Firefly Glen [PHE] The Elk Bellows Group Three
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,682 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
There are five wolves per group. I can move around if I must, but I hope these groups work. That being said you should be able to roll for 1 or 2 Elk. Five wolves could probably take down 2 if they work well together. There is an adult and a youngster to be the lead two. I don't know if you want to have threads prior to this backdated or not. I hope you all have fun and enjoy. This will be Rodyn's first and only post in this thread.

Rodyn was beginning to grow hoarse with the effort to call forth all the wolves. To bring them together. He was not flagging yet, but he was growing a bit tired. But he would do his best. For this group he called out @Arrluk of Moonspear, born from Moonglow and @Rashepses of Akashingo. If the Pharoah's husband wished to prove himself. This was how he would. He would need to work with the common man and lead them to fruition. Honors and accolades abound.

A small smile to the youth and the king as he called the rest. @Val, @Nantahala, @Eivor

He was excited to see how Nantahala would do and he had no doubt Eivor would keep them in line and help out well. The man Val he did not know much of.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
644 Posts
Ooc — Lauren
it was a strange assembly val found himself bound to. he looked to each face of the group, offering a small smile to any who seemed friendly.

there was arrluk, the boy val only peripherally knew as a friend of sobeille's. nearby, a budding youngster hardly more than his own children's age -- her brilliant golden pelt reminding him of svalinn and his get. standing not so far from her was a woman comprised of similar gilded countenance; val mistakenly assumed this was the younger's mother. last of them was a tall, spearing man far too lovely to be a hunter; something about the gold in his gaze communicated a cold elegance val could never hope to taste.

he cleared his throat, offering his name and pack to those close enough to hear it. and then when the signal came, val adopted a loose-limbed trot that carried him efficiently after the distant shapes of caribou.
199 Posts
Ooc — Vami
rolled a 1!

Arrluk moved quickly to the call, the first one many hunts to be had. Shaking out his orca coat, he dips his muzzle to Rodyn respectfully and his sea-green eyes drift over his hunting party. 

Hello, little neice. She had grown so much already. It was likely so she wouldn't even remember him from those first weeks of life. Then, a respectful dip of his white chin to the large woman, the man smelling of sea-salt and last, to the southern king himself. 

It seemed a proper introduction was in order. I welcome you all. I am Arrluk Nuiruk, of the Moon villages. Son of Moonwoman and Sunman of Moonglow. As it were, born to Moonglow, now living in Moonspear and possibly another village in time, he felt it more appropriate to introduce himself as a man serving to all. 

Once a quick and polite introduction was given, Arrluk would take pursuit, his eyes seeking his partners and woofing at them to keep close and tight formation until a deer stood out to them as the herd began to move. A gaze tossed to the Pharoah Pharoah-Consort. Would he make a choice on their target or leave it to Arrluk?
[Image: 7nCi.gif]
my mind turns your life into folklore
133 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Nanatahala paid close attention to Rodyn as the groups were called. When her name was called, she slowly stood and made her way towards the gathered wolves. When she arrived, she realized she didn’t recognize any of them, though she felt a fleeting awareness when she looked at Arrluk, and she smiled sweetly towards each of them.

Niece—she swung her head towards the Moonspear member as she was greeted, and a look of realization lit up her young face. She did know him! Uncle, she greeted in turn, bowing her chin. It is good to see your face.

It seemed as though this were an opportune time to introduce herself, after Arrluk had done the same, and she cleared her throat before speaking. Hi!!! I’m Nantahala and I live in Moonglow—I’m one of Vairë and Valiant’s daughters. I’m also Rodyn’s hunting apprentice, and I want to be a first hunter one day!! She realized then that she was prattling, and she shut her mouth, and only opened it to add:

It’s nice to meet you all!!!
42 Posts
Ooc — ebony
sea wolves. a hunter from the mountains. an exuberant girl.

"i am eivor ranvulf, of kvarsheim. let us hunt well today, so well that the gods are pleased." nantahala. arrluk, related. an uncle. the seawolf had not yet given his name, and so for a moment she admired the fine pacing cadence of the blackfurred wolf with eyes so piercing she was compelled to see.

"is it your first hunt?" she asked of the golden girl with sweet anticipation filling the uttered words. "if it is, do not worry. choose someone to watch and stay with them as we start to run," the stone-circle woman said, glancing with a warm look over the group entire.
268 Posts
Ooc — Anonymous
The royal princes @Khaemwaset and @Den were shown where to watch from the periphery, a small rise in the land where they would have an elevated view of the herds, then semer-wati approached the hunt-group at a mannered gallop. His gilded eyes appraised, measuring their physicality and granting each a kingly greeting.

"Semer-wati Rashepses," the king gave his name with a regal look.

The squadron was placed under his directive and so he turned first to his co-lead, “Arrluk and I will take the rear position while the remainder will steer the elk.”

“Keep beside Eivor,” he told the little sun girl who reminded him so much of his own. The hunting fields were no place for a lady, and he’d have forbid her attendance had she been his daughter. “Watch for sharp hooves and antlers.” She alone was their debility, for the rest of their hunters were sturdy and strong. 

The various groups roiled upon the field. They would target cows, old or sickly. Meat would be bountiful, and so it was only for the ardent pursuit of glory the noble would lead his hunt.

“Ignore the cows. We are taking the bull,” an arrogant smile bent his maw as he signaled to the steersmen and broke into a gaited trot beside the dark man from the sea.
644 Posts
Ooc — Lauren
each of them shared their name, their pack.

val nodded, waiting directive.

like an oilspill, the first leader was off -- followed by a shadowed second.

and he looked to each hunt partner with a glimmer in his gaze that communicated may the hunt be good.

their target would be the bull, not the hind.

he worried for the child in such decision and so, hung back.
199 Posts
Ooc — Vami
His little neice is lively. The sea-farer quiet and stoic. The woman, of Kvarsheim (he does not remember hearing the name before) speaks of the gods, for which he dips his white chin respectfully. Then the striking, tall and slender man with eyes of liquid gold takes the direction of the group and begins his lope. 

Arrluk keeps side by side the southern royal, trotting along at the back end as the three others give pursuit ahead, driving a wedge between their target and the rest of the herd. A bull. A challenge that by now Arrluk would be fully prepare for, but the rest? Neice was young and he did not know how often the sea-wolf or the desert wolf took down deer of this size and making.
[Image: 7nCi.gif]
42 Posts
Ooc — ebony
that man there, he is used to giving orders.

the moonglow man was related to the girl at her side, but that appeared to be the only familial connection. 

"our role is to run that bull elk, there, away from the herd," she explained in easy tones to nantahala as she too quickened her pace. "when he is alone, all our teeth will descend on him."

but what words might illustrate could not show the full might of the hunt; she chuffed for the youth to stay close while her stride lengthened.

frightened cows broke around them, filling the air with flying clods of dirt and pounding so close that eivor felt the breath of two. "snap! yes, like that. drive them off! he will come for us soon."

and it was so; the bull snorted in shocked indignation, wheeling in the near distance with sunlight glinting from those dangerous tines he wore.

my mind turns your life into folklore
133 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Sorry for the delay!

They would go for the bull—the very thought sent excitement coursing through Nantahala’s body. Aya! This will be a great time!!! she said in nobody in particular. Let’s get the bull!!!

When Eivor explained what their role was, she craned her neck and searched for their target, and soon spotted it in the crowd. It was a formidable creature, one that would be difficult to take down, but she was not deterred by the challenge—that was the fun of the hunt. Got it, she said with a strong nod.

They embarked for the hunt, and Nantahala followed Eivor closely. The ground began to shake as the herd began to move, and she snapped at the passing cows to motivate them to keeping moving.

She whooped as they moved forward, as they closed in on the bull who seemed to have no fear towards the predators.