Swiftcurrent Creek Who do I smell?
61 Posts
Ooc — MAR
All Welcome 
Thyme was glad when he got out of the wetlands. It had taken him longer than expected but the terrain hadn't been very accommodating. The young male had been tired and hungry when the land finally started to appear less soggy. He followed the river as he came from the wetlands, having a quick drink to quench his thirst but also to still his hunger. The male wanted to continue the river down, perhaps finding a place to rest when he stumbled upon a pack's border. The border was very pungent and a clear warning to back off, at least in Thyme's eyes.

Though as he continued on the border, there were sometimes a hint of familiarity in it. The pale young man frowned a little and dared to come closer to the border. Not actually trespassing but sniffing one of the marks. The lanky young male probably looked in quite a state, with mud caked into his fur up to his belly. He couldn't place it yet. He decided to follow the border to the next scent mark.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,113 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
Something about spring seemed to revive activity in the world around them. It surpassed the simplicity of the birds flocking back home—the animals from hibernation awakening. No, their borders were busier than usual, and today was no different—Akavir trailed after a dusty looking fellow, eyes fast upon him, features unreadable.

The wolf’s nose was to the ground—intent on something? Male, it seemed—and as Akavir gained ground, the scent of the other would confirm this suspicion—though he was lean. Life as a rogue, perhaps?

He made no effort to gather the stranger’s attention. Instead, from a distance, he followed—like an animal stalking its prey. Mostly, though, he was interested to see what the lone wolf was so intent on seeking out at their borders.
61 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Thyme was blissfully unaware of the shadow that followed him. He went to a mark and sniffed it. He frowned. It wasn't the scent itself but ... Frustrating! He continued further to the next mark. One where someone had rubbed against a tree. He pressed his nose to it and inhaled. He closed his eyes. Faint... Familiar. He moved his nose to the ground but it didn't tell him anything. He lowered himself, daring a step closer but then pulled himself back. He wasn't that foolish to tress pass.

Thyme trotted away from the border, but after a few paces he stopped. A nagging feeling. He turned back to the tree and sniffed it again. He tried to sniff the air but came up empty. The scent was faint, but then again, if he thought who it was... she might not be really at the borders. But it might not be her, maybe family? It smelled like... when he was a child but so faint. Thyme moved back to where he came from, tracing back the marks on the border, sniffing the air. Perhaps he should just howl and see who came to see him? But he was in such a foul state. Hesitantly he looked into the territory, like that would make him any wiser, debating his approach. Perhaps he should return another day.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,113 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
Languid-paced, Akavir studied from afar. His presence went unnoticed for now—and he intended to keep it that way until it was required. The dust-cloaked wolf investigated, and at times, backtracked to investigate more—drawing a curiosity from the shadow runner that remained masked by outward indifference.

Indecision seemed to rule the stranger—but as the other man paused, so did Akavir, his tail lashing through the air—eyes remaining pointedly upon the lone wolf that seemed so fascinated with his home.
61 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Thyme had backtracked and tried to zone into one of the scents. It was just frustrating that he didn't know, that he couldn't gasp... Thyme sighed. The young male peered into the territory but that didn't seem to give him any clue. His eyes scanned on the landscape until he made eye contact with a large shadow. Or well, at least it was clear the shadow was watching him.

Thyme instantly scrambled back away from the border. He was never one to fight. He was just showing interest. If the male would charge at him he would instantly sprint for his life. However... Maybe the man wouldn't instantly attack. Uh.. Apologies for snooping, he commented, speaking it a little louder before gathering himself. It was clear he was a little wary of him. I think I might know someone of your pack.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,113 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
“You think you might?”

It was an interesting lead to a conversation—Akavir surely wasn’t about to invite a stranger into his home, nor was he going to parade his members about to help ease the other man’s mind. His eyes grazed over the man—muzzle canting thoughtfully. “I can’t really help you if you don’t give me some more information,” he implored, then, his tail giving an idle flick as his dark form remained unchanged—a guardian of his home.

Yet also an Alpha who wasn’t intent on turning away potential recruits.
61 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Thyme looked at him a little guilty at the large man. Ehhh... Yes? He did straighten up a little when the male seemed open to have a conversation with him. He gave himself a quick shake to get that previous tension out of his body. Well, one of the scents on your border is familiar to me, but it is very faint. It has been such a long time ago since I smelled it, he explained. I think it might be one of my family members, he spoke thoughtfully and then looked up hopefully at the man.

Thyme cleared his throat. Well, seeing the scent is not dominant on the borders, I can exclude that it is my father. He had gone missing when he was a child but his mother had told him a lot about him. He seemed like a guy that would patrol the border. My sister maybe or my mom-- My mom! It has to be? She was named Arlette. Then he realized she might changed her name. He had thought of it. White wolf, red eyes. I think it is rather a rare color. I've never seen anyone like her!, he smiled in memory.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,113 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
The man before him seemed to shake off some nervousness—Akavir continued to study him, unrelenting in his expression, though as a rumbling of consideration was offered in ways of a conversation, his patience began to ebb—his gaze owlish.

It was Arlette’s name and the apt description that gave way to subtle understanding, and with a cant of his muzzle, he shifted his weight, muzzle tilting up, a call summoning either Arlette or @Arric to the borders to visit this guest of theirs—though the latter would likely be unknown to the wolf before him.

When his song died down—he considered a moment—realizing the silence was likely not something the younger man was accustom to. “Your mother is here—she’s our most adept healer and our Beta female.”
61 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Thyme watched the male and as he had explained how his mother had looked the leader howled. The young man wagged his tail. Wait what?! His mother was here? He was surprised that it was actually the case. He was filled with an excitement that he hadn't felt in a long time. Wow, he never thought he would see her again. Or his siblings. Wow really?, he spoke. I'm so glad she is doing well, he admitted, now relaxing more. He was pretty sure what the scary man was not going to hurt the child of his Beta. His mother... beta! He had not seen that coming.

I didn't mean to be a creep around your borders. I just couldn't place the scent, he tried to clarify. He offered a sheepish smile. Clearly the young man had been on his own and did have an air of awkwardness.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette heard a howl from the border. It was for her and Arric. She curiously got to her feet, reminded of the extra weight she was carrying. It was clear she was pregnant now, which was actually nice. Perhaps she liked to show it off a little, that she wasn't just tired for no reason. The female went towards the border, curious as to why she was needed. Perhaps a new member or something?

She trotted towards the howl and found Akavir with a young male. Arlette's eyes instantly widened. Thyme!? She made more haste towards the ... man! Her boy was a man! Of course he was, but... gosh. Though he was perhaps a little thin and travel worn. She smiled and approached him with a wag of her tail. So good to see you, she hummed as she embraced him. She then realized that she was pregnant, but not from his father, another male. She was not sure what he thought of that. Have you been well?
Current State
Chewed up nipples
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,113 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
The boy was surprised at this turn of events—in truth, Akavir was, as well. How often did one just happen to stumble across their long lost mother? Still, it made him wonder of Durnehviir—of Constantine.

Of his siblings.

Arlette was on the scene—and the moment her eyes widened at the mere sight of her son, Akavir knew he was imposing, and as such, drifted away from the two, unspeaking, unwilling to interrupt whatever revelation and reunion that would transpire between them.