Redhawk Caldera i am a shadow in your subconscious
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
All Welcome 
She'd stayed a while in the forest, visiting old landmarks and admiring the way everything seemed to seem. . .well, more. By the time she headed back to the caldera, the effects of whatever those mushrooms had contained were beginning to ebb, though colors still popped, and there was a distinct sense of terrifying euphoria caught in her breast.

Maegi reached the top of the mountain just as the sun was blooming over the horizon. She traipsed along the small southern creek that emptied into the lake, drinking at intervals, admiring the peaceful gurgle of the water.

Moss. So green, wet, pungent. She folded herself down and pressed her nose into the rocks along the bank, deeply inhaling the scent of that wonderful absorbent stuff. Then, she began to peel it, gently, slowly, from its home, balling it up for later use.

It was only a matter of time before Towhee turned on them, she thought, and when the woman did, they'd need all the moss they could get to sop up their wounds.
2,033 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
The new wolves weren't entirely new. Fennec had only encountered the woman once but would recognize that scent anywhere. She'd made an impression and Fennec hadn't been this excited about a newcomer in, well, ever. Not that she was going to show it.

Besides, it was one bright spot in a whole lot of shit right now, so she was going to grab it. It really was amazing how a time that should have been great could be so quickly and thoroughly ruined by... nevermind.


She didn't try to hunt Maegi down, but as she happened to cross her path, she also caught the scent of freshly disturbed greenery. Fennec's lips twitched up in a smile as she sauntered forward.

Hey. Long time no see. Her smile turned up a little more sardonically at the jest. She wondered if she'd remember.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
Her spine stiffened as someone approached, and she lifted her head from the half-balled moss to find the dusky young woman before her, smiling. She peered at the other wolf, and then repeated the expression, shoulders sagging in some kind of relief.

A Redhawk. . .but a good Redhawk. Or at least one she knew.

Fenn, Maegi responded. It's. . .good to see you, too. She didn't get the jest. She'd never puzzled out that Fennec was blind, savvy as the girl was with getting around. She bent, rolling the greenery into something more portable.

I'm gathering moss. Will you join me?

That sense of third-person detachment had faded as the drug had, but she still felt stilted, away from the world. Perhaps working with herbs—and with a like soul—would bring her back to reality.
2,033 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Yeah. She could always use more. The answer was casual, but she was quick to come and join. Truthfully she was silently starving for company that wasn't her immediate family. Ever since everything happened, she'd been avoiding Towhee and Ruenna and essentially every other adult member of the pack. As a result, she'd put herself in a position where she had no friendships outside of her renewed relationship with Bronco.

She knew some of what brought them here. They were her half-siblings' adoptive parents, which was a wild statement in and of itself. Its cool of you, coming here with dad. She said. She wasn't aware of the full details of their relationship, but it can't have been all that easy, uprooting to come with your kids' biological father.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
Her muzzle lifted in sharp inquiry, in interest, staring at the girl. Phox is your father? she asked, brows raising. She allowed a sheepish half-smile to light her muzzle, shaking her head. Forgive me. . .I'm not acquainted with the Redhawk family.

She wondered if Fennec knew. Maegi looked her over, briefly, thinking. She belonged with the Blackfeathers, the Meloniis. A knack for poison and herbs. . .Fennec was everything Potema—and perhaps Meldresi—would have sought out.

She felt more kinship with the tawny girl than she did anyone else here, save the ones she'd come with.

Waiting for a response, Maegi bent her head, tearing away at the moss. She balled the latest gathering into a neat ball, ears canted toward Fennec. The lake offered some peace, and she leaned into it as much as she could.
2,033 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Fennec snickered a bit at her incredulity. It wasn't unusual - she hardly took after her dad, not the way Fig did. It didn't bother Fennec that she'd fallen so far from the family tree though. Every family needed a badass to offset the pushovers.

Swear. Hard to believe as it is. She had missed him like crazy though; she'd always have a soft spot for her dad, and loved him like crazy, even if he was a big dork.

It's a mess anyway, so I don't blame you. She added with a shrug, digging her claws in to start rolling at the moss like Maegi. For a second she was preoccupied, but as she got a section free, she paused. Is your family similar?
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
Maegi's mouth was already quirking at Fennec's words, but when she went on to ask the question, the woman started to laugh, a low and ugly sound. You wouldn't know a mess if you stumbled upon it, she replied, shaking her head.

Phox being Fennec's father, too? That was all too easy.

My parents were sister and brother, she said bitterly. I was born of sin. I know too much about messes. She left it there, trailing off as to allow Fennec any follow ups. . .but not altogether enthusiastic to answer any of them.

She sucked in a breath. My mother would have loved you, she said. Poisoner. Herbalist. You would have been her favorite.
2,033 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Damn. Fennec was more impressed than anything else. It was really fucking weird, sure, but Maegi seemed to already realize that. She just really hadn't considered anyone's family could be more of a mess than her own and, obviously, she'd been proven wrong easily. That deserved some respect!

Fennec huffed a little disbelievingly when she mentioned favorites, though. No thanks. She was never the suck-up that Fig was. Besides, you say that like you aren't both those things too. Unless you were lying, before.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
The response made her laugh again. Yeah, she replied, with a shrug. Fact of life, for her, but she could see how one could be taken aback. Still, Fennec took it well—and when the young woman spoke again, she was touched, though not without the usual bitter heart-twist she felt when thinking of Potema.

I was not lying, Maegi confirmed. No. . .I'm the result of the worst thing that happened to her. She'd rather I be dead—or never born at all.

She hated talking about herself, and cast all thoughts of her childhood to the side. But how are you? How is your garden coming along? I think I was helping you with it when we last met. Her mouth quirked in a half-smile. Poison anybody yet?
2,033 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
We can wrap this if you like! I love them <3 but I know Maegi is dippin off-site for a time

Fennec immediately was reminded of Kukutux's insistence that she was 'cursed' when Maegi said her mother wished she'd never been born. What a load of crap. I thought I'd feel like that. But it turns out, if you aren't shit, it's pretty easy to love your kid. Even if you didn't think you wanted them. Fuck, she'd been terrified of that actually. Pregnant with Killdeer, she'd thought at first with how much she resented being pregnant, she'd end up hating him. Now she wouldn't trade him for anything, this world or next.

Anyway. No poison, she said, then her mouth twitched up into a full on (satisfied) smile. But I did manage to curse someone, not too long ago. That situation had a pretty shit ending but the curse part was still pretty fucking cool in her mind. Haven't tried it again since, since there's no one I'd hate enough - save a few... now there's an idea. Filed away for later - but if you had anyone in mind, I still owe you for the help.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
She wished she could feel better with Fennec's words. But she didn't. If you aren't shit. Well, turns out, Potema had been shit, or at least her outlook. Although Maegi was glad that Fennec loved her own offspring, or other offspring, whatever she was talking about.

No. Best to stick to what she knew—a curse? Hmm. Who did you curse? Maegi asked, brows lifting.

My, she couldn't think of anyone worth cursing or poisoning at the moment. Well, besides the Redhawks, and she thought Fennec would be resistant to that prospect, at least. She let out a slow, soft breath, waiting for the tawny girl's response.