Poll: What's the maximum amount of time a character should be allowed to remain an NPC?
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3 months
6 months
12 months
34 vote(s)
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NPC limitations
25 Posts
Ooc — Community Managers
Based on community input (thank you all who responded!) we will be restricting how long characters can remain NPCs. We will also be adding a field explaining how others can reference your character that must be filled out when your character is placed in the NPC rank.

What about current NPCs?
Current NPCs will have X months—whatever is chosen in this poll—from this policy change to return to the game. If they do not return to the game within that time, they will need to be written out of the Teekon Wilds. We strongly encourage PMs to reach out to these members now to let them know about the upcoming change!

Who is responsible for keeping up with this?
Pack managers will be responsible for checking in with NPCs in their pack, and if the player does not return, will also be responsible for removing them from the pack all together. Admins will look after the loner NPCs (more on that below).

What about loner NPCs?
Loner NPCs will now be ranked and titled accordingly. They will have the same time limits imposed upon them. Players will need to request this status in maintenance before falling inactive. Parents may request this for inactive puppy players only if the puppy is under 9 months of age.

Please only vote once. If you have any further questions, comments, or concerns, don't hesitate to start a topic in Contact the Staff. This poll will remain open for two weeks.

This account is used for all official CM correspondence. If you have a concern or question, please send a private message or start a thread in our Contact the Staff forum.
25 Posts
Ooc — Community Managers
The results are in! NPCs will now be limited to six months maximum. We will get the field visible on the pack ranks page soon, but it is now available in the profile. Any new NPCs must have this field filled out so other players know how to reference them. Existing NPCs will have until May 6, 2024 to return. If they do not return, they will be written out of Teekon Wilds by existing players.

Pack managers are still welcome to create their own regulations, so long as they follow the maximum limit.

Please note that it may take a few days for our Guidebook to come up to date. :)

This account is used for all official CM correspondence. If you have a concern or question, please send a private message or start a thread in our Contact the Staff forum.
5,274 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
Hey, everybody, the deadline is swiftly approaching so I wanted to bump this thread to remind everyone (particularly Pack Managers) to make plans and preparations for any NPCs who'll max out soon!

Quote:Existing NPCs will have until May 6, 2024 to return. If they do not return, they will be written out of Teekon Wilds by existing players.

-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.