Moonspear Hunters Moon
188 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Pack Activity 
Optional group hunt. @Alaric, @Argent. All welcome. Waning Crescent moon.

Four days after Elentari's welcome to Moonspear, she made good on her word. On the evening of the slivered moon, which hung pale in the sky, the Archer's voice rang out. From the base of the mountain, she called. Waited. Inviting the wolves to come forth and join her. 

Argent. Alaric. @Sialuk, if she were able. And any other capable hunters whose time was not tied up elsewhere. She had been working hard the last few days. Tending to the injured Quennell. Keeping a distant eye on the newly arrived @Chakliux and expecting @Nasamik. @Kannoyak was welcomed as well, though time had not allowed her to pay the white man a visit.

Aided by the dark of shadows, she followed the movement of a distant group of Black-tailed deer. Males and females. Fully mature. Browsing at what little they could find of the vegetation during these winter months. If she could take one down with help, it would provide much needed food for the Moonspear wolves. And, prove her credibility as a hunter.
563 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Out for a moment. He stopped by the healing den, noticing both the wolves sleeping and nodded. He could take a small break and help a fellow wolf to prove herself to the pack. And he enjoyed the black and white Archer's company. So with a gentle look over his patients. 

He turned tail and headed towards the call. He'd help herd and then leave. Someone could bring him and the patients some meat. He didn't wish to be too far from them. It felt like too long could be bad.

He offered the she wolf a smile when he arrived and looked out over the herd she had chosen.
First Warrior
907 Posts
Ooc — ebony
jelly chak cameo

again the hunters gathered. chakliux woke and felt his body tense inside the healer's den. he wanted to be there, wished to be out among them. wished to show them his strength.
he was not patient.
anger rose in the seal hunter, and then rage for the sun man who had put him here.
be still, he told himself. mend. you will lead a hunt of your own.
with that he was still, listening for what he could of calls or more voices upon the air.
who stole my toe?!
1,201 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
cameo for me, too! (eb, lemme know if you want a concurrent thread. ;))

Having eaten some of the goat Argent had felled, Sialuk felt strength grow in her after many weary days. She had left much of the feast for the two who would spend this hunt in the great tree, but she knew she must eat in order to bring them back to their full selves. The raindrop had gone to check on the two once more, and she barely caught the last slip of Alaric leaving the healing ulaq.

Sialuk would let he and Elentari hunt together. It would be good for them, and she could rest here and keep watch over their new brothers.
Atkan Aleut
184 Posts
Ooc — Decay
another cameo for Nasamik!

She had heard the call for a pack hunt, but did not heed. Nasamik had been far too exhausted to even think about partaking in such events. 

Instead, while most of Moonspear were away, she decided that she would go visit Chakliux, as she had yet to do so since their settlement. 

Alone in her makeshift den, she had taken time to ponder things. Things which she could not ponder in the presence of others. It had been eye opening, truly. It also gave her a sense of relief. There was no longer too heavy of a burden upon her shoulders. So now it was time to think of herself and her future family. It was all she had, now.
pregnancy (9/9)
Sun Mote Copse
970 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
Their village grew, yet again, with the arrival of Chakliux, Nasamik, and Kannoyak. Njord, admittedly, felt a bit overwhelmed by it all. His heart still healed and, while it longed for a large family, the many new faces made him feel like an outsider.

These days, he spent much of his time watching over Meerkat, who had not been well, in their new ulaq. But, when a howl went up for a hunt… Njord kissed his wife and set off to join the hunters. It was his responsibility.

He arrived to see the woman, Elentari, and the healer, Alaric. Njord gave them both a brief look -- an appraisal -- before he set his sights on the herd and prepared his mind to follow in formation.

updated my post a little because I wrote it late at night and some things didn't make sense
Members of Sun Mote Copse are welcome to join all threads and power-play Njord (excepting injury or death) for cohesion and continuity, whether or not he's an active participant in a thread. Just tag me!

188 Posts
Ooc — Mai
No posting order. <3

After waiting several minutes, Alaric arrived. Shortly after, another male she had not formally met. Njord. Distinct in appearance with his red tail and tattered ear. She nodded to them both, silent. Formal introductions and small talk could wait after the hunt.

Keeping alert in case anyone else turned up, she got down to business. "I believe we can manage between the three of us." Blue eyes settled on the herd. On one animal in particular. An older doe at the tail end of the group. "She is slower than the others. I will cut her off...isolate her from the rest."
563 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric waited for the instructions that were sure to come. Though a small part of him wanted to run and take part in the hunt now. So much so that his front paws tapped gently in anticipation. This would be fun. He watched the deer, so closely, he almost lost the train of what Elentari was saying.

WIth that he turned green eyes back to her and listened as intently as he could, while his ears twitched to and fro.
Sun Mote Copse
130 Posts
Ooc — Chelsie
I had a draft half done for this, but ended up busy all week / weekend and never got back to it. Hope it's okay to join in now, tap me if not, I just want Ray involved in something.

Stingray had zero large game hunting experience.

His raising in Sapphique had done nothing much to prepare him for the life of an inland wolf. Much of their fare came from the sea, with the beached whale having removed the need to hunt at all for a long time. As a result, Stingray and the other pups were not trained to provide for themselves in the absence of the sea unless they sought the training out, as Swordfish had done.

It ought to mean he was nervous about joining the hunting party, but the opposite was true. With no experience, he had no metric for how dangerous these animals were. He approached the hunting party with utmost confidence, grinning from ear to ear and ready to take whatever role they gave him.

Even if he had no idea how to perform it.
188 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Next round! Power playing Njord with Lieu's permission. No posting order.

She sensed Alaric's impatience to begin the hunt. They mustn't spook the prey too early. What's more, she had to do her job and get the doe running. She gave Alaric a level look, as if compelling him to try and settle his excitement.

Additional help arrived in the form of young Stingray, who paraded in confidently. He was a cute looking teen, smelling of sea air. "Glad you could join us. I would like you to help me drive the prey towards Njord and Alaric." She nodded to the two grown males, whose bulk would be best suited in the take down of the deer. "Be prepared to get ahead of them now, so she has nowhere to go when she's cut off."

With everyone on the same page, Elentari led the way. Loping down the gentle incline where the ground was more evened out. Her flagging dark tail was like a beacon for Stingray to follow, as she dived through the woodland. 

The herd saw her coming. The two mature bucks at the front stamped their hooves in defiance, trying to warn off the incoming, midnight threat. She was not deterred. She had seen this all before. They were not the one's the wolves were after. Clicking her jaws, she veered out of their way, doubling back to exploit the weakness of the doe. That extra second she took to react, one too slow, was all the Archer needed.
563 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric met her steady gaze with his own, and furrowed a brow. He was paying attention and he knew how to hunt. Thanks. But He stilled his paws all the same and kept from moving, and listened intently ears thrust forward. 

He followed behind her as she ran, the youth and Elentari would have to go ahead to speak back to him and Njord. he gave the salty warrior a small smile and then waited.

He would drive and get into position. Snapping, bloodying, doing what he needed to do.
Sun Mote Copse
970 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
Had time to write a quick reply! thanks for PPing! :D

Njord easily fell into the role of Elentari’s hunting party and showed acknowledgment of her instructions with a stout nod of the head. He and Alaric would be the strength, while Elentari and Stingray would chase their quarry. It was a part Njord was familiar with and one Stingray might grow into someday. For now, he was pleased his son was partnered with the swift woman.

“G’luck, son, ” he added before splitting off with the dark man.

He trotted abreast with Alaric and crouched into position.

He heard hoofbeats as the herd began to move. Njord’s muscles pulled taught, prepared to spring into action. But, no… not yet… he couldn’t spoil their ambush.
Members of Sun Mote Copse are welcome to join all threads and power-play Njord (excepting injury or death) for cohesion and continuity, whether or not he's an active participant in a thread. Just tag me!

Sun Mote Copse
130 Posts
Ooc — Chelsie
Elentari gave some quick directions, but a lot of it was gibberish to Stingray's ears. He nodded along anyway, hoping to convey that he totally knew how to drive prey anywhere, and then they were moving down the hill, leaving the stronger men behind.

Stingray shot his dad a confident smile and hoped Njord didn't pick up on the slight waver at the corners.

Elentari went straight for the herd. Ray followed, but couldn't quash a nervous titter when the bucks out front began posturing and stamping their hooves. It wasn't hard to imagine the damage one of those things could do if it pegged him in the side of the head. The dark huntress swung wide of them, undeterred by the display.

It would have been smartest for Stingray to go the other way and give the doe nowhere to go, but he had no idea what he was doing. With all the grinning bravado of ignorant youth, he continued to follow the Archer's precise path, even daring an arrogant snap in the direction of the herd as if he wasn't parading his own inexperience for all to see.
188 Posts
Ooc — Mai
The herd, now spooked by the assaulting wolves, turned to flee. Leaving the weaker doe behind, who would struggle to catch up. She still had some fight left in her and she wasn't going to make it easy for her attackers. Elentari pushed forward, driving at her. 

Stingray was close. His youthful excitement was obvious. Having not had the chance to get to know him on a personal level, she did not know how much hunting experience he had. But, since he was still young, she took the safe route and cautioned him. "Be bold. Decisive. Beware of the hooves. Do not get kicked." She ended with a serious note. Such a blow had killed many of their kin. The last thing she wished for was the guilt and responsibility of another pack mates injury (or god forbid), death while on her watch.

She snapped at the doe's haunches, skidding out of the way whenever a hind leg kicked out. The added pressure of teeth grazing her hide sent the deer running, seeking escape from the two wolves. So far the plan was working, as the prey headed right towards where Njord and Alaric would be waiting.
563 Posts
Ooc — Danni
The thundering of hooves was coming ever closer, and the dark male shifted and positioned. Dark paws digging into the dirt. Once they arrived he would leap from the hiding place of him and Njord and join in. Absolutely exhilaration colored his thoughts. And he would snap and fight and if it came time crag the beast to the ground. They would eat well.
Sun Mote Copse
970 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
The anchor position was one Njord was most familiar with. He recalled a past time when he had first stepped foot on Teekon’s shores. Sea-legs were not meant for hunting big, fast game of the mainland! Many failed hunts were sour lessons but eventually, as he matured, the man found his way among Sapphique’s ranks.

He saw his son’s golden fur trailing behind Elentai as they picked their target and harassed the herd. The dark man, Alaric moved first and sprung the trap they had set. Njord was close behind and flanked his partner. A burst of speed and then his jaws were agape. His teeth found purchase on one of the doe’s legs. Then, the man set his weight back to, hopefully, mire the animal long enough for the pack to swarm it.
Members of Sun Mote Copse are welcome to join all threads and power-play Njord (excepting injury or death) for cohesion and continuity, whether or not he's an active participant in a thread. Just tag me!

Sun Mote Copse
130 Posts
Ooc — Chelsie
Elentari didn't seem bothered by Stingray's lack of experience, so he continued following her wake with a quick nod to acknowledge her advice. It echoed his own worry about the hooves, which made his guts explode with nervous butterflies.

She was so calm and composed when she darted in to nip at the doe, dodging away from kicking feet at the last second. Stingray was in awe. Once or twice he put a burst of energy into his legs — it was pretty hard work keeping up with Elentari, what with his pudge — and reached for the doe, but he was never able to land a blow for fear of getting kicked in the face.

It didn't matter. The fact he was there at all, keeping pace with the hunt leader, was enough to send the doe further and further into a blind panic. He still hadn't managed a bite when the doe went unwitting into the ambush, and when his father and Alaric jumped the doe, Ray couldn't help falling back to admire the scene.

Only when Elentari joined the swarm did he snap out of it and jump in, at last sinking his teeth into meaty doe haunch, only to learn how muscular and powerful a doe's leg really was as he was painfully jostled by an attempted kick.
188 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Last round! Feel free to wrap up with your closing posts! <3

The wolves swept in, surrounding the doe. Grabbed and latched at her legs, while she tried to shake them off. Elentari had no time to smile for Stingray, who so far, was doing quite well. He was brave in going for a bite, but the doe's strong thrust of a leg may have winded him. A serious lesson that any young wolf had to learn. At least he had avoided a clip of the hooves.

And, she would make sure that was the last kick the doe got in. Lurching ahead, jaws gaping, she grabbed onto the neck. Using her own weight and the added strength of the three males, she let gravity play it's role in dragging the deer to the ground. 

Multiple cuts and deep wounds took their toll. From exhaustion, sheer shock and blood loss, the doe faded. Surrendering her life to the wolves. Elentari took a moment to catch her breath, eyes sweeping over each face appreciatively. "Well done, all of you. Because of us, Moonspear shall feast well tonight." Then, she let loose a rallying cry of victory, rejoicing in their unity, before tucking in to feed.
563 Posts
Ooc — Danni
ALaric waited until most everyone else got a meal. Then he'd eat his fill. Make sure to take some of the hooves if no one else wanted them. They were fine chewing bits for children. There wasn't much else to be done. They had done well. All of them
563 Posts
Ooc — Danni
ALaric waited until most everyone else got a meal. Then he'd eat his fill. Make sure to take some of the hooves if no one else wanted them. They were fine chewing bits for children. There wasn't much else to be done. They had done well. All of them
Sun Mote Copse
970 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
Every wolf, even green Stingray, helped bring their quarry down. When it moved no longer, Njord stepped back, panting heavily, and admired their hard work. He passed each team member a look of acknowledgment and then dug into eat, famished.
Members of Sun Mote Copse are welcome to join all threads and power-play Njord (excepting injury or death) for cohesion and continuity, whether or not he's an active participant in a thread. Just tag me!

Sun Mote Copse
130 Posts
Ooc — Chelsie
It took some time for Stingray to recover from being winded, but when he did, he managed to join a strained cry of his own to Elentari's before tucking into the fallen doe. When the four hunters were done eating, Ray took it upon himself to seize a sizeable chunk of good meat that he and Njord could take turns carrying home to Meerkat.