Quote:Tags for reference. Anyone wanna make this interesting? :3 Raindrop is still wandering the Flatlands, but she is staying half close to otter creek, since it’s a good source for food.
Time had gone by, and Rain had become lone once again. @Etienne and @Anselm had left, and she assumed it was back to their pack. As the weather kept a warm temperature during the day, nights had become chilly. When this happened, she would find a sheltered spot to curl up and sleep.
The next day came, and she decided she wanted something other to eat than fish. In this search she found herself entering the BlackFeather Woods, it was dark, little sunlight feeding through the trees. Yet, she was able to track herself down a plump, well fed rabbit. She stalked it, and skillfully pounce it.
Rain took her prize, and headed back towards the entrance of the woods before she sat down to eat. More like gobble it down…..
October 10, 2023, 09:34 AM
Etienne stuck near the hollow, but every now and again he found himself near the edge of other territories. Today he had found his way to a dark woods and with it brought a scent he recognized.
It had not been his intent to leave raindrop on her own. And he determined he would offer her a place near them. Screw what anselm thought. She deserved more. But he would be honest.
It was with luck he found her.
A soft smile though he stopped away so she didn't mistake him for someone trying to steal.
It had not been his intent to leave raindrop on her own. And he determined he would offer her a place near them. Screw what anselm thought. She deserved more. But he would be honest.
It was with luck he found her.
A soft smile though he stopped away so she didn't mistake him for someone trying to steal.
'ello Raindrop.
October 10, 2023, 11:56 AM
(This post was last modified: October 10, 2023, 11:57 AM by Raindrop.)
Raindrop had finished her meal of rabbit when she caught the familiar scent of Etienne, brining her head up to look at him. She returned his smile along with a slight wag of her tail. “Hello Eti. I’m pleased to see you again. How are you?” And although the thought of how Anselm was arose in her mind, she thought it best to focus on Etienne, especially since she previously sensed a tension when the two males were together.
October 12, 2023, 10:17 AM
Etienne continued his smile and she shifted to move a little closer to her.
He didn't know what else to offer her. Anselm was still his absolutely goblin self, with his sharp tongue and his meanness, but Etienne just couldn't quite let him alone. He wanted to make sure he was okay. Which was probably foolish and he eventually would get hurt. He knew he would, it was only a matter of time, but what the hurt was, was up for debate.
He wished he could offer her a place with he and Anselm, but even he wasn't sure if they were going to stay together over the winter. IT was all a bit confusing and up in the air as it were.
I'm be alrite Rain. 'ow about you? Anselm's dad got 'im back to de pack lands. 'e be 'ealin' up nicely.
He didn't know what else to offer her. Anselm was still his absolutely goblin self, with his sharp tongue and his meanness, but Etienne just couldn't quite let him alone. He wanted to make sure he was okay. Which was probably foolish and he eventually would get hurt. He knew he would, it was only a matter of time, but what the hurt was, was up for debate.
You be doin' okay? Findin' a place for de winter?
He wished he could offer her a place with he and Anselm, but even he wasn't sure if they were going to stay together over the winter. IT was all a bit confusing and up in the air as it were.
October 13, 2023, 11:59 PM
(This post was last modified: October 13, 2023, 11:59 PM by Raindrop.)
Quote:I thought I had posted a reply…?
She hung on Eti’s words, listening as he spoke. “I’m pleased to hear that.” She replied, “And I’m doing okay. Thank you for asking.”
He then asked her if she had found a place to stay for the winter: “No,” she told him in all honesty, “For now, I just find any half sheltered spot to curl up in.”
October 17, 2023, 09:48 AM
Etienne listened to the way she spoke. The halting in her words as if she wasn't entirely sure what to say. He himself knew this well. He could not speak as his mother and his sister did. He was not elegant or a good communicator. He felt more than spoke. Was heartfelt and different.
He was a little saddened that she had no place to go and yet could he offer her a place. He wasn't sure if Anselm would allow. And for a moment a piercing flash of red hot jealousy that he would have to share Anselm came to mind and he was disgusted with himself. There was no reason for such a thought. Anselm wasn't even his friend. No matter how Eti wished for it at the very least.
Etienne frowned thinking through what he could say.
He was a little saddened that she had no place to go and yet could he offer her a place. He wasn't sure if Anselm would allow. And for a moment a piercing flash of red hot jealousy that he would have to share Anselm came to mind and he was disgusted with himself. There was no reason for such a thought. Anselm wasn't even his friend. No matter how Eti wished for it at the very least.
Etienne frowned thinking through what he could say.
I can offer you two alternatives.A soft nibble to his lip.
You can be comin' back wit' me. But I can't be promisin' dat Anselm be welcomin' no.He shook his head to show how truthful it was.
But 'e may let you be dere wit' us. Or you can go to de coast, my manman is dere and my sister Suzu. De take very good care of you.
October 17, 2023, 03:32 PM
(This post was last modified: October 17, 2023, 03:46 PM by Raindrop.)
The kind gentleman had offered her two options in mind of a place to stay for the winter. She rolled both over her mind for a couple minutes, which showed on her face. Out of the two options, she going back with Etienne was the first one she kept coming back to. So that is it. She smiled with gratitude, “I would be delighted to come back with you.” “I really appreciate it.”
Quote:Shrimpie post, lol.
October 20, 2023, 01:12 PM
Etienne waited quietly, flicking his tail gently behind him while she thought through her options. He couldn't blame her for that.
However, he also wondered what Anselm would make of this and how angry he would be. It made him a little nervous, but he didn't let it show.
When she gave him her answer, he offered a small smile.
He looked down.
Though Eti briefly thought of the now healed scratch on his face. Though it seemed it was just him that had such a reaction from Anselm. Since he had met him really.A soft smile. A dip of his head.
However, he also wondered what Anselm would make of this and how angry he would be. It made him a little nervous, but he didn't let it show.
When she gave him her answer, he offered a small smile.
Very well den. Glad to 'ave you. Remember.
He looked down.
I can't be promisin' Anselm will be nice, but 'e won't be 'urtin' you at least.
Though Eti briefly thought of the now healed scratch on his face. Though it seemed it was just him that had such a reaction from Anselm. Since he had met him really.A soft smile. A dip of his head.
You be comin' wit' me den. Come along.
No worries <3
October 20, 2023, 02:05 PM
Etienne patiently waited for her answer, and she was grateful. He then told her to come along with a dip of his head and a smile. He also mentioned that Anselm may or may not be happy with it, but that was okay. “Thank you very much, Eti.” She replied, “And if anything happens, I wouldn’t hold it against you.“
However, she did take notice at the healed scratch on his nose…. Could it be that Anselm did that? He didn’t sound like a nice guy to begin with. Despite this, she continued on, trailing behind Eti.
However, she did take notice at the healed scratch on his nose…. Could it be that Anselm did that? He didn’t sound like a nice guy to begin with. Despite this, she continued on, trailing behind Eti.
October 21, 2023, 08:28 AM
Etienne had patience in spades. He supposed part of that came from how he was raised and his siblings who were louder and more exuberant than he. He knew to wait his turn he would have one. Manman always made sure of that. He should visit her soon. Stop in and say hello. Because Suzu was right, he was being unfair to her.
Eti shook his head.
Etienne smiled then.
Eti shook his head.
I don't tink it will. I think you will be fine. It jus seems to be me, 'e 'as a problem wit', but dat be okay.
Etienne smiled then.
W'at do you like to be doin' in your free time?
October 21, 2023, 11:39 AM
As the two made their way to sleep fox hollow, where Paleo once claimed as their home, they enjoyed some small talk. Etienne then replied to her previous words. Her nose wrinkled when he considered that he himself was the problem. She then unwrinkled her nose, and answered his next question.
“Well, I like to….” Raindrop paused, she wasn’t exactly sure what she enjoyed, at least not since she became a loner. “I suppose lingering around flowers.” She told him. “Flowers are so different from each other, yet they’re all special.”
“Well, I like to….” Raindrop paused, she wasn’t exactly sure what she enjoyed, at least not since she became a loner. “I suppose lingering around flowers.” She told him. “Flowers are so different from each other, yet they’re all special.”
October 23, 2023, 11:56 AM
Eti wasn't certain that he was the problem, but it felt like it sometimes. The way Anselm got so angry with him and how he acted. Or just his existence really. Anselm seemed to hate his existence. But Etienne couldn't quite leave the white boy alone. He wondered at it, and on regular occasions he wondered were he insane?
Etienne laughed then, his laughter melodious, he had his mother's laugh.
Once they made it to the borders. Eti motioned for her to stop, a strange expression on his face.
Then Golden eyes watched with trepidation and hope. Perhaps Anselm would be fine with her. After all, she was different than him.
Etienne laughed then, his laughter melodious, he had his mother's laugh.
Dat be okay wit' me. I be likin' flowers and 'erbs. Dey are pretty, useful, an' de smell good. De best of bot' worlds, yea.
Once they made it to the borders. Eti motioned for her to stop, a strange expression on his face.
I be callin' @Anselm now, Raindrop. 'e 'as final say.Etienne lifted his head and howled out a small howl to Anselm.
Then Golden eyes watched with trepidation and hope. Perhaps Anselm would be fine with her. After all, she was different than him.
October 23, 2023, 12:11 PM
They trekked up towards a mountain side, where the two stopped in their tracks. She stood next to Eti, and they chatted for a minute. Following a musical laugh, he told her about how he too liked followers and herbs.
“Of course.” She said, nodding in agreement at the fact that flowers and herbs were both nice and useful.
After, he threw his head up to howl for Anselm, as he said that Anselm would have a final stay. If he said no, she wasn’t sure what she would do, other than go perhaps go to the coast with Etienne’s family. That or just wandering. But hopefully it wouldn’t come to that, as she fully enjoyed Etienne’s company.
“Whatever happens, Eti, I want to thank you for your kindness and hospitality.”
“Of course.” She said, nodding in agreement at the fact that flowers and herbs were both nice and useful.
After, he threw his head up to howl for Anselm, as he said that Anselm would have a final stay. If he said no, she wasn’t sure what she would do, other than go perhaps go to the coast with Etienne’s family. That or just wandering. But hopefully it wouldn’t come to that, as she fully enjoyed Etienne’s company.
“Whatever happens, Eti, I want to thank you for your kindness and hospitality.”
November 01, 2023, 05:44 PM
Soft chatter filled the woodlands, followed by the melodic howl of Anselm's last remaining tie to this world. Could he even call Etienne a friend -- what was he, besides cruel, to the boy born of sea and sandstone?
He moved reluctantly towards the source, slowing as he saw Etienne stand alongside a figure. At first his heart bladed with a softer cousin to jealousy -- but realizing the figure was one he knew, Anselm turned aside.
He moved reluctantly towards the source, slowing as he saw Etienne stand alongside a figure. At first his heart bladed with a softer cousin to jealousy -- but realizing the figure was one he knew, Anselm turned aside.
Vhat is it?He asked of them both, doing his best to disguise the lingering pain from his injuries.
November 01, 2023, 05:50 PM
It was peaceful here in the hollow that Etienne had lead her too. And yet there was a turmoil deep inside the seaborn prince and he wasn't sure what to make of it. He didn't wish to cause the sweet raindrop pain. And he wondered if he was walking her into hells teeth.
Etienne looked the youth over with practiced eye. Knowing this would need to be brief and to the point.
Etienne looked the youth over with practiced eye. Knowing this would need to be brief and to the point.
She has no w'ere for de winter. I brought 'er 'ere to see if you would allow 'er to stay 'ere w'ere we be.
November 01, 2023, 07:26 PM
The grey man approached, his appearance like a mountain, and his accent strong. He most certainly healed since she had last seen him a couple months prior. As he stepped forward, she stepped back just a hair, her tail low. She knew little about him, but before he and Etienne had left the Otter Creek, she saw how stubborn he was.
She let Eti speak, explain what the situation was. She needed a place to stay for the winter, and hopefully he, Anselm, will agree. As they spoke, her eyes strayed to Etienne’s face; that fine, dark mask with gilded eyes of gold. A small smile crept at the corners of her mouth. — She brought her attention then to Anselm, coming back to the present moment. “I would ever be grateful for your hospitality if you will have me.” This she hoped.
She let Eti speak, explain what the situation was. She needed a place to stay for the winter, and hopefully he, Anselm, will agree. As they spoke, her eyes strayed to Etienne’s face; that fine, dark mask with gilded eyes of gold. A small smile crept at the corners of her mouth. — She brought her attention then to Anselm, coming back to the present moment. “I would ever be grateful for your hospitality if you will have me.” This she hoped.
November 13, 2023, 10:26 AM
(This post was last modified: November 13, 2023, 10:27 AM by Anselm.)
The pair gave Anselm far more respect than he deserved. His gaze flicked from Etienne to Raindrop, who held her head low as if he owned this place.
He looked around them; here was his throne, on the kingdom of his family’s ruin.
And this was his first edict, as a boy launched unexpectedly into the role of survivorship.
There would be no further pleasantries, no warm welcome committee— for Anselm’s heart was hurting, and if weren’t for Etienne he may have never lived at all.
His gaze rested on Etienne for a beat before he stalked stiffly away, disguising his limp until he was out of eyesight.
He looked around them; here was his throne, on the kingdom of his family’s ruin.
And this was his first edict, as a boy launched unexpectedly into the role of survivorship.
The rendezvous is that vay.He motioned for the densites behind him.
There would be no further pleasantries, no warm welcome committee— for Anselm’s heart was hurting, and if weren’t for Etienne he may have never lived at all.
I vill be at the borders.
His gaze rested on Etienne for a beat before he stalked stiffly away, disguising his limp until he was out of eyesight.
November 13, 2023, 11:09 AM
Eti dsre not even breathe as Anselm thought through what was asked. His gaze lingering on him for a minute. It burned and seared on his fur when Anselm stared. He had to soothe his insides for a momwnt before he spoke to raindrop.
He would show her of the small pack and hope ahe found a place to make her own. He'd be sure to drop something to eat and herbs at the mountain boy no now a man's den.
You be comin' wit' me den. Come along.
He would show her of the small pack and hope ahe found a place to make her own. He'd be sure to drop something to eat and herbs at the mountain boy no now a man's den.
November 13, 2023, 05:04 PM
Apparently, he agreed. She raised her head a little higher, “Thank you.” She replied, grateful for his acceptance, even though it wasn’t warm. Etienne spoke next, his words and actions instructing her to come with him.
She nodded to Eti, and followed close beside him. — For the first time in a while, she felt a spark of hope light inside her. Perhaps she would no longer be alone, roaming the wilds of this land. And even thought she loved traveling, there will come be a time when she must settle down. This looked like a new door opening in her life.
She nodded to Eti, and followed close beside him. — For the first time in a while, she felt a spark of hope light inside her. Perhaps she would no longer be alone, roaming the wilds of this land. And even thought she loved traveling, there will come be a time when she must settle down. This looked like a new door opening in her life.
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