Swiftcurrent Creek what made us think that we were wise and we'd never compromise
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,113 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
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He moved quickly—the pups had some energy to burn and it would be spent on what he hoped would be an uneventful and quick journey to Riverclan. Whether they would take to the she-wolf who would offer them milk or not remained to be seen—but it was the best he could do.

In truth, he wanted nothing more than to drop everything and search for Jakoul. Felt, in many ways, that was what he should be doing. But he couldn’t leave them, and this was the route that had been decided.

Chuffing out to @Arric, he found the behemoth of a man—wondering if he looked as weary as he felt when he pulled alongside his Beta. “Shardik and I are taking the pups to Riverclan… Silvertongue believes one of the mothers there will supplement some milk for them, just until they can be fully weaned…” He trailed off, a soft huff given. “You’re in full charge.”
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,072 Posts
Ooc — Danni

Mature Content Warning

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The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: swearing

Arric could be found staring into space. His mind tired, his body and soul exhausted. He no longer had any clue what to do. Reverie and Lestan made him tired. He knew they didn't mean too. But hell.

Arric had tried to find trails of Jakoul but wherever she went she covered it well. And tht just didn't sit well.

Arric turned blue eyes towards his friend and listened. His only thought. Fuck this bastards lucky i love him

If reverie or lestan run do i let them go or hunt them down? arric liked them both but he no longer trusted either one.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,113 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
Of the questions or comments he expected, it certainly wasn’t that. “They’re not prisoners here, Arric,” he snorted, sarcasm idling on his tongue. Clearly, the stress had been getting to them all, and Akavir bumped his shoulder to the other man, his eyes tired, but thoughtful. In truth…. And he would never admit it out loud… but it would make their life certainly easier if Reverie were to go back to Kvarsheim. Or elsewhere, in general.

And that thought itself weighed heavily on him as the guilt churned in his stomach.

“The wolf that brought Lestan back… Kelsier? He’s going back, too. Lestan turned him away… but he said something about medicating Reverie. I’m going to check on them before I leave.”
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,072 Posts
Ooc — Danni

Mature Content Warning

This thread has been marked as mature. By reading and/or participating in this thread, you acknowledge that you are of age or have permission from your parents to do so.

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: SWEARING

Well, no shit, dick fuck. He laughed softly. That's not what I meant. I mean do i go find them to make sure they're okay or just let them go this time. Cause well I'm just not sure what to do anymore, man.

Arric took a shaky breath. Oh shit. She's gonna be pissed. Blue eyes a little wide in his head. Reverie didn't scare him, but who really wanted to deal with an angry woman, more so a crazy angry woman? I mean it was not the best thing in the world and usually you ended up on the shitty end.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,113 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
He snorted—swallowing the laugh but appreciating the outburst just the same. “I stand by what I said. Let ‘em go if that’s what they choose…” Swiftcurrent Creek wouldn’t be a revolving door for indecision and recklessness—but he imagined that if Reverie was determined to leave it all behind, then she would—and Lestan would likely follow wherever she wanted to go.

His mental capacity to worry on it further was gone.

Akavir shrugged at the potential of an angry Reverie—he had thought it sounded out of character of her, as well. But he could predict her moods about as far as he could hip check Arric—so not.

“Kelsier insisted it was voluntary.” And so was the real rub—did one trust the word of a man they didn’t know, or the word of the she-wolf who seemed to be playing them at every chance she could?

Either way, he couldn't dwell on it. "Maybe try to set up a pack hunt or something? Get as many involved as you can... Try to find some normalcy. Plus, we should try to offer Riverclan what we can for resources. This isn't a small favor they're giving us."
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,072 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric nodded. Will do then. God what a mess huh? I'll try and search for Jakoul too while you're busy. I did try, but man she covered her scent well. Arric would work tirelessly at the borders and into the woods. Hoping not to leave the pack they had started in shambles. Give them a firmer footing.

Arric nodded. I can do that. A hunt would probably work best. We have puppies that will be eating meat soon and come winter.

Arric thought through their stores. All we can offer is meat and maybe allow the man Kelsier or one of the other healers to search for herbs they may not have. .We have some pretty nice greenery. I'm sure there's herbs there and I can fish.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,113 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
Arric began to chat about what the creek could do while Akavir was gone—he nodded in agreement, though only partially listened, if he were honest. “Let Kelsier check our stores for sure,” he agreed—if the man didn’t see anything he liked, they would find another way to repay him. Just as they would Riverclan a whole, given everything the pack was providing them.

“Things are changing when I come back,” he rumbled then, and with a quick bro-hug to his Beta, Akavir turned, mentally prepping for the journey ahead with three hungry and rowdy puppies.