She hadn’t thrown up in a few days now, which was the longest she’d gone since the early days of her pregnancy. Druid felt herself slowly rallying and decided to venture out of the den today. She didn’t aspire to go very far, just to the lagoon and back.
When she arrived at the water’s edge, she sat for a long time. Her eyes tracked several small fish that swam past, though Druid made no attempt to catch them. She wasn’t hungry because she’d eaten a decent breakfast which was still settled in her stomach. She let out a little sigh of relief.
She didn’t want to squander her energy. Making sure to walk slowly, Druid ventured around the curve of the lagoon and approached a corner of Rivenwood she hadn’t seen in weeks. She nosed around Silencepine and refreshed some of her stale scent markers. Her eyes strayed toward the stone arches but she didn’t dare risk a patrol.
Druid carefully folded herself against the base of a pine and caught a quick nap. When she woke a little while later, she answered an urgent call of nature. When she stood up out of her squat, she turned to pluck off some pine needles insistently clinging to her fur. There was even part of a pine cone! Druid laughed under her breath as she pulled it off and spat it on the ground.
She started when something pale landed at her feet. Before Druid could even bend to inspect it, her tongue instinctively found the gap in her teeth. It didn’t hurt much, though she could only blink at the canine sitting so starkly on the forest floor. A sense of foreboding came over her when her exploratory tongue found several other teeth wriggling at the slightest pressure.
Druid wasn’t prone to flights of panic. Yet one gripped her now and before she even realized what she was doing, she sent a distress call into the sky. She specifically begged for @Etienne by name, although she knew there was very little chance he was near enough to hear her cry for help.
When she arrived at the water’s edge, she sat for a long time. Her eyes tracked several small fish that swam past, though Druid made no attempt to catch them. She wasn’t hungry because she’d eaten a decent breakfast which was still settled in her stomach. She let out a little sigh of relief.
She didn’t want to squander her energy. Making sure to walk slowly, Druid ventured around the curve of the lagoon and approached a corner of Rivenwood she hadn’t seen in weeks. She nosed around Silencepine and refreshed some of her stale scent markers. Her eyes strayed toward the stone arches but she didn’t dare risk a patrol.
Druid carefully folded herself against the base of a pine and caught a quick nap. When she woke a little while later, she answered an urgent call of nature. When she stood up out of her squat, she turned to pluck off some pine needles insistently clinging to her fur. There was even part of a pine cone! Druid laughed under her breath as she pulled it off and spat it on the ground.
She started when something pale landed at her feet. Before Druid could even bend to inspect it, her tongue instinctively found the gap in her teeth. It didn’t hurt much, though she could only blink at the canine sitting so starkly on the forest floor. A sense of foreboding came over her when her exploratory tongue found several other teeth wriggling at the slightest pressure.
Druid wasn’t prone to flights of panic. Yet one gripped her now and before she even realized what she was doing, she sent a distress call into the sky. She specifically begged for @Etienne by name, although she knew there was very little chance he was near enough to hear her cry for help.
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
Etienne had informed @Anselm that he was going to check on both Heda and Druid. The thought of them on their own without care from a healer and possibly pregnant had been hard for him to handle. So he had packed a small pack, even asked the brooding male if he wanted to come though he doubted he would, but the offer was there none the less.
He had medicine for sickness and pain. And armed with the little tidbits he had gleaned from his mother, his granme and Mahler. Perhaps even @Kukutux he felt able to handle what was set at his feet.
He was surprised from his thoughts by a loud howl breaking the silence of the area. His heart fell like a stone and he raced towards the noise. Lifting his own howl in lyrical reply.
I'm coming as fast as I can
He had medicine for sickness and pain. And armed with the little tidbits he had gleaned from his mother, his granme and Mahler. Perhaps even @Kukutux he felt able to handle what was set at his feet.
He was surprised from his thoughts by a loud howl breaking the silence of the area. His heart fell like a stone and he raced towards the noise. Lifting his own howl in lyrical reply.
I'm coming as fast as I can
March 05, 2024, 01:09 PM
Her heart felt like it was in her throat when Etienne called back to her. Druid’s breath left her in a shaky gust. She realized she was trembling and walked back toward the pine tree on quivering limbs. The earth was still warm where she’d slept. She leaned against the rough bark, letting her eyes close as she tried to collect herself.
She raised her head and looked toward the arches with watery eyes. How soon would Etienne get here? Would he be able to help her? Druid sniffed and tried to stand up straighter, square her shoulders a bit. She was unused to these high emotions and wondered if they were brought on by hormones.
It was only a tooth,she whispered reassurances to herself, only for her tongue to betray her by pushing at the other loose teeth.
Who needs teeth, anyhow?she joked weakly, trying to laugh only to find herself fighting tears.
She raised her head and looked toward the arches with watery eyes. How soon would Etienne get here? Would he be able to help her? Druid sniffed and tried to stand up straighter, square her shoulders a bit. She was unused to these high emotions and wondered if they were brought on by hormones.
Just breathe,she murmured.
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
His paws mostly scars now. On occasion he would step wrong amd irritate the scar tissue there. But he forced himself into a streamlined race. He was born on sand near sea. The grasslands were easy in comparison to work through.
Etienne made it and though he briefly hesitated at the border lines. His worry for Druid pushed him over the edge and he stepped across then ran through the borders.
He found her beneath a pine. Panting he looked her over. She didn't look well. So thin. Too thin. Her belly protruding way lower than was normal. Tears gathered in her eyes and she looked on the edge.
Etienne made it and though he briefly hesitated at the border lines. His worry for Druid pushed him over the edge and he stepped across then ran through the borders.
He found her beneath a pine. Panting he looked her over. She didn't look well. So thin. Too thin. Her belly protruding way lower than was normal. Tears gathered in her eyes and she looked on the edge.
March 05, 2024, 01:22 PM
Her eyes slipped shut again as Druid concentrated on regulating her breathing. Her heartbeat gradually slowed. By the time she heard footfalls thundering toward her, she felt markedly calmer. She still didn’t feel like herself, though that was nothing new. This pregnancy had made Druid feel like a stranger in her own body in many ways.
She made herself pause. Druid drew in another deep breath, exhaled long and slow, then repeated the process a couple more times. Meanwhile, she shot the medic an apologetic glance.
There was stark fear in her two-toned eyes as they plumbed Etienne’s gaze, hoping he might know something that would help her with these frightening afflictions.
Etienne,she said on an exhale, gaze starting at his paws and sweeping upward.
I forgot about your paws. I’m so sorry to make you rush here, though I’m glad you were within earshot,she said in a breathy rush.
She made herself pause. Druid drew in another deep breath, exhaled long and slow, then repeated the process a couple more times. Meanwhile, she shot the medic an apologetic glance.
As you can probably see,she broke the silence once she felt she could speak again,
this pregnancy has been rough on me.Druid swept a dark foreleg toward her frail frame.
And just now, one of my teeth fell out. And… I lost my mind, for a minute. I told myself it’s just a tooth. But there are others that are loose. What if they all fall out?
There was stark fear in her two-toned eyes as they plumbed Etienne’s gaze, hoping he might know something that would help her with these frightening afflictions.
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
March 05, 2024, 01:35 PM
She was breathing to herself. Truing to collect herself. Eti wanted to hug her or brush a gentle touch to her, but was unsure what or how or even if he should.
He gave a small shrug.
A shy smile.
Etienne frowned. A soft hmm in his throat.
He looked her over.
He gave a small shrug.
Dey just be scars. I be alrite.
A shy smile.
I was on my way to see 'ow you were already.
Etienne frowned. A soft hmm in his throat.
I tink dey all won't, but you may lose a few more. Pregnancy can be very 'ard on you and your body.
He looked her over.
You been stomach sick? Not eatin'? I can give you herbs to make bones and teeth stronger.
March 05, 2024, 02:16 PM
Druid felt a rush of gratitude at the timing, then, though Etienne’s prognosis wasn’t exactly reassuring. She resisted the urge to press her tongue against her loose teeth again, swallowing around a lump in her throat. How would she survive if she lost too many of them? If it became difficult to chew meat? She was already too thin.
Evidently there was an herb that could strengthen her bones, including her teeth. Her already wide eyes went a little wider. She felt a flicker of hopeful relief. Perhaps the rest of her teeth could be saved, thanks to Etienne.
Evidently there was an herb that could strengthen her bones, including her teeth. Her already wide eyes went a little wider. She felt a flicker of hopeful relief. Perhaps the rest of her teeth could be saved, thanks to Etienne.
Please. I’ll do whatever’s necessary,she said to him, then nodded.
I’ve been vomiting nearly constantly since pretty early on. I wasn’t very worried about it until recently, when I stopped being able to do much of anything. I’m only out and about today because I’ve finally been able to keep some food down…
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
March 05, 2024, 02:56 PM
she'd dawdled too long, thinking of who could go. glaukos would have been best, but heda would have been faster.
and now! and now!
scarcely hearing their words, heda moved into view, alongside her sister, and looked gratefully at the young healer.
"please stay," heda heard herself ask in a tone that almost pleaded. "druid is — was — getting sicker. she needs — she needs someone always here who's skilled with medicine."
she had no right to beg him from the hollow. he had poured his ability into ava, and now heda asked him to do it again, for druid this time. "please. you can — there's an old pharmacy here. it might have things so you don't have to go so far."
and now! and now!
scarcely hearing their words, heda moved into view, alongside her sister, and looked gratefully at the young healer.
"please stay," heda heard herself ask in a tone that almost pleaded. "druid is — was — getting sicker. she needs — she needs someone always here who's skilled with medicine."
she had no right to beg him from the hollow. he had poured his ability into ava, and now heda asked him to do it again, for druid this time. "please. you can — there's an old pharmacy here. it might have things so you don't have to go so far."
March 05, 2024, 05:53 PM
Etienne looked 9ver Druid again. A soft smile.
Before he could continue. Heda was there with an imploring gaze and pleadong on her tongue. Oh.
His brow furrowed. He wanted to help, but Anselm had been very upset with hom staying here before. He would need to speak with him.
He smiled at her sweetly.
You need not worry i be takon care of you. C'amomile is a good 'erb for both belly and bones. I be gettin' you some odlf dat. And.
Before he could continue. Heda was there with an imploring gaze and pleadong on her tongue. Oh.
His brow furrowed. He wanted to help, but Anselm had been very upset with hom staying here before. He would need to speak with him.
I will 'ave to speak wit' Anselm 'eda. 'E was very upset when I didn't speak wit' ' im.
He smiled at her sweetly.
But once I do I can probably come bsck an'stay until you or Druid is ready for me to leave. Mama's not like many people durin' birt'
She could vaguely picture chamomile, from Etienne’s previous teachings. Weren’t those the white flowers with the bright yellow centers? Druid had always thought they smelled soothing when she’d come across them in the wild. Could those sweet little flowers really address both her ailments? She only remembered him describing its properties as a sleep aid.
Before Druid could ask any questions—or, much more likely, just express her gratitude—Heda appeared. Druid immediately gave her sister an apologetic look, knowing her call must’ve worried her. She beckoned the other woman closer, so they could lean against one another and she could demonstrate that she was alright: down one tooth but hopeful about the outcome now that the healer was here.
Her lips parted when Heda immediately begged Etienne to stay. Druid could see the way the request made his brow furrow. They truly could use his help but it was a lot to ask. Before she could get a word in edgewise, Etienne explained that he would have to consult with Anselm first. Druid nodded emphatically, trying not to feel like her teeth were rocking in their roots with the motion.
Before Druid could ask any questions—or, much more likely, just express her gratitude—Heda appeared. Druid immediately gave her sister an apologetic look, knowing her call must’ve worried her. She beckoned the other woman closer, so they could lean against one another and she could demonstrate that she was alright: down one tooth but hopeful about the outcome now that the healer was here.
Her lips parted when Heda immediately begged Etienne to stay. Druid could see the way the request made his brow furrow. They truly could use his help but it was a lot to ask. Before she could get a word in edgewise, Etienne explained that he would have to consult with Anselm first. Druid nodded emphatically, trying not to feel like her teeth were rocking in their roots with the motion.
It’s a lot to ask of you, Etienne, and it’s entirely up to you. If you would like to stay, we could certainly use your help. And of course Anselm could always come with you,Druid added, including Heda with a glance.
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
March 05, 2024, 07:49 PM
it was a lot to ask, and heda had nothing to offer in return. having the hollow men so close might jeopardize her own secret, despite the fact that she had come to trust the young wolf very much.
"yes, of course," she agreed, trying to be amiable as she controlled her worry.
anselm. her belly soured. "he or whoever you want to bring will be welcome here," heda murmured. "maybe you could uh, tell me how to prepare things. while you're away. we'll both learn from you, etienne."
"yes, of course," she agreed, trying to be amiable as she controlled her worry.
anselm. her belly soured. "he or whoever you want to bring will be welcome here," heda murmured. "maybe you could uh, tell me how to prepare things. while you're away. we'll both learn from you, etienne."

Etienne shook his head and have both ladies a kind look.
Stress was the worst thing for pregnancy and though Heda wasn't showing extensively yet. He could see the beginning of a rounding of belly.
He clicked his tongue.
Anselm will not be comin' wit' me Druid. Even if you allow 'im too. Simple fact 'e and 'eda don't fully get along and I wont be 'avin' 'im stress her out. No.
Stress was the worst thing for pregnancy and though Heda wasn't showing extensively yet. He could see the beginning of a rounding of belly.
He clicked his tongue.
First ting be not big walks. C'amomile tea at least twice day. I will 'ave to find other stuff to help wit' your bones and teet' No far walks. Small short ones be best. Also gentle tings on your belly. Liver, otter organs.
March 05, 2024, 10:49 PM
Heda concurred with her, so Etienne’s response really caught her by surprise. She blinked a few times, then threw her sister a questioning look. Was that true? She knew firsthand that he wasn’t the most pleasant man but Heda had never mentioned anything explicitly for or against Anselm.
Where did that leave them? Heda was right: they could really use Etienne’s help right now. He needed to consult with Anselm but he refused to bring him here. Did that mean he would be staying with them and leaving his friend behind? That didn’t sit right with Druid.
Her heart was beating fast again. She tried to take a few deep breaths, though suddenly her breakfast wasn’t sitting as well as before. Druid moaned, sensing that she was on the verge of vomiting. What if more of her teeth came out in the process? The thought made her feel strangely woozy.
She swayed a little, then planted her feet and carefully eased herself onto the ground, throwing a dark foreleg over her face. She fought against encroaching dizziness and queasiness, panting harshly now against her own fur. Druid trembled a little from the effort and knew the last of her energy was gone.
But she won the fight. The sensations slowly passed and she slid her leg away to blink at the other two. Druid didn’t make a move otherwise. She would rest here a while, she decided, and then ask Heda to help her to their den in Dawnleaf.
As for Etienne, he and her sister would have to sort out what to do. Druid just wanted to get home and sleep until it was time to give birth.
Is this true?she questioned softly after letting Etienne finish. Voice lowering still, she muttered into Heda’s ear,
I’m sorry, I didn’t know or I wouldn’t have said what I said…
Where did that leave them? Heda was right: they could really use Etienne’s help right now. He needed to consult with Anselm but he refused to bring him here. Did that mean he would be staying with them and leaving his friend behind? That didn’t sit right with Druid.
Her heart was beating fast again. She tried to take a few deep breaths, though suddenly her breakfast wasn’t sitting as well as before. Druid moaned, sensing that she was on the verge of vomiting. What if more of her teeth came out in the process? The thought made her feel strangely woozy.
She swayed a little, then planted her feet and carefully eased herself onto the ground, throwing a dark foreleg over her face. She fought against encroaching dizziness and queasiness, panting harshly now against her own fur. Druid trembled a little from the effort and knew the last of her energy was gone.
But she won the fight. The sensations slowly passed and she slid her leg away to blink at the other two. Druid didn’t make a move otherwise. She would rest here a while, she decided, and then ask Heda to help her to their den in Dawnleaf.
As for Etienne, he and her sister would have to sort out what to do. Druid just wanted to get home and sleep until it was time to give birth.
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
March 05, 2024, 10:53 PM
she panicked as etienne spoke, touching toward the heart of things. heda struggled to keep face, dipping her muzzle to shake head and kiss her sister. "no, it's all right. we didn't see eye to eye on much but he let us stay and etienne helped us there."
let that be. let that suffice. please. please. a breath raked out of her and she moved to steady druid. "will you come with us to the den?" she asked. "just to get her settled. then you can tell me what these things look like, and ill get started."
then she would feed druid, bid her to rest, and keep watch until glaukos returned. her days were routine, another reason she had to keep anselm away.
let that be. let that suffice. please. please. a breath raked out of her and she moved to steady druid. "will you come with us to the den?" she asked. "just to get her settled. then you can tell me what these things look like, and ill get started."
then she would feed druid, bid her to rest, and keep watch until glaukos returned. her days were routine, another reason she had to keep anselm away.
March 06, 2024, 07:31 AM
Etienne froze as he realized Druid didn't know. He shot Heda an apologetic look. His ears laid tight to his skull. But he was thrown from his thoughts as Druid grew ill.
He moved forward and founder her pulse with his nose.
Etienne looked at Heda there was a sense of action to him now. He would take csre of Druid imm3diately thrn go get some more herbs and talk to Anselm and come back. He hoped Anselm would let him. Not that he couldn't without the males acceptance. It just made life easier.
He moved forward and founder her pulse with his nose.
Alrite, Druid easy. Let be gettin' you somew'ere lay down yea?
Etienne looked at Heda there was a sense of action to him now. He would take csre of Druid imm3diately thrn go get some more herbs and talk to Anselm and come back. He hoped Anselm would let him. Not that he couldn't without the males acceptance. It just made life easier.
Heda. It be very important dat Druid be getting de c'amomile everyday. And she also has to eat gentle tings. Organs soft tings. You may need smash her meat with rocks i be showin' you. If we can keep 'er teet' in they may get better after baby be born.
March 06, 2024, 08:46 PM
Heda reassured her but Druid wondered if her sister might be—not lying, of course, but fibbing, for her sake. She studied the side of her pale face, though the cold touch of Etienne’s nose distracted her. She hissed under her breath, then settled.
When she’d collected herself a bit more, Druid slowly pushed upright. Leaning against Heda, she murmured that she was ready to begin moving. She shuffled her feet, which felt leaden. Mercifully, her stomach did not pitch any further fits and she did not have to face the possibility of vomiting so forcefully she ejected more of her teeth.
The thought made her shudder, just before she murmured tiredly,
Druid didn’t say anything else as they made the long, slow trek to Dawnleaf. As soon as they arrived at their den, she sank to the ground and knew she would not be getting up again anytime soon. This time, she might very well remain in the den until it was time to give birth.
I’m okay here. Just give me a few minutes,she said as evenly as she could.
When she’d collected herself a bit more, Druid slowly pushed upright. Leaning against Heda, she murmured that she was ready to begin moving. She shuffled her feet, which felt leaden. Mercifully, her stomach did not pitch any further fits and she did not have to face the possibility of vomiting so forcefully she ejected more of her teeth.
The thought made her shudder, just before she murmured tiredly,
I don’t think I have the strength for anything other than surviving until I see this through, Heda. Rivenwood is in your hands. Good hands.
Druid didn’t say anything else as they made the long, slow trek to Dawnleaf. As soon as they arrived at their den, she sank to the ground and knew she would not be getting up again anytime soon. This time, she might very well remain in the den until it was time to give birth.
Last from me, I think! :)
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
March 12, 2024, 09:45 PM
last for me too! <3
flashing etienne a tight, grateful look, heda helped to guide druid and the healer to the den she and her sister shared in the bright forest known as dawnleaf.
"rivenwood will be all right, don't worry."
heda tried to make druid as comfortable as she could, then turned to etienne. "we have a patch not far, i think, of chamomile." her face was a study in determination.
she listened avidly to every bit of information and instruction etienne provided her that day, taking studious mental notes even as the hour careened toward one fateful and destructive.
"rivenwood will be all right, don't worry."
heda tried to make druid as comfortable as she could, then turned to etienne. "we have a patch not far, i think, of chamomile." her face was a study in determination.
she listened avidly to every bit of information and instruction etienne provided her that day, taking studious mental notes even as the hour careened toward one fateful and destructive.

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