Sun Mote Copse (M) Some things Change
5,209 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
She missed his question about Meadow in her distraction. Towhee managed to catch the rest of Reyson’s words, a little puff of laughter escaping her at the mental image he evoked. He made an observation about the puppy which brought her orange gaze back to the little boy, bright with a spicy flavor of unconditional love.

Yeah, she could only agree, he does, before pausing and muttering, What the fuck under her breath.

She couldn’t help but stare at his white fur. It must’ve come from her side somewhere. Towhee thought about Casanova but quickly banished the thought of him. She didn’t even know his real name. She hadn’t seen him since and she hoped she never would. She—they—didn’t need him.

Her forelegs tightened around the little piece of shit, nose touching his pale belly. He cooed and squirmed, then presumably began mewling. He was probably hungry, Towhee realized, looking to Reyson for confirmation that the baby was likely making noise.

Do me a favor? Will you carry him to The Taigh for me? I’ll be right behind you, I just need to grab a drink and maybe a dip on the way. Yeeting all your bodily fluids in the summer sun kinda parches you.

-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
Messages In This Thread
(M) Some things Change - by Reyson - August 29, 2024, 12:06 PM
RE: Some things Change - by Towhee - August 29, 2024, 12:11 PM
RE: Some things Change - by Reyson - August 29, 2024, 12:18 PM
RE: Some things Change - by Towhee - August 29, 2024, 01:24 PM
RE: Some things Change - by Reyson - August 29, 2024, 01:33 PM
RE: (M) Some things Change - by Towhee - August 29, 2024, 02:19 PM
RE: (M) Some things Change - by Reyson - August 30, 2024, 08:14 AM
RE: (M) Some things Change - by Towhee Jr - August 30, 2024, 03:53 AM
RE: (M) Some things Change - by Towhee - August 30, 2024, 09:26 AM
RE: (M) Some things Change - by Towhee Jr - September 01, 2024, 04:16 AM
RE: (M) Some things Change - by Reyson - September 01, 2024, 03:52 PM
RE: (M) Some things Change - by Towhee - September 01, 2024, 04:56 PM
RE: (M) Some things Change - by Towhee Jr - September 04, 2024, 05:51 AM
RE: (M) Some things Change - by Seal - September 05, 2024, 12:23 PM
RE: (M) Some things Change - by Reyson - September 05, 2024, 12:55 PM
RE: (M) Some things Change - by Towhee - September 05, 2024, 01:26 PM
RE: (M) Some things Change - by Towhee Jr - September 06, 2024, 01:43 PM