Bramblepoint bartering, pleasantries, and consumption
5,294 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
She squinted, head cocking slightly as she licked her lips. Her children had opted to stay on the mountain rather than travel with her… just to leave and travel anyway? Her jaw clenched, though she made a conscious effort to loosen it and let out a breath. It would be hypocritical to hold it against them, though they were young…

Maybe he went with her? Towhee replied. And good for her, I suppose, she added, not entirely convincingly, although she was glad her daughter was doing something productive with her life.

Sighing a little, Towhee reached out, patted Phox’s shoulder and said, Yup, everybody leaves. You gotta get ahead of it and leave them first. It’s working really well for me. She winked. I won’t keep you. I’ll catch up when I can. Enjoy those babies.

Towhee gave him another love tap, then watched him head out before facing the mountain. She would call for Meerkat, she decided, oblivious to her daughter’s preoccupation and the entire fiasco with the cat—albeit, not for much longer.

-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
Messages In This Thread
bartering, pleasantries, and consumption - by Phox - August 25, 2023, 02:46 PM
RE: bartering, pleasantries, and consumption - by Towhee - August 25, 2023, 03:03 PM
RE: bartering, pleasantries, and consumption - by Phox - August 26, 2023, 01:18 PM
RE: bartering, pleasantries, and consumption - by Towhee - August 26, 2023, 03:17 PM
RE: bartering, pleasantries, and consumption - by Phox - August 27, 2023, 09:25 PM
RE: bartering, pleasantries, and consumption - by Towhee - August 28, 2023, 01:18 PM
RE: bartering, pleasantries, and consumption - by Phox - August 29, 2023, 08:53 PM
RE: bartering, pleasantries, and consumption - by Towhee - August 29, 2023, 09:02 PM
RE: bartering, pleasantries, and consumption - by Phox - August 30, 2023, 08:58 PM
RE: bartering, pleasantries, and consumption - by Towhee - August 30, 2023, 09:11 PM