Blackfeather Woods what we do in the shadows [pup activity]
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
Pack Activity 
A little history & lore lesson for the puppies! @Sakhmet @Rowan @Moonshine @Astraea & also tagging mommies @Cassiopeia & @Moonshadow (but really, All Welcome!) Dated July 30, at dusk. First round will end in a week, on August 15.

Maegi was all too aware that she had been lax in her duties here. With so much angst wrapped up around Parvati's betrayal and Ramsay's disappearance, she had kept largely to herself and her babies, shut off from the rest of the pack (the numbers of which were dwindling). The limited ranks disturbed her, but so, too, did her failure to impart her knowledge to the youth of the pack. The wisdom that had been handed down to her.

When had she first learned about Mephala and Sithis? She had been much younger, she remembered, then Moonshadow's children were today. Maegi didn't know if the woman had told her offspring what she knew of the daedra, but even if she had, it was a scant amount compared to the information a Melonii had. Without that knowledge, Blackfeather Woods lost its identity. Without that knowledge, the daedra fell silent.

She reached Nightcaller Temple to the song of crickets, cicadas and evening birds, her pale fur a beacon as dusk fell around her. A dead mouse on the Altar, a quick prayer to Peryite—"guide my tongue, my Lord, my God"—and then Maegi lifted her muzzle in a howl, summoning her children and those of the other mothers in the forest.

Parvati, naturally, was excluded. . .but Maegi didn't think the woman would even have the presence of mind to hear her, much less comprehend the call.

It was time for Maegi to be a teacher again. It had been much too long since her last lesson. And only through imparting this wisdom would she grow, herself, into a better servant of the gods. Only through a shared knowledge would the tenuous threads binding them here together grow stronger, like threads of the heart.
you are an artist and your heart is your masterpiece
46 Posts
Ooc —
Anansi didn't know what to expect when Maegi's summons halted his exploration, but he knew better than to dilly-dally. Disappointed that he wouldn't be able to discover where this underground burrow went, the slender cub paused to deposit a sprinkle of urine so he could hopefully find his way back, then hastened through the woods toward the altar. He was only just a month and a half old, but he was clever and driven. Already he knew most of Blackfeather Woods and could navigate decently. He wasn't permitted near the borders or that wicked willow tree or the ravine (all of which were major temptations to the boy), but everywhere else was his to roam.

It took quite a while longer than Anansi would have liked to find a safe path through Namira's Mire, but the boy was proud and pleased to still be the first to arrive. Maegi stood before the cracked stone that served as a shrine to the daedra and Anansi approached with his tall ears pressed characteristically back and his tail wagging low at his haunches in deference.
"You must make a friend of horror and of mortal terror."
48 Posts
Ooc — Jitterwater
The boy  had been resting alongside Parvati when the call came, and hastily lifted to his paws. He gave his birth mother one cursory glance before striding towards the den mouth, at which point he paused. Sobek could smell his siblings on the wind - mostly Anansi - and as the last vestiges of sleep faded from his mind he looked around at the dark pit that was Wolfskull, realizing he was alone with the slumbering adult. The boy licked his lips thoughtfully as he observed the rise and fall of her sides, but in the end he extracted himself and began to sulk through the forest, hunting for his family.

Sobek came upon his brother's trail first; it was strongest, although tinged with an earthy musk that wasn't typical of his brother. He was briefly dismayed as he came upon the fringe of the mire, and doubled back - spotting a pale figure some ways away, peeking like a moonbeam between black clawed trees. Sobek wasn't experienced enough to be afraid of anything. He approached the figure steadily, slinking along in the manner of a jungle cat... And when he was within range of the pale body, jumped from the darkness with the intention of grappling with whatever piece was closest. It was merely a game, but the boy's fervor would be difficult to ignore.
s t i g m a t a
440 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
He was busy nosing about in a fallen crows nest after whatever had happened in the treetops. Probably knocked down after a dispute of some sort. The remains of fledglings feathers and the mothers lay scattered and he collected them swiftly. He was busy at work when the call reached him, from their Nona.

Rowan happily skipped to the source, his clutch of feathers held proudly in his mouth.
The pale woman was easy enough to find. A thick fog would greatly help her camouflage and blend in with the darkness. His tail tucked slightly on approach and he greeted the Nona with respect, just like Mother had said to do. 
He dropped his feathers, all but one that he presented as a gift. He was sure she'd like it. He looked alert with his half changed eyes -- a mixture of puppy blue and rich gold. 

He waited patiently for what Maegi wanted and for the others she called.
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One lie is enough to question all truths. 
lions & men
412 Posts
Ooc — thalia
the pair came swiftly, Hela following her sister through a tunnel she promised was a shortcut but most definitely was not. when the pair emerged in the midst of the mire, Hela set upon her sister's ears and chased her all the way back through the tunnel. after colliding upon their exit, and a brief scuffle in which Scylla emerged victoriously, the pair made their way to the call. 

three pups, and Maegi - the latter Hela greeted with an upbeat, "maegi!" she was, thus far, the girls second favourite wolf after her mother. if asked, Hela could supply no specific reasoning for this; it was merely a gut feeling. it spurred her to rush forward and plant a placating kiss on the side of the woman's muzzle when she was given the opportunity to, tail wagging tightly. 

her attention was stolen next by one of the younger pups - Anansi - who was utterly foreign to her. she watched him a brief moment before approaching, sniffing at the smaller boy curiously, but unthreateningly. "who're you?" piped Scylla from her side, brow creased as her attention was briefly stolen by the second strange pup.
326 Posts
Ooc — siv
pp-ing sakhmet, her post to follow

Jakoul had had her discomforts with the children, especially the younger ones. Vulnerable yet unruly. Yet the scent of Maegi was heavy on the girl that had found her. The Morta would be damned (and unable to forgive herself) if anything happened to the ruby child. She had tried with many failed attempts to herd the child back to Wolfskull’s depths where their scents were thick in the air and earth. There was reprieve to be had in Maegi’s summon for the children and mothers.

With a gentle nip to the base of the child’s spine, they were on their way to summoning. Little fuss was to be found as they grew closer. Jakoul was content to take this small win as she ushered the child towards the others who were already present. Her gaze was subtly apologetic for their tardiness as she looked towards Nona before slithering to the far back of the gathering to recline. It was from her distant position that she would watch over the children, in case any other’s needed herding.
511 Posts
Ooc — siv
She had not met this caregiver before. Curiosity gripped her as she had watched from a distance before getting close. There had been a game of cat and mouse between the two. Sakhmet drifted in and out of reach as the lithe woman tried to corral her. Each time she won, her ego grew. The desire to tell her brothers grew strong. Perhaps even Maegi would be proud of her eluding the shadowy woman.

Then there was a call and she had let her guard down. A nip sent shivers up her spine as she took off, loping towards the call from her familiar mother figure. The shadow seemed to still follow with a quickness. Her companion was forgotten though as they arrived on the scene. Sobek, Anansi and three other young children were present. The scene was undeniably busy.

She, of course, found herself aiming to wedge near her twin and ghostly brother. There was little interest in getting bowled over by Sobek but perhaps she could still watch his moves — prepare for whenever he felt compelled to strike her next. Or test the moves on her new shadowy caregiver, who seemed to linger out of reach but still present nonetheless.
always in this twilight
315 Posts
Ooc — Jem
this will probably be her only post she's just listening in, skip her in future rounds.

her mind continued to spiral from the previous, the night before- what had even happened last night? she couldn't recall it for the life of her, although it wasn't too hard to guess. she'd mostly just spent the days and nights wandering aimlessly, trying to avoid sleep until falling into fretful dozes when her body emptied out on all energy and forced her wayward brain to shut down. pain, that happened a lot too. it would randomly engulf her in actual waves, as if she were struggling against the rolling sea and unable to help from falling under. there was no use in even attempting to fight it, she just shuddered and waited them out. sometimes she cried, that was when it was at its worst. she didn't sob or anything, just sometimes whilst she crouched salty tears would slip free and roll down furry cheeks. the dam really had shattered and there was nothing she could do but drown until it emptied. maybe then she'd be free of it, after having it all pent up for so long she might finally get to live a life without it.

when she heard maegi's invitation to the pups, the ghost forced stubborn paws to drift in that direction. the idea of getting to listen in on the wood's past was oddly comforting, she wouldn't mind getting to think about a past that wasn't hers. the past two days had been filled up with just that and she needed to escape, drowning was by no means easy. inhaling shakily, she'd attempt a weak smile at the little gathering, considering approaching jakoul for a moment but eventually just opting to sit alone at the edge. she didn't feel up to socializing, all she wanted to do was listen, that'd help. so she lingered in the shadows, dark eyes resting with a silent desperation on maegi's face- so different and yet something that had become so familar to the pale woman.
[Image: ezgif-com-gif-maker.gif]
534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
My only post also PP’ng @Falling Star

Moonshadow heard the call for the pups to gather and it seemed Rowan was the first to leave the den to answer it. The you g mother nudged fallingstar and @Moonshine. “Come little ones.” She said softly as she led the way to the gathering and saw all the pups that the woods had brought into the world this season and a soft smile formed.
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
Maegi was pleased to see that her pale son was the first to heed her call, and she placed her nose against his forehead with a murmured greeting as he settled in. Her mouth quirked in a smile as Sobek made his approach with a sneak attack; she hid it, quickly, trying for a more reproachful look (but likely failing). The proceedings hadn't started, after all; they could wrestle a little bit, as children did.

Rowan brought with him a gift, and Maegi received it with a wagging tail, softly exclaiming, Thank you, Rowan! These are beautiful. She wondered just how he had gotten so many feathers, although she knew the crows shed them here and there. . .still, she worried, after how Abraxas had reacted to Mou's slaughter.

Before she could dwell too much on Mou, thankfully, Hela and her sister arrived, with the former giving Maegi an affectionate kiss. She returned it warmly, her heart swelling to be surrounded by so many children, all of whom clearly adored her. Then Sakhmet was there, keeping away from her brother's shenanigans as she was wont to do, accompanied by Jakoul. Maegi gave the woman, settled near the back of the crowd, a kind, curt nod.

Moonshadow and her girls completed the gathering— no, wait, there was Tundra; Maegi caught a glimpse of her pale fur in the shadows, and met the Decima's eyes for a moment before returning her gaze to all of the pups before her.

How many of you have been to this place before? she asked, scanning the youthful faces. Without waiting for them to respond, she continued, It's a very special place. A sacred place. This is where we honor the gods—where we leave them offerings and where their voices are loudest.

Did any of them hear the daedra? Maegi knew she had perceived their whispers for as long as she could remember, perhaps since birth. She wondered if any of these children had the same magic within them; secretly, she wished for her own trio most of all to be in tune with the gods.

My mother's mother, Meldresi, settled in this forest a long time ago. She brought with her the traditions of her family, the gods we call the daedra, the Nona explained. There are many different daedra, all of them a little bit different. Meldresi and many others followed Mephala, the Night Mother. There's also Sithis, the Dread Father, who rules the Void—the place you go after you die.

Maegi nodded toward the Altar, toward the mouse she had placed there. But other daedra were ignored, even spurned, by my family. My god, the one I'm named for, is Peryite, god of pestilence. That's why I honor Peryite with dead and decaying things. . .things closest to Peryite's domain.

The whispers encircled them, weaving in and out of the crowd like ghostly passersby. Maegi felt the hairs on her spine lift, and whispered, almost without thinking, Do you hear them?

next round begins the 22nd!

EDIT 8/17 tagging @Anansi @Sakhmet @Sobek @Rowan @Jakoul @Kynaræth (only those who indicated more than one post here) I am scrapping the posting order so things can go more smoothly -- once everyone has posted again I might start next round early
s t i g m a t a
440 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
He grinned at praise, his tail wagging hard enough for a butt wiggle. He scooted backwards a little to observe the others that had come from a safe distance. He pressed sat by his siblings, but only close enough to defend them. He was always ready to put himself forth and investigate any threats.

He hadn't come here before. He'd ventured across the mire but avoided the Alter, the air about it seeming electric with something foreboding to him. He felt as if he should only come when asked or when necessary; not out of curiosity. 
The words Maegi spoke seemed to run true with his senses. He avoided this place because the spirits were here and, where he could sense them he would not interfere with them. That would not be his path.

Daedra. His head tilted slightly, intrigued. 
Mephala was the night-mother. Was she one who controlled the darkness? He'd find out for sure.
Sithis. Death. Void. The words would speak clarity all too soon for the young boy.

A pause lingered. He cast a wary gaze to the others when the ghost spoke again to send thick shivers and gripping coldness across his body.
Do you hear them?
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One lie is enough to question all truths. 
you are an artist and your heart is your masterpiece
46 Posts
Ooc —
Anansi hardly had time to greet Maegi before he was bowled over from behind; down went his hindquarters with a surprised yip as Sobek descended on him. He swung agilely around and made several efforts to push his sibling off with quiet growls, but Anansi was perhaps the weakest of the three and lost every time. Eventually he shrunk back in submission and allowed Sobek his victory; as he rose, Hela's sister spoke to him and he finally noticed that others, including Sakhmet, had arrived.

To the girl who questioned him, Anansi affixed a blank stare, swallowed nervously, and said nothing. He had no trouble speaking to his family and did so in a clear and simple manner, but speaking to others was an entirely different beast. In his youth, it was likely because he was a little shy. He didn't want to talk to her; she wasn't family. On the other hand, he didn't know how to turn away without being totally rude, so he ended up just staring back until Maegi spoke, prompting him to turn and listen to her instead.

A very special place. Honour the gods, the daedra. Mephala the Night Mother. Sithis the Dread Father. These were all concepts Anansi had (probably) heard about before, but not in as much detail as this. Being only little, Anansi wholly believed all of it, but felt that there were spirits in everything. Not just here in the mire, but elsewhere in the woods and outside the woods as well, not that he'd ventured so far. Aren't there daedra everywhere? he asked in his soft little voice, ignoring the way his fur prickled when Maegi asked if they could hear them.

He couldn't hear, but he thought he felt them.
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
The only one to break the silence (save the whispers) was her own child, who asked a question that brought a smile to her face. I think so, yes, she answered Anansi, nodding. But they speak much louder in some places than others. I've never heard them more clearly than right here.

They'd followed her in all of her travels. Maegi chose to believe that. Even in her most dire moments, when she couldn't pick up even a trace of ther sound. They had called her home, time and time again. How could they do so if they did not exist, as her son said, everywhere?

But no one had answered her query. Either they were too shy to speak up or the magic was not within them. She hoped fervently for the former.

Even if you don't hear them speak to you, you can still honor them, Maegi continued, gaze soft as she looked upon the children. Anything you need, anything you wish for, you can pray. Peryite, my lord, my god: receive my prayer. . .and it works for the others, too. I say my prayers in the language Meldresi brought with her, but you can use any tongue you like—they'll understand you, I think. But—

She closed her eyes for a moment, remembering, suddenly, Miraak's Daedric lessons. Tears pricked sharply beneath lowered lids; Maegi sucked in a breath, desperately missing her uncle. Peryite, ñuha āeksio, ñuha Jaes: jiōragon ñuha jorepnon, she said quietly, slowly, forming each word with care, so that the pups might pick them up more easily. Her eyes opened again. If anyone wants, I can teach you what I know of that language.

Are you proud, Uncle? Do you see me, even from the Void?

next round begins 29th -- no posting order still!
thus conscience does make cowards of us all
50 Posts
Ooc — jal
lore didn't interest her, at least, not at the moment.

for now, it all seemed like silly little fairy tales to her. and prayers? why did she have to honour something that she couldn't even see? she'd need some tangible proof of these dude's existence before she started talking to the air. but maybe, she just didn't get it. looking around the group, scylla watched as the others readily absorbed the information pouring out of their leader's mouth with slight envy. how come they understood, but she didn't?

"voices? i don't hear nothin'." scylla chirped, pouting. craning her ears forward, she attempted to pick up what it seemed like everyone else was hearing. what did god's even sound like? maybe the complete silence she was hearing was their way of speaking... in some weird, otherworldly way. "can't they speak a lil louder?" she looked up to maegi, a slightly sceptical but questioning look apparent in her features. it's not that she doubted all that the woman said, she simply failed to understand. as maegi spoke in some other language that seemed to closely resemble the sounds hela made as she sleep-talked, scylla looked up in wonder, jaw slightly gaping. it was true, she didn't quite yet get it -- but she wanted to. she wanted to know everything.
s t i g m a t a
440 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
The boy tilted his head, listening intently.
No, he certainly couldn't hear anything. But he felt them, or at least the uncomfortable feeling Maegi had made.
Then, what she said made him interested.

Praying to the Daedra.
They could hear you in any tongue -- must be very smart -- so did that mean they could talk to the blackbirds? Could he talk to the Deadra in his own language to honour the dead crows and ravens? Or did it even matter?
He stared at the pale teacher with wonder and awe. Was she the language of the gods? It was a prayer to Peryite he knew that; she repeated the name.

He stepped forward, giving Scylla a dirty look for talking about them being louder. If she couldn't hear or feel them then they must not like her. 
"I wanna learn." He chirped softly. Perhaps the birds knew the language.
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One lie is enough to question all truths. 
lions & men
412 Posts
Ooc — thalia
she doesn't hear anything. she tries, certainly, squeezes shut her eyes and listens. but she only feels a vague sense of foreboding, breathing all around, the movement of the canopy—and Scylla, as she blurts out the paler sister's thoughts. her eyes pop open, and immediately fall on Rowan as he gives her sister a dirty look. her lips curl as she stares him down; only she's allowed to look at Scylla like that. 

she distracted by the words Maegi speaks. the strangeness of them lifts the fur among her spine, and she wonders just how powerful these gods are. can they hurt people? hurt her? surely, she thinks, if they were that powerful they'd do more than whisper to a few chosen wolves. Rowan steps forward, eager to take up Maegi on her offer, and from her post beside Scylla she asserts, "I want to learn, too." she is driven not only by the fierce desire to understand, as her sister is, but also by the competitiveness that means she won't let Rowan be the only one to learn the secret language. "do I get a god?" she asks, intrigued by the idea.
always in this twilight
315 Posts
Ooc — Jem
lmao ignore this i just don’t have time to post for the next couple days and she’s gonna get caught by the sweeper

she continued to watch with a silent curiosity from the shadows, although failing to feel moved by the talk of gods and amused by the children’s different reactions. that’s it.
[Image: ezgif-com-gif-maker.gif]
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
Finally, Scylla piped up—though not quite what Maegi expected to hear. She had to stifle her amusement at Rowan's censorious stare, quelling her own disapproval at such open affront to the gods. Scylla was just a child, after all. Just because some children were more attuned to the divine didn't mean others necessarily were, and if they weren't, they naturally would have questions.

They speak as loud as they need to, Maegi responded coolly, dipping her head toward Scylla before addressing the pair that had expressed interest in learning. Of course. I'd be happy to teach you. In fact, anyone who wants their first lesson can come find me at any time.

To Hela: Perhaps. I'd have to think of the right one for you, she murmured, smiling.

She rolled her shoulders, straightening and looking over the entire assemblage. But I've taken enough of your time already. Thank you all for coming. . .it's important to know of our history and heritage. It's what makes us special. She gave a nod of dismissal, stepping back a pace or two toward the Altar, lingering in case anyone had any further questions. Maegi figured she would be joined soon by the more curious of the bunch.

last post from me -- will close this out in a week! thanks all for joining!! <3
you are an artist and your heart is your masterpiece
46 Posts
Ooc —
Perhaps, thought Anansi, everyone just experienced the daedra differently. His impassive gaze swept over the other cubs as they voiced their opinions. He saw the dirty look Rowan shot Scylla and his own black-dotted brows pulled down in disapproval; the other boy wasn't even a Melonii. He didn't belong here, and certainly didn't have the right to look at one of them like that. Scylla may not have been able to hear the daedra, and that just made her somewhat like him. He didn't hear anything, either. He thought he felt something, but it was more likely that what Anansi felt was due to the anticipation that Maegi was building, and nothing more.

For many Melonii, the daedra were seen like loa. They assumed the daedra had forms, personalities, kingdoms of their own making, and spoke directly to their subjects in visions and dreams. Anansi would grow to believe that the daedra were more like kami—spirits of the world, present in everything, tied to nature and how the world moved, but silent.

Anansi didn't speak up when Maegi offered to teach the cubs her language. She was his ena; it was expected that he and his siblings would be the first to learn. She dismissed them, but the young cub remained close. Not to ask any questions, but simply to linger in Maegi's vicinity.
"You must make a friend of horror and of mortal terror."
48 Posts
Ooc — Jitterwater
After winning his little spat versus his brother, Sobek settled in. He gave each child a studious look - as if he was present to study them and not Maegi's lesson - before fixating on his parental figure properly. She spoke, and the gathered children faded from his attention; when they spoke questions or comments his ears shifted to listen, but he remained mute. 

The daedra were not new to him, nor to his siblings. Maegi spoke of them often. It was her use of an alternate language that really spiked his punch; his full attention fixated upon Maegi when she spoke in the other tongue, and he even opened his mouth and whispered mimicked syllables - but silenced himself soon after, not wanting to disturb the daedra with some accidental spell or some such. When the lesson concluded, Sobek would be full of questions and eager for more.