Swiftcurrent Creek You say that you're leaving, well that comes as no surprise
177 Posts
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She roved west, a moving mountain crossing snow-clad plains where the dried grasses reached up only to her elbows, though the snow in places drifted deeper. Toward the craggy mountain range she ventured, until she found herself edging into rolling foothills. At the peak of a small outlook, she could see the mountains, hazed slightly by falling snow that had not yet reached her. She sniffed, testing the wind to guess how long she might have before the wall of clouds sprinkled snow down upon her as well. She guessed she had an hour or two, and it appeared as though she still had another hour of daylight as well. 

The creek lay hidden from her view, but on the wind crept the scent of wolves. She'd not yet reached marked borders, but their scent drifted upon the wind which carried the clouds East. Her lips pulled into a thoughtful frown. She flicked her tongue over her nose, and sniffed again, before she snorted. Indecision showed in the flicking of her ears. Keeping them tilted back, she huffed, and moved forward. 

Stone-faced, she roved down the hillside, drawn toward where she could more accurately assess the scents placed along the defined borders of a claimed territory. Her ears swiveled forward, eventually. With a soft sigh, she sat, rolling her boulder-like shoulders and prickling her thick fur to defend her from the wind as she awaited an audience, silently and patiently.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,072 Posts
Ooc — Danni
They were established now. Had things to protect in their borders. He slid through the forest and crunched the frost beneath his feet. Blue eyes moving towards the sky and then back around. He only stopped briefly to sniff and leave their scent deeper, and further along the trees and land that they inhabitated. 

Night was falling fast upon them, and he wanted to get through the day and back to a warm place to settle for the night. Though a scent on the breeze caught his attention, and he swiftly moved towards it. It was at the borders he caught sight of another.

She rivaled even his height and girth, and Akavir's. Where his planes were athletic and thin, springy. Made to move and fight and run. Her's was made to hold the mountain steady. Blue eyes assessed it all in a moment and he chuffed. 

What brings you to swiftcurrent Stranger? His tail up above his back, as he waited. Head held high.
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In the golden hour, she was approached. She expected to be greeted by a dark wolf and she was not wrong- though it was not the man whose scent had caught her interest. From where she sat, she watched him from the corner of her eye as he moved toward her, cautioned not to look directly toward him by the posture he held. He was a man of authority, and she readily slid to the ground, tail thumping the snow at her side and ears turned back in appeasement. 

The tone of his voice was gentle, though, and his expression was smooth. She found the most dignified border guards were those who exercised only as much assertion as was necessary, and she would willingly make his job easier for him by obediently keeping herself low. At times, it was the only way to comfortably hold her head below others, though the man who greeted her was tall. 

To his question she grunted a simple answer. "Akavir."
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,072 Posts
Ooc — Danni
She immediately went into a submissive crouch and it was not entirely comfortable. He hadn't planned on being anyone's second in command when he had come here. However, he didn't dislike his place where he was at. No, he was fond of Akavir and he liked the creek.

Blue eyes blinked. And he gave a soft nod. I'm Arric so not the one you're looking for. But I imagine @Akavir will be along soon.

Arric lifted his nose and let out one short burst of a howl. Asking for his friend and leaders presence to a wolf on the borders. 

I hope you didn't have to travel to far in this snow and ice? 

He'd make conversation while they waited at least.
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There was a slight movement in her brow, as the corner of one eyelid raised. Of course she knew he wasn't Akavir. It was odd that he felt he should point that out, but she wasn't about to call him out on it. Her gaze shifted, so she might see him a bit better without looking directly to him; she found him lacking a bit of conviction. Not a leader, she thought. He called for Akavir, which led her to believe that perhaps the man she'd dragged from the cruel ice was in charge. Her ear flicked as Arric howled, though she was content to wait silently for the summoned man to arrive. 

She calmed her breath when he struck up a conversation. Small talk did not suit her. Nevertheless, she wouldn't ignore him, and she nodded. Her travels had been long, and she had wandered far, but when she answered "Yes," It was without any indication that it bothered her at all.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,072 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric was a straight forward man. He also knew what he wanted and what he didn't and what he could do. But he wasn't prideful about it. Were someone to come to the pack lands with ill intent. Absolutely he would rip them apart. Were some to disrespect him, his station or his wolf, would he rip them up absolutely. He saw no reason to share that with anyone.

She answered him in one word syllables so he knew that she was one that didn't talk much, obviously. He tilted his head. 

You wish to join Akavir here? or you just wanted to visit him? He asked, now his eyes were assessing, wondering. He was acting his part. Because he wouldn't allow her to stand there and wait. He was a leader too, he could acceppt.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,113 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
Arric’s summoning howl drew him forward—already he tended the borders now, but had yet to come upon the faintly familiar scent that moved over him in an uncomfortable wave of nostalgia. Instantly, he was taken back with the memory of the rushing waters—of losing breath finally, after struggling for so long… of the world going black, and a forceful clasp bringing him back to life.

She had been metal and iron—forged of such, and just as cold.

And now, as he came upon them, he felt a bemused quirk of his lips at the woman’s still rigid form, despite being in a position of respect upon their borders.

“Arric,” he offered in greeting, coming to stand beside the larger man, his own eyes warm as he considered the silver she-wolf. “I didn’t expect to see you ever again,” he finally noted, his tone not cold—but nor did he know of what to make of her presence.

Especially when her sister was not with her, and expectantly, his eyes lifted from her, sweeping across the otherwise quiet lands, as if she would pop out any moment to surprise him.
177 Posts
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When prompted for a reason, Moss took a bit more interest in conversing, though it might not have showed on her face. "Join." She admitted, thoughtfully. She looked to him to gauge his reaction; she knew there was a chance she might have come to a place that might not have need of her. Guessing by the scents she traced on the border, she assumed there were perhaps a half dozen wolves. Her chances could be good. 

She likely wouldn't have explained more unless questioned, but she caught sight of Akavir, having responded to Arric's call. He looked well. Much better than he'd looked when she'd seen him last, anyway. Half frozen, soaked through to the skin, muscles rigid from hypothermia. She felt no fondness when she saw him, though. After all, she would have walked on and left him to his fate, assuming he was already possibly dead or likely to die had it not been for her sister's plea. 

He looked surprised and admitted as much. She answered with a nod. "Mm," She grunted in agreement. After all, she hadn't been tracking him or trailing after him. It was by mere coincidence that she'd come across his scent at all- but it'd seemed like a sign. His eyes grazed past her, and she frowned lightly, knowing he was searching for her more amicable sister. She wondered if he would be disappointed to only be left with her. "She's gone." She answered, quietly. Perhaps that would serve as enough explanation as to why she'd decided to seek him out when she'd caught his scent; she was alone.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,072 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric nudged his leader and friend and then looked back to the female on their borders. She wishes to join. I'm afraid I didn't catch a name though.

His blue eyes were full of mirth and he smiled at her. He didn't mind so much, after all she had come after Akavir, not him. And it wasn't his business at that point. If Akavir knew her, then it was up to Akavir to allow her entry or bade her leave.

But he was interested in the outcome none the less.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,113 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
As his eyes sought out the healer who had saved him, he felt the plummet in his chest at her simple words: she’s gone. The two had been inseparable—the meaning was clear, and with sharp intake of breath, he quieted any possible questions he had for her. There would be no point to pulling out details—she would tell him when it was time, he was certain.

Blinking, he cast a sideways glance to Arric, a small nod given. “This is Moss. She and her sister saved me.” That, too, was something he would leave for now, and so his champagne eyes slid back over her. “The creek would be lucky to have you,” he noted, his tail giving a sway through the air. “Our borders need protecting. A rogue group was here not long before… I don’t doubt they’ll be back to try to claim some of their pride we stomped out of them.” There might have been a hint of smugness in his tone—but mostly weary. He would rather he done with the suspicion that they would return.
177 Posts
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She blinked when her deed was acknowledged. Compassion was not her forte, but her strength had indeed been what pulled him from the frigid waters. Her sister would have been pleased to know that Akavir was alive and well, so it seemed to suit that chance had brought her this way. Moss was not a religious wolf, or spiritual in any way so she figured it to be just an amazing coincidence. 

She was tasked with patrolling and guarding. She shifted her massive paws and rose to a standing position, shaking the snow out of her coat. She gave Akavir a brusque nod and grunted softly. She was not keen for warfare or drama, but was certainly game for the satisfaction of chasing off scoundrels who sought to reclaim the area.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,072 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Well it seemed that she was staying. That was fine with him. He too shook his fur out as well. Then shifted. 

I can give you a tour, unless you'd rather have Akavir do it. IF that's the case I can go strengthen some borders.

Arric stood and waited. His blue eyes kind and patient. There wasn't much else that needed doing at the moment. They did need to do some hunting soon.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,113 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
Akavir nudged his friend, gaze still steadfast upon the she-wolf of his past. Those days had been hard—terrible, even. His desire to live for his family what truly spurned him on, and the assistance of the sisters. And then when he had returned…

Well. It had been far from any fairytale ending.

“I’ll take her,” he rumbled, for both of them to hear. Not because he distrusted Arric—but he had a feeling Moss would seek comfort perhaps in a quieter tour—and if given the option, he almost imagined she would have preferred neither to accompany her while she settled.

And so, he would be quick of it, and then allow her space to gain her bearings.
177 Posts
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The offering of a tour from the smiling beta almost mortified her, though she did not react to the suggestion. There would be forced small talk, and she preferred to be solitary in her patrols. She remained stone-faced, impartial, and was about to reject the offer politely when Akavir instead claimed the duty for himself. She wouldn't be thankful for his offer until she realized that it did not come with questions and conversation. That, she could appreciate.

So she obliged to the alpha's request, and nodded silently.