Wheeling Gull Isle angel band

i'd be a believer
if it was all just song and dance
222 Posts
Ooc — Twin
All Welcome 
AW, mainly for family! could also work as RO, i just have sudden dinah muse. set for midday on the 21st

She is but a child. A simple, wonderous child, who is five weeks old. She grows taller as the cornflower of her eyes darkens, her smile widens, her taut little body starts to slim. She laughs more and she sees and hears and feels more. And she loves flowers and the way the cicadas sing to her at night, and the crash of the big blue ocean. She loves the beetles that land on the tip of her nose that she holds on one paw, the smell of the fresh fish she is still too young to eat on her own. She loves mama and daddy, and her three brothers who are almost taller than her now, who she is so rarely seen without. She spends her days nestled with @Judah, or wrestling with @Simeon, or pestering @Malakai. And she loves them. 
And it's this love that she carries in a bleeding little heart as fawn-like limbs carry her through the dense ponderosas. Shrubbery that tickles her cheek when she brushes against it, the twigs she carries as comfort. The berries she sniffs and can't break the skin of with milkteeth, but oh, how she longs to.
And it's today that she goes to the beach. All by herself! Won't mama @Heda and daddy @Caracal be so proud? 
The sound is otherworldly when it is so close. The thickness of the earthen smell of saltwater, the sizzle of early summer. 
And when she snuffles at a mollusk that rolls over with the bump of her nose, she thinks of God. Of how much mama and daddy love Him, how they thank Him for her and her brothers every day. The hymns that are her lullabies, the prayers she overhears when stirring from her naps. Mama says God made her, and so today, when the child's gaze leans skyward, she thanks Him, too. 
Den Mother*
1,269 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
how sweet the air! how beautiful the days! heda found herself more and more renewed as their cubs became more mobile. now they wandered, down from the greenhills and into every part of the island, the lavender fields, the tide-pools, the beachead.
vesper, manea, everett, all drifting here and there, adding watchful eyes upon the four innocent wanderers in the land touched by heaven.
heda did not go down yet to join little dinah on the sand; she sat and too lifted her face into god's light, giving thanks for the daughter and the sons who would now grow to be sweetharbor's first blessings.
164 Posts
Ooc — tazi
lil cameo <3

As much as he cries when his mother and sister fade from view, Judah will not leave the den.

But Dinny brings many gifts: marvels of the world outside in Judah-sized bites. Today there is a beetle: a glossy midnightwing inching between his paws on the dirt floor, and occasionally creeping across his toes which warrants a bubbly, high-pitched laugh every time.

He plunks his nose down and stares at it, gaping at the many legs and sheen of his wings.
Messenger of God
100 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Though at only a month of age, Malakai had come to love the sea. At the distance of the beach to the den safely tucked within the woodlands, the crash of waves could still be heard in the distance if you took the moment to focus on it. However, it was never a noise which Malakai had put much attention to, at such a young age.

A time of their first great changes was upon them. Now, at a little over a month old, he had been allowed to leave the den and walk out into the sun. They would begin to wean and taste test many things. They would learn to speak proper words, however small. And most importantly, they would see the world

Malakai would stop short of the sands, still in the wispy long summer grass, not all that far out from his mother further along the beach. His head is lifted high, taking in deep breathes of the salty air and closing his eyes as he drank up the warmth of the sun. He had already learned to love his family and now he would learn to love his home, too.
I will carry cross and song where I don't belong
50 Posts
Ooc — Jaclyn
also just a little cameo!

His parents gave freedom to explore the island, and Simeon gravitated to the faces who wandered about.

@Manea, who stood as a cold white willow, eyes deep as the midnight sky. Her smiles were rare but he tried to draw them from her. Knew there must be warmth inside, and light. He would find them both.

@Everett, who filled the island with quiet songs like the ones mama sang. But his voice was laden with the sadness of his eyes — a sadness, still, that seemed to lift little by little every day he lived under God’s kind care.

@Vesper, who walked the Isle in the shadows of night, and who had found Simeon when he had snuck away past the time he knew he should have been out. Diligent, a mystery still. He sat at the den mouth sometimes when he should have been asleep to watch for her.

He loved the island for many things, but while he was drawn by the waves, the wind, the wild beauty God had given them, he was drawn all the more by the strangers and faces He had drawn, for some purpose, to them.