Silverlight Terrace A road less traveled
58 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
All Welcome 
My only post here. You're welcome to post a reply of your character seeing Rolayne, but he is not stopping to interact.

By night fall, the four month old pup had made his way through the forest and into the valley. He had slowed from a run to a trot, and his panting gave away his tiredness, though it did not stop him. He had no idea @Towhee was on his heel, and he gave no thought as to what @Rodyn would do to him once he realized he had left Moontide. He only meant to find @Sialuk

He was running on instinct. Something told him to just keep going this way, and that's what he did. While he had been this way before, he had very little memory of the trip except being angry that he was on it. He had paid no attention to the world around him, as he didn't know he might need the information one day. 

His head was even with his shoulders as he kept pushing forward, his eyes dead ahead. Even now, he didn't care of his surroundings, of the dangers that could be lurking around here. He was on a mission.
5,275 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
Well, she was glad she’d asked someone else to keep an eye on Panuk while she and Rolayne ran amok today. She sent an apology out to that poor, unfortunate soul, since she wasn’t going to be relieving them anytime soon. It was getting dark and Rolayne was still going, like the Energizer Bunny’s “evil” twin.

Towhee wondered if he’d noticed her tailing him. If he had, he hadn’t given any indication. As the air darkled around them, she narrowed the gap between them, always keeping her sharp eyes on Rolayne’s small figure. If she had to guess, she would say he was heading toward Moonspear. She hoped she was right, because she was starting to flag over here…

-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.