Cassiopeia's View Use the rocks to show where the frame will go.
5,275 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
It had rained overnight, making the rocky ground a little slick for Towhee’s tastes. But she was quite accustomed to navigating mountainous terrain, so she didn’t let it discourage her. She kept trekking ever upward, marveling at the views every so often.

Warmth suddenly fell across her back like a blanket. Towhee stopped and looked at the sky, where the sun had peeked out from behind the thick clouds. She closed her eyes, enjoying the heat on her face for a moment. This place definitely wasn’t as shadowy as Nocturne Summit next door.

Somewhere along the way, she kind of lost interest in the deer, though she still loosely followed their scent as it wound along a game trail. She missed the sun when the path led her into the adjacent mountains’ shadows, though at least the ground began to even out a bit. Breathing hard in the thinner air, Towhee came to a stop in a copse of evergreens.

There they were, grazing on the carpet of pine needles. Towhee quickly sidled behind an outcropping before the deer could notice her. She peeked from behind it, watching them snacking away on those sharp little leaves. She pulled a face, wondering how awful they must taste. Didn’t they get caught in their throats?

-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
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RE: Use the rocks to show where the frame will go. - by Towhee - April 28, 2023, 10:15 AM