Redhawk Caldera And a voice, with the fear of a child, answers.
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Ooc — Kat
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Master Warrior
She hit a velocity that could spell disaster should she slip and fall, if not for the snow. Comforted by the knowledge that any tumble would be cushioned, she made no attempt to hit the brakes. She veritably careened downhill. And it had the desired effect too: she was so caught up in the plummet that she didn't think of Primrose, at least for a few minutes.

But then the ground began to even out as she reached the bottom of the hill. Towhee slowed naturally but did not stop, letting the momentum carry her forward onto a plain of thick white snow. She hadn't gone far when she felt something touch her hip. She whirled instinctively to see it was Reyes and quickly recovered her gait, though not before he sprinted ahead.

Seeing it as the challenge it was intended, the Sovereign loosed a sharp bark and raced after him. She did think of Prim then, briefly, as she recollected the moment when Reyes imparted the horrible news. But she shoved that thought aside as she bent her head and picked up speed, blood and muscles singing with the exertion of it.

-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
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RE: And a voice, with the fear of a child, answers. - by Towhee - January 18, 2021, 05:29 PM