Bearclaw Valley Garderer to the rescue!
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
All Welcome 

Arlette was more than happy to leave with Arric for a quick trip to their neighbors. They had been interested in starting their own garden. Arlette was more than willing to share that knowledge with others. That was what made healing great. Everyone had their own tricks and having a garden was almost like a next step to ensure that you would always have enough supplies. Then again, Arlette did feel that it was a little of a niche. She still liked to collect a lot of plants.

"I am rather curious to see Bearclaw again!," she told Arric. She had spoken about her family's history with those lands. She had been there as a pup but that felt like ages ago. "The one we are going to see is Ameline?," she asked to be sure, when they were getting closer to the border of the recently formed or still forming Bearclaw.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,071 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric happily strode along with Arlette. Making sure not to outpace her. He was diligent in his observations and guarding. He doubted anyone would attack, but there had been too many threats in his brief time here. To go on without caution.

Arric listened and smiled. I didn't see much of it, but it looks pretty.

A nod of large head. Yes. That's her name. She is nice or at least seemed to be.
Bearclaw Valley
918 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Ameline perched atop the sentinel stone, from which she could see beyond the narrow mouth of the valley and protect its entrance. She wished they had more wolves to take on sentry duty, but their claim seemed to draw very little attention. At any other point in her life, she might have been grateful for the privacy- presently, she worried they might be too few in numbers to support a litter of children. 

But their neighbours had been friendly- and she began to wonder what opportunities might come from them when she spotted the beta of Swiftcurrent approaching, alongside a beautiful, scarred woman. 

She slipped down off the rock and shook out her pelt so she could amble toward them, her eyes appraising the woman with a look of approval. There was a lovely depth to the hue of her eyes. She looked then to Arric. 

”Welcome to our home,” She said, before turning her gaze to Arlette, giving the woman a smile. ”I’m Ameline- you mutht be the herbalitht, hmm?”
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette could tell that Arric was in a little protective mode, but she allowed it, if that made him feel at ease. She wasn't too worried about something happening between the neutral lands between their packs. "Perfect, good to know," she hummed. They didn't need to howl, because a woman already approached. She blended perfectly with the background so Arlette almost wondered where she came from, she had been a little distracted by Arric.

The woman had a beautiful coloring, something she hadn't really seen before. "Hello! Yes, nice to meet you. You can call me Arlette," she hummed, her tail wagging kindly. She quirked up her lips into a smile. "Ah.. I would rather call myself a healer with some botanical knowledge," she admitted modestly. "I still gather plants and herbs over growing them in the garden but I try."

"How are things with you and your pack?"
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,071 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ameline made short work of meeting them. Arric offered her a smile and dipped his head towards Arlette. But the ladies began speaking before he had a chance to introduce. Well there it was then. He shifted and settled back a bit. This was between them it was not his skills the lady of Bear Claw wanted, it was his mates. 

Mate. It still made him giddy to think about, but he tampered down the huge grin he knew was about to show up on his face if he wasn't careful. 

Arric chimed in. Don't let her sell herself short. She knows more about plants than anyone I know. And she is always willing to learn more to build her knowledge.
Bearclaw Valley
918 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Arlette- a name that the Bearclaw family would approve of, she thought privately though an approving smile crept over her thin lips. Arric as well, she thought- envisioning for a moment their pack strengthened by the two wolves before her, if only she could pry them from Swiftcurrent Creek. 

She noticed Arric trying to restrain the smile from his lips as Arlette spoke- he glowed when he spoke praise about her, and he warmed her to see a man look at his wife the way Ancelin looked at her. Another power couple, she thought. An asset. 

”Well, yuh welcome to come with my an’ thee what you can find in the valley. I’d be keen to learn what I can from you, in exthchange fuh lettin’ you take thome plant-th back for your garden,” She said with an easy shrug of her shoulder. A bargain that would benefit them both, she thought. Knowledge in exchange for resources.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette flushed a little when Arric commented on her modesty. It was kind of true but she just wasn't the type to boast. She felt that she could always learn more. She offered him a soft smile and dipped her head in agreement.

The woman seemed kind. Arlette would have taught her without the offer of taking the plants, but she wouldn't say no to the offer. "That sounds like a good deal," she smiled. "Is it you I will be teaching or are others of your pack also interested?" Arlette didn't know how many had showed interest in this pack, or how many already pledged themselves.

She let the female take the lead in guiding them inside the territory. She wasn't so forward as to march into the passage way.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,071 Posts
Ooc — Danni
crap giys sorry
 For some reason i was thinking he wasn't next

Arric stayed near the women. Content to let them chatter about plants. Though he listened closely for any thing to take back to Akavir. He was a loyal beast after all.

Arric was a proud boyfriend? Mate? Future lover? Whatever she wanted to call him really. She could call him a boy toy and he'd be like yesm.

At least this time he had permission to enter their pack and hadn't blundered over it like a fool.
Bearclaw Valley
918 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Lolol I’ve done that before. Especially in threads where the characters’ names all start with the same letter XD

”Eh, probably me, an’ I can path that on. I’ll thee if one of the girlth hath any interetht, but fuh now I’ll be yuh thtudent,” She said casually, as if this was all something that was a part of a plan. The truth was that Ameline had very little interest learning about plants- but she did have a knack for getting hurt and they would at least need someone to help her out if she got wounded again. 

”I’m mothtly interethted in the bathic thtuff- thingth for woundth, infectionth- an’ thingth that’re good for future motherth too.”
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette followed Ameline through the passage way. She curiously looked around as they made their way down into the valley. It felt like a fortress. She wondered if they had any good plants, probably some. "Alright, wonderful. I think I do need to return for your lessons a few weeks after this meeting. Then more plants will have grown and then it is easier to explain."

Arlette nodded. "A basic course it is then," she smiled. "The most basic ones are Cattails, Raspberry leaves, Poppy seeds, and Burdock Root," she explained. "Those four are good plants to know or gather. All have their own uses, like raspberry leaves are best fresh and not to be taken, while for the poppy seeds you can dry out the seed pods." Arlette looked around to see if she could see locations they might grow.

"You can also tend to a wound or infection without these plants. Make sure you have fresh running water and clean place where you can keep your patient." They were really blessed with their river at Swiftcurrent."If you have an information overload tell me, then I will slow it down," she chuckled.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,071 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric kept his head up. He looked around noticing different landmarks amd how qell guarded this place was. Or hidden more so. As defendable as Swiftcurrent possibly moreso.

A shake of his head and he perked his ears forward to hear what Arlette was saying. Maybe he could find some places in the creek these 0lants grew. Or help her find some to plant at the very least.
Bearclaw Valley
918 Posts
Ooc — Jess
She wasn’t surprised that her lessons might have to be deferred- it was early yet for herbs, too early as well for berries and even some flowers to bloom. Still- she took stock of the few plants the healer named, nodding as she recognized burdock and raspberry. 

”Huh, I wouldn’t have guethed that rathpberry an’ burdock’d be helpful. They alwayth get thtuck in my fur tho I nevuh theem to have trouble findin’ thothe,” She said with a light chuckle. 

Fresh water would be easy to come by- they had a small river that split the valley, and an island in the middle of it. Perhaps a good place to quarantine a sick or wounded wolf, she thought. 

”Well, there might not be much now, but sure there’ll be more come thummer.” She said. ”My mate an’ I are exthpectin’ to have kidth thith threathon, tho…Maybe when you come back, there’ll be more of uth.”
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette looked around as they entered the valley. Perhaps it had been a little early but she was glad that Ameline seemed to recognize some of the plants. She shot her a smile. "Yes!," she commented enthusiastically. The female looked around the place. She then spied a start of burdock plant coming up. Here! Burdock already, she hummed. Burdock is good to give when someone has an infection. I usually let them chew on the root not the leaves. She felt that that was an important thing to note. If you take the root, you also take the life of the plant. So be sparingly with it if there isn't much around.

Arlette glanced at Arric. She hoped that this wasn't too boring for him. She offered him a quick smile. The female couldn't help but feel as if she was escorted by her own personal bodyguard. It felt a little silly but... also kind of nice. Arlette dipped her head. Certainly. I would love to, she hummed. The woman had to smile at the mention of pups. Are you... experienced? Or well, let me phrase it differently. Do you need help? I've had a litter and pregnancy before. So if you need any help I am there if you need it, she spoke. Ever the healer, always willing to help when needed. Nettle leaves helps against the sickness in the beginning.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,071 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric chuckled softly to himself. Absolutely enjoying how delighted Arlette was. He tilted his ears forward listening as well himself.  Arric always liked to learn.

He winked back at her and paid attention to the conversation. I hope its an easy pregnancy for you and those little ones come quick and healthy.
Bearclaw Valley
918 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Burdock for infection! She huffed, satisfied easily with this information though the greedy girl cast little thought to ever running out of the plant. It felt like she was always pulling burrs out of her pelt- that had to mean there were a lot of them! ”Doethn’t thound deliciouth, but if it fight-th off infection,” She shrugged. It’d be worth the taste- supposing the medicine worked.

Arlette’s questioning caused her pupils to narrow slightly, until she realized that she was about to offer help. The proud girl wanted no help with her birth- but she knew not the pain of childbirth or the dangers of it. Still- having a medic on call wouldn’t be a bad idea, even if she wasn’t sure it would be a part of her birth plan. 

”Aww, well Thankth!” She said. ”Yeah I’ve nevuh had kidth before but I’ve looked after ‘em plenty. It’ll be nithe to have thome little tiny oneth of my own, though,” She said. ”I’ll thend  thomeone for you if anythin’ goeth wrong,” Though she doubted it would. She was in her prime! She and her mate had a beautiful home, a great, valuable valley to live in and were founding a pack of their own- what could go wrong?

She had yet to learn that cloud nine was not made of stiff stuff- and that hopes could crumble as quickly as a cloud could dissipate. 

”You havin’ kidth thith year?” She asked.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette had to chuckle at her answer and could only nod in agreement. It is often that medicine doesn't taste favorably,: she hummed. The female did know the difference to something that didn't taste good and something that didn't taste right. Though she always learned her medicinal info from others instead of experimenting herself.

Arlette had missed the narrowing of the other's eyes, as she was looking around the valley for more that might catch her eye as useful. She really ought to see it in the height of spring.
Well the first time is always an experience, she spoke. Send for me if the bleeding won't stop, alright? Or when you feel the pain is too much even after birth.

Arlette shot Arric a smile and then nodded.
We hope so. I haven't gotten my heat yet, so we shall see. But if it comes we will. Arlette was pleased with this visit though, because it seemed she was able to help the new pack with some knowledge. I don't see any other plants around that might help you. But then again it is very early start of spring. I can come back another time when more plants have grown.::
Current State
Chewed up nipples
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,071 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric trailed behind the girls. Speaking here and there. But he was more than happy just listening and taking in the sights.

He hoped they could pass the day with good conversation, knowledge shared. And he believed this was the start of a good allyship.
Bearclaw Valley
918 Posts
Ooc — Jess
”I will. Thankth,” They were neighbours, after all. Borrowing health services could be like borrowing a cup of sugar- all done for the greater good. Already, this life of peacekeeping had proven itself to have several benefits, and while she did not fear the day she would give birth, it was good to know she might have help if she needed it. 

Perhaps there might come a day when their children could play together, should Arlette’s season come soon. She toyed with the idea, finding it ideal to strengthen the bond between the packs by having their children become allies as well. 

”Yeah, they’ll be up thoon,” She said. Little green leaves poking from swollen buds promised her that the valley would spring to life after a few more bouts of rain. 

Arric and Arlette looked to leave, satisfied it seemed with their arrangement. ”Alright, well, thafe travelth; Thankth for thtoppin’ by an’ don’t be thtrangerth,”
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette dipped her head. She was glad for it as well that they would have an alliance. We will keep in touch then, she hummed. I hope things will go well for you and if you need any help let me know, she spoke. She meant it. She wanted to help. With that said, she walked back to the border of the territory. So strange to be inside someone else's home. She felt a little silly about maybe. She glanced at Arric and grinned. She hoped that it wasn't too boring for him, though she was glad for his company

- Arlette exit -
Current State
Chewed up nipples