Moonspear no place like home
High Sage*
who stole my toe?!
1,245 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Pack Activity 
coming of age ceremony for @Seal! sialuk would have asked others to gather gifts for her, so bring whatever you think she'd like. :) everybody will get a week to respond, and then we can have another round or two, since i know group threads can be overwhelming!

@Argent @Elentari @Alaric @Acrux @Maggak (@Meerkat and Njord are also invited!)

Sialuk carried the five-pointed antler she had found in the forest toward the gathering place near the healing ulaq. In the days prior, she had gone to each of her few villagers, rounding them up and letting them know of the ceremony that was to take place just before the villages joined together in Hoshor Plains. Afterward, Seal would return to study beneath another. Sialuk had thought long and hard about the place that would fit her young student best, and she had arrived at a decision.

In the center of the gathering place would sit Seal, and around her would gather the wolves of the village, each with a gift to send off their girl-turned-woman. Sialuk settled in and placed the antler before her, then raised her chin to call for the rest of the village.
Atkan Aleut
83 Posts
Ooc — Twin
seal was becoming a woman.
maggak often spent her days dreaming of her own ceremony. she could venture to the sister villages without having to worry! she could learn from them, yes, and do as she liked to do — hone her muscles and use her teeth, sing folktunes of generations past. all the afternoons she could spend with anânsiak, the expeditions she and acrux could go on!
but she was not there yet.
with her to seal's ceremony, she brought her own little gift — a twig wrapped in the spare clippings of a rabbit skin, tied together with a dried sandwort. she had meant for it to be a charm, of some sort; she hoped seal would appreciate it no less. maggak makes herself comfortable along the sidelines and watches her anaa with a fond gaze.
Sun Mote Copse
377 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
A nervous excitement made Seal’s body tingle from tip to tail. She barely slept the night before and woke before the sun had risen to greet the winter solstice. Diligently, the girl preened herself near the small stream near her family’s ulaq. Then, she perfumed herself with the fresh scent of pine needles and wrapped her shoulders with a humble rabbit’s pelt, the color of faded walnut. She felt it was important to look her best. After all, she would stand before her whole village as she crossed the path info womanhood!

As the young apprentice prepared herself, she thought bittersweetly of her sister @Orca II. Seal had hoped Orca would have come home to greet her after returning from Muat-Riya… but still, there was no sign of her beloved sister. Perhaps, someday, we would be able to read the bones as Sialuk did and perceive the location or fate of her sibling.

When Sialuk summoned the village to gather, Seal readied herself and took a deep breath. Then, she made her way to the meeting place to greet all of the familiar faces who had woven themselves into the fabric of her life.
980 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
Sialuk had sent word to the Copse that a celebration for Seal’s coming of age was to take place around the winter solstice. Njord had gathered food and gifts with @Meerkat for their daughter and left @Reki in charge of watching the packland. Afterward, Meerkat was to return home as Njord carried on with the hunting party to represent their small, but growing, homestead.

He arrived at Moonspear’s borders with an abundance of meat for the celebration: a fine haunch of a young deer. In addition, he brought a freshly killed river otter. Meerkat had told him of their daughter’s affinity for tanning and craftmaking, and so he thought this would make a fine gift for her.

The gifts were carefully packed into snow when they arrived. Then, he hugged his daughter and mingled with the rest of the pack. Argent, Elentari, and Alaric! Oh, and how Maggak and Acrux had grown! He noticed that Myna was absent and, of course, his heart ached for Orca, as well. Though it was refreshing to see all of the familiar faces, Njord felt a sense of pride that the Sveijarn-Cortens represented a new village.

When the small talk was done, he took a seat beside his wife in the circle around Seal and waited for the Sialuk to begin.
2,013 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Coach
Master Therapist
Master Ambassador
Njord planned to attend the upcoming hunt, perhaps taking Reki with him. Although Meerkat had agreed to this—which meant staying behind, all by herself—she grew agitated as the departure day approached. She kept thinking waspishly of her parents' decision to settle at Moontide. Meerkat knew she was being uncharitable, just like she suspected her hormones were shifting. She said nothing to her husband nor their young novitiate, not wishing to spoil Njord’s excitement in particular.

When the invitation came to attend Seal’s coming-of-age ceremony, it did quite a lot to dispel the black cloud lingering over her head. Although she felt like a heel leaving Reki behind at the copse, Meerkat was grateful someone would be staying there. Besides, she would relieve him in no more than a day’s time. And he could still head off to hunt with Njord and the rest, though Meerkat would be pleased if they could keep each other company.

Clearing her throat presently, Meerkat put all that aside to focus on Seal’s face. She was a strikingly beautiful young woman, full of immense potential. Meerkat was biased, of course, but she couldn’t be prouder. She glanced at Njord’s face, mutually marveling at this incredible person they’d brought into the world. She wasn’t the only one of course—Meerkat particularly missed Orca just now—but today, her mother’s love would focus wholly and completely on Seal.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.

I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
188 Posts
Ooc — Mai
At first, Elentari did not know what to get Seal for the ceremony. She had grown into a stunning young woman, with a spirit just as as lovely. She had many fond memories of her as a kid and looked forward to many more to come.

Many options went through her mind and she sorted through them. As much as she would have liked to have gone off hunting for a fine cut of meat, her condition wouldn't allow it. Her leg was still tender. Still healing. She didn't want to over exert herself and re-aggravate her injury.

Scouring the nooks of the mountain would have to do instead. One one such trip, deep into an exploration of a cave, she had found the perfect item.

When the call came that day from Sialuk, Elentari would rise from her resting place outside the ulaq. She retrieved a rabbit skin, it's contents gently bundled inside. Making her way to the meeting place, she saw that Seal, her parents, Sialuk and Maggak were already present. She sat down next to her daughter fondly, smiling at everyone. At her paws, she let the rabbit skin unfold, revealing inside a fragment of Black Moonstone.
High Sage*
who stole my toe?!
1,245 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Others arrived, and Sialuk watched them come one by one to honor their youngest woman. The starwoman was particularly delighted to see both Meerkat and Njord, a soft pang in her heart knowing that she had gone too long since seeing their faces. Maggak's gift was a talisman, Seal's parents brought meat, and Elentari had come with a mysterious bundle. Inside, a dark stone that would make a good addition to Maggak's charm.

Today, Seal leaves her journey of childhood and steps onto a new path to become a woman. Following the hunt in Hoshor Plains, she will spend time in Brecheliant to strengthen our bond with their village and learn more of their ways. It was Kukutux who had given Sialuk the idea, when she spoke of making their ties stronger. Seal's presence there would be a welcome one, and already she had friends there to ease her into life there.
Atkan Aleut
83 Posts
Ooc — Twin
maggak's excitement quickly dissolves.
seal was leaving moonspear. her face drops into a pitiful scowl, eyes rounded with disappointment. moonspear had become lonely as the winter set in, she had lost two of her brothers to smelly moontide, and now seal was leaving them too!
her disapproval is shown in the way her shoulders slump. moonspear was their home; their sister villages, too, an extension of the mountain's heart. she did not even know what brecheliant was! what was in brecheliant that could possibly be so important?
Sun Mote Copse
377 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
Seal’s heart jumped like a river fish inside of her chest as the apprentice’s doe-brown gaze scanned every face, excited so many visited now. Then, before the young woman could parse anything else, a silence came over the gathering. The leader of Moonspear, her cherished teacher and mentor, addressed the crowd.

Every word from Sialuk’s mouth became burned into Seal’s mind. She would remember this moment forever: a great crossing towards the next chapter of her life. It was a life-changing cannon event.

She did not know what her mentor had in store, and so Seal sucked in a breath from anticipation.


This surprised Seal, but in a good way. It was not the spirit walk of men, nor a women’s circle in the moon villages. To take up residence with an ally like Brecheliant felt right – for though she had been born upon this mountain, and the moon tribes were the only villages she knew, her blood was not of the sunshine people.

Plus, Frolic would be with her!

“I will make you all verrae proud,” she promised as her eyes became glassy from emotional elation.
980 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
Njord’s blue gaze shifted between Seal and his wife. Their baby girl was becoming a woman before their very eyes! He regarded Seal’s poise with admiration, though a bittersweet ebbed at his heart because of the absence of her sister.

Then, Sialuk gave Seal her greatest task yet. Njord was relieved to hear she would stay inside the region – Towhee Jr had never returned from his mission, and the man regretted sending her so far.

With a baritone voice, Njord tossed his head back and howled in approval. Let them celebrate Moonspear’s first daughter tonight!
Members of Sun Mote Copse are welcome to join all threads and power-play Njord (excepting injury or death) for cohesion and continuity, whether or not he's an active participant in a thread. Just tag me!

2,013 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Coach
Master Therapist
Master Ambassador
Sialuk’s announcement surprised Meerkat too. That village was peopled with wolves whose history was interwined with the Redhawks’. Furthermore, they lived upon Redhawk Caldera. Seal would get to learn about their culture, as well as her own family’s history. Her own grandmother had been born there. It was an excellent choice.

You already have, Meerkat murmured in reply to Seal, eyes shining.

She couldn’t wait to discuss Seal’s stay in detail with her daughter. Meerkat could explain more about her maternal grandmother’s connection with the place. Maybe they could arrange for her to visit the young woman while she was living there, though she would also understand if Seal would prefer her mother give her space to learn and grow on her own.

For now, of course, it was all about celebrating this milestone in Seal’s life with the rest of the group. When Njord howled, Meerkat joined him, the two of them announcing the love and pride they felt for their youngest.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.

I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
188 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Seal would go to Brecheliant, to learn. To grow more, in knowledge. Elentari smiled down warmly at the grown girl. She was not her own, but no less of a constant in her life here on the mountain.

Maggak...she did not look happy. Frowning softly, she lowered her dark muzzle to their stark head.

"She won't be far. Brecheliant is only a short trip away. You and I, we can visit together." She had never been to the southern pack herself. Some time spent with Maggak, to introduce them both to their neighbors, could do them well.
High Sage*
who stole my toe?!
1,245 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
wow y'all are on top of it! last round / last post from me. :)

Sialuk's own voice joined the others, though she kept a watchful eye on Maggak. Elentari was there to comfort and assure their daughter that it was not far. Sialuk relaxed, knowing this would be a moment for Maggak to learn the way of the world, too. Friends could remain close even when they were far away. To see Meerkat and Njord here was a perfect example, she thought.

The ceremony would close with a feast, and Sialuk lugged a large leg of deer toward the center of the group, allowing all to share as the celebrated Seal's next journey.
Atkan Aleut
Sun Mote Copse
377 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
With the ceremony complete, Seal practically lept into her parents' arms like a girl on graduation day.

“I love you!” she said to both of her parents as she rubbed her face, eyes wet with emotion, into their fur.

Then, she bounced over to Maggak and Elentari and embraced them both.

“Dinnae fash!” she would say to the younger girl. “I willnae be gone for long!”

And then, she stood proudly before Sialuk until the dinner bell was rung and they all feasted together.

Hope you don't mind I threw in Seal and Njord's last posts! I gotta trim down my thread log and these were easy finishers for me :)
980 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
“We love you too,” Njord whispered as he and Meerkat held their daughter tight.

Then, together he joined with the others to feast, be merry, and celebrate the day’s festivities.
Members of Sun Mote Copse are welcome to join all threads and power-play Njord (excepting injury or death) for cohesion and continuity, whether or not he's an active participant in a thread. Just tag me!

188 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Also sneaking in a quick, last post.

Elentari welcomed Seal with warm, open arms. Nuzzling into the sweet warmth of her soft fur. 

Then, she sang. Raising her voice to entwine with the others. A perfect symbol of their unity. Of their joy. Of Seal's coming of age and all she had done!

Her heart swelled and she tucked in to feast.