Noctisardor Bypass haihefa
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Ooc — ebony
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amadeo had comforted heda. the cloying sorrow remained. punctuating it by prayer was her only recourse.
seeing the eyes of her sons open had soothed her in a thousand ways.
with the very first of her renewed self, she went to find @Etienne. anselm and she had — they would solve their differences in another way. but the healer had saved her over and over. she owed him the world, the moon if she could pull it from the night sky.
"i'm sorry for how i acted that day, etienne," heda whispered as soon as she found him, ears planing to the sides.
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
987 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Etienne knew he was in his own head more than he needed to be. He also knew that soon enough he needed to sit with himself. And go through it all. He needed to feel the emotions and let them go. But frankly he didn't know how. Not when so many needed him. And expected him to be fine.

A curl of his ears to his skull as he heard the tread he had grown used too. He blinked his golden gaze to Heda. And though he wanted to rail and wail. He wanted to tell her yes she did owe him that apology.

Instead when he opened his mouth. The following came out.

It is alrite 'eda.
1,356 Posts
Ooc — ebony
"i don't think so." she came to sit near him, not too near, and turned her golden eyes on him, more clear today. "i think you deserve so much more than everything you've gotten since you came here."
she didn't know how to bargain or reward; instead she only said quietly, "your level head has been pretty invaluable."
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
987 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Heda settled near him. But she was not close. A bitter thought arose within him. That she reserved that for those that mattered. Punctuated by the fact that she immediately spoke of his level headedness.

Did any of them even know him? Or that he was just as important as his skillset? Yes it made him valuable, but so did the fact he was living and breathing. Then he felt a cruel bite of guilt. He was being so very unfair. To all of them. This was a making of his own. This self sacrificing beast he had become.

He wanted to agree that yes he did deserve more. He had always deserved more than he was given. Death at the sea. Disappearances in the hollow. The bite of Anselms cruelty immediately followed. The judgement of others. The fact that Heda had slept with the man he loved. That he had been beaten and busted to do something he would have done anyway.

It is wut i was tot. And besides any wolf would do it dat could.And i tink dat Fiona 'as done much more dan I could. Look at Druid now.
1,356 Posts
Ooc — ebony
she shook her head, softly. "fiona has helped a lot. but you were here for her first. and me, and ava." and look how she had spoken to him. had treated him, made him feel.
"i want rivenwood to be better, and i'm sure druid does too," heda said quietly. "i'd like more of your input on things, etienne, if you'd like to give it."
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
987 Posts
Ooc — Danni
A soft sad smile. But I may 'ave ruined Ava. 'Eda. I moved 'er and dat be someting dat i s'ould not be doin'. But my worry outpaced my tots.

A chuckle at her next words. Low and slightly fragile.

I not be good at dat. My bleedin' 'eart will get you in trouble. I do not fite. I prefer gentle to ruff. I would not protect your borders well. And i would always caution peace. Understandin'. I could not speak on dey otter tings.
1,356 Posts
Ooc — ebony
emphatically did she shake her head, insisting silently that etienne allow her to recognize his medical skills. he had done all he could in so tense and immediate a time. there was no way for heda to fault him, even if she too blamed herself.
"well, look what we've been doing when it's our way," she pressed gently instead. "talking it out and trying to be peaceful is what i want, and i think it's what druid wants too."
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
987 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Etienne had only done what any decent medic would have done. Should have done. Had it been Fiona that came across it rather than him. She would have done what she needed too. IT was what you did as a healer.

Etienne shifted and was unsure what to say. He didn't know how to tell her. He didn't know how to do what she wanted. He could not be what she wanted. So instead. He gave a soft nod.

I will do wut I can.
1,356 Posts
Ooc — ebony
heda wasn't sure she knew how to reach etienne. wondering if he was as closed to druid as he seemed to be to her, she nodded, straightening.
thanking him didn't seem to have an impact, and she felt awkward as she tried to think of anything else to say. 
had heda known etienne's fears over she and anselm, she might have choked.
"mireille has always been one of my closest friends. it's — i like having some of sapphique here, in you."
she stood then, meaning to return to the den.
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
987 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Etienne wasn't trying to be difficult. Truly. He just had so much going on in the head of his,that it was almost difficult to even verbalize such things. Once upon a time he had been an open child, but that had brought him heartache.

A smile lit up his face at the mention of his auntie, a general softening around his edges. A soft chuckle.

I love my auntie, but 'er is wild. Very different from my Mama. Auntie is fierce in her love of us, Mama is gentle.

Etienne smiled again as he thought of home. I 'ope i can live up to expectation den. Sapp'ique is it's own titan.
1,356 Posts
Ooc — ebony
he softened, glowed; heda loved to see this look upon etienne. "you miss them," she observed with an aching heart. he spoke of his family in the way that she thought of her lost children. tears suddenly, annoying, dewed her lashes.
"how long has it been since you saw them?"
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
987 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Etienne could no more hide the love for his family, than he could hide his soft nature. But this nature was what had brought him here.

She looked as if she were about to cry and lord help him. He wanted to make her feel better and yet an ugly darkness made him wonder if it wasn't just karma. But he stuffed that down. And berated himself for such a terrible thought.

Please don't be sad, 'eda.

He tilted a sodt ear forward a quizzical look upon his face as he thought.

I saw Mama and Suzu few weeks before i came 'ere. Den Suzu came rite after Glaukos made me stay. I tot 'er 'ad gone 'ome. 'Er 'ad beem visitin' me. W'en I didn't return. Suzu came 'ere.
1,356 Posts
Ooc — ebony
self-deprecating laugh; "sorry," heda said, dashing the offending moisture from her eyes for the sake of them both. "so only suzu has been here?" she murmured, more to herself than a question.
the golden eyes found etienne in soft wonder; "will you go back one day? to stay?" like she and druid had, heda thought, musing over whether it was the same for the man in front of her.
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
987 Posts
Ooc — Danni
You don't need to apologize for your feelings, 'Eda. Not ever. Dey be your own. You only apologize if you 'urt otters.

Oh if this stubborn sea born only followed his own advice. If he only didn't feel guilty for his feelings. But alas he had never learned to apply his own advice to his own life.

A nod of his head. Yes only Suzu. But Suzu is mmm, my protector, my best friend. I would die for 'er as quick as 'er would for me. Dere is a bond between Suzu and I. We never go far witout makin' sure we bot' okay.

A soft laugh, a little sad, a little surprised.

I don't know. I do not be tinkin Anselm would like it dere, an' my mama an' auntie, make mince meat of 'im at first. I promised 'im I would not abandon 'im. Even if 'e does so first.

He shifted. De sea always be part of me. 'Er rises up deep w'en i be needin' 'er most. So I never really left.
1,356 Posts
Ooc — ebony
heda wasn't sure she agreed, but she certainly had no desire to argue with etienne over his graciousness toward her. she loved to hear about his deep connection with suzu, and wished that her own relationship with her own sister could be described half so intensely. she adored druid and wanted only the best for her, prepared to defer in most ways as they led rivenwood together, but — it didn't feel the same, and that was heda's own fault.
mincemeat! she lifted a paw as not to laugh aloud at that, but it showed in her eyes. it was also telling that etienne didn't even blink or imagine a world without anselm, that his first response was to think of how the dour man might fare so far from the mountains.
the sea. "you're right that it never leaves," she answered in a bare manner, thinking of sweetharbor and its warm tidepools. "i'm glad you have a family who loves you so much." she cleared her throat. "i think i'd include anselm in that too."
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
987 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Etienne couldn't really imagine a life without Suzu in it. It felt foreign and grey and sad. Truthfully when they were old and gray he hoped he didn't live past her. That thought alone was enough to break his heart and it hadn't even happened yet. It was so far in the future.

A small laugh and he pressed a paw down with a little hop. You tink I be lyin 'eda! You know very well wut my auntie be doin to dat poor man. I don't know if 'e survive it. If anyone is de sea in all 'er glory an' vegenace it be auntie.

Etienne froze at her words. His smile growing slightly fixed. He didn't know what to say. Anselm did not love him. He needed him to not abandon him. He did not care what Etienne did with his life as long as he didn't leave.

A twitch of his ear. A soft clearing of throat. O' i wouldn't be goin dat far 'eda. I don't even be knowin' if I would call us friends. 'E 'as always tolerated me, not love.
1,356 Posts
Ooc — ebony
she laughed now, truly and brightly. "i believe it, etienne! and i think it would be good for him in the end, don't you?" it was quite obvious that anselm was in need of proper feminine attention, perhaps in the form of dressings-down.
she searched him for a moment. "he told me to leave you alone, you know. when — well." her golden eyes said she bore no malice for this revelation, not any longer. "maybe he's not sure if it's love, but that's what it looks like to me. just — rougher."
was that what it was like for glaukos?
she sighed, signalling that they could just stay with easier topics. that was better for everyone.
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
987 Posts
Ooc — Danni
It was good to hear her laugh. She hadn't laughed in so long. And it was nice to know she could still be lively. Heda had not had a good time of it lately

A soft shrug of rounded shoulders. Per'aps 'eda. But witout words no one will know.

No malice in his gaze just gentle hurt and acceptance. That he didn't belong in such a place.

He dipped his head when she allowed the topic to change.

Do you need anyting 'eda? You 'ave been working your self to deat?
1,356 Posts
Ooc — ebony
"i don't need anything, etienne. we just need peace here. and if i have to apologize a thousand times to have it, i will."
in the recesses of her heart, heda was not sure they trusted one another and she wasn't completely sure why. "do you want to come with me to the lagoon? i'd like to find a place to baptize ezra and gideon, when it's time."
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
987 Posts
Ooc — Danni
[quote="Heda" pid='622176'
He listened and nodded. It was true. But she didn't need to apologize anymore. He had forgive easily. As was his way.

Etienne didn't trust her. Because he knew she cared for the mam he loved. And a part of him had no doubt that if given a choice. Anselm would choose her a thousand times. And it hurt.

I will come wit' you. Dere maybe nice plants I can use.
1,356 Posts
Ooc — ebony
last for me <3

heda did not know it would be one of the last times she and etienne ever walked together, spoke together, communed together.
there was a deep pleasantness in her, then, to truly only experience these moments for the truth of what they were.
druid was her sister. maybe etienne could be her friend.