Ocean's Breath Plateau The Great Escape
58 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
All Welcome 
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Rolayne and @Towhee had been playing that morning. At least, that's how Rolayne viewed it. She may have viewed it as babysitting him, but that wasn't a thought he had. He had run from her, assuming she was chasing him, and he ended up at the beach's end of the plateau. He hadn't explored this far before, and he rounded the corner to face East, and froze. 

There was something about this spot, something that his brain remember, but he couldn't quite put it together. His ears were perked as he looked on, his gaze taking in the high side of the plateau and the trees below. He had only been two month old when he was last here, and the memory had been lost until now. But, one thing stood out above all others: @Sialuk

In an instant, his back legs pushed against the ground and he was at a dead run. Before he knew it, he was outside of the packlands, into the woods and on his way to her.
5,275 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
Towhee didn’t bother trying to keep up with Rolayne as they ran around the plateau today. She loped after him at a distance, playfully leering at him whenever he glanced back at her. He was full of energy and this game was a great way to get rid of it, without exhausting her too much. She was still rather stiff from the other day.

She noticed when the pup suddenly took off at a dead run. Towhee squinted but didn’t fret. She loped after him, picking up the pace a little. She was actually extremely curious where he was so hellbent on going. When she lost sight of Rolayne, Towhee kept track of him by scent, still wondering about their mysterious destination.

I hope this is cool, just let me know if not! <3

-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.