Stone Circle Is it really that much of a surprise?
Mother Overlord
2,653 Posts
Ooc — Mar
Master Ranger
@Greyback so they can tell the kids @Ira @Steph @Arlette @Merrit @Keen :D Backdated a few days!!!

Valette grew a bit more nervous when they got closer to the borders. She wondered how their kids were going to react to the news. She just hoped that it wouldn't be a lot of drama. She glanced at Greyback and then howled for her children and Ira. She didn't expect to become the grey female's mother but she would be one for her if she wanted that from her. Valette decided to just meet them a bit over the border with the stones on the hill in the back ground.

"Exciting and Nerve wracking at the same time," she admitted to the large male. She looked out on the horizon if she could see any of her children approach. There was also the matter of what Valette wanted to do with Greyback's rank. Normally she wanted her mate to lead with her but she had not discussed leadership with Greyback himself. She also didn't want Steph to feel like she was passed? Would she feel that way? So many feelings she had to deal with.
"The mountains do not break to the wind nor does the sky change for a single individual."
508 Posts
Ooc — Wilthking
He trailed with Valette back to the pack grounds, his heart beating rapidly in his chest like a drum. He wanted to share the news with the children, but was still unsure of how they would react. Would Valette's children say no? Would Ira say no? He stared deeply at the dirt as he was lost in thought, his paws keeping a steady pace as his brain went on autopilot.

It was only when Valette howled that he was snapped out of his thoughts and looked to her, soft as ever. He followed her faze to the horizon for a swift second before noticing her frazzled posture and tensed air. Nudging his nose softly to her shoulder, he attempted to calm her. "Hey... It will be alright."

Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette was sleeping when she heard the howl from her mother. It woke her up. A soft groan came from her throat. Normally the pup was filled with child like enthusiasm. However, she was becoming a teenager and responding to her mother's howls were getting annoying even though they were not that frequent.

The girl was dutiful enough to pull herself to her feet and trot towards the howl. The white teenager noticed her mother wasn't alone. She was with Greyback. It wasn't that strange to see them together. She wagged her tail in greeting. "Mom, Greyback. What is it?"
lift me higher, let me look at the sun
893 Posts
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Master Guardian
Master Ambassador
Ira's ears perked at the sound of the howl. She had headed back to Easthollow before her father and Valette so seeing them return now was not much of a surprise. The grey-scaled wolf glanced down to the white girl who had managed to beat her to Valette's call, before shifting her eyes up to look between the two. She wasn't entirely sure why she was being called, but if she had to guess it would be about what she saw during the gathering. Ira would remain silent waiting for one of them to explain.
#DAA520 , pawprintIra's Playlist  3/20*, * = incomplete threads
patron saint
are we all lost like you?
253 Posts
Ooc — Jaclyn
He came shortly after Ira, and approached with the same suspicion - a suspicion that only grew when he saw the mountain of Greyback standing at his mother's side. Of course they were together, where else would they be? Merrit stood taller to reach his full height - a tower in himself, noble and refined, and looking more like Stark than he even knew.

Arlette had arrived, but Keen's wasn't present, and he kept his attention peeled for her, even as he gave his mother an ear to listen. When he set his gaze on her, his expression was drawn, flat and void of any of the defiance that bubbled within. He still didn't want to believe, but he had seen them; the evidence was there, and her once perfect image stood cracked in the passage of his mind.

He waited.
with quiet words I'll lead you in
Mother Overlord
2,653 Posts
Ooc — Mar
Master Ranger
Valette watched as Arlette arrived, followed by Ira and Merrit. The last two stayed silent. It kind of unnerved her. She did offer each of them a soft smile though. She looked over the horizon. Where was @Steph and Keen? With these curious eyes on her Valette couldn't really wait for too long. The female glanced at Greyback for some comfort before facing Arlette, Ira and Merrit. She would tell Steph later, or she would just join in later and get the message.

"Well, thank you for coming. The reason I called you is that I wanted to tell you three, or well, actually Steph and Keen as well, first since it will affect you the most," Valette spoke. Was affect even the right word? "Well, not affect... Anyway..." She glanced at Greyback. "After the difficult time with Stark leaving, Greyback was there for me. I have grown to love him very much," she spoke to the three others. 'After going to the Yule it was clear that I wouldn't want to hide my feelings for him and we became mates," she spoke and paused.

She felt her stomach twist. "This doesn't mean that I will forget your father, Stark. But his disappearance brought me so much sorrow. I want to focus on the things that makes me happy." It was probably the same for Greyback, he would never forget his past mate either. "If Stark hadn't left this probably wouldn't even have happened but I cannot deny that after Stark vanished, my relationship with Greyback grew." Valette spoke. She wondered what was going through their minds. "Arlette and Merrit, you don't have to consider Greyback your father. I would not ask that of you. Still, I hope that he might become important to you two as well as he became for me." Valette turned to Ira. "Ira. I hope you aren't mad at me for liking your father but I cannot help it." Valette glanced at Greyback with a soft smile, genuinely happy to be with him. She paused to let him speak as well.
"The mountains do not break to the wind nor does the sky change for a single individual."
508 Posts
Ooc — Wilthking
One by one, the man waited patiently as each of the children arrived, his tail idly wagging behind him limply. Arlette replied first, and he gave her a small smile. He always had the best relationship with her and hoped it would continue as it was. Ira  and Merrit showed later, and something within the large man's heart clenched for them both. He wasn't a fool- be picked up on their scent along the way home, and by the judge of their flat expressions he guessed they knew.

He looked to Valette as she talked, taking in her words and glancing periodically to the young. It was true, if Stark didn't leave he probably wouldn't have gotten with her. As selfish as it was, the Easthollow wolf couldn't help but appreciate that a little. But Stark's disappearance had also impacted the family greatly, and he kept that in his mind. When she spoke that she loved him he looked to her a gentle gaze and smile. He loved her too.

When Valette finished he turned his attention to the kids once again, his amber gaze landing on each and every one of them as he spoke. "You're mother is right," he breathed. "I cannot deny that I love her—she makes me happy, and like Stark I have also lost a mate. It doesn't mean that I don't miss her, and your mother is not here to replace her, as I am not here to replace Stark." Greyback looked to Merrit, wearily. "As Valette said, I am not here to be your father. I will never fill in the gap his disappearance has caused you, nor do I want to. But I will always be here for you. It is important that you hold onto that memory of him—the loss too. It will make you stronger." He smiled at the boy.

"Ira?" he finally turned his attention to her. Both of them had begun to patch their relationship since the cougar attack, but he feared this might set them back and she would be angry. "I don't want you to hide your feelings about this, it's alright to be upset. Please, speak of what you feel." Though Greyback was looking at her he meant it to all of them.

Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette was quite surprised when her mother told them that they were going to be together as mates. It was something her father and mother had been before until her father vanished. Arlette kind of had hope that Stark would return and their parents would be together but it seemed that they wouldn't. Arlette watched from her mother to Greyback. She also glanced to the side at Merrit. Greyback said that he wouldn't be their father and that they shouldn't forget Stark. She wasn't intending to.

She slowly nodded. Her mother would be with Greyback now. She looked happy. Arlette decided to give them the benefit of the doubt. She was more curious about her brother's reaction. She shifted close to him to offer him any support if he needed it. "I don't know if I like it yet," she admitted then, finding strength in Greyback's words he spoke to his own daughter to speak what she felt. "But Mama, you look happier than before," she offered. "But, I don't know. If Greyback leaves then you would be sad again," she returned and glanced at Greyback, wondering what he would say about that.
Follow your heart, listen to your inner voice, stop caring about what others think.
545 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
Single post

Steph had arrived late, but in time to hear the news, and hid in the background a moment. It didn't surprise her, as she wasn't blind and knew the pair had been spending a lot of time together. This also wasn't Steph's first rodeo. Stark had come after she was born, and seeing as how Steph never felt she needed a father figure, it only mattered to her that her mother was happy. Greyback seemed steady, and Steph hoped he would stay that way. 

She still understood Arlette's hesitation, as her father had been there enough that she had bonded with him. She knew it would be hard for her little sister to see their mother love someone else. Mom doesn't live her life in fear, she said softly, approaching the group and sending a brief smile to their mother. It was one of the things she admired in Valette. She hoped it would quell the fear in her sister, as well. She reached out to offer Arlette comfort in the form of a nuzzle. Valette's life was her own, and Steph only needed to know that she was willing to take that risk in Greyback. She glanced to the newly mated pair, Congratulations, she told them both, her approval given, though she knew it was necessary.
The soul that sees beauty may sometimes walk alone ~Geothe
Sunny is allowed in all threads, open or private, created by Steph
lift me higher, let me look at the sun
893 Posts
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Master Guardian
Master Ambassador
The words that flooded Ira were no surprise. She had her suspicions for quite a long time now, and the night festivities of the gathering Yule only confirmed her thoughts. Now, of course, there was no doubt, the two were mates. Her father urged her to speak her mind even if she was upset, but it was never simple was it? There was a lot she could say, all of which would likely be deemed inappropriate to say to the alpha pair. She liked Valette, but now it was not her say to disagree with her decision. Worst of all, Greyback was now in a position Ira had to recognize.

Sure her interactions have improved with the male, but there were still repressed emotions circling her head. Ira never really was one to spill her thoughts or talk about her feelings. It was rare to have a conversation that did not focus on the pack, and you could bet your ass she was not going to start spilling now. Her thoughts shifted to the boy next to her. He shared a similar pain and now he was in the same situation as she, except Merrit had a lot less time to accept this change in his life. No, he was still mad and grieving over his father, this was just prodding the open wound. Like it or not, they were all family now and Ira would be there for him if he chose to open up to her again.

There was still a hopeful golden gaze glued to her fur and as time moved on Ira found it more and more annoying. If he was looking for her approval he would have to look elsewhere. She couldn't approve, but she could make a promise. Ira locked her gaze with her father still holding a stone stare, although if he looked closely he might make out a slight difference, what she really felt. What she wished she could say. If you leave her I will personally hunt you down. Alas, she could not say that to her alpha, so instead, she offered a simple Congratulations  before turning to return to her patrol.
#DAA520 , pawprintIra's Playlist  3/20*, * = incomplete threads
patron saint
are we all lost like you?
253 Posts
Ooc — Jaclyn
His mother seemed nervous, yet Merrit's expression remained unchanged, and his mind, no more objective to the explanation she offered. Though Ira had managed to temper his suspicion that Greyback was the reason Stark had left to begin with, there was one thing in the way his mother spoke that unraveled the seams he'd begun to mend -

"If Stark hadn't left, this probably wouldn't even have happened."

'Probably' was no reassurance at all - no comfort that nothing had been going on between his mother and Greyback while Stark had been ill and confined to the den. Somewhere in the conversation, his cold attention shifted to Greyback.

Who did this man think he was? Was there ever a time he hadn't been an enigma, a shadow over his shoulder, showing up in places Merrit didn't need him to be? Greyback was right to look wearily upon him, and Merrit tipped his chin and fixed the man with an unrelenting stare, even as the patriarch offered the thin curve of a smile.

He was right on one thing. Greyback would never be his father.

Merrit felt his sister shift closer to him, but he edged away - and unlike the others, he offered no words of congratulations, no tip of the head to show he in any way approved of their union. Of this he was convinced: if it wasn't for Greyback, Stark would still be around. As Ira took her leave, the boy turned to follow.

He was done here.
with quiet words I'll lead you in
Mother Overlord
2,653 Posts
Ooc — Mar
Master Ranger
Valette swallowed thickly at the reactions of Ira and Merrit, the ones she had been worried about. She was not sure what was worse, Merrit who didn't approve or Ira who instantly faded behind a mask not saying what she really felt about it. At least Steph approved, her trusted Beta. Her younger children were more skeptical. She wished they could see how she was seeing Greyback.

Ira and Merrit both left and Valette felt a lump in her throat. At least they knew before the rest of the pack knew. They heard it from them and not from others. Valette glanced with worried eyes at Greyback. "I should talk to Merrit maybe you ought to do the same with Ira," Valette spoke. Valette noticed Arlette still being there. "I am going to talk to your brother, but please talk to me if you don't like something alright?"
"The mountains do not break to the wind nor does the sky change for a single individual."
508 Posts
Ooc — Wilthking
With a golden stare he watched as Ira held a firm lip, her gaze unwavering along with the young boy's. He could see both of them were deeply troubled by the blanket of silence that laid over them, and it did no help as Greyback swallowed thickly in attempt to wet his dry throat. He was not sure what he had done wrong to deserve such looks, and quickly dropped his smile as both of them turned to leave.

Only Steph and Arlette were the two that remained, but even then he could tell the hesitance that hung from them. Luckily Steph seemed to give her blessing while Arlette was fixated on her mother. He now understood why Valette's children were having a hard time swallowing this. Perhaps it wasn't that it had much to do with stark, but the safety and protection of her, Valette's emotions.

He looked down to the white girl. "I swear of my life that I will never abandon her, or Easthollow for that matter," He hoped that it would suffice. It was the truth, and Greyback could not offer much more than that. He nodded slowly as Valette encouraged him to talk to Ira, his eyes meeting her in a worried gaze. It was not only the children that were having difficulty swallowing this, but the two of them as well.

Getting up, he leaned down to press his nose to Arlette's head before hesitating, worried it was too soon. He only sighed and gave her a smile before shaking his head and getting up to follow Ira.