Lion Head Mesa Did I say too much? Did I say enough?
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If anything yielded from her endeavors, Medusa did not know it. Not yet anyway. And her body had revealed nothing either—Medusa, though, remained oblivious that her act of the Gods would have any sort of result beyond, well, nothing of consequence. She had liked that pleasant feeling, but it was all gone now. Back to herself, Medusa elected not to really contemplate it. There was actually something quite dissatisfying in imagining the act she had partaken in—anyone on top of her? A man, on top of her? 

Brother, eeuuuggghhh. 

Anyway, Pharaoh had given birth—oh, happy days! Medusa dragged her fathers fellahin with her to collect the most beautiful flowers, feathers, and other pretty things to gift to her and to pay tribute to Tawaret. Toula elicited more pleasant feelings within her belly than anyone else, so… it was fitting she gifted her nice things. And anyway, maybe it’d get herself and her family favor with this new era. 

Last she was here it had been Makono to please and win over. But, this was the order of things she had heard. Families fed each other poison if it meant they got to the top. Or had them gored, “accidentally”, in a hunt. 

That wasn’t a very holy thought, was it? But she had to be smart here. The Gods made her this way, indecent thoughts and all. Surely they couldn’t begrudge her silent acknowledgment of painful (more to some than others) truths? 

Okay, place those… there… yeah, good. Hold on… she stepped back, looking at the placement of the offerings to Tawaret. Then she nodded. That’s perfect. Now find some things that will exceed that for our most beloved Pharaoh, and off the fellahin went. Medusa stared up at the mud-clay thing, crudely sculpted and falling apart some. It would be up to the religious folk, or those that cared enough for their Gods, for Her upkeep… and to be honest, it did look well taken care of. Medusa moved to grab some water from a nearby stream to further mold the idol in place. This late, she did not think she’d be a bother to anyone to make sure that Tawaret stood and stood well. 

@Zaahira maybe ????