Luneshale Pass pantano
390 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
I’m not ready to kill Tierra off here but I’m not sure how, realistically, to avoid that with so many joining ^^;

I can roll with whatever though so long as it isn’t character death for her

She wasn’t aware that more had joined or what a clusterfuck they were really in now.  The only thing that Sangre was aware of right now was the teeth bearing down on her, and even those weren’t concerning her the way they should have been.  She should have stopped struggling a while ago.  Instead she continued to tear at the man wildly, regardless of how it tore at her too.  Drugs were a crazy thing.

They kept her up through the pain and through the veritable shredding he gave her neck.  At this point she was pure feral anger and little other thought.

Air though. Drugs or not, air was a necessity. Shoved against the ground, she wasn’t really getting it. This was the thing that slowed her down and, when she wasn’t able to shift him, brought her struggling to a stop.

He didn’t make it through her spine but he got close enough that, visually, the difference was probably meaningless. She was no longer a threat in this situation. She wasn’t dead but looked it. She wouldn’t be a threat to anyone for a while once the green had worn off.
-Signing.- | Speaking. | -Signing & speaking.-

Please note: This character explores themes of substance abuse, relationship abuse, and dependency. If these things make you uncomfortable, approach her threads with caution.
81 Posts
Ooc —
Only for the briefest of moments does the injured one entertain her, but he is quick to recognize her game. Motherfucker. She hadn’t accounted on him being smart. Thankfully he didn’t go for Khusobek, but instead another new face who was on… their side? Hell yeah! 

And then Medusa saw the most beautiful thing she’d ever seen—more reinforcements. Was that… oh, shit! Toula and Rashepses! The former she’d never thought she’d ever see in this sort of environment, but it rallied her spirit. 

Still, should she go after her kid…? Nah, Qiao had him—he’d be fine. Surely she wouldn’t boil a kid of Akashingo, right? Or Muat-Riya. 

It’d look better, too, if she stayed. She watched red lady collapse, and the other guy get dragged by his neck out toward the Pharaoh. Now with some extra bodies to help her out against Soto… 

Which, she felt kind of bad about. He hadn’t piled onto Khusobek. But the fact remained: this guy was a child predator, and now, she had kids that she claimed… sort of. Still undecided on her own commitment to that. Now that the boy was away, and presumably out of danger, she felt a little more chill about things. 

Medusa herself did not join the battle, but lurked in the backdrop. If Soto tried to run off, she’d give chase and stop him—for now, she conserved her energy and watched, turning her head in time to see Toula do another thing she’d never imagined she’d see her doing. 

It made her a little nervous. She’d always put people in boxes—that Toula was capable of something of this nature didn’t fit in there, at all. What did that mean?
This is a war on the poor
66 Posts
Ooc — tazi
For the first time in his life, Niño felt sheer terror.
Nausea deep in the stomach.
Rips and rips, and there’s no letting go.
Sangre with red running down her throat like a waterfall.
Her struggles stilling.

Soto, caught by a flash of tan.
Blood pouring. 

Now he’s one of them.
Shock, as he’s moved across the desert.
Dead eyes stare out at the sand irrigated with blood.
His blood.
But not really seeing it.

Whips his head and yellow teeth collide with heavy black shoulders.
Gets harder to reach.
Harder to fight.
His river flows faster.

Then he’s forced to see– her.
Their Queen bitch.
Rounded face.
Royal eyes that had never known war.
Holding hatred all the same.

His throat makes laughter at that.
Bitter irony.
Sputtering warmth from gouges.
A rare rush of words.

“Tu– rica, ponderosa, capitalista.
Eres el mismo.
Todos ustedes son cartel.
Eres culpable de asesinato, violación, tortura, esclavitud, opresión.
Tu– con tu superioridad.
No pretendemos ser nada de lo que somos.
Prefiero morir con ellos que vivir contigo.”

“¿Crees que esto es todo?
Ni siquiera ha comenzado
Corta una cabeza y crecemos tres más.
¡Chinga te!”

He used his last breath to spit blood onto that perfect pretty pelt.
Then craned his neck to see–
He wanted to see Sangre.
As if his love could save him.
In the end, it wasn’t enough.

He never did see her.
He was struck by teeth instead.
Felt nerves in his throat pull apart.
Felt the last of consciousness drain with his blood.
Felt the rolling of cold eyes.