Shadow Mountain I don't know was i right was I wrong
42 Posts
Ooc — Heretic

For @Makono — Hope you don't mind me placing this a territory off! I didn't want to put him directly into Mereo's territory.

Fenrir's manner was growing drab, all means of purpose and interest flushed away like it had never existed before. 
Times of the past seemed to haunt him less now that he was free of his children's mind. He'd had the thought of returning, but it no longer seemed as amusing. Besides, he knew when his presence wasn't wanted. Normally, knowing that would have pushed him to persist; but doing that would require will and motivation, both of which he had none of.
So, back to roaming the wilds. Maybe there was no end goal, or maybe there was. There was no way to know the future, though, that didn't mean he couldn't write it out for himself.
' ' It is a mistake
 to fancy that 
  horror is associated
    with darkness,
silence, and solitude.' '
785 Posts
Ooc — anon
tagging @Germanicus as he might notice her outside of mereo!

she had not stepped foot outside of mereo since her arrival.

today she did so. nazli likely lingered somewhere back on the trail, but her focus remained heavily upon the land. scents of others bobbed and weaved the nearby lands. passing of herds and trails taken to other locations.

there was one scent that remained fresh and led her to a hulking man. she thought of the soldiers, but he did not smell of mereo.

she held herself with the grace of a princess. perhaps even more inclined to stand like an empress, a word she fancied deeply from germanicus now.

you are close to an outpost.
an hour of wolves and shattered shields
2,516 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Tactician
cameo! hes still back in the canyon <3 tags just for ref!

"tribunus," he summoned maxim. "our visiting princess seems to have wandered off. please take another soldier and go to find her. escort her where she would like to go, within reason."

he might gently chide makono upon her return. in latin, of course.
42 Posts
Ooc — Heretic

Though assumed, it quickly became evident that he was not alone on these mountains.
Oh, goody.
His thoughts chimed with an amused trickle.
Turning, the man of great brawn gazed down upon an individual that seemed a mere child.
An outpost, so you say? Fenrir rasped, tone thick and conceited.
Are you from said outpost? She knew so much, so he could only tickle at the thought. Or perhaps she was like him.
' ' It is a mistake
 to fancy that 
  horror is associated
    with darkness,
silence, and solitude.' '
785 Posts
Ooc — anon
playing maxim in this post too just so we can keep going as us for now!

she refused to cow in the face of such a large man. even as his voice rasped such questions.

i am of the palace of the outpost. her lapis gaze sharp as she tilted her chin up, even if such an action was practically nothing when faced with such height.

why do you lurk so close?

the tribunus was called by the imperator with a task. the soldiers made to move from mereo down her path. makono had the only head start that a child could have.
42 Posts
Ooc — Heretic

Of a palace, she was. 
Such made things all the more humorous. He was almost tempted to bow. But then she asked a foolish question.
Why is it any concern of yours as to where I go? His voice hardened, neck beginning to grow stiff.
' ' It is a mistake
 to fancy that 
  horror is associated
    with darkness,
silence, and solitude.' '
785 Posts
Ooc — anon
his stance stiffened. she followed in it as well, her gut clenching with a rare new blossom of something.

makono had never been given anything to fear in life.

i would be a poor traveler if i did not look for knowledge.

she held back the words of a princess.
42 Posts
Ooc — Heretic

Poor traveler? Knowledge? Strange, coming from a child.
You are seeking from the wrong individual, child. Now he addressed her for what she truly was — a naive, pompous pup.
His point was firm, but evinced when the gargantuan took a step closer. 
' ' It is a mistake
 to fancy that 
  horror is associated
    with darkness,
silence, and solitude.' '
785 Posts
Ooc — anon
maxim will hop in next round officially!

his words made her seethe.

an ugly beast she had thought she could tame flared for it all. the world child so strongly distasteful. she had seen so much, lost so much.

she was beyond being a child. beyond the slobbering, lacking children back home or the ones she saw here.

how dare he.

you are speaking to the wrong individual with such a tone.

the was movement from the trail she had come from. figures approaching from the place of mereo.

she paid them no mind.
42 Posts
Ooc — Heretic

Even with her astonished and disdained tone, his face and posture remained stoned and bare.
I care not for your place of origin. There is no information you will retract from me.
Not even a bargain would convince him. Unlike others, he was a man that made no trades. If in want, he would get what was desired, even if by force.
' ' It is a mistake
 to fancy that 
  horror is associated
    with darkness,
silence, and solitude.' '
785 Posts
Ooc — anon
he was a man of madness, she thought.

she had done nothing to provoke him and he prickled and soured. she wished for nothing more than to bring the weight of mereo down upon him. the weight of akashingo.

but before she could utter another word, she heard a man of mereo behind her.
483 Posts
Ooc —
tagging @Reyson for info too since Germanicus said to take another!

maxim had been tasked with finding the princess and although she was not upon mereo's borders, she had not managed to get very far either.

per the instruction of the imperator, he had informed reyson to come with. whether he followed directly after or searched other trails was up to the other man. only that he was requested in this search.

princess, he rumbled as his eyes met the man. apologies, sir. a stiff nod of his head, even as the princess stared at him with daggers.
Sun Mote Copse
-Leave them at the bottom of the grave they dug for you. -
1,123 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Reyson followed behind Maxim. Occasionally drifting off to search a side path. It was with wariness he approached a hulking figure. He flanked the princess and watched with ice blue eyes. There was an irritation deep on his craw.

He kept his voice quiet allowing Maxim to take the lead here.
I will be building Reyson's personality largely in character. So his general personality and mannerisms may change as I learn more about him. I am fine with some plots with him as long as all parties are comfortable and know what is to be expected. 
42 Posts
Ooc — Heretic

And just before thinking he would never be rid of the girl, two more followed to join her. 
Younger men. The one who spoke even called her a princess.
So, was that what she was? She had said she was from a palace, but she hadn't specified which role belonged to her.
I take it you two know each other.
Before his stare hadn't left the girl, but now it was dead set upon the new speaker. It is my suggestion that you collect your princess quickly and leave. My patience does not exist to be tested by such vexing youth.
' ' It is a mistake
 to fancy that 
  horror is associated
    with darkness,
silence, and solitude.' '
483 Posts
Ooc —
pp-ing makono in this post. so maxim -> reyson -> Fenrir I think!

the man was not a charmer by any means. nor was he horribly polite. had that been a threat of declaration? perhaps he would have sought to discover or rectify had the princess not been here.

it is what we are here for. he declared equally before he herded makono away from the scene further. a stern look would be all he would give, if she dared to speak.

thankfully the situation seemed to settle her into begrudging silence.

the imperator would need to be informed of the man and his proximity. something to be strongly watchful over. he gave a knowing look to reyson, appreciative for the man.

it was time to head back, but they would need to be diligent in watching their way back.

the princess already stormed down the path back to mereo.

learing ptero from towhee. words that are signed will be portrayed -like this-
Sun Mote Copse
-Leave them at the bottom of the grave they dug for you. -
1,123 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Reyson's eyes immediately narrowed and he stared at the man in question. Perhaps she had been vexing as he had put it, but she was a child for all intents and purposes. He didn't growl, but he did lift one side of his lip in irritation.

As Maxim and the princess Departed. Reyson would step into position as a rear guard. Maxim was trained, he would know what he was doing and for why. He would watch their backs as they went forward. The faster Maxim got Makono to the borders the better for it.

Reyson gave one last look at the new comer, memorizing his face and his scent. He would not forget this one.
I will be building Reyson's personality largely in character. So his general personality and mannerisms may change as I learn more about him. I am fine with some plots with him as long as all parties are comfortable and know what is to be expected. 
42 Posts
Ooc — Heretic

Archiving from here.

The men were eager to abide by his words. They collected the young girl and escorted her away quickly.
Fenrir's dark gaze followed in silence.
Once he was absolutely sure they were gone and would cause him no conflict, he too turned and departed from the mountain. 
His time here was at an end.
' ' It is a mistake
 to fancy that 
  horror is associated
    with darkness,
silence, and solitude.' '