Broken Antler Fen My eclipsed sun
1,058 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ambassador
All Welcome 
Set after the MSP event.

When she returned to the fen it was to seek out @Wraen and find where @Lilitu might be lurking, to gather them together. She called to them partway across the meadow with a sharp, pointed sound.

The claim was soon underfoot and Ibis found an obvious path to the rendezvous where she anticipated her daughter to be; there, she hastened further to scratch at the frozen earth. It was not food she sought, but remedies. A few weeds she had pulled from the fen as she idled in wait for her husband's return, or other such things.

Whoever should come upon Ibis would find her sodden with mud and in a frenzy to collect supplies, which she piled nearby en-route to another puny cache.
420 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Something was wrong. There was a smell that seemed off in the air, and when she made her way to one of the fen's higher points, she saw a dark cloud hovering on the horizon. More snow?

No. This was different. Ominous. And the cloud wasn't moving. 

Lilitu grew still more uneasy as her mother called for her. Ibis's voice was sharp, urgent. She heeded the summons, dodging the slicker parts of the territory and coming across Mama. . . digging. Frantically. 

What are you doing? she asked, an uncharacteristic note of fear in her tone. What's wrong?
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
Arcturus, unsettled by the change in the air and the ripples of the first quakes had left several hours before. Wraen had stayed put, remembering the last winter and the hardships, hoping dearly that yet another such year was not ahead of them. Then she witnessed the dark cloud rising, the smell too and, how the snow that fell was mingled with grey and black of ash. Her first thought was of a wildfire, but, how could that be possible in this weather? 

Ibis's urgent call came right at the moment, when the elder was heading towards the site, where her niece with her daughter had settled, and she reached them just as Lilitu went to greet her mother and ask, what had happened. Wraen sidled next to her and looked at Ibis expectantly.
1,058 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ambassador
Ibis did not stop digging. Lilitu showed up first with questions; Wraen came next, silent but expectant. The woman hurried.

Something has happened on the mountain. The family there needs help. Heavy breathing, mostly from the exertion of clawing through frozen earth, punctuates Ibis' explanation. She moves to another cache tucked near the frozen roots of a tree and begins to dig.

With... permission, up comes a segment of dirt, flakes of ice crackling in spirals, to where some herbs have been tucked tightly beneath, I plan to bring aid to them. You have seen the smoke? Smelled the air?

As Ibis lifts her head from this little hole she looks to Wraen with a muddy, but focused, expression. I would like to take what can be spared, see who might still be there.
420 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Despite the stalwart presence of Wraen beside her, her mother's words filled Lilitu with fear. Not just whatever had happened. . .but Ibis's mention of going to help. The enormity of half her family missing had really settled upon the girl in recent days, and she felt a not-so-crazy twinge of fear that if Ibis left, she would not return, either.

Don't go, Lilitu blurted, then amended, I mean. . .do you have to go? Um. If you have to go, I want to go with you. Please. 

Mama would not vanish—not on her watch. She glanced at her aunt, pleading. She couldn't bear the thought of being cooped up here while Ibis went off God knows where. And if they said no, she'd follow anyway.
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
"I sensed that something was amiss and Arcturus went to check it all out hours ago. It's his birthplace and all," Wraen explained, coming to terms with the gravity of the situation now. Something truly bad must have happened over there and, though Moonspear had never been her favourite place, there were no two thoughts that Ibis should go right away. 

"I am not fit for that kind of journey myself, but I think you two should go and check out, what exactly has happened and what kind of help they need. Bring back anyone, who may need care," she told, quite level-headedly for a person, who would only later realize that not only Ostregas had perished, but that some, who she considered family members, may have got hurt. "Maybe take @Bridget with you - she's a healer," she suggested.
1,058 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ambassador
The last thing Ibis had wanted was to cause upset to her daughter, although her mind was elsewhere as she dug and gathered, so when Lilitu's questions and comments touched upon the mother's ears she almost did not hear them. She did not have time to banter with Lilitu and distracted as she was, Ibis presumed her daughter's side of the conversation was just that: snappy teenage opinions with more barb than necessary.

Lilitu please Ibis started to counter her, exasperated, furiously distracted; but then she saw the look of worry on her face, the tremble of concern in her voice, and softened. We have to move quickly, you'll need to stay close to me, okay? There was the fear that something might happen if they plunge in to the dark together, true, but they would be together. Not knowing what to expect of the mountain was an issue of its own and Ibis could use all the help she could muster.

Wraen voiced her own agreement. Evidently her beau, Arcturus, had left swiftly to do the same. I will gather my things on the north end of the fen, so if you see her on the way please tell her. Ibis meant Bridget; she tucked the last of her spare herbs atop the pile and looked to Lilitu next. We will leave soon. Here, take some of these — I will carry the rest.

And so she hastily divided the pile in half, then grabbed the bulk of herbs in her teeth — nodding to Wraen as soon as she was prepared to move, and led the way north.
420 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Lilitu bristled by reflex at her mother's retort, but it was soon cut short—they understood each other. And to her surprise, Ibis was. . .allowing her to come along! She resisted doing a little joyful jig; the energy among the three of them was too tense for that. But she felt the weight upon her shoulders ease a little, and gave Wraen a tremulous smile.

At Ibis's command, she nodded, gathering up the smile pile into a clump that was easily managed. How lon' wi' we be godhn? Lilitu mumbled in query, canting her head sideways. Maybe it was a dumb question, but curiosity overcame her.

After all, what if they were away if—when, she amended firmly—Arielle and Papa returned?
1,058 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ambassador
Wraen had a good suggestion. Ibis nods in response. Yes, I'll... I'll call so that anyone roaming the fen will be up to speed, and everyone can gather that wants to go with us. If we see Bridget in-between then I will ask.

Lilitu had a more pointed question even though it was hard to decipher. Ibis was gathering more herbs to a new pile but she paused and tried to think, find it difficult. I— maybe a week, a few days at least... It all depends on what we find, Lil. Then she scoops the last of the herbs up in her teeth and gives her daughter a quick look, making sure she was ready. They would head off immediately for the claim's limit for the howl.
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
Last one from me!

"I will go around and see, if we can arrange a hunt so that there is food to share, in case we need it," Wraen told the two girls and with a "good luck, kids!" nod she turned to leave. While on way to find others, she stopped often to look over at the dark cloud of smoke coming from the northern mountain ranges. Soon she would find out exactly, what had happened, and how the pack that had been strong even before her birth had fallen to a demise, leaving very few behind. But for now all she knew was that she was before yet another twist on the road.