Blacktail Deer Plateau shameika said i had potential
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
All Welcome 
set some hours after this thread — hopefully doesn't mess up timelines!

Once she'd gotten @Tierra settled with some grub, Maegi howled for @Phox, keeping a gimlet stare on the kid to make sure she didn't slip away again. That was all they needed at this point, another Redhawk child on the lam. Not on her watch.

While she waited for the man, she paced, bi-colored eyes clouded over with worry, like an impending storm. The stress had taken its toll on her; as was Sakhmet, she was ribby, even more angular than usual, and constantly carried the expression of someone going to the gallows.

All of this would be made right in time. . .right? 

If it wasn't, she'd have to make it so herself, and she may very well keel over in the process.
369 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
At first she scarfed her food down so fast she made herself sick, but after that, she felt far better than she had when Maegi found her.

She didn't recognize the person Maegi called for and walked over, lifting her head to stare up at her. Who're you? Who's that?

She'd said her name, but not who exactly she was or if she knew her parents or where home was. Now that she was full she was way more interested in everything.
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lord of the hunt
1,607 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
i'm gonna assume this is after phox ceases his search on prevost (per the thread with meerkat).

Maegi's voice called for him, and Phox answered with his own bellowing tones, then went on his way to meet her. She needed to know his decision, even if it was a hard one to make. Vesper and Peregrine were safe and sound here, and Phox felt he could make more of an impact getting to know them instead of searching for a child who may not even be alive now. It shattered his heart to know that Prevost was likely gone from them forever, but what more could he do? He had found Niamh's remaining legacy, and it felt like his duty to make sure they knew where they came from.

When he spotted the dark figure at Maegi's side, his heart leapt. Prevost! You found her!

Bess your heart, Phox.
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1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
While waiting for Phox, Tierra had wandered over and was asking questions. I'm Maegi—I live here with my family. And the man I called for is your uncle. Uh, your mother's brother. How they all had ended up together was a story too long and convoluted to tell.

Thankfully, Phox arrived soon enough, but the name he exclaimed dimmed her smile and sagged her shoulders once more. No, Phox, she said softly, shaking her head. It's not Prevost.

But, oh, how she wished it was.

This is. . . She trailed off, realizing she'd never gotten the girl's name. Um. She's Towhee's daughter. Towhee—your sister, right? I found her alone by the gorge. And so the plot thickened.
369 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Tierra's nose scrunched in a dissatisfied expression that was becoming almost a trademark for her. Nothing of any of that meant mommy or daddy was here.

She sat down with a dramatic phwump. They were speaking over her to each other and she kept quiet (for now), but likely that patience wouldn't last long.
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lord of the hunt
1,607 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
His heart sank when Maegi spoke. Not Prevost, then why would she—oh. Phox blinked, taking a moment to process who this was. Tierra? he asked aloud, remembering the name from Meerkat just days ago. His eyes lingered on the child a while longer, feeling something new and different in his chest. He had missed Towhee terribly, but he hadn’t allowed himself to feel it before, so focused on Niamh and then their children. But this too was his child. Or she should have been. Was he a failure of a father for missing out on all their lives this year? It felt like a punch in the gut.

Phox took a deep breath, trying to find some sort of… something in all of it.

Meerkat told me she was missing; thank you for bringing her here, keeping her safe. I should take her back to the caldera and visit Towhee in a few days. Just as @Meerkat had suggested when he’d last seen her. Now he was a little bit glad he hadn’t immediately followed her advice. Now he could arrive with something to show for his absence, even if it wasn’t who he really wanted to bring back. Was Peregrine even old enough? And would Vesper ever want to come meet the rest of her family?
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1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
Tierra. This pup was known to him, though she couldn't imagine why; he'd been gone—oh. Meerkat, of course. That made sense. She gave a nod and a brief smile at his thanks, looking over at the girl for a brief moment before returning her eyes to Phox.

That would be good for both of you, Maegi mused, having not much to say beyond that. 

And then silence, unless Tierra piped up and broke it. She wondered if he'd force his children along or if he'd give them the choice. She could see Vesper digging in her heels, stubborn girl. And Peregrine was just as scarce as he had been before the big disappearance.

What a mess.

Do you have any brothers or sisters? she asked, smiling again at the young wolf.
369 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Now we enter the obstinate phase of tired for her. From their discussion, Tierra was able to catch on to the meaning of what they said, or at least the most important part. They were talking about taking her home, which meant she'd get to finally find her mom and brother and sisters again. The fact that this was all she'd wanted pretty much outweighed anything else right now, but as they continued to talk, she could think more and more about how much trouble she might be in.

Why? She asked, in that quick and aggressive way that kids often do when they don't want to answer a question. It didn't make any sense, really, as a response.
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lord of the hunt
1,607 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Maegi seemed to agree with his plan, and Phox found himself actually looking at her for the first time. The past months had been mostly a blur, and it was not as though he had tried to connect with any of the wolves here. Not until he had learned the truth about Peregrine, Vesper, and Prevost, the latter of which was still missing.

She asked Tierra a question, but the kid didn't seem interested in answering it. Instead of forcing her, Phox thought it best to change the subject entirely. He returned his attention to Maegi in doing so.

I've decided to stop actively looking for Prevost. I want to give Vesper and Peregrine a chance to get to know me, and I want to know them, too. When they're up for it, of course. I know Vesper hasn't been to keen on the idea, but maybe if I give her some space—say, during this trip to the caldera—she would be willing to give me a chance.
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1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
Just curious, Maegi replied to the girl with a shrug, a little taken aback at her ferocity. Before any further conversation could ensue on that tenuous front, Phox began to speak, and Maegi nodded along with his words. Yes, I think that's best.

It was difficult to give up on a search like that. She knew all too well, when they'd been forced to abandon first the hunt for Sakhmet, then their quest to find Miseria and Hypnos (alive or dead). At a certain point, one had to carry on.

She smiled, thinking of her headstrong daughter. I think she will, eventually, she said, but it was wishful thinking. None of them had any choice in the matter. Phox wasn't going away, whether Vesper changed her mind or not.
369 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
going to fade this one out if that's alright!

They were talking and she was tired. She didn't know these adults, but they seemed nice enough and the woman spoke kindly. Despite her snappy behavior, as she yawned, Tierra moved towards Maegi and settled next to her without a word.

She'd be chatty the next morning, friendly as if this had never happened with good sleep and a full(ish) stomach. She'd tell them all about her siblings, how they were dumb but okay she guessed, and about how awesome her dad was and how great her mom was too. For now, she was out like a light as soon as she put her head down, as snug against Maegi as the adult would let her be.
-Signing.- | Speaking. | -Signing & speaking.-
lord of the hunt
1,607 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Phox nodded and smiled weakly. He had a feeling the road to knowing Vesper was going to be a long one, and it may not even end well, but he had to try. She could push him away all she wanted, and Phox would respect that, but he would always be available to her when she was ready. And that may be long after he was gone from this earth, but... well, he had to have hope, didn't he? It was the only thing that had kept him going through this year.

He left the conversation there, though he would stick near Tierra until it was time to take her home.

last one for me. <3
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