Swiftcurrent Creek sagvagiksuk
Eun Liath

“We are all eaters of souls.”

Dan Simmons, 'The Terror'

1,289 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ranger
All Welcome 
On the northern limits of SC.

He had left Moonglow. It had not been a choice that Kigipigak actively made, only one of circumstance; he knew his family remained there, what was left of them, and yet he found his work split him away from the village and further each day. He'd tracked different things at first - sometimes wolves, or coyotes which came close to the mountain - often deer, which inevitably led him to the northlands where once he lived.

Natigvik was no more. It might persist in the heart of those that knew it, but to Kigipigak it was truly gone. His hunting led him to the old abandoned ulax that Kukutux had built for their shared hunting; then to the riverside, briefly, before Kigipigak turned his attention towards the south.
For three days the snows kept his pace subdued. Once in the new year, the weather shifted to ice-rain and he could move a bit more easily.

It was marginally warmer in the south. Nothing about this space was familiar; except the smell of the water, and the sight of ice creeping over the lazier parts of the river. Kigipigak was reminded sorely of Natigvik and lingered out of nostalgia, letting himself feel sorrow without his wife or children there to witness it. The fall of the village had made him feel like such a failure! Less of a man, less of a warrior than anything.

He could not go back and face them now.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,039 Posts
Ooc — Danni
The day had found him upon the borders as they often did. He was a wolf who liked a small bit of routine. That's not to say he was rigid without flexibility, because that was not the case. He could change it up and not be a basket case for it.

They were growing in number, which both pleased and surprised the dark man. There had been a time he had thought they'd never get here, that this wouldn't happen. The gang had attacked them within the first few days of settling, and now they still watched and waited for them. Arric wandered if they would ever not worry about them.

On the fringed he found a big white beast. Though he didn't rival his height or Akavir's. Blue eyes fell upon the man and he chuffed.

You are near the borders of Swift Current Creek fella.
Eun Liath

“We are all eaters of souls.”

Dan Simmons, 'The Terror'

1,289 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ranger
He was not alone for long. What Kigipigak thought was perhaps a large bear, turned out to be a large man instead; but there was still an idle threat about him, something to be wary of. Kigipigak rarely met beings of such size and he knew from previous experience that individuals with physical power were to be carefully monitored. The appearance of the brutish man did segregate Kigipigak's thoughts: he focused less on what he'd left behind and saw now the possibilities of what stood before himself.

The man held a warning in his posture. It was his voice that carried the truth: that this was claimed land. Kigipigak knew that; he'd found trace scents of wolves as he'd prowled on the hunt.

Is that the name of your village? Swiftcurrent? The other man did not look much like a hunter - more a brawler, someone fit for Tartok most assuredly. Kigipigak took a daring glance toward's the man's face and saw the white ring on his eye, then cast his eyes aside deferentially. I am a hunter. If I hunt for your people, would you allow me to stay?

He did not know for how long - if they would even see value in another mouth, another set of teeth - but Kigipigak knew better than to roam alone for any length of time while winter persisted. And he could not go home.
326 Posts
Ooc — siv
skippable but if not okay let me know :)
heat thread 4/?

It persisted.

She stayed within the confines of the creek, but visitors came to them. This one she spotted. Large and hulking. Scarred.

Color her intrigued.

But she remained out of reach of both men. Eyes watched with hunger and intrigue. Would this one come to the creek too?

Would Arric allow it?
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,039 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric got the scent of Jakoul before he could answer and twisted his head around. His stance growing a little more strained. She was a figure they often saw right now. And it was clear what was going on with her. She was far enough away that the other may not scent her, and if he did. Hopefully he was mindful of his place at the moment. 

Arric would have laughed outloud had he known the other thought him a brawler. Sure he could brawl, but he preferred not too. Kept to himself. Like meditating and stars. 

It is. I have to ask you first, Can you fight? And what's your name? We've had some trouble recently, with a gang it seems. Fit to attack us. If you can't protect our borders.

He left the sentence open ended. He didn't wish to scare the man, but it was a part  of their existence here.
Eun Liath

“We are all eaters of souls.”

Dan Simmons, 'The Terror'

1,289 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ranger
If there was someone else, Kigipigak was oblivious until the stranger turned his head. The man did not see anyone beyond the stranger. The scent that lingered in the air was vague enough for Kigipigak to ignore and dismiss. He had some self control these days, unlike when he was a boy.

I am Kilgitsuk. My people are warriors first, hunters second - though I have not fought in some time, I can fight. It was easy to assume the name of hawk-in-snow, and to put aside his true self for the time being. The information flowed from him with the same confidence as everything else typically did; all he needed was a way in, and then he'd keep his head down and work through the winter.

Do you expect danger at your border? It seemed so, or else the giant would not be here.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,039 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric could control himself usually. Though he hadn't been able to with the Sea Queen Recently. He just didn't want her accidentally harmed, because someone got to over zealous, but the man in front of him didn't even seem bothered. So that was good. 

Well Met Kilgitsuk, I'm Arric D'uandris. Beta of here. Our leader is Akavir. Glad to hear you can fight though.

Arric thought of the gang. They hadn't returned, and he didn't know if they would. Especially now that their prize was gone, but well. It always paid to be prepared he felt. And that was to build up their fortifications and the hearty wolves that made them up.

We had some when we first got started here. Three, all foul mouthed.  A female named Sadey, some ugly looking brute, and a young girl they called Red and Redbird. They attacked us. Took some chunks with em. We expect them to come back. Maybe they won't, but it's better to be prepared. And it's better you know what you're getting into.
Eun Liath

“We are all eaters of souls.”

Dan Simmons, 'The Terror'

1,289 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ranger
It sounded as though these were hardy people indeed, able to fend off an incursion so early on. Kilgitsuk took this in without comment, although his brow did raise at the mention of the fight involving younger wolves; it brought to mind Tulimaq all over again with his army of children, and Kilgitsuk scowled.

Well if anything were to happen, I can handle myself. He wasn't afraid to throw his weight around, even if the group was made-up of wayward youth. Kilgitsuk did not have the full picture but he didn't need it - if a fight came, it came.

Well met, Arric. He rumbled warmly. I take it that means I can stay?
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,039 Posts
Ooc — Danni
[size=small]He wasn't sure if it had been foolish or brave to stay, but they had for better or worse. And they were making something more than they had before. And it was home, Arric was fond of it.[/size]

[size=small]Glad to hear it, because you may have too. Then Arric sized him up and gave a nod. He could stay. He would make a good addition to their ranks.[/size]

[size=small]You can stay. We have good relations with a pack that way called Kvarsheim, and there's one that way, that's starting up, called River Clan. We have trade agreements with them. But for now We'll get you settled in a den. Welcome to Swiftcurrent. I'll tell Akavir you're here after i show you around.[/size]
Eun Liath

“We are all eaters of souls.”

Dan Simmons, 'The Terror'

1,289 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ranger
With nothing more to discuss except the layout of the place, Kilgitsuk gave a nod and moved to follow.
His posture slipped from the confident bearing of a proven warrior, as he'd marketed himself, and low in to something else; something more subordinate, as he did not want to cause upset with the guardsman. All he wanted to do was settle in and get to work.
