The Sunspire all is almost lost and it starts to show
he came and stole the wild
1,808 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Master Coach
Master Historian
Pack Activity 
This is a mandatory pack meeting and each round will last six days. The next round will start on August 28th.
Paging @Wraen @Terance @Liffey @Treason @Cassiopeia @Bernard @Hyacinth @Nara @Rueger @Maia @Malice @Coelho @Wisp @Remi @Breccan @Deshyr!
"Kids, this is the meeting area, This is where we have pack meetings," Rannoch informed his children as his family filed into the opening that served as Sunspire's conference hall. "I'll be standing on that big stone in the distance with Terance and Wraen," he motioned towards the slab of slate in the distance, "And you guys will sit with your mother and the rest of the pack." Rannoch turned to his wife and poked her cheek with his nose. "When the adults are talking, it is expected that you guys behave—no horsin' around or tomfoolery." They had reached the podium; he stepped up onto the platform and turned to his family with a smile. "If you are good, you'll get to stay up past your bedtime and we'll take you to watch the stars," Once the children understood, Rannoch smiled. "I love you guys," he added.

"Now, come on—let's call the others so that they can join us. Rannoch proposed; although the children had been practicing their howling, they had yet to put their practice to use. Rannoch tipped his head back then and howled, inviting the wolves of Sunspire to meet him within the wooded area halfway up the peak. Although the babble of the stream could be heard, Rannoch was confident that it wasn't a concern for the meeting; this area had been decided upon when they had originally moved to Sunspire. 

Once the wolves of Sunspire had amassed at the pack's designated meeting area, Rannoch regarded his company with a warm smile. "Welcome, and thank you for joining us today." Rannoch drew in a steady breath. "Wraen, Terance, and I wanted to address the matter about prey—it's more than obvious that something has gone wrong," duh, Rannoch, "In the past, we have discussed relocating, and I think that it is time that we seriously consider this option." He paused, and allowed a moment for the crowd to understand the seriousness of their situation. "I will not allow our pride in our home to hinder our future," he elaborated, and regarded his wife and children. 

"We will scout to the east of the Sunspire, close to where our allies in Easthollow live." Of course, they would not settle close to where they lived unless they discussed it with Valette first. "@Liffey, @Pyro, @Witchbaby, @Coelho—as our resident scouts, I will be needing your support in informing the pack of what awaits us on the other side of the Sunspire mountains." 

"If we find a land that is suitable for our needs, we will aim to relocate as soon as possible." Read: in October, when people have had the chance to thread out scouting threads.
a crime so old as the sky and bone
he came untied, solid as a stone
all is almost lost and it starts to show
147 Posts
Ooc — Chey
It had been a lazy day for the resident medic, she had lounged about and attempted to hunt coming up with a surprising win as she had killed a weasel, the first small prey she had seen in forever. It was the first good bit of prey she had seen in forever too, and her stomach rumbled  loudly but she thought of Rannoch's kids and mate and promptly deposited it outside of their den. 

Just as she did she heard the call go up from Rannoch and hurried over, sitting down just in time to hear the matter at hand. Her heartbeat quickened at the thought of being closer to Easthollow and she felt her tail begin to beat at the ground. She Would be closer to Howl, she could see him more and develop their bond! "I have experience with the land to and from Easthollow! I've travelled to an area near there a few times for herbs and I also went there to visit someone" she piped up and then looked embarrassed "I guess what I mean to say is..I can help scout out prospective territories and the best path to it? If of course Liffey, Pyro and Witchbaby would like the help?" she gave a nervous and sheepish smile. She just wanted to be more then the awkward medic for once, she wanted to be of real use.
~Always down for Healing threads~

medic specialty: 4/10
the bullet we're running from is almost never the one that hits us
78 Posts
coelho was close by when the howl came, and stood attention stiffly as wolves assembled around her. her expression remained inscrutable, even as the topic of moving was broached. she had little connection to this land and remained nonplussed, though she did study the faces of her packmates for their reactions.

a little hope glimmered in her, that they might settle by an ocean; she might settle for lake, or great lagoon - how she missed the sing of the wind on the beach, and the fare of fish. her daydreaming was snatched from her by mention of her name and she stood abruptly to attention, eyes swiftly unclouded from their hazy memory. she looked at the southern rim of their world, where the rocky arms of sunspire descended into unknown woodland. a nod was given in understanding: her little legs would carry her far after this meeting, though for now she listened for any packmate to voice their say before departing.
“Call him Judas if you want
but he did it for reasons
much older than silver.”
Life has a beautiful, crazy design
143 Posts
Ooc — Anthony
I hope it's okay to post while a PM gets around to removing me from PPC status!

His efforts to find better sources of food close to Sunspire for the pack's sustenance had gone pretty much like everyone else's: unfruitful. But luckily the wise, young Rannoch had already developed an alternative to keep the pack going. Pyro gathered up at the meeting place with a tired look to his eyes and settled next to wherever his mother had placed herself and sent a smile across all the other faces to Coelho to make sure she knew he was back. Moving out was possibly the most reasonable move by that point, and Pyro nodded in agreement with his leader as the news were shared. They were a big, tight group and they would withstand whatever fireballs life threw at them, all next to Rannoch and his beautiful family.

When his name came up with the announcement of a new scouting mission Pyro stood proudly. He would honor his friend and leader doing his best effort to find him a paradise for him to raise his children or he would starve in the effort. Hyacinth was quick to throw out a suggestion, which Pyro didn't hate at all. He waited to see what Liffey, as a higher-standing member would say about that, but he offered a smile in kind gesture regardless. The offer was appreciated. The lands towards the north are tricky to navigate, marshes, swamps and bogs abounded, and whatever piece of land wasn't damp was instead thick with foliage. Most definitely a drawback, but hopefully a sign of better hunting grounds. I'm sure we'll find good game down there, though. I'll be ready whenever you need me to be. he said with a serious nod. He simply couldn't bare the idea of ever disappointing Rannoch.
88 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
Rueger was out patrolling when the call rang out. He changed his course to head towards Rannoch and the meeting area. He settled a little behind the others, sitting back on his haunches. Once the Alpha began talking, his ears perked in attention. Rueger could understand wanting to move. While they seemed successful enough hunting large game, the small game was near extinction in this area, and it could not be ignored any longer.

Rueger didn't mind moving. He wished he could offer up his help with the scouting missions, but if that many wolves were going to be out picking their new territory, they would need muscle here to hold down the fort. But, if Rannoch asked anything of Rueger, he would do it.

My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.
~Maya Angelou
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
When Rannoch's call invited Wraen and the rest of Sunspire for a meeting, she had been sleeping soundly - something she tended to do more often lately, when she was not out scouting, hunting and hatching up new plans for the next group hunt. After a good stretch and some yawns, the beta wasted no time and was one of the first to arrive. She took a seat on alpha's left hand (right - in her opinion - was reserved for Liffey and Terance) and waited for others to come. 

There was hardly anything she could add to, what had been announced or said already, therefore she waited patiently for others to voice their opinions.
205 Posts
Ooc — Kim
"Pat meetins," Breccan said obediently, nodding his head as he imitated his father to show his understanding. He looked to the big rock that his father indicated and found himself wishing that he could climb up there, too; it just seemed like a cool place to be, and he was sure he would have no problem scaling up the side of it. He was halfway tempted to defy Rannoch and do it, but there was an air of solemnity as the other members of the pack filed in, and Breccan knew that he would get in trouble if he acted up. Besides, staying up late to watch the stars sounded like fun, and he didn't want to miss out on that by misbehaving now.

So he plopped his little bottom to the ground alongside his siblings and his mama and listened as Rannoch began to address the crowd. He wasn't sure exactly what was being discussed -- there were a lot of words used that weren't yet in his vocabulary -- so he glanced up at Liffey with a worried expression, waiting for her to explain what was going on.
Like a dream, the tree of life covers me, and dulls my eyes; I fall asleep.
776 Posts
Ooc — Meebee
The older widow made her way to the meeting as soon as the call rang through the air, abandoning the border work she had assigned herself to since there was little small game to be hunted. She was glad when Pyro came to settle near her, feeling closer to her youngest son than ever now they were finally in a pack together again. She still couldn't believe he had managed to survive and grow so large when compared to the smaller, weaker and younger boy she had put on the earth moons ago.

She nodded in agreement, pride should never endanger the lives of pack members, she believed. She was glad to see that Rannoch thought so as well, living up to the high standards she had assigned the younger male due to her son's praise. I know the lands you will be traversing will be familiar, but wouldn't a skilled navigator be useful on the missions? She asked, not minding if they didn't need her for the particular task. She had a grand array of skills she was willing to use for the pack.
~Adopt Avalon!~
~Fake name: Absinthe~[Image: warrior_zpsifen6kug.gif](Guardian)[Image: naturalist_zps22vypiui.gif](Astronomer 1/10)

149 Posts
Ooc — Khalysa

When she heard Rannoch's call she quickly made her way to where the pack had gathered. She listened quietly. 

Nara has always been someone who didn't get emotional often, but thinking about leaving Sunspire, leaving her home - she had to swallow to force down the lump in her throat. Her heart wanted her to stay, but her mind knew better. Although it was her heart that made her speak up after Malice had shared her thoughts. I was here when we first settled on the mountain. And I can't believe how much of a home it has become for me since then. Although she liked how she knew all the quickest routes in and out. Or the view from the cliff where you could see the entire valley below. She would miss being this far from the ground, where it felt like no one but the clouds could touch her. However, she wasn't loyal to a mountain, she was loyal to her pack.

And so she continued. But I too have seen how little prey there is left and how far we have to go, or how much risks we have to take to find something to eat. She glanced quickly at Wraen, her faithful hunting companion, who had also been a kind of mentor to her. Of course she knew that if they left, they would all go together - but still, it felt like she would be leaving a part of herself here. So I understand why we would need to leave. I have confidence that you will make the right decisions and I will stand behind them she concluded and then gave a small nod to indicate that she had said what she had wanted to say.

783 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Master Ranger
Liffey smiled as Rannoch gave instruction to their children. He was just as wonderful a dad as she had always expected him to be, much like her own father had been to her and her siblings. When the howl began, Liffey joined her own voice to theirs and thrilled at the sound of their whole family singing together. When it was ended, she thought it a shame that their company would soon be infiltrated by the rest of the pack. But that was a secret thought that she buried with her other secret thoughts, recognizing that it was not kind, and rather selfish.

Buried as those secrets were, the aggitation continued to creep in and settle beneath her skin as the meeting proceeded. She had gladly and wholeheartedly stepped into the matron role when her kids had been born and even now considered raising them to be her utmost priority. Even so, to stand in the crowd while Rannoch, Wraen and Terance stood ahead of them rankled her. She was surprised by the feeling, knowing perfectly well there was no reason for it. She had been involved in the decision to relocate, as she was in all decision pertaining to the pack. Her rank was still high, and everyone knew it. But still. It vexed her.

The curious eyes of her children pulled her attention away from her own inner musings. She met Breccan's worried gaze with a smile and a wag of her tail, though she offered no words of explanation. Now was not the time. She looked around at her packmates again as responses began to sound - Hyacinth, then Pyro, Malice, and Nara. Annoyance flashed again that she was not being looked to to manage the scouting parties, but she stifled it, knowing she had turned that responsibility down when she became a matron. And again, it flared at Malice's words, the meaning of which she misconstrued as criticism and disrespect. But she knew she was reading it wrong, and she forced her irritation to settle again.

Fortunately, Liffey said and showed nothing except a slight tension in her shoulders, which could easily have been dismissed as a reflection of the strain she felt over having to leave Sunspire. That was something too - something she blamed entirely on Seabreeze's and Olive's selfishness and carelessness. Another annoyance, but this one she didn't explain away. That one, at least, she had every right to feel.

Liffey chose not to fill the conversation with her own voice. Rannoch knew already she had never traveled East of the Sunspire mountain range already and that she was uncertain of her own part in this scouting mission. She trusted only Rannoch and Wraen to care for her kids and if their attention was elsewhere, then hers would have to remain. But she would probably still be irritated with others for taking charge when she voluntarily stepped aside. She probably ought to work on that, actually. And she probably wouldn't.
if I knew where I was going, I'd lose my way.
v e r i t a s
436 Posts
Ooc — thalia
she, too, was silent among the crowd. gaze shifted from wolf to wolf as they offered their assistance and knowledge on the northern territories, finally falling on Nara as she gave her emotional speech, brow tightening as the woman pledged her loyalty. she felt no need to do the same; Rannoch knew well enough how bound she was to the pack. still,as her gaze fell to Rannoch and the others as they stood above the rest, she felt something akin to dissatisfaction. 

perhaps her recent power struggle with Vaati had awoken something forced into dormancy, perhaps her newly strengthened ties to the sunspire had. but she found herself wanting more; and as her gaze settled a moment on Liffey, she understood then exactly what. unknowingly, her thoughts echoed closely the matrons, save for the fact that she had the general understanding that there remained no place for her at the top, not now. no place for her own budding desire to have what the woman had, and so was she quiet. for now, she would deal with her lot.
That is not dead which can eternal lie. 
And with strange aeons even death may die.

nomen est omen
1,069 Posts
Ooc — Jennifer
Master Guardian
They were in a way lucky that the meeting was called on the day it was -- there was a very real chance that Treason could have been elsewhere, gorging herself on fish or whatever other small creatures she could catch through a day.  It had kept her in good condition, not that she cared if anyone noticed it or her periodic short disappearances.  She helped herself first and had occasionally brought things back to help the others when luck decided it.

The fact that Seabreeze and Olive had left with their passel of children that probably shouldn't have been born in the first place had greatly amused her.  To a certain point Treason thought the pack deserved it -- they had allowed the children to exist, dealt with the leeches through their most resource-depriving times and now that they were borderline useful again, off they went into the ether!  Hah!  Fools. Things were slowly poisoning her perspective.  Loyalty frayed as it felt undeserved. There were still a few plates spinning before she'd have to go and make her decision, but at least for now she joined the group and sat among them.

So now they were going to leave?  Well, sometime soonish.  She supposed it kind of made sense, but it placed yet another deadline on her decisions.  If she was to leave, would it be better to do so sooner?  But what if she didn't know by then?  Before winter.  She definitely needed to know before the weather turned.  Though she had one ear on the meeting, her thoughts ran elsewhere.  Treason was not a scout, and she wasn't exactly in the best state to give opinions.
Arbiter is often not a nice person and will think mean things without acting on them.
If you aren't sure whether her snarky thoughts might be readable, just ask!  IC≠OOC
1,537 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Maia showed up late.  She'd been hunting near the edge of the territory and taken her own sweet time in getting back when she heard Rannoch's summons, mostly because she didn't really move faster.

She arrived in time to sneak into the back and hear most of it though.  Moving? Scouting? Aw heck yeah!  She glanced at Wraen, too excited by the prospect to feel too much remorse.  This territory really held no more appeal than any other... less really, since food had become scarce, and her own frame was thinning.  She just needed Wraen and Terance around to be happy, and since they'd be going with, this was gonna be awesome.
he came and stole the wild
1,808 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Master Coach
Master Historian
Round 2! Our last round, unless anybody else speaks up! This round (and meeting) will end on September 5th

@Wraen @Terance @Liffey @Treason @Cassiopeia @Hyacinth @Nara @Rueger @Maia @Malice @Coelho @Breccan @Deshyr!

Some of Sunspire's members rose to voice their opinions, while the others choose to remain silent. Overall, it seemed as though the pack agreed that relocation was Sunspire's next, logical step and Rannoch was relieved that he had the support of his pack. 

Regarding Hyacinth's statement first, Rannoch offered her a smile and nodded. "Your experience with the area would be appreciated," he acknowledged. "I don't see any reason for you to be excluded." Pyro was next to speak, and Rannoch turned towards the scout. "As soon as possible," he replied—and then her turned to Pyro's mother, Malice. "I think a skilled navigator would be extremely useful, too," he offered. Rannoch then positioned himself to address the pack as a whole, "We need to be proactive in our communication about who is out scouting and who is staying in Sunspire. I will be staying at Sunspire, to care for the children and the territory." He glanced at Liffey, and nodded; Rannoch trusted his wife wholeheartedly in finding their next home.  

It was around this time that Rannoch realized that Terance hadn't joined the meeting—where was he? Although the Alpha did not let his true colors shine, he felt concern bubble deep in the pit of his stomach. Nara's monologue was what eventually distracted him; his concern evolved into love, and he looked to Sunspire's huntress with a smile. "Thank you, Nara," he replied. 

Although their time together had been brief, this was the only news that Rannoch had for the pack—they had more important things to focus on. "If everybody is in agreement, I will let our scouts prepare. Liffey, Pyro—gather our scouts and come up with a plan of action. I'm sure Wraen would be a remarkable resource, too?" he glanced at the Beta as he addressed her,  "Thank you for attending. I will keep you all updated as the scouts report back." 

And if nobody had anything else to say, Rannoch would move from the podium to reunite with his family and allow for Liffey to assemble the scouts.
a crime so old as the sky and bone
he came untied, solid as a stone
all is almost lost and it starts to show
nomen est omen
1,069 Posts
Ooc — Jennifer
Master Guardian
That was it?  Though the tilt of her ears and her overall expression might seem mildly displeased at the idea of the move, that was certainly not her reason for it.  She actually felt lied to.  Sure, just the sin of omission probably, but that didn't change the fact that she was counting on this meeting to give her some more clarification so she could figure out her own life and Rannoch had avoided the subject entirely.  The training was also not mentioned and she'd thought that would have been a thing at least referred to offhand.  Had that been dropped too?  She watched Rannoch impatiently for a few lingering moments before realizing no, there really wasn't anything else he was saying.

She slowly got to her feet, stretched, and started to stalk away, feeling as though she'd wasted her time.  Treason had done her job as any good soldier and yet apparently wasn't deserving the courtesy and recognition she believed she was due.  Not a word.  It seemed she'd be stuck as merely a high ranked subordinate who would be periodically outranked by lesser females who'd gone and gotten themselves knocked up.  Because spawning puppies was so worth a promotion.  Yeah, right.  Totally fair.

Maybe Treason had picked incorrectly.
Arbiter is often not a nice person and will think mean things without acting on them.
If you aren't sure whether her snarky thoughts might be readable, just ask!  IC≠OOC
guardian of the galaxy
1,292 Posts
Ooc — Magdalyn
Master Guardian
terance accidentally got himself into a battle with himself. which was why he was so late to the meeting. in fact, he practically missed it.

terance didn't want to go. if he went he feared all eyes would be on him. oh how pitiful-- poor terance, his wife and kids left him. poor terance. but he wanted to go and show everyone he was fine-- that he was strong. and then as time ticked on he realized that him being late was a poor reflection of his status-- but also he couldn't just not show up? it was a classic struggle. ultimately, terance decided to make an appearance.

he padded up unfashionably late, coming up upon what looked to be an irritated treason. oh no? he tried to block her off, brows furrowed and concern on his face. "what's up?" he questioned her, looking past her only to look for rannoch, and then brought his gaze back on her. 

but, to be honest, terance wasn't sure he expected a response. nor did he think he deserved one after being so god damn late.
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
Rannoch covered the topic about leaving and looking for a new place to settle down nicely, people seemed to be positive about the idea itself, there were volunteers and all in all this matter was settled.

Now to... wait, what? Wraen had been absorbed in contemplating the practical aspects of the upcoming leave, some counting, adding and multiplying in the equation, that it took her entirely off guard that her friend was about to close the meeting.

She shot him a surprised glance and then back at the people, who had already gathered. "@Treason , please, do not go just yet," Wraen called out to the guardian, who was about to leave. "There are some more matters we would like to cover in the light of recent events," she looked briefly at Rannoch and then took the thread of speech in her hands.

"First and foremost - from this point on illegitimate litters will be forbidden. The same goes for subordinate pairs, who will have accident litters. Whoever breaks this rule, will be asked to leave immediately," she said, going over the gathered people with a stern gaze. There was a hard edge to her voice, which meant that she was not joking.

"Second - whichever pack Seabreeze and Olive decide to settle down is not our enemy, however, neither of the two will ever be welcome among our ranks, if such situation arises in the future," she went on. There had to be some sort of justice. "The verdict is mild, because both have family members living here. However, beware anyone, who will abuse our good hearts and our hard work in the future - the good opinion of such people once lost will be lost forever," she finished.

"And third - I believe that Rannoch and Treason had some things regarding pack safety to tell us? Better not to leave it for other time and speak about it as well," now she looked at the alpha and asked him to continue.
783 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Master Ranger
Liffey listened as Rannoch continued. She glanced down expectantly at her little ones as he drew the conversation to a close, knowing there would be questions to stifle until she'd had time to wrangle the scouts. She saw no issue with the rather quick end to the meeting, but she wasn't exactly fully in touch with pack goings ons lately to know that more ought to be said. So it was only when Wraen spoke up that Liffey looked about with surprise on her face.

She settled in again quickly enough though, finding appreciation in the newest topic. She too had no desire to allow illegitimate litters in their fold again, and some bitter, kinda vindictive part of her took pleasure in the idea of driving away anyone who broke that rule. Especially that they now had been warned that such would be their fate. Liffey smiled at her friend before looking around again, spying Treason standing with a somewhat perplexed-looking Terance. But of course he would be confused, he hadn't been here for the beginning. She frowned softly, but once again, said nothing.
if I knew where I was going, I'd lose my way.
he came and stole the wild
1,808 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Master Coach
Master Historian
Rannoch had been so focused on delivering the news of relocation, that he had forgotten to address the additional pending issues—shit, shit SHIT. Just as he was about to ready himself to dismount, Wraen's voiced what he had meant to announce; the realization of his blunder caused his stomach to drop. Despite his innermost feelings, Rannoch somehow responded. "Y-Yes," he affirmed somewhat awkwardly, as his eyes fell to the crowd once more, "We will not make the mistakes that were made last season. My family—our pack— will not be put in danger in such a way ever again." Rannoch's warning was obvious, and his tone grew harder with each word that he spoke; Rannoch had rebounded, thankfully. "If you wish to start a family, you must seek permission from myself, Liffey, Wraen, and Terance." 

Wraen went on to explain the Seabreeze and Olive's verdict, and Rannoch shot her a thankful look as she elaborated—he'd look like a fool without her, and piss off the rest of the pack. Especially Treason. 

"Yes, thank you, Wraen," he replied as he assumed the position of the anchor. "I was us all to learn how to defend ourselves. The situation with the wolves in the Vale could have turned nasty, and it might not have ended well for us." Rannoch found Treason in the crowd and straightened his posture. "I asked Treason to help in the training, as I think she's one of our best resources. I know that our efforts will primarily be on our relocation—just like my mind was before Wraen stepped in," he mused, "But our safety is just as important. If we have not found a new home in half a moon cycle, I'd like to hold the lecture for a few days. We'll train in groups, so others can still assume their other responsibilities." He looked to Treason and offered her the opportunity to elaborate however she pleased.
a crime so old as the sky and bone
he came untied, solid as a stone
all is almost lost and it starts to show
1,537 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Hoooo boy this was a looooot.  Umm.  Relocation, check.  No kids?  She glanced sideways at Terance, briefly; she hadn't realized his weren't sanctioned, and suddenly things made wayyyy more sense.  Well, that probably wasn't his fault, was it?  More likely the one who had run off with her nieces and nephews guiltily, ugh.  She'd liked Seabreeze too.  She was nice.  But now she couldn't like her, could she?


Training?  Maia felt a groan come on, but stifled it well.  She wanted to learn how to fight better, definitely.  But with the food shortage and constantly hunting and the heat of late summer, nothing sounded worse than adding more training to everything else she already hated doing.  When would she laze about in the shade?  She needed her me time, ok.

Wraen seemed gung ho about it, though, which made her more apt to take it well.  If her sis thought it was good idea, then it was probably a pretty good idea.  She didn't have much to add, after all that, so just nodded.
starin’ up at where
the moon should be
63 Posts
Ooc — Laur
There was a slender paw on the stick she currently worried with her puppy teeth. After her father had promised a more eventful evening for his brood, the cinnamon girl had sprawled out across the dry earth at the base of her mother's protective paws. Her back limbs splayed out behind her, her toes curling and unfurling as she gnawed away at the small treat she had picked up on their travel from the den.

Her fathers voice rang out, but she paid little heed for the moment. The adults were having what seemed to  e a serious discussion that simply did not interest her. She would miss the tension of the air about her, and only would she steal glances at her mother every so often.

Had she understood what the meeting was about, she would have balked at the idea of leaving home. As it was, her fascination instead rest with the stick her jaws worked at.
the bullet we're running from is almost never the one that hits us
78 Posts
last post for quay-quay

coelho would have made her leave behind treason, were it not for the voice that spoke up stern and hard in the mountain air. she paused and listened, a frown on her features. it troubled her that sunspire had been fractured by misfortune as of late, but perhaps this was the world's strange way of pruning and purging out mistakes.

perhaps it was not a bad thing at all, though coelho felt something inside her fret, as if playing with a loose end and gradually unraveling it. she said nothing, but shared a look with pyro -- once all of this was done, she would seek him out and the two would start their first leg of their scouting journey.
“Call him Judas if you want
but he did it for reasons
much older than silver.”
205 Posts
Ooc — Kim
Essentially all of what was said went right over Breccan's head. He glanced back and forth between each speaking adult like someone watching a tennis match. There was some tension that he could feel, but there was no reason to be afraid; he was still safe with his siblings and his parents all close by. Although the sound of Deshyr crunching on a stick right next to him was enticing, the boy's attention remained focused on the grown ups.
nomen est omen
1,069 Posts
Ooc — Jennifer
Master Guardian
When Terance finally appeared, it was right in her path.  Treason's scowl deepened further, but before she could make a snide remark, Wraen had started talking.  She turned away from him to get a better look at her as the other beta spoke.

By forgetting her they'd already proven how much she was actually worth to them.  As if they'd let her put her plans to action -- it seemed unlikely that Wraen would ever show her favor either.  Look at her!  Trying to seem so superior to them all but all Treason could hear was the woman overstepping her bounds.  Rannoch let her babble away far more than Treason ever would have, like a child trying to prove themselves and ending up sounding like a spoiled prefect unfit for the position.  Why had they even promoted her?  Nepotism instead of worth?

Rannoch's turn to speak.  She listened, but was getting impatient.  He looked to her.  No, leave her be.  She had nothing to add and shook her head before trying to turn and walk away, brushing past Terance without a word or thought.  Treason giving a voice to things would just end badly.  It was better to lie low and find alternate plans before making things clear.
Arbiter is often not a nice person and will think mean things without acting on them.
If you aren't sure whether her snarky thoughts might be readable, just ask!  IC≠OOC
88 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
The leaders spoke, and Rueger listened. Movement caught his eye and he turned his gaze on a female that had gotten up to leave. She was obviously displeased with something, but he wasn't sure what. Rannoch looked like he was about to step off his podium, when Wraen began to talk and he stopped.

He was sure to keep his expression neutral, but he was curious as to what was going on. He didn't think the Alpha's were out of line with their plans of moving and subordinates not having offspring. Was the female trying to leave upset over one of those topics? He knew it wasn't his place to ask, and it was likely he would never seek an answer. So, his attention turned fully when they mentioned learning to fight. I can help with that, he offered.

My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.
~Maya Angelou