Swiftcurrent Creek Trades and Hunts and Rivers
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,682 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
Rodyn was tired, but he was pleased with the progress he made and he still had so far to go. But he was determined to invite all that he could. Upon his shoulders of russet, he carried a fur of Elk. He didn't know how well the wolve's here would like it, but he was willing to try.

Upon his arrive 10 feet or more from the pack lands. He could smell river, and trees and his heart skipped a beat as he thought of home. He would always love it and miss it. But he liked where he was.

Lifting nose to skyline he called out to the wolves that lied therein. @Arlette @Akavir. An dthen he settled and waited patiently.

Didn't tag Arric, backdated to 7/9/24
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,143 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
A stranger—a distance from the borders, but the summoning howl with intentions of meeting had Akavir drawing forth—wild in appearance, disheveled, and heavyhearted. His eyes grazed over the man at first inspection—his tongue smoothing over his lips.

A hide upon the man’s back—the scent of travel was what stood out most—did he have a home?

Was he aware of the dangers that lurked near these valleys?

“Welcome,” he offered—tone ragged, before he cleared his throat. “You’re near Swiftcurrent Creek lands. I’m Akavir—the Alpha.”

The wind teased at the dark fur along the Mayfair’s nape—the warmth of summer feeling more imprisoning these days than usual.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,682 Posts
Ooc — Danni
The man that met him was shrouded in a grief that was paltable. Rodyn only recognized it as he had been there. Near the end of his rope and hanging on for dear life. His heart went out to the quiet man and he dipped his muzzle in greeting.

I'm Rodyn Ardeth, alpha of Moontide. I am on a trade journey and carry an invitation from myself and the moon villages for a group hunt in the fall.

He tugged the elk fur from his back. We'll probably be hunting Elk. It will be in Firefly Glen.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,143 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
Rodyn Ardeth—an Alpha, who represented the moon villages. His brow arched—eyes sweeping over the man who dipped his head in greeting. Gentlemanly—an anomaly among wolves, it seemed.

“Moon villages?” He hadn’t heard of them—his only assumption that these were packs that held a connection to one another, or an alliance.

Lifting a paw, he brushed at an itch upon the side of his muzzle, contemplating silently. A hunt with others—from what he gathered, it would be quite a distance. Was it worth leaving their home unattended? Or perhaps only a spare few would go. Still—beneficial, perhaps, for Cygnet to socialize among others. Perhaps, even, a well deserved break for Arlette and Arric. “We will consider it—but it depends on our pups and numbers in the autumn months. Where is the glen?”
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,682 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn had learned hard that there were wolves that were kind and th ere were some that were not. But he refused to be anything less than kind and polite.

Yes. Moonglow, Moonspear, Moontide. Moonglow is the mother pack led by Kukutux and Aiolos or often times known as moonwoman and sun man.

A tilt of his ear forward and he nodded his head towards the mountains and the spear. It is in the Great Bear wilderness. About 2 nights that way. He pointed with his muzzle.

He weaved his tail once, twice. There will be a great hunt, but also social aspects. A women's circle, a healer's circle, some wolves bring older children.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,143 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
His eyes traveled after Rodyn’s sweeping muzzle, offering the direction of this supposed gathering.  It was an invitation that in the past year he would have declined without hesitation—

— but what good was it to simply hide away from the world, constantly? Arlette would probably delight in meeting other healers. Arric would probably just enjoy getting out… Surely, the kids would be old enough to travel and socialize? Cygnet would do well to meet others.

“Those who are able to from Swiftcurrent Creek will come—myself, included, if our borders are able to remain maintained.” He paused, withholding a soft sigh as he turned another weary stare upon the man before him. “What other packs will attend?”
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,682 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn himself knew how complacent you could become in one place. He had been reluctant to leave at first. But he had soon found enjoyment in it as he readied himself. You got used to things. And you didn't like to change them.

All the moon villages. I have invited every single pack in the entirety of the teekon wilds that I could find. Akashingo, Muat Rya, Sun Mote, one called Brecheliant and there was another near there. Raventhorpe and all the packs in this valley. And many more besides.

he gave a soft sigh. I have been on the move since the beginning of summer. It has not been an easy journey, but there should be much to have had. Granted of course. I do not know if even half of them will arrive. They may choose not to come.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,143 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
A better person would have offered the man a seat—a drink. A rest.

Akavir had never been accused of being a gracious host, but on many occasions had been accused of being an over-protective ass. So as his gaze sweeps over the other man—the amber eyes of a man who had seen much in life.

He pressed his tongue to the roof of his mouth a moment in consideration—not because of the packs listed, but because of the consideration of the Moontide wolf before him. Finally, he gave a brief dip of his muzzle, stepping to one side as a sweep of a paw was given. “Would you like to come in and rest, while we discuss more?”

He didn’t relish the idea of Akashingo and it’s other kingdoms in attendance. It also wasn’t lost on him that it would be interesting to see what influence they had on the other wolves that attended—though Brecheliant was the only other pack he recognized.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,682 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn did not expect anything. Nothing more than a conversation and perhaps a trade. Ao he was a bit surprised when the other man offered him food and rest.

It was somwthing moonwoman would have done. I appreciate it and I won't stay long.

A lift of the items for trade and he dipped his head in a bit of a deeper way. Showing his appreciation Moreso.

And Rodyn was an honest wolf. Ao he held no doubt we're the man to ask he'd give his impressions of the packs he had invited. Some had been off putting and some welcoming.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.