Duskfire Glacier A place that we both call disaster relief
1,652 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
All Welcome 
Bronco and Blueberry are travelling together, so she’ll be welcome at any point in this thread :)

 Crocuses had begun to pop up through the moist earth in little clutches, heralding the arrival of Spring. The leaves would take more time to arrive, but the days had become longer, the sun warmer. The appearance of spring’s first little purple flowers was encouraging, and it was along the foothills of the rise leading to the glacier that he spotted snowdrops too- little while flowers that dropped slightly. 

The air was fresh, coming off the glacier, but it was not altogether wild and untamed. Wolves frequented the area, and he knew this to be the sign that there was likely a pack and its claim nearby. He’d wandered toward the slopes in hopes of finding a meal he might bring back to @Blueberry, but he knew better than to hunt actively this close to a pack’s boundary. As a stranger to the area, he was curious to find out who these wolves were- these ones who, had his life panned out differently, might've been considered neighbours.
141 Posts
Ooc — mercury
for ref, I think the Atautsikut wolves have been in the Hinterlands for a while now!

Just like the river, the scents were faint. More of them, but still. . .faint. She walked along the edges of the glacier, cautious of straying onto the slippery ice. There was less of it, now, and the flowers were blooming. Spring was coming.

Blueberry pressed her nose into a clump of the aforementioned snowdrops, breathing deeply.

Spring reminded her of better times. Of her life on the island, playing among her siblings, snuggled up to her parents. Comfort mixed with pain welled up in her chest, and something like a tiny sob escaped her, though she tried to muffle the sound in the bouquet.

She glanced up at Bronco, who stood some paces away. Do you think anyone lives here? she asked, her voice bouncing slightly off the rocks around them. It seems kind of empty.
1,652 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
His torn ear flicked when he heard an odd sound from nearby, and he turned to see Blueberry meandering toward him. She too had sniffed around the area, and like him was left wondering what might’ve happened here. 

”I dunno. A pack definitely lived here, but I’m not so sure they’re still in the area, or just changed their boundaries,” He looked up the incline, toward where the snow glistened in the glacier. It looked like the sort of place that the snow stayed, at least in the higher reaches, all year round. 

”Probably best not to poke around too much, just in case.” He said, with a shrug, and began to move on.
Eun Liath

“We are all eaters of souls.”

Dan Simmons, 'The Terror'

1,289 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ranger
From over the hill came a pale man. He dragged a large bird by the neck, then dropped it where he stood, upon seeing the pair. He heard the words and chuffed softly.

Someone did once live here, he called to the older of the pair. The man was wreathed in bronze, and marred by scars. Kigipigak sat back; he couldn't recall ever meeting these wolves before but he may have, once.

They were not of the north. That much is clear.

The herds grew sick and so they left. Who are you? Kigipigak looked from the man to the girl and back, but did not close the distance.
141 Posts
Ooc — mercury
He agreed, and she felt a small surge of pleasure as they landed on the same page. And then another voice was speaking, and interrupting them, and she turned to see a pale wolf heading their way.

Bronco, she spoke for the two, nodding toward her older companion, and I'm Blueberry. Who are you?

His scent was familiar. She let her nostrils flare, taking it in. She couldn't quite place it. For sure, it was reminiscent of the taiga they inhabited, but there was more

While she waited for someone else to speak, she tried to puzzle it out.
1,652 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
Bronco looked up as they were spoken to, his eyes naturally drawn to the bird the man had caught before returning to the calm of his gaze. He grimaced slightly, turning his ears back when he was informed of the unfortunate circumstances. 

”Sick?” His concern showed.  Blueberry introduced him, seemingly more interested in the newcomer than the news he’d brought with him. ”What kind of sickness? Not something that could infect wolves too?” He asked. The wolves might have moved on, but a herd of prey carrying disease was never a good thing- unless, of course, the disease couldn’t be transmitted, and then made them into natural and easy prey.
Eun Liath

“We are all eaters of souls.”

Dan Simmons, 'The Terror'

1,289 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ranger
The girl introduced herself, and named the man.

I am Kigipigak. The hunter answered quickly, just shy of the one called Bronco asking his own questions; he was right to be concerned but the calm smile that Kigipigak presented would hopefully ease some of that worry.

It was a wasting sickness. It did not affect the wolves that hunted so far as I know. I came here with my village — Moonglow — and together with the wolves that lived here at the glacier, we hunted until the herds had moved on. Kigipigak breathed deeply as he remembered the fine hunting he had experienced, his expression shifting to something more distant.

My people were only here temporarily, and moved back to their claim. I decided to stay and monitor things — and then, ah, my wife and I, we found we could not leave. It was more than he meant to say. He smirked now and looked at the fowl at his feet.

There is still plenty of small game to be found. I could show you, if you are hungry and willing to work with me.
1,652 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
There was something familiar about the sound of his name, and when he spoke the word “Moonspear,” he was able to place it. It sounded like the sort of name given to the great wolves who lived in the lands of ever shifting snow and ice to the North. 

”Moonglow, yes; I used to live with them…It was a tumultuous time, after the mountain, it was struck by…I think, a falling star or something. The Moonglow wolves moved to Ouroboros Spine, I was with them for a bit on and off…I lived in Firefly Glen and on the Plateau across the way for a while. Is Kukutux well?” He asked. The healer had always treated him so kindly.
Eun Liath

“We are all eaters of souls.”

Dan Simmons, 'The Terror'

1,289 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ranger
Looks like Blueberry is inactive, so I'll move this along.

The man admitted to having lived within the village once; that he knew the people there and their history. Kigipigak could not verify his tale as truth simply for hearing it, but the way the man spoke of the Spine and the destruction of Moonspear aligned with what he'd seen of the ruins littering the Glen.

Kukutux - moonwoman, Kigipigak nods and brightens as he speaks of his kin, She thrives. She is a good leader to her people. She saved me from death. He could not recall with any great distinction the cougar which had tried to tear him apart, as many things had happened since, but he could remember laying in the ulaq and being tended to.

I left Moonglow with her blessing, and have since married a fine woman. We live near here — beneath the glacier, by the river. It is hard with the weakness of the herds, but it is enough for us. Of all the things Kigipigak enjoyed boasting about, his wife had come to the forefront.