Northstar Vale A New Life
58 Posts
Ooc — Half Moon.
Celara was tired. Exhaustion clawed at her, slowing her pace and dragging at her eyelids. But the thought of resting, of seeing in her dreams the pain and fear of the last 3 months, was worse than any fatigue. She could go on another night. Celara walked on, barely noticing the mountains rising around her or the rain falling on her pelt. She did however, notice the scent marker of an unfamiliar pack. She stared into space for a long time, trying to think of what to do. The thought of other packs scared her, but this one had not fought her own, and had its own large territory. She had been alone for so long that the prospect of any company was appealing, but what if they were agressive? At last she howled at the border, digging her paws into the ground to keep herself from running. She hoped against hope that the pack would be friendly, and allow her in.
Swiftcurrent Creek
970 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
The fact that Ibis was pregnant had certainly stunned him—but shouldn’t he have expected that? Akavir might have come across as stupid thus far to the creamy dove, but he was (or so he hoped) far from it.

It terrified him. It exhilarated him. It was likely to define him.

His pace around the borders was quickened when the scent of another drifted to him. He had yet to truly prove himself to the pack, and the Mayfair not only had pups of his own on the way, but the Empress also was expecting. There would be no room for mistakes on the borders—and the howl of the stranger caused his guard to raise further, the swarthy shadow uttering a low bark to garner her attention as she came to view.
58 Posts
Ooc — Half Moon.
Seeing the unfamiliar wolf, Celara almost panicked. She mananaged to calm herself down enough enough to avoid fleeing by digging her toes farther into the ground. If the wolf was hostile, she would not be able to escape, and trying would look suspicious. She needed to stay calm and speak normally. Celara spoke at last. 

"I... I am Celara Argenti. I come in p-peace.
Swiftcurrent Creek
970 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
Sorry for delay, @Celara!
She was a nervous creature—the shift as she dug her paws to the ground, the tension that rose from her in waves—all of it caused his brows to quirk upward in mild surprise. Champagne eyes studied her carefully, his tail waving behind him in a casual manner, hoping to reveal to the she-wolf he meant no harm, lest she start something.

He definitely didn’t think she would.

He tipped his muzzle down in a light nod at her introduction. “Akavir,” he replied smoothly, quirking a smirk to his lips. “From what I gather, peace is what this pack thrives on. What brings you to our borders, Celara?”
58 Posts
Ooc — Half Moon.
The wolf did not seem hostile, but Celara remained wary. She stared into space trying to think of what to say. Finally, she spoke again.
"I didn't come on accid-on purpose. I was running, and I came." 
It wasn't quite true. She had been to tired to run for the past couple days.
She considered voicing the thought that had been in her head through the entire conversation. It seemed like it was asking to much, but she had nothing to lose from it, really. Celara steeled herself, and spoke.
"Does your pack need new members?"
236 Posts
Ooc — Impala
Collision made his way across the Vale and brought himself nearest the borders. He had made it clear that he would check every single chance he got and he would do his best to prevent the need for Reiko. She was advancing in her pregnancy and Collision did wish she would allow some of the methaphorical weight of leadership to fall off her. 

 Both of the wolves that he arrived to see were stranger's to himself. However, the black wolf wore the scent of another around that Collision was familiar with--and the boy's own scent was not lost to him. It had not been around the Empire long, but Collision was decidedly only curious about the girl. She stood in almost cowardly regard. There was nothing to fear. 

 The dark wolf faced her and Collision did not wish to usurp him in the fact that he had already answered so he stood behind him a distance and left the reigns in his capability.  He only wished to answer and to offer his assitance, "Is everything alright?" To be honest he was surprised Reiko or Ibis one had not yet made their presence known.
Interested in threading with me?
check out my OOC account for more information

 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
58 Posts
Ooc — Half Moon.
Celara had just spoken when she caught sight of a something moving in the distance. As it came closer, she realized it was another wolf. It- He was large and dark grey, with amber eyes. He looked powerful, but showed no hostility, just curiosity. Still, being outnumbered made her feel more panicked than before. The new wolf said something to Akavir, but Celara did not hear it. She saw more movement in the distance.
taking a ride on a cosmic train
649 Posts
Ooc — Noki
Rachel let me pop ahead of her to bring Reiko in, please wait for Akavir to post after Reiko! <3

The howl had rang through the lands and Reiko tried her best to come and answer it. Her legs were sluggish and it took longer than usual for her to come and greet the stranger at the border. Huffing as she came over the horizon, she was glad to see a few of the men already gathering to meet the stranger, Collision and Akavir and the Empress offered them both a smile as she tried to regain her breath before speaking to the gentle stranger.

Catching her final request of the pack having space for anyone new. Phew- Breathless she tried to speak through a brilliant smile, huffing all the while. I'm Reiko, Empress of the Reneian Empire. I see Akavir and Collision have already greeted you. A couple more breaths, a wag of the tail to come off as friendly as possible to the anxious-looking woman.

We certainly so have space for one more - may I ask what you are seeking by joining us? Perhaps what you are capable of? The usual, getting to know the new face as much as possible so they may fit in more naturally than throwing them in the deep end and hoping they figure out how to paddle among the ranks. Even if she just sought sanctuary, it was something to know and be aware of.
Hiromi, Yuudai and Takeshi are welcome in all threads Reiko is in unless marked as Private! When outside of Northstar Vale it is always assumed one of her guards is near by and will be tagged into the thread if necessary!
Healing (2/6)
Severe bite wounds along neck, moderate along nape, and bruising. Healing will take 6 weeks starting Saturday, July 04.

Swiftcurrent Creek
970 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
Feel free to skip quiet Akavir unless he's addressed so this can move along more quickly!
She was straight to the point—something the swarthy wolf could appreciate, given the pregnant she-wolves currently within their ranks. There were others as acting guardians—but given the desire to protect those within their borders, Akavir was keen on seeing the intention of the other.

She wanted to join. He couldn’t imagine Reiko nor Ibis turning her away, but he also was not in the place to determine, either way. A small smile was given to her, and before he could respond, his ear gave a flicker to the rumbling sound of another masculine voice. His eyes shifted to Collision, giving a nod to the male in quiet response. There was no hostility among any of them—stances remained neutral, but either way, it was good to see another with the desire to protect those within their home.

“Reiko, our Empress, or Ibis our Queen will likely be along shortly,” he offered the girl. Both being pregnant, he imagined they grew wearier each day—it would be up to the rest of the pack to pull the bulk of the work in the meantime.

Before he could engage further, Reiko had come. The pale she-wolf was a creature of beauty, certainly, especially with the glow of life from within. His muzzle dipped in response to the regal of their lands, allowing his silence to grow, though his form remained rooted to the spot—until the wolf was either accepted or denied, he had no intention of leaving Reiko alone at the borders.
58 Posts
Ooc — Half Moon.
Celara took deep breath as the beautiful she-wolf came into view. They were not hostile. She listened to the words of the pale wolf and gritted her teeth until her gums bled as attempted to formulate her reply. At last, she spoke, doing her best not to stutter.

"I... I am Celara Argenti. I seek safety and company. I can hunt, and fight. " 

She ducked her head in a gesture of submission. The she-wolf had an air of authority about her. She was almost certainly be the one who would decide.
236 Posts
Ooc — Impala
The situation no longer called for his presence and so he would step backwards with a nod to Akavir, Reiko, and the potential new Reneian. He would turn and continue his rounds for the day. If things should go awry he was certain they would call out, but the girl posted no threat. Not one that Akavir could not handle himself. 

Interested in threading with me?
check out my OOC account for more information

 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
taking a ride on a cosmic train
649 Posts
Ooc — Noki
As Collision decided to leave, Reiko offered a thankful nod in his direction for coming to greet the stranger as well. Once he left, the Empress focused on Celara once more to listen as she offered her services. A hunter, and a fighter. They have a few fighters already, and even then it was never bad to have more than enough than not enough - Celara as a huntress was probably the most promising point.

I think you would be more than welcome to join us, Celara. But before she could make it official, she turned her attention to Akavir, Ibis' lover. Not wanting to ignore his presence, he had known Celara longer too being here before Reiko was. What do you think, Akavir? Wanting to show him that she valued his opinion as well in such decisions.

I will place Celara in the ranks, I'm assuming Akavir won't deny her by how this thread has gone :P if i am wrong please let me know! I just think Celara has waited long enough LOL!
Hiromi, Yuudai and Takeshi are welcome in all threads Reiko is in unless marked as Private! When outside of Northstar Vale it is always assumed one of her guards is near by and will be tagged into the thread if necessary!
Healing (2/6)
Severe bite wounds along neck, moderate along nape, and bruising. Healing will take 6 weeks starting Saturday, July 04.

Swiftcurrent Creek
970 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
He remained quiet—soldier-like in his stance near Reiko, albeit forcefully relaxed. The culture of the Empire was far removed from the lifestyle his father had taught, and so he found himself adjusting to life within its borders.

His muzzle canted toward the soft sound of the Empress’ voice, and his eyes roved over the nervous girl once more, giving a gentle nod of agreement. He saw no reason why such a gentle soul wouldn’t excel within their ranks. “With puppies on the way, I’m sure the extra help would be beneficial,” he murmured, stretching his dark form before giving a shake of his fur. “Speaking of… If you’re okay, lady Reiko, I would like to check on Ibis.”