.

Of all the things to expect, he certainly hadn't expected Sugar. Had he not missed the first call Eljay might've realised that she was calling for wolves no longer alive and he might've realised that it was his sister that was calling. Sugar! he said, his voice full of surprise as he lifted his head and his body language went from lethargic and down to surprised. Then a weary smile fell onto his face and he moved in to nuzzle Sugar's cheek, glad to see his sister's return.
360 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Sugar tilted her head at Fig's warning, offering him a sad, soft smile of understanding. Her older brother had been down in the dumps her entire life; she had never known Eljay to be the happy sort. She knew that he'd lost the love of his life when she was young and dealt with other hardships since. She could only imagine he'd gotten worse since losing their parents, though it made no difference to her. She still loved her brother and wanted to see him while she was here.

It was difficult to see Eljay in his present state, though he came promptly and Sugar moved toward him just as readily, returning his nuzzles. "I just found out about Elwood and Finley," she said quietly against his fur, pressing her face into his neck for a moment before drawing back to look him in the face. It would be strange to offer condolences for their mutual loss or to ask how he was doing, so instead Sugar queried, "Hey, would you like to hear some good news?"

Her black eyes danced over to Fig for a moment and she shot him a grateful look. She would understand if he opted to depart back into the copse now, though she wouldn't mind if he stayed. These weren't exactly the familiar faces she'd come to see today, though they were still a very welcome comfort in these suddenly hard times.
614 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
It didn't take long for Eljay to join them. He heard the older wolf before he saw him, so he was able to turn in time to catch the recognition on his face when he clapped eyes on Sugar Glider. For a moment, the caretaker came back to life before his eyes. There was a smile there, though stained with the same old world-weariness that marred every aspect of Eljay's countenance. Still, it was a smile, and it brought a similar one to Fig's face.

He saw the look Sugar gave him and wagged his tail softly. He knew he ought to leave and give her some space with her brother, but he hesitated. He didn't know if she was staying. What if she wasn't? What if she'd just dropped by to deliver the message about her older brother and would be on her way again? The thought saddened him, but after a moment, he realized that his lingering presence wouldn't change anything if that was what was to come. Fenn had taught him how powerless he was to sway the decisions of others. It wasn't a bad thing, just a truth. People needed to decide for themselves.

"I'll let you guys catch up," Fig said quietly as he stood to leave, "It was great seeing you again, Sugar. Don't be a stranger." He gave her a soft smile that he turned briefly to Eljay before he dipped his head in a nod and then set back off into the Copse.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
Fenn is welcome at all times and will in fact make me sad if she doesn't show up.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,125 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
After the initial fond greetings between himself and Sugar he took distance again and looked at her. Figment excused himself and Eljay returned his packmate's nod and watched him vanish.

Sugar then went on to say that she had heard about their parents -- a thing for which Eljay was glad, really -- and Eljay couldn't help but wonder if she was here to stay. Considering she was still at the borders, however, he was afraid the answers might be no; a thing that saddened him somewhat, since he felt that Weejay might do well to have someone her age who was like her and with whom she could share her love for her flower garden.

He was soon distracted from this thought when Sugar asked if he wanted to hear some good news. Yeah, Eljay said with a nod, and he waited for Sugar to share the news, curious what it would be about.
360 Posts
Ooc — Kat
"You too," Sugar replied when Fig decided to disembark. "Don't be a stranger." Those words lingered in her mind even as her attention returned to her elder brother. She wondered if he would want to stay, if maybe he needed her to stick around a while. She couldn't; she was on a mission. She bit her lip.

But he didn't say anything to that end, simply offering a soft, "Yeah." Sugar released her lip and told him, "Tegan and Bat just welcomed their first litter the other day. Mom and babies are all doing well." She wouldn't have left so soon after their birth otherwise. "They named one Finley Elwood," she shared, already quiet voice becoming little more than a murmur as the bittersweet words left her lips. Tegan and Bat had no idea the weight those names truly carried now.

"And," she continued with the next breath, "I'm officially a medic now, thanks in part to you introducing me to the field of study way back when." She favored Eljay with a smile, even if it didn't quite reach her black eyes. She hesitated before adding, "I've actually come to enjoy traveling so much that it's my intention to sort of wander the wilds, offering my services as a traveling medic: a 'nomedic,' if you will." Now her eyes did twinkle a bit. Did he get the pun?
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,125 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
It was super weird imagining Tegan as a father. Eljay only knew him as the aloof sibling who didn't take anything seriously -- and who had never really respected Eljay, he felt. But to hear that he was a father was so weird, because he'd seen him grow up and he'd seen him be.. Teganny. And with Bat? Eljay blinked in surprise, knowing who Bat was, of course, but not having known much about Bat and Tegan's affiliations. Wow! he said, clearly pretty surprised. That's... I guess that is good news. He smiled wryly when Sugar mentioned that one was named Finley Elwood, thinking back to his parents and wishing they were still here to hear about that. What a crazy coincidence.

Sugar then said she was officially a medic, and Eljay smiled. I'm glad to hear it. So is Raven training you? She trained me a lot, too - she's really good. At least... Or doesn't she also live, uhm, with the - Bat and Tegan..? He wondered suddenly, not sure actually where exactly Raven lived now. He wished he could still visit her, because she'd been a dear friend to him for a long time and he always regretted having to leave her at the Plateau, but he knew she lived too far for him to visit easily. The Plateau and Towhee's pack had been the limits of his exploration, really...

Sugar then went on to say that she wanted to travel and offer her services. In Eljay's book, she was still way too young for that. He would have been devastated if that'd been Weejay, worrying for her safe return every day. Oh! Wow? Really? So all, ah... Alone? he could not help but wonder, his phrasing careful but his worry clearly written in the words he spoke. The joke went over his head, lost in the worry he felt for his young sister travelling all alone.
360 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Sugar shook her head gently at her brother's question. "No, Raven is with the Frosthawks. Their pack is a little southwest of here. Triquetra—where Tegan and Bat live—is to the southeast," she explained. "The Frosthawks aren't far at all. I plan to stop by, especially since Avery's there now." She wondered whether he ever thought of visiting, though she'd always known Eljay to be quite the homebody. Even a day's travel might be a bit much for him.

He didn't seem to acknowledge her joke, though Sugar didn't mind. She could tell he was worried about her solitary travels and wanted to reassure him. "Aye, alone. I feel so free when it's just me and the open road," she shared. Truthfully, she didn't have much experience under her belt yet, though she'd really enjoyed the small taste she'd had so far. "I'm careful, I promise. I know how to look after myself," she reassured, black eyes fondly exploring his face.

"Hey," the yearling said in the next breath, benignly changing the subject, "do you think it would be all right if I hung out nearby for a day or two? I have a lot on my agenda," she admitted, "but after today's news, especially... I want to spend some time near the copse," where their parents had lived out their last days. "In fact, I think I'll go find somewhere to bed down in the thicket," Sugar concluded even as she suppressed a yawn.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,125 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Oh, Eljay said, blinking in confusion. He thought they all lived together, but maybe that was just the idealist picture in his head. Why didn't they all live together? Anyway, Sugar said she planned to stop by there, and though he was still worried about Sugar, he also said: Could you say hi to Raven for me..? I miss her. He almost said the words, but then he stopped himself. It wouldn't really do Sugar any good to know it. He wondered if Owen and his siblings were there, too. He missed them a whole lot, too, as they'd been a lot like his own children at the time, when he helped raise them.

Unfortunately, Sugar confirmed that she was travelling all alone. It just -- it's so dangerous out there, Eljay said with a frown. We already lost Elfie, and... I just -- I don't want to lose you. He frowned, not sure how to deal with this. Knowing he wasn't her parent -- but his parents were dead, so he couldn't help but feel responsible -- and yet feeling protective and wishing he could just glue her to the Firebirds instead.

But he knew he couldn't, and he knew trying would only push her further away.

He was distracted, and it showed when she said her 'hey' and he looked up, the frown still on his face. She then asked if she could hang out, and Eljay nodded right away. Yeah, I'm sure that would be okay. We could ask Wraen and Towhee, if... If you wanted to be in the Copse. I'm sure they'll say it's okay. Eljay smiled, glad to have Sugar hang out for a bit, though also sad to know she was leaving again soon; especially after losing so much of his family lately. Weejay could show you her flower and herb garden. Mostly just a lot of flowers, but there were some useful ones, too.
360 Posts
Ooc — Kat
"Aye, of course," Sugar promptly agreed, regarding him warmly. Her expression remained soft as he confessed his concerns about her. Although she was the little sister by all accounts, she sought to console him. "I'm really sorry about Elfie," she said. She had never liked him much, though there was no ill will. "But you won't lose me. I promise I'll come back and visit from time to time, okay? We can—oh, what's the phrase—'talk shop'?"

When Eljay invited her to stay in the copse, reassuring her that nobody would mind, she bit her lip. She felt torn. On one hand, it would be so good to see all the old, familiar sights of her birthplace. On the other, knowing she wouldn't find her parents anywhere... Except in a grave, her mind helpfully supplied and Sugar felt her heart wrench at the thought. She should visit, she knew, but it was going to be very difficult.

"That sounds great. Maybe she could help us gather some flowers to take to—" Sugar paused mid-sentence, about to say their first names like she'd done her whole life. Neither one of them had corrected her or ever seemed to mind. It was kind of an inside joke at this point. "—mom and dad," she nonetheless finished, the terms hitting a little strangely, yet nonetheless it felt right in this context.

She fell silent and waited to see what he thought of the idea. Sugar already began steeling herself for what was to come, putting on a brave face for Eljay's sake.

I thought this was a good spot to fade, so feel free to wrap and archive! I was hoping we could have another soon where Sugar visits? :)
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,125 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Yeah, sure, feel free to tag me. :D

Eljay frowned as Sugar mentioned Elfie and promised she would come back. She couldn't promise that he wouldn't lose her, though, that was why the world was such a shitty place. Eljay contemplated arguing this, but he knew that he wouldn't convince her. He felt worry tug at his heartstrings, but there wasn't anything he could do to make her stay, he knew that. Yeah, he just said, internalising all the rest because he knew there was no use arguing.

When Sugar mentioned bringing flowers Eljay was brought back to standing by the graves of his parents with Weejay, delivering her flowers to the graves. He frowned as he thought of it, just as Sugar struggled with talking about their dead parents (or so he assumed, missing that it was actually about stopping herself from saying their names rather than their titles). He nodded after she finished speaking.

Yeah, let's go find her, Eljay said, and he and Sugar set off to look for @Weejay so they could pick out some more flowers to bring to their parents' graves.