Moonstone Quarry I bet you're not so civilized
Sun Mote Copse
2,021 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
All Welcome 
This time Fennec went farther.  She still hadn't told anyone she was departing, though perhaps they'd figured it out by now.  She'd been meaning to give it as her own secret when she talked with Sugar, but had been spared revealing it when her cousin decided to keep her own secret also.  That might have been a plus, she determined after, since she wondered if Sugar Glider would have wanted to come along.  That kinda defeated the whole purpose.

Today she'd lost track of time, though, and as the sun began to cool at her back (increasing the chill in the air), she hadn't begun to turn back her.  Shit, she expressed quietly under her breath.  She turned and was just about to head back when she heard something moving.  It wasn't approaching quickly, and she thought maybe it was trying to be quiet, but a small splash came from what must have been a pool of water nearby.  Fennec froze and immediately focused in on tasting the wind and straining her ears.

It ended up being a coyote, but she didn't know that until it was on her. Maybe it had mistaken the careful way she moved for weakness or maybe it was just desperate.  For whatever reason, it finally lunged in to try to bring her to the ground, and Fennec was locked in the first real fight she'd ever experienced.

It was different than sparring.  Usually she worried some that she'd bite too hard in the wrong place, miss and hit something important, and she held back.  Here there was no worry about that.  As soon as it was in reach she snapped out and latched her jaws onto whatever part she could find.  She didn't even know what she tore, but she tasted blood. In the meantime she felt teeth graze her side and she spun, whisking her tail out to keep her balance on the slippery ground and now reaching for where the head had been revealed to be.  She caught hold of something and held tight, ignoring the claws that scrabbled at her hip and rear legs.

feel free to add more yotes if you want when joining, it's possible this little guy isn't alone <3
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
Wraen had had no intention to stalk Fennec, but on her way back from scouting along the coast, she had come across the blind girl's footprints and scent and then caught a flash of pale fur in the distance. Usually Towhee's daughter did not wander far from Sun Mote copse, therefore finding her at this particular location was odd. She did not have any companion either with her.

Therefore the tired Sovereign followed the girl at a distance, where she could still see her, but not too close for her to catch sound of her presence. First she thought that the girl was lost, but her steps and air were determined, no hint of frantic nervousness that would accompany a person, who is trying to find a way back home. Second - it could be a grand, but reckless idea of gaining her independence. Wraen groaned, she was so exhausted by teenagers. 

The frustration with the girl's dumb ideas disappeared completely, when the older wolf saw her attacked by another canine. Dread rooted her on the spot and in a split of a second, everything had become frightfully still inside Wraen's mind and with a cold, steely gaze she broke out into a run. You would never suspect that the calm and kind Sovereign was capable of aggression, but, when she lunged at the coyote, there was murder in her eyes. 

By then Fennec had managed to grab hold of it and Wraen caught it by the scruff and with full force attempted to remove it from the girl.
Sun Mote Copse
2,021 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Surprisingly, fighting like this was easier.  Pure instinct and no restraint meant she lashed out with abandon and twisted, likely with eerie quiet so as not to lose any of the sound of her opponent.  She didn't let loose a single snarl, though her teeth were bared and bloodied.

It was fine until the second came in.  Fennec panicked, failing to realize until too late that Wraen was a friend and not a foe.  She struck out at both the coyote and her leader, and the bite went wildly for Wraen.  If it connected, she'd probably realize soon after who it was by scent.  But as she did so, the now panicking coyote slammed her sideways with a powerful kick to the ribs as it struggled to separate itself from its no longer easy prey.
rolled a 4, so she failed at a few things here <3
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
Rolled a "no". :)

Wraen often forgot that Fennec was blind and having seen the girl only in calm circumstances, the girl's aggressive lash-out in her direction caught her entirely by surprise. Her teeth clicked an inch from her right eye and had it made a connection, the Sovereign would have to wear an eye-patch that would make all pirates proud for the rest of her life.

Luckily for her, the coyote was very eager to break away, kicked the girl in the sides and the impact pushed Wraen backwards as well. She was forced to let the attacker go, because it was not easy to hold it in that position, and - luckily - he was no fool. The small canine made it for the trees the moment it saw the small window of opportunity. 

Wraen snapped around and chased it for a while, then returned to Fennec. Though the girl deserved a very good yelling-at session (and the Sovereign at this moment was not unwilling to give it), she asked calmly: "Are you okay?" 
Sun Mote Copse
2,021 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
The instant it became clear to Fennec that the other wolf was Wraen, she recoiled.  She didn't know that she had just about taken her eye, but she knew that she could not tell the two apart very well.  Fortunately the second took off, leaving Fennec wincing at her aching side and breathing heavily.  She stood there until Wraen returned.

Yeah, she said, and she was surprised to find that she really did feel okay.  She'd been in a fight and she'd chased it off.  Sure, Wraen had been here too, but even that much made it hard to contain a smile.  Probably she hadn't quite learned the right lesson from this. 

What are you doing here?  she asked, turning the question back.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
Fennec did not look hurt and, whatever bruises or punctures the encounter had left, were not bad enough to cause any problems in the future. Besides Sugar Glider was the blind girl's friend and Towhee was very attentive mother. If there was an issue, those two would notice for sure. 

"I was scouting, but that is not important now," Wraen replied, her brow furrowed and her tone level, but very serious. "What are you doing here so far away from the copse and on your own?" she asked and refrained from adding "you did not look very lost", because that would imply that this had not been a chance encounter. That she had followed and observed.
Sun Mote Copse
2,021 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
She caught a bit of the tension in Wraen's tone, the anticipation to a rise (though right now she was keeping very reasonable).  It hinted at Wraen at least not being pleased, though Fennec couldn't tell if she was actually upset.  Scouting.  she answered.  It was true and as good an answer as any because of others could do it, she should as well.

I'm learning on my own, she added with a bit of a stubborn head lift.  She got the feeling she knew what was coming next and she didn't like the direction.  She was fine doing this... she would have been fine if Wraen hadn't shown up.  There was no way to prove that and it likely wasn't true, but Fennec wasn't willing to admit she couldn't.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
Had Wraen been younger, she would have let herself go and tell everything she thought about Fennec at this very moment. Experience with Terance had taught her that this was the worst way of dealing with people. It was insulting, it was unfair and it made trust crumble to dust. From the defiant vibe she got from the youngster, the Sovereign knew that she would lose all authority, if she so much as scolded, reprimanded or acted like a condescending adult. 

"Very well then," she put down the battle ax and sounded indifferent. "Should I leave you to it?" Wraen asked and turned to leave. "I have to warn you though beforehand that there are worse things to encounter than a hungry coyote out there," she added. "Not that I doubt your ability to fend them off, but some might be inclined to see you as food."
Sun Mote Copse
2,021 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Fennec was highly tempted to take her offer.  Her side was sore, though, and as she felt the adrenaline of the fight wear off, reality set in. She'd been attacked out here and it might happen again, and this time she might not be able to fight them off.

Okay, then how do I make them not think I'm food? she asked, matter of fact, as if she assumed Wraen had an answer.  She didn't answer the first question just yet.  She still hadn't decided if she wanted to press on alone, and this would give her a few seconds to think about it.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
"I suggest you do some preparations first," Wraen said, relieved that Fennec had taken interest in the offer. There was no plan B other than getting the girl back to Sun Mote Copse and tucking her back under Towhee's wing. 

"Like finding out the best way, how you can fend off unwelcome company," she suggested. "Towhee can test you. And I can talk with other packmates - they can ambush you frequently," she ended with a joke.
Sun Mote Copse
2,021 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Wraen's voice had a note of finality to it, and Fennec grew a little frustrated. She didn't want to prepare, she'd wanted advice right now that she could use to continue forward.  She didn't feel like going home.

I would have been fine.  I can take care of myself.  Even as she said it she knew it was, if not a lie, at least not the complete truth.  She didn't trust the words any more than Wraen probably did.  It barely even surprised me, it was stupid loud.  That much at least was accurate.  She hadn't thought to attack it outright, but she'd at least know better next time in that regard.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
"Not all predators are that unprofessional in their approach," Wraen explained patiently, swallowing the sarcastic "I would like to see you try" response to Fennec's announcement that she was good enough to be on her own.

"Cougar's and bobcat's are known for their ability to move soundlessly. They ambush their prey and attack, when it is too late for the lunch to run away," she said. "And there are wolves, who attack and prey on their own kind. If such attacks you, it does not matter, if you heard him or not," Wraen said.

"If you are not trained, your days spent in the wilds while alive will be very few," she finished. "Do you still want to tempt fate? Dying is very easy, Fennec. It takes skill to survive."
Sun Mote Copse
2,021 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Dying is very easy, Fennec.  It takes skill to survive.. I know that, she replied softly with a slight surly undercurrent.  But if I never get real practice I can't learn.  

Spars were different, no one took her seriously and she felt she couldn't fully engage without risking injuring her packmates.  She'd not really taken trips as a pup outside the borders, nor ever been subject to see what the wider world had to offer.  Maybe they'd figured without eyes there was no point, but now she couldn't explain it.

Fine.  She gave in with a heavy sigh, and stepped forward to stand next to Wraen.  She didn't want to return but she couldn't ignore the fact that she'd been shaken up by this encounter - leaving to press further did feel like tempting fate.  Besides, the things she described sounded worse than what she'd just fought, and how could she fight something she couldn't hear coming?  Her whole world was contained in her ears, especially when the wind couldn't be trusted.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
Wraen could imagine, how Fennec felt and for a moment she was very tempted to tell her that some dreams you could not fulfill. You could strive for them, put as much effort as possible and have no result in the end. At a certain point there was no use in trying anymore. Sovereign decided against it - who was she to predict, what Towhee's daughter could or could not achieve? It was better to leave her to find it out on her own. 

"We are not going to invite a bear for a party so that you get real, unforgettable and probably last experience," she joked, bumping her hip against Fennec's. "But, if being a mercenary or scout is your calling, no one will deter you. It will be harder to you than the rest, but I am sure that you will surprise us," Wraen finished. "Besides - if you wish to travel outside Sun Mote Copse, you can accompany Chanel - she is learning to be a scout at the moment. And Bronco would be more than happy to have someone to boss around in mercenary stuff," she added with a glint of humour. 

"Though in all honesty - I give you my personal permission to thin his coat mercilessly, whenever you have such opportunity," she said conspirationally. "And I never told you this, understood?"
Sun Mote Copse
2,021 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Despite the slight downer in the first few statements, it was hard for Fennec to stay miffed in the face of the warmth and understanding Wraen displayed.  Not to mention, Wraen had been the one to find her, the one to bring her home, and one of the cooler conversationalists Fennec had met within the pack.  By the time she got to her conspiratorial whisper, she had the blind girl on her side once more.

I did it once before, but next time I'll thin it even more, she replied with a smirk and a flick of an oversized ear; her own version of a wink.    Don't worry, I won't tell.  She could keep a secret.  Her thoughts drifted then to Sugar, and her own secret she'd been unwilling to share.  Thanks.  The last could be for any number of things; helping her, the talk, escorting her home.  She didn't bother specifying, but she was glad, despite everything, that Wraen was here.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!