Wapun Meadow tickle that cheek and take your throne.
my darkness is shining
280 Posts
Ooc — Lauren
in the long hours of a clear night, ava woke to the sound of a scream again.

she followed heda's scent outward. it trailed over rough ground, at last fanning out into an open meadow. in the summer, this haven was beautiful -- but now, in the height of winter, it had no grace to it.

and heda's tracks faded into nothing.

ava whined. as she circled the place where heda's scent was last detectable, she became aware something else was here too.

a large shape, slow moving and impossibly black. ava's fur stood on end as she caught sight of its deep set and piggish eyes -- the way they fell upon her indifferently, framed by the offset teak of a waning moon.

ava gasped and began to run, pursued by the heavy shuffle of a predator.

she bolted across the fen, gaining distance with each stride. but still she dared not stop or look behind her, for fear of seeing a slavering mouth and thudding claws coming after her.

running and running and running, blindly -- not even bothering to slow as she came upon a stream studded by stones.

ava's feet lost their purchase, her body slipping out underneath her as her head flew to the stone with a sickening crack!

*  *  *

dawn came to the meadow, dousing the world in soft beams of yellow. ava's body remained by the stream, the only thing still in a moment abreast with wakening life.
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
1,109 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Screams breaking the night amd Eti woke with fright. The narrow lime of his chest racing and he jumped to sandy paws.

Without thought or care he raced from his nest. The sand and brown of his fur leading him into darkness. Golden eyes on the world ahead of them.

It was a youngling he found. Blood pooling beneath her. A soft curse in haitian left his mouth and he gently sniffed her over. His granmothers language leaving his lips in his fear.

Ou anfom? ti fi presye?
my darkness is shining
280 Posts
Ooc — Lauren
eti the MVP <3 feel free to PP ava

when etienne came upon ava, her breath was scarcely detectable. along the top of her skull was a hideous line where red sprung.

she did not hear his breathless exclamation. she threaded the thin membrane of consciousness, coming to life only to offer a piteous cry of pain when he reached out for her.
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
1,109 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Horror colored his eyes. Soft tears spring to them at the child's piteous cry. He looked around wild eyed. Catching sight of nearby reeds. He tugged pieces of the soft fluff. Catching in his teeth in claws. Throwing prayers to any god would hear. The haitian creole dripping from his tongue quick and thick.

He pressed it gently to the wound. Binding tight with river spider webs. Then with a strength borne from mothers of the sea he shifted until he could place the girl upon his shoulders and back.

Lwgs wobbling but a grit of teeth. He walked towards the borders and hoped that either @Anselm or @Fiona would be there to help him.
my darkness is shining
280 Posts
Ooc — Lauren
last for me! <3

ava's world swam to black.

she was limp as etienne carried her. it was for the best, for had she been awake she would have struggled -- and it would have made everything worse.

small droplets of blood splattered the snow underfoot.

ava's head rolled gently with each stride.
163 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Fiona kept replaying the moment when Anselm had shown something other than anger. She could not know what had been there beneath it, but there was some glimmer of hope that he could overcome it. She stood on the eastern ridge, overlooking the world below, when she spotted a small blot of movement against the white of snow. Etienne had something across his back. Something dark.

More curious than concerned, Fiona made her way in no rush down the side of the mountain, coming to meet Etienne just as the meadow began to slope upward into mountain. The sharp smell of blood made her think that he had brought home a meal, though she wondered why he had gone so far when the hollow boasted some of the finest hunting she had ever encountered. As she drew closer, she realized that the dark bobbing head belonged to a younger wolf.

She didn't even know where to begin. What was Etienne thinking? They could barely afford to feed themselves, and Anselm was no saint. He was more likely to kill the girl than allow her to stay.
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
1,109 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Etienne had nothing but heart to offer the wolves of the hollow. It was all he could give. And he did his best. Loyal and steadfast.

He knew Anselm would be furious, but he also knew Anselm had a soft heart for little girls. They reminded him of his sister. And he also knew that Anselm knew Eti would never leave someone alone if they needed him. And if he didn't he hadn't been paying attention.

Etienne almost buckled but he forced himself to continue. Golden eyes intense and stormy. Focused on the task at hand. Beautiful in his tender heartedness. His mother's son. And he didn't care if anyone thought it wrong.
163 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
It was as though Etienne looked right past her. She'd been standing right in front of him, and he moved forward as if she weren't even there. Fiona blinked. Maybe Etienne had done this. Or maybe Anselm had, and Etienne felt responsible for her now that she was so badly injured. Droplets of blood spilled on the ground with each step, and Fiona found herself losing her patience, something that she had kept a hold of for a long time.

Etienne, stop. If you want to save her, you have to stop moving her. Fiona jogged up to his side, then placed herself in front of him so he would have to stop. With an injury like that to her head, she shouldn't have been moved at all. Fiona reserved any further scolding remarks for some other time.
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
1,109 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Etienne was determined to get the she wolf inside the packlamds. She was wet and cold.

A soft huff as Fiona stepped in his way.

I am aware. I am no fool, but 'er needs warm and dry! Fell in de river soakin'. And bleedin' i s'ouldn't 'ave even moved 'er. Get out if my way, Fiona. I need to get "er w'ere i can be warmin' 'er up. De reeds will only 'old briefly until i can be gettin' permanent dressin'

Etienne was a calm wolf. But he didn't like anyone to assume he couldn't heal correctly when he knew how. Had literally been healing since he was a pup.
163 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
He resisted her advice, and Fiona found herself wanting to kill the girl herself so she didn't have to suffer such mistreatment. She could hear the frustration in his voice, but she thought she heard panic, too.

We can warm her here, Fiona insisted, her tongue sharper this time. You lay on one side, I'll lay on the other. If you keep moving her, it's going to rattle her brain and she won't wake up from this sleep. That wound isn't going to stop bleeding if her head is flailing all around like that. She now felt more sure that she would be accepting no healing from this man in the future. Her hunch had been correct about that at least. If you put her down, we can press on the wound, slow the blood.
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
1,109 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Golden eyes nsrrowed. And a soft balm of regret that he allowed this wolf anywjere nesr the psck. That he had vouched for her.

The snottiness in her words irked him. But he could see the truth in her words even if she riled him.

He shifted and with gentliness rarely seen he settled to remove the girl from his back. Mindful of her head.

'elp me get 'er down. Watc' 'er 'ead. 'Er 'as small line of wound. I got bleedin' stopped. Couldn't wake 'er.

He net her gaze and gave a soft huff. Do not speak to me wit' serpents tongue, but t'ank you for assistance. I am well aware how to 'eal regardless of w'at you t'ink evident by your tone and body language.

His natural predilection for knowing more about body language than most helping him here.

i will edit that if her body language doesn't seem as open. I just figured given his unique ways he'd be able to tell she was irked with him. But if you want me to change that or it seems ppish i will edit.
596 Posts
Ooc — Lauren
Following his interaction with Fiona, Anselm sought out Etienne. He was the only wolf Anselm passingly trusted — and last time he’d been hurt, it had been Etienne to save him. 

He limped after the healer’s scent, growing suspicious as he sensed blood mixed with the aroma of earth. As he followed deeper, he saw new tracks join the imprints left in the dirt. 


Anselm’s heart flared with fury: was she absconding with his healer so quick after Anselm’s warning? He picked up a hobbling lope, ready to sink his fangs in her hide. 

He was not prepared for the spectacle the met him. Etienne and Fiona huddled around a dark shape, the scent of blood and packed reeds in the air. A tension emanated from both - but it was the small figure that held Anselm’s attention. 

Vhat is this? Anselm barked, cutting between the two of them in a move meant to do more than simply end their conversation. He looked to both of them in disbelief, ready to fling this orphan girl  out by her hair were it not for an infuriatingly familiar scent clinging to her pelt. 

The widow.
163 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Fiona ignored his reprimands. He thought himself a healer, and yet he had been ready to kill the girl. It wasn't as though she had time, anyway.

Anselm was soon upon the trio, and Fiona took several steps back, putting distance between herself and Etienne. She kept her eyes on Anselm as he sniffed at the unconscious adolescent. She did not speak, knowing that anything might set his teeth upon her. It was better to wait, to listen.

To her surprise, he did not put the younger girl out of her misery. Did he know her? A relative, perhaps?
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
1,109 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Etienne ahifted as Anselm came towards them. Gilden eyes upon white face. A soft glance.

Anselm! You be 'urt.

A part of him wanted to ignore the girl and help the mountain man. But he blinked.

I found 'er wounded in the riverbed. Bad 'ead wound. It would been better not to move 'er, but 'er needs warmth and dryness and I need to try and wake 'er up. Fiona and I were just disagreein' about it. W'ich foolish, wastin' time. I realize

He frowned and glared at the ground. Can i 'elp 'er?
596 Posts
Ooc — Lauren
Vhat? I’m fine. Anselm raised his muzzle to peer pointedly at Fiona in irritation. He noticed how quickly she stepped back; an ugly bolus of irritation sat malevolently in the back of his throat. 

He looked to the girl, her head split from cheek to ear where blood darkened her fur. 

Was it too late to put her back?

They couldn’t afford this. The hollow’s caches were not a free for all pantry — and the girl was in no position to earn her keep. 

Ve are not running an orphanage, Etienne. Anselm exhaled, meeting the golden gaze of the man whose heart was too open for his own good. Ve cannot afford to adopt every starveling that comes along! How are ve to feed her? Yet the fire of his outrage petered out as he saw Etienne’s worried expression. Irritated, Anselm ran his tongue across his cut muzzle in thought. 

His focus turned to the fading scent threads with a lash of his tail. If you save her, you feed her. When she vakes, ve bring her back to vhere you found her.
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
1,109 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Eti frowned. I will 'elp you later. Not fine. moun fou.

Etienne saw the look on Anselm's face. And each word caught and his worry deepened and his heart tightened. He didn't know if he had it in him to leave the girl. And yet he also didn't know if he could make a stand against Anselm in this regard.

But he was in for a surprise when Anselm agreed to let him help. She was his responsibility if he saved her, but that was fine. He ghosted forward as if to grasp the other male in a hug, but stopped. Golden eyes bright and shiny. A gentle smile.

T'ank you, Anselm. I will take care of 'er den come find you. Yea.

Then with as gentle as he could muster he shifted to move the girl further in the pack lands
He would not ask Fiona to help him. She had shown him a side he didn't care for.

if alright. I'll have Eti leave here. And we can have a thread @Ava Amara where he heals her and i can have him seek out Anselm too. Or he can stay and have Fiona help if you'd prefer that Aerin. Just let me know <3
596 Posts
Ooc — Lauren
Moun fou. 

Anselm stiffened as Etienne rose towards him, golden gaze liquid soft. Anselm was not so charitable. His expression soured as he looked down to the girl, then Fiona. 

Women. Always more trouble than they were worth. And now there were three more mouths to feed than Anselm ever wanted. 

He shared one silent, hard look in Fiona’s direction before giving a grunt in acknowledgement to Etienne. Anselm would have nothing to do with helping a stranger. He turned his back on both, as if to make a point of it. 

Moun fou. He limped away in a stiff legged gait. Though no party could witness it, a scarcely contained affectionate smile threatened to break the stormy countenance of Anselm’s face.
163 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
last from me!

Fiona could hardly believe what she witnessed. First, Anselm agreeing to allow the girl to stay with them. Second, Etienne once again moving the girl and quite possibly making her brain into scrambled eggs. The "healer" would get no help from her. That girl, if she survived, was going to have a rotten brain.