Ocean's Breath Plateau BWP: TSS Look at them all [pack Activity]
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,391 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Pack Activity 
This prompt: An abundance of prey is noted in Teekon. I am playing this that Rodyn saw them about five days ago. So i think that could of gotten fast runners to @Chacal and @Mireille @Rhaegal and if @Aiolos is still in the area. @Sialuk any moonspear and moonglow wolves. Only if you guys would like too. I'll put this up give it about three days and then post again.

For days Rodyn had been watching the wilds. There was a difference in the patterns of the sounds and the feeling of the vibrations of the hunting grounds. He had noticed them about seven days ago and had sent runners to the nearest pack lands. Allies that they could reach.

And he called them together now wondering who all could hear and who may come. @Heph and @Chakliux he knew would be near and both would relish the hunting of deer and food. @Samani too. She would like this. @Ray he wondered if the youth was near enough to hear him call. If they could get enough bodies. They maybe able to take down more than enough to send on ambassador and training journey's he could hope.

Then he watched with open gaze. Eyeing up the deer. They were all strong and hardy. This could prove harder than anticipated, but that was alright. He had confidence. They would need to watch the stags, whose antlers were still large and very strong.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
Daddy Moonglow
1,015 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Four days on the isle. Three at the bay. When messengers came from the plateau, Aiolos followed them back. The soon to be grandfather of both Sialuk and Vaire would come to find out he would be one of Samani as well. Aiolos missed his own wife and pups but still had been happy he had made this trip to all these places and strengthen the bond between them all further. The 'Moon' packs were reaching out further. The Nuiruk name would not soon die out. 

The Sunman woofs out lowly when he sees his son-in-law in the distance, first of many set to come, he imagined. He comes to pad over near his side, fiery eyes on the large herd ahead within the rocky open terrian of the plateau. They look healthy. The Isle had a surplus of crabs too when I visited. I guess alot of food around is good for so many pups this season. He commented, thinking back to the eight of them currently being raised on the island he once lived.
moonglow daddy
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph had noted the increased movement of prey with eagerness, but some reservation. Though she was all for the hunt the influx of stags was something to be concerned with especially having younger ones roaming about. Perhaps culling their numbers would kill two birds with one stone - filling their caches and making them wary enough of wolves to steer clear of their dens.

So she answered the call as quickly as she could from the distance, coming across Rodyn and Aiolos. Grinning her lips tilted up into a good-natured smile as she tipped her head briefly to the pair. "Season's greetings." The summer was good hunting and though she could do without the heat the sheer abundance of life kept her in good spirits as she waited for the rest to arrive.
First Warrior
910 Posts
Ooc — ebony
it was a subdued chakliux that joined the hunting party. 
and it was only then that he saw the sun man! who had forced him down and cracked his rib in moonglow. father to samani.
he almost wished to be gone, but he had already entered their eyesight. and so the seal hunter came onward, and stood near heph, quiet, avoidant of the eyes of the moonglow wolf.
Sun Mote Copse
131 Posts
Ooc — Chelsie
There was a quiet, simmering tension to the group as Ray joined them. He could feel it in his whiskers and the tips of his ears the moment he arrived, and for a long self-conscious moment, he wondered if it was his fault. Sometimes he was rather dense when it came to the emotions of those around him, but this was tangible and very at odds with the usual excited tension of a group hunt.

He looked first to Rodyn and Heph, seeking reassurance from his leaders, but it was Aiolos his eyes eventually rested on. A large auburn wolf whom Ray had never seen, but whose scent reminded him of the Moonglow borders when he had visited with Kukutux at Sialuk's request. Chakliux was looking pointedly away from the man, leaving Ray to wonder at the history between them. He knew little of the seal hunting wolf, only that his father found the man companionable and he had been injured before arriving at Moonspear.

Doing his best to ignore the atmosphere and quell the anxious feelings it stirred in him, Ray moved toward Heph's other side, away from the auburn Aiolos. If Chakliux had a problem with that guy, it seemed best for Ray to stay out of his way.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,391 Posts
Ooc — Danni
@Aiolos, @Chakliux, @Heph, @Ray no posting order. Thank you for joining. Everyone else can still join if they please.

Four had come to the call. It was enough. He lifted his head and spoke. Thank you Aiolos, Heph, Chakliux and Ray for coming. I think we can take one maybe two if we are fast.

He studied them and then nodded towards the herd. I know we've all hunted before, but please be mindful of their antlers and hooves. Is there anyone who prefers to flush rather than chase? I see two does on the ends there, both have weaned their fawns and one has a limp, the other seems to be blind in one eye.

He tilted his head and stared again. Otherwise they seemed healthy and hearty. They would feed them well.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
She grinned and gave a friendly bob of her head to Chakliux when he arrived, unsure of the tension that had him quietly looking at the sun man. Ray seemed to follow suit, not in staring at Aiolos but also headed towards her. Her smile twisted into something a bit more thoughtful, unsure of what to think of the tension gathering. While she did not want to press this was also Moontide's lands and she did not wish her packmates to be uncomfortable upon their own territory. Perhaps a question for another time.

Heph grinned as Rodyn addressed those assembled. Though it was a large group she had met most of them and felt, if not at ease, then comfortable enough to be friendly. "I could hardly let you have all the glory." Even if she was sure she was surrounded by fine hunters, and two of them had seen her own skills, she still felt the need to rise to the challenge of feeding the pack and filling their caches.

At Rodyn's assessment of the herd and request for volunteers she cast her own gaze over the group. "I can flush them out and bait off any stags that would interfere or try to stay back." She might be able to catch up to the does cut off from the herd, but she would most likely arrive too late to be of much help. But if she could keep any particularly ambitious bucks off of the wolves' sides that would keep the hunters safer.
First Warrior
910 Posts
Ooc — ebony
rodyn spoke, and chakliux was grateful for the man's straightforwardness. the leader described the findings, and the seal hunter glanced toward the boy. son of meerkat and njord, stingray.
another time, chakliux might have grinned and invited the young man to his side, to learn. but this day he lifted his head. "i will go with you, heph," and his smile was for her, bright and charming.
aiolos was not precisely ignored, but chakliux felt he did not have to share words with the man.
Daddy Moonglow
1,015 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
It did not take long. More came to join the hunt: Heph, the heavily built woman of charcoal and smoke, whom he dipped his ginger muzzle to respectfully. Chakliux, having gone from Moonglow to Moonspear to Moontide. He avoided Aiolos' gaze and the Greek paid him little mind. One whom he had never met, colored in golden and blonde with vivid blue eyes. He takes Heph's open side and Aiolos dips his muzzle to him as well, yet sets his full attention to Rodyn as they began. 

Heph and Chakliux would take an ambushing point which meant that the rest would likely so give chase. We run together, then. The Sunman spoke to his former First Hunter. Aiolos was glad now for the years put to practice in maneuvering around the herds after having spent his former years predominantly on aquatic prey.
moonglow daddy
Sun Mote Copse
131 Posts
Ooc — Chelsie
Please powerplay Ray from here on out, I'll be shelving him for now. <3

Ray had only one group hunt under his belt, and he had merely followed Elentari then. He was as unskilled as a wolf his age could possibly be. He had learned a lot from that one hunt, but didn't know if it was enough to make him much of an asset here.

For that reason, he opened his mouth to ask to join Heph, only for Chakliux to quickly volunteer himself. Ray knew they needed more chasers than flushers, so he snapped his jaws shut and turned his head instead to Rodyn and Aiolos. He couldn't say he was very excited to run alongside either of them; Rodyn he liked and respected, but the man was surely a more experienced hunter, and Aiolos was a wild card. Who knew how either of these men would respond to his inexperience on the field.

He shuffled in place, quelling his nerves, and pricked his ears toward the herd. Two? Ray wasn't sure he would even be able to help them take down one.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,391 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn was not blind to the atmosphere of the group. But the roles were set. He nodded his head.

Very well. Heph, Chaxliux, Pick your target.

He looked at Ray and smiled. Sunman Aiolos, Ray and I will chase. Aiolos would you be kind enough to take the deer down when the time comes. Ray you and I, must bloody it's haunches, legs, whatever we can to slow it down for him.

He motioned for the other two too go ahead. Then he crouched low and watched for where they were going. Once they found the deer they wanted to flush. The three of them would get into position. Rodyn would go right and motion Ray to go left. Aiolos he was fairly certain would know where to go and what to do. He was an experienced hunter, even more so than Rodyn himself.

I apologize for how lack luster this post is :(
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph nodded at the plan, content to have it solid before them. She gave Ray a comforting nudge of her shoulders from where she stood, he had seemed ready to offer but things seemed decided. Another time she thought, par tof her mind already excited for the next hunt even as the adrenaline from this one bubbled in her veins, simmering beneath the surface of her skin.

Taking a few steps closer to the herd she turned towards Chakliux. The half-blind doe and the one with the limp would both make the quickest targets and feed the pack just as well as a healthy one. Culling the strongest of the herd would only weaken it unnecessarily. The limp would hopefully weaken it striking out and would assist them on the chase, separating her from the herd if only because she might be slower. If the doe had been blinded for awhile she might have adjusted.

Angling her body slightly she asked. "The one with the limp? She's closer to that stag, but if we get them moving she should fall behind." Between the two of them separating her from the herd and the stag from her might be manageable.
First Warrior
910 Posts
Ooc — ebony
chakliux too committed himself to the urgency and eagerness of the hunt. "yes," he said to heph's suggestion, flicking his berrybright eyes over the compromised figure. their aims were lofty, but somehow he knew they would prevail.
calling upon oil father, the seal hunter stalked closer with bristled spine; when heph moved, chakliux would also.
wind in teeth; wind in nape and eyes and blood; singing, singing; he snapped for the unguarded heels and began to drive the bleating creature onward to death and to a glory beyond this world.
Daddy Moonglow
1,015 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Each wolf took to their positions well. Heph and Chakliux chose their target and after a time, a wedge was built between the lame doe and the rest of the herd. The pair led it away, making sure others of the herd did not return for justice. It was not a child they targeted, so no angry mother would be willing to turn on them. 

Out came Ray and Rodyn, Aiolos trailing behind. From left and right they came with a fresh burst of energy, allowing the first two wolves to recompose themselves. Rodyn cut deep and precise slices. Ray's strikes were fewer, but his youthful energy kept him on the deer's heels the whole run.

Aiolos saved his energy, trotting along from the sidelines as the deer was bled and weakened. As Aiolos had done time and time before, when he felt the hunt was ready for him, he lunged, coming in near the deer's shoulder, where stomping hooves would not strike him from directly in front. He takes hold on the deers neck and tugs and jerks downward. In moments the rest of the group would take ahold, bring her to the ground.
moonglow daddy
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,391 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Slapping an ending on here so you can all use it for BWP

They worked together as a unit and it made his heart glad. Aiolos struck and the creatire was pulled. Where the rest set upon it.

It wouldn't take long before the creature was felled, their bellies full a new cache and a new fur for their growing pack. This felt good, like a good future was here for them.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.