Redtail Rise three sundays in a week
899 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Pack Activity 
for the pack to meet the kiddos, formally! please let @Redd @Masquerade @Relic post first and then me, and then we'll be there and you can says hello!

it's a mild, overcast day on the Rise, and Avicus hopes to take her children to the rendezvous for the first time. not for good—they still have some growing to do—but at least for a while. long enough to stretch their legs and for her to enjoy some space.

they're growing like weeds, and the four of them are cramped more every day inside her den. she loves them, but she's growing irritable.

she slips from the shadows into the light, and barks for their attention, whether they be outside, inside, playing, napping, whatever. it's time for them to go, and her tail swings a little impatiently as she waits, much like a human mother, tapping her toe.
but see, amid the mimic rout,
a crawling shape intrude —
a blood-red thing that writhes from out
the scenic solitude
951 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Tracker
Nearly six weeks old now, Masquerade looked more wolfish every day: eyes bright and clear; ears soft as velvet but erect; teeth painfully but successfully cut; legs small but mighty; and tail so long and locomotive, it was almost weaponized. And it never stopped moving these days, while she soaked up all the sensory input the wilderness could offer a young cub. Masque reveled in her growth and development, without ever once being aware of it.

She particularly enjoyed it when Avicus led them on adventures beyond the small den site. When the Wealda emerged and summoned her children, Masque hastily dropped the bone she was chewing—it helped sooth her aching gums—and rushed to greet her mother. She bounced on the balls of her feet, reaching to lick at Avicus’s jaw, whining with eager anticipation as her overgrown tail beat her mother’s forelegs.
MATURE CONTENT WARNING: Graphic violence is a common theme in this character's threads. Reader discretion is advised.

I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
385 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Something was different today.  Their mother was restless in a way that foretold of change.  Redd watched her masked sibling as she eagerly greeted her.  She had slipped out from behind to stand near but would hold her excitement.  Something more was coming.
78 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Relic had been holed up inside the den. Not asleep or listless by any means. But watching the world with sharp, intent eyes. Eyes that peered out from the shadows while he refined his instincts by gnawing on a strip of hide. Like his sisters, the young boy had grown by leaps and bounds in the recent weeks. His markings were more distinct than before. His coloration more vibrant. His body had stretched out into that of a sturdy youngster. He was still very much puppy like, though.

When his mother called, he sprung up from his spot in an instant. He shot outside towards her, with Masquerade's excitement rubbing off on him. He balanced on his hind legs, reaching up with puppy jaws lined with needle teeth to grab softly for an ear. In typical puppy fashion, he somehow tangled himself up with Masquerade and got wedged in between Avicus's forelegs. Which meant of course, getting swatted in the face by a tail.
600 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Ashlar and Redd can both be somewhat skippable here since I'll be doubling. And because I'm riding that strugglebus lately

Ashlar knew that the pups were getting old enough to be allowed to greet the pack officially. He was thrilled when he saw them about in the company of their mother and he approached, stopping a short distance off with a broad smile on his face. It did not matter how often he saw them - they always seemed larger than the last time!!

He let out a happy yip and bounced, then bent into a bow with his tail waving high. If they were here to play then he would gladly begin the chase! But only if Avicus allowed it. He would let them close the distance if they chose to.
899 Posts
Ooc — mercury
as Masquerade's lengthy tail hammers against her legs, and Relic too joins the fray, Avicus stands there with a listless, wearied expression much akin to that disappointed puppy meme. it's only when her son reaches for an ear that she snaps back to attention, reaching down to take the bridge of his nose gently but firmly in her teeth.

once discipline has been doled out, and the trio properly rounded up, she herds them down the path to the rendezvous, eyes shifting every so often to keep them in her periphery.

the first one to be seen is Ashlar, and she gives him a cold but cordial whuff, letting her children have at him in play. as they scatter, she stands to the side for a moment, and then lifts her muzzle in a howl for @Prophet, @Augur, and @Aventus. @Arielle is invited, too, but she wonders whether she's well enough to come, especially if all her potential babysitters are occupied here.

Avicus stands proudly at the edge of the clearing, watching her boisterous brood with satisfaction in her gaze.
but see, amid the mimic rout,
a crawling shape intrude —
a blood-red thing that writhes from out
the scenic solitude
951 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Tracker
Relic materialized beside her, bumping against her as he also reared on his hind legs. Rather than offer Avicus the same submissive licks, he snatched at her ear. Masque watched in fascination as their mother put her brother in his place. She crouched and retreated herself, eyes still pinned to the pair as she sidled over to nudge against Redd.

Before long, Avicus guided the trio away from the den site. Masquerade stood still for half a heartbeat, long tail dangling crookedly, before abruptly bounding after the departing Wealda. She spent much of the trip nipping at Relic’s swinging tail, enjoying the journey without a thought toward its destination.

But then the small caravan came to a halt someplace new. Masque stopped abruptly and someone bumped into her. She paid it no attention, her eyes quickly cutting to the familiar form of Ashlar. His body language was loud and clear: he wanted to play.

Before she could decide between that and exploring this new space, Avicus’s voice rose into the air. Masquerade whipped her head toward the Wealda, her throat already beginning to ripple. She didn’t know the purpose of the summons, though she could not resist the instinctive urge to join the rallying cry.

Afterward, she caught her breath, then promptly and without any warning whatsoever pounced at the nearby Redd, attempting to grab her muzzle like she’d seen Avicus do to Relic just moments ago.
MATURE CONTENT WARNING: Graphic violence is a common theme in this character's threads. Reader discretion is advised.

I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
385 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Redd watched the lesser one prance and took a moment to weigh joining in.  She knew he would not strike first.  His play was too gentle to be so interesting.

Her sister was another story.  Redd crouched as Masquerade came for her muzzle and opened her mouth, revealing her teeth in a silent show of warning.  If her sister did not stop, she would wrestle back, unwilling to let herself be cowed by one her own size.
Redtail Rise
708 Posts
Ooc — ebony
the children tumbled out of doors.

augur rumbled in approval as red woman taught one of them their place.

blacktail was inviting them to play. augur kept back a little, still as he looked at all of them.

each could be his. none could be his. it did not matter. the children were of the rise and so he would guard them.
298 Posts
Ooc — siv
He felt a tight grip when he watched them.

Lively and healthy.

Augur and Ashler were present as well. They were spared little attention in favor of the child, of Avicus. To her he would rumble warmly. Going as far to approach her and seek a place near her if she did not usher him off.

He would watch over the children with pride.
600 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
skipping bc I wanted to give something to respond to <3 lmk if this isn't okay!

Ashlar could see the distance in Avicus' expression and it brought an uncomfortable feeling, the shame returning for what it seemed he'd done to her. He wasn't sure it was something he could make right. It grew worse when Prophet approached and drew up alongside, nearer than he would be able to reach right now. They shared something - something Ashlar had lost his chance in. Even if he couldn't change it, and even if he knew he had children somewhere that thrived... he couldn't help his regret.

Ashlar turned his attention to the puppies. Two of them sparred with each other and did not seem interested in him, so he focused on the third. He gave the pup a light tap with his paw, then sprang back with a playful huff. He wanted to get the boy to chase him... initially, at least. Ashlar would make the catch easy, allowing him the practice of playfully attacking a much larger target than he was used to.
951 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Tracker
I’m not sure if there’s a post order but I wanted to sneak in a little something to dodge the checker, hope that’s okay!

Redd did not take kindly to Masque’s bid for dominance. Despite the initial gumption behind the attempt, something triggered within the gray pup when her sister bared her teeth and braced in obvious preparation to retaliate. She backpedaled, the brief upswing of her tail now dropping to dangle lifelessly behind her, though her head remained upright, ears folded backward.

A beat or two passed, then her slightly defensive posture grew more ambivalent, her head dropping even as her tail levered upward a few inches. Her ears unfolded, pricking. Masque grinned wolfishly at her sister, wondering if Redd would push for dominance or if she was satisfied as equals for the moment.

I used this infographic as a reference.
MATURE CONTENT WARNING: Graphic violence is a common theme in this character's threads. Reader discretion is advised.

I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
78 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Recognizing his error for his over-enthusiasm, Relic's ears pinned down. He stilled under the hold of his mother's teeth round his muzzle. He would not contest her authority. No one did. Once order was restored, he kept in stride with his sisters and mother. Relieved to be free and out in the open, but never straying far.

Avicus made a summons. He watched her, the instinct to imitate climbing in his throat. Then they appeared, one by one. The larger ones. He recognized them all, in a way. Ashlar by scent alone, as it had been he who had first tended to him at birth. Augur from his pale color and early days by the den. Prophet by sight and association, from when he and Redd had tried their hand at hunting for the very first time.

While his sisters postured and sorted out their dominance as those of the same sex do, Relic sized up the adults. When he had not been looking, he felt a tap on his spine. He whirled instinctively, going for the offending black paw. It was all in good fun, as he noted the other's playful stance. He charged, aiming for Ashlar's tail.
385 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
I think with so many it makes sense to kind of post where it makes sense? Since others are in the background.  If we don't want to operate that way, though, that's fine.  Lmk <3

Masquerade dropped to a more neutral posture and Redd's teeth disappeared immediately.  Continuing the status quo was her preference.  There might come a day when a hierarchy existed among them, but at this age, the idea of such a thing dissatisfied her.  She should not need to listen to both those larger and those of her size.

Her tail lifted playfully and Redd batted at her sister's ear lightly, hopping sideways to engage her in a bit of play wrestle.  There would be no stakes, only practice and fun.
600 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
His tail was in danger! Ashlar laughed as Relic came and tried to catch his tail. He whirled to try and make it a harder target, but he did not wish to completely discourage him. He also could not go far.

After a few moments, if the boy hadn't caught it, Ashlar would allow him to. When he had, Ashlar would turn and attempt to roll him sideways with a playful growl. If he succeeded, he'd give his belly a small rub with his muzzle. Ashlar would not use his teeth on the pup.
951 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Tracker
With an equilibrium established between the sisters, Masque’s attention shifted again. After whuffling quietly against Redd’s jawbone, she turned and padded into the broader expanse of what would someday soon be their official rendezvous site. She gazed at the scenery, then peered at each of the wolves milling about it in turn.

Last but not least, her gaze found Avicus looking on from the edge of the clearing. Masquerade felt compelled to sidle over to the Wealda, tail waving as it so often did. She nipped at the woman’s chin, then glided in between her forelegs like some overgrown kitten. After the brief display of affectionate deference, she bounded back toward the middle of the glade to explore.

I think this will be my last here! :)
MATURE CONTENT WARNING: Graphic violence is a common theme in this character's threads. Reader discretion is advised.

I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
Redtail Rise
708 Posts
Ooc — ebony

he watched the pups wrestle, posture.

they were strong children, reflective of the savagery in which red woman and blood eyes had guided the pack.

augur chuffed to them. he thumped his tail, inviting any closer if they so chose. or dared.