Rising Sun Valley Fresh Meat… and it’s me
7 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
Random Event 
The large adult stag was prowling through the greenery in the area. spring had sprung and so the forest was flourishing. Jaque found a stream and dipped his head down to take a drink, unaware of any nearby predators

going to give 3 days for anyone who wants to join to be able to join before my next post!
175 Posts
Ooc — Mai
This is probably a horrible idea, since Malila here is terrible at hunting!<3

Despite the lack of everything that had transpired, Malila was still hanging around. She did not want to just give up and leave the Teekon, this time. Her thoughts often went to Tauris, the gruff but charitable woman who had given her a handout a while back. It would be nice if she could track her down again. But...where to start? Maybe with luck she hadn't gone far.

She was hungry. But made do by getting by on small game. Mice, voles and even the occasional rabbit, if she caught one by surprise. Today, she was finishing off the last of a few ripened berries. Plucking each off it's stem, letting their tartness explode in her mouth before swallowing.

To wash down her snack and the flavor, she sought out a nearby stream. Quite a ways down from the buck, she bent to quench her thirst. Only when she pulled her head up, did she see his reflection in the water. She was on the opposite bank, and he well out of reach. She shifted nervously. She had no chance against an animal his size alone. Especially with her slight frame.
Swiftcurrent Creek
970 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
The day to day of life could not succumb to their waning emotions or their fatigue. So, before the sun had risen, Akavir had settled Shardik to watch over his pups once more—the man was becoming accustom to such a request—and he had summoned @Arric.

Words need not be spoken. Tension hung heavy in the air of the creek, and so the shadowrunner stalked outside of the packs realm. Day had come—highlighting the lands of the valley and revealing just how much was finally flourishing with the absence of snow and the warmth of the sun.

They had mouths to feed and energy to burn off—and Akavir’s eyes settled upon a stag by a stream of water and he ruminated silently—wondering if it even wise for he and Arric to risk injury on the beast. Only then did he notice the she-wolf—diminutive—but a potential benefit to this situation. He chuffed quietly, eyes seeking out his Beta.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,032 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Dark limbs long and broad he moved towards thr sound of the leader's call. Blue eyes assessing and seeking. First the deer then onto the she wolf and finally resting on Akavir.

A half smirk as he moved forward his eyes clearly saying hey shithead but his words not leaving the smirk curled maw.
7 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
Jaque lifted his head abruptly as he heard a noise. Suddenly there were three predators around him. He started to panic and let out a call for help, before swinging his head wildly, but he was too surrounded to move his feet
175 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Somewhere close, a chuff sounded. It made her ears prick up and she turned her head to the source. Not one, but two striking dark wolves. They seemed to know one another on some level, and what's more, were interested in the deer. Malila hid her uncertainty, but did show the slightest of nods.

The stag she noticed, was looking nervous. On the verge of panicking. With little experience in hunting large prey, she decided to see if trying to set up a game plan was worth it, first. Feigning disinterest in the potential prey, she walked, slowly, towards Akavir.

"If you think the three of us can take him, I can try and sneak around to flush him towards you guys." She paused, to let the two males weigh in.
Swiftcurrent Creek
970 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
A bleating plea from the stag—none answered. It intrigued him—the nervousness that came from the potential prey in spades. It revealed he was not as confident in the crowning antlers as he could be—but that did not mean desperation would not be on his side.

Arric’s unspoken presence still revealed volumes. Akavir—used to the Beta’s antics—thoroughly ignored him  with an air of mock playfulness, his gaze rapt now upon the she-wolf as she trailed closer to them, avoiding the slash of antlers in the air as the deer made a stand to intimidate.

The stag’s play did not work—for the she-wolf offered her help in a hush.

A stag could feed a lot of mouths in the valley—and the creek had to begin its repayment to the mothers of Riverclan.

“Flush him. If anyone is in danger of being struck—a sharp bark and we all fall back. That’s a large stag… We risk no injuries.” A glance to them, to see if they agreed to the terms—otherwise, he held no interest in risking lives.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,032 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric wasn't used to deer, particularly stags being nervous. At least not immediately, but well it was what it was. He was young and not quite full grown, but those antlers of his. Oof they could still leave a pretty big mark.

He gave a firm nod in response to Akavir and then he took up a position near the male. He could flush too, but he girl would be better. She was smaller than he, more agile. It would work out well.
7 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
Jaque heard the wolves talking but could not understand their words. He called out again, louder this time, scared. He started to pace around, lowering his head in a semi-intimidating way, threatening with his antlers to strike.
175 Posts
Ooc — Mai
For the first time in quite a while, Malila felt her spirits brightening slightly. Here, in the company of two handsome, accomplished pack wolves, willing to work with her. It gave her a faint sense of normalcy again. 

She nodded. She would flush the stag. Drive him towards the larger men. Would keep her ears open for a sharp bark and be ready to call out with one of her own. 

The stag was growing more nervous by the minute. The lowered swing of his skewering antlers made Malila drop back. She got an idea. Diving back into thicker cover, hoping the stag would be tricked into thinking she had retreated for good.
Swiftcurrent Creek
970 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
The bleating of the stag became background noise for now. Champage eyes was fast upon the two wolves before him—though his gaze swept over the she-wolf, studying the delicate features she held and the bi-toned eyes.

With a nod, she was off. And, his gaze followed after her, brows lifting as she dove back into the thicker brush—disappearing from view.

Akavir, slightly untrusting, still began to traipse to the right of the stag. He remained a fair distance away, waiting—testing the beast and if it would simply remain in a panic or if it would begin to bolt.

Waiting to see if the stranger would flush the beast toward him and his Beta—or if she had simply become too nervous and left before an antler found its way into her ribcage.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,032 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric moved into place as seamless as he could based on Akavir's reactions. He'd fill the empty spaces while his leader and friend held one side and the girl scared it.

There was something to be said about hunting as a unit. He liked it and he felt like a part of something. Though the creature despite's it's nervousness and clear age. Those antlers of it could probably rip him up even given his size.
7 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
When the girl wolf closest to him fled for the bushes Jaque swung his head towards the closest male, wiping his antlers fast and strong towards him and his companion, using them as a defense and weapon now
175 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Malila had not fled, abandoning the hunt. Her momentary disappearance into the brush was a distraction. A means to sneak around and try and surprise the buck. 

It seemed to be working. He was focused to the two pack wolves, with swipes of his antlers.  

The tricky part for her was stealing close. Difficult in the thicket, where leaves and twigs crunched underfoot. She moved quickly, trying to step as lightly as she could without making too much noise. When she was in such a position that she was behind the deer, hopefully unseen, she made her move. She bolted, breaking cover. Dashing towards him, snapping her jaws.

Hopefully she caught him by surprise and he would run. Otherwise she would have to double back if those antlers came swinging her way.
Swiftcurrent Creek
970 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
With the she-wolf gone from vision, the stag focused on them—a sweep of powerful antlers through the air. Akavir bristled then—a snarl escaping him and a snap delivered to the spring air. If the buck meant to intimidate it did not work—and the shadowed wolf began to drift to one side of the deer, waiting to see if it would bolt opposite them or stand its ground. A test.

That was when the she-wolf erupted from behind the stag—jaws snapping—aiming to catch the prey by surprise and have it flee from her and to the waiting jaws of the males.

Akavir did not waste time, though—he was quick to begin to close distance as well, looking for the weakest and least guarded spot of their target.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,032 Posts
Ooc — Danni
And it was on like donkey kong. He raced to box it in like Akavir. At it's other side. He snapped and he growled. Trying to take a piece out of the haunch of the thing. Mindful of the antlers the king of meadow had finally realized he had.

Arric pressed the envelope. A light in his eyes. They would eat well if they could win.
7 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
Jaque didn't know where to go. When the first man snapped at him he backed up a bit, then the girl rushing behind him, snapping at his hindquarters made him jump forward and to the side. And then they were all on him and he was cornered. He bowed his head though, stomped his hoof, and half charged forward with his antlers, not needing to harm them, or even fully intending to, just trying to make a breakthrough.
175 Posts
Ooc — Mai
She leapt back. Keeping away from a kicking hoof or a swing of antlers. Snapping on empty air near meaty haunches, she tried to keep the pressure on the deer. But, she had to get him to run. He would be more exposed, more prone to open attack from the two men.

Biting down her nerves, Malila skipped in front of the deer. Using his defensive aggression to her advantage. Growling softly, feigning a lunge. Goading him. Acting as a target for him to come chase, so the others could go in for the take down while he was distracted.
Swiftcurrent Creek
970 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
A swing of the stag’s crown had the ebony Alpha drifting back slightly, guarded. Yet when the she-wolf lunged a snap, Akavir took to the beasts side, his own jaws snapping to the curve of flesh where neck met shoulder as the antlers swung to the opposite side—eager to at least graze his teeth for a wound.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,032 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric jumped at the other side. Eyes narrowed. Jaw snapping. He felt flesh give. If they got him to fall they'd win. Even despite the horns.
7 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
Jaque roared a deer-like roar when fangs made contact with his hind legs. He was limping and bleeding but rage kept him going. Shaky, but furious, he smashed his antlers through the air and towards his attackers once more
175 Posts
Ooc — Mai
The buck wasn't budging. Well, back to the offensive, then. She took up a position behind the animal. Risky, in that those hooves could strike out for her at any moment. She was alert, ready to get out of striking range quickly.

In a bold move she leapt for a powerful hind leg. Grabbing a hold of it with her jaws, she braced herself. Tried to keep the deer in place, restricting his movements. If he were hindered enough by her efforts, he might be easier to pull down.
Swiftcurrent Creek
970 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
A flurry of motion—his eyes focused on the buck and he could see the antlers swing toward him once more and he had to pivot back, a guttural snarl escaping him as he crouched lower in the spin, ducking below and feeling the graze of the antler along his back—a near miss.

More determined now to end this rather than flee, the creek Alpha lunged again, an opening it seemed at the stag’s shoulder—his teeth aiming to gouge deep and pull the beast off balance.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,032 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Hell to the no.

Arric growled and launched at the other side.this had gone on long enough and it was getting dangerous. He bobbed from antlers though hoof caught him sharply blood trickling from his chest, but he kept doggedly on.
7 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
Teeth connecting with the already torn flesh made Jaque dizzy with pain. He stumbled and fell to the side he was being pulled at, with a deer roar. His antlers when through the air too and he didn't stop thrashing even when he hit the ground. Hoofs and antlers astray.