Cedar Sweep Tits on a tricycle.
5,294 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
All Welcome 
After patrolling and then training, Towhee should've been pretty worn out and due for a relaxing evening. But she was both a leader and a guardian, so she set out to finish her day with a final sweep of the borders. She began near the western edge of the strath and then cut through the center, emerging on the far east side and looping north, spending much of her attention and energy on the only place where trespassers could really access the grove.

While she was there, Towhee felt a tug in her gut to cross the river and visit the glade. She made it as far as the opposite shore, pelt gleaming like a seal's when she emerged on the far bank. But as she shook out her coat, she had second thoughts. She was still resentful about what she'd learned from Phox. What would she say to Raven or Quixote if they came? And what if they didn't? What if she was received by Liffey and Rannoch instead? The mere thought made her lips twist as if she'd tasted a lemon.

Rather than turn back immediately, Towhee let out a long sigh and began padding along the fringe of Cedar Sweep, keeping close to the river and heading east, away from the Frosthawks. As dusk gathered around her, she calmed, reminding herself that she could go visit Orca's grave at will and even deciding she would do just that, perhaps tomorrow. Thinking about The Roost also made her think of @Rye and she wondered how he was doing with all the changes.

-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
443 Posts
Ooc — Espero
Towhee was still fresh on his mind, she had been for a long time. Rye wasn't sure exactly why, days had past since their last meeting, he would've figured by the second day she would be a passing memory. She wasn't though, she was an ever present thought in his mind. Even in his busiest hours she was there, it was almost damn near frustrating. Anyways, she was surely better now, or so he hoped. Her wound was most likely still a little stiff but healed. A wound Rye wished never had to be a thing in the first place. As far as he knew, Quixote was the one who delivered that punishment and frankly it made Rye see the alpha in a far darker light. A once loving, caring wolf now turned into -- Well, he didn't know. There was much uncertainty in the air, he needed answers, and soon. 

Crossing the borders, Rye headed towards Cedar Sweep, a trott in his step as he went. He found himself to be more tired than usual, hungrier too but the packs cache wasn't half full or even a quarter full and he didn't feel good about taking when pups were around. So many, even if a few were on the verge of adulthood. Rye took it upon himself to ensure others were fed before himself due to the move. He was sure it was taxing on the pups, and the adults from the other pack. The wind had whispered they came from far East, land Rye had yet to venture to due to the sheer distance to it. Although once Rye was settled into his new home, and more acquainted with his new and current pack members he might break away for a few moons. See what else lies far beyond the borders.

Keeping his pace, Rye ducked his head down to the ground in search of a game trail. Various smells crossed his path but none he wanted to chase after, none that smelt fresh or close. A low growl erupted from his belly, Rye rolled his eyes, laughing lightly at his stomach. He swore he ate only a few hours ago, and yet here he was hungry again. He started questioning whether or not he's pregnant, jokingly of course. He continued on, his nose to the ground until a familiar scent was swept up into his nose. He stopped in his tracks immediately, and looked up and around like a deer looking for a predator. 

Towhee, he mouthed to himself. His heart raced a little faster, but Rye ignored it. He walked around in search for the trail he lost, his walk picking up pace as he searched. He couldn't call for her, so his best bet was to run into her or her spot him. Either way he was excited to get a chance to see her again.
"If you lose yourself, your courage soon will follow.
So be strong tonight.
Remember who you are."
5,294 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
It was as if her thoughts had summoned him, for not five minutes after Rye crossed her mind, he also crossed her path. "Rye?" Towhee blurted when she caught sight of him in the middle distance, coming toward her. She hurried forward too, so they met in the middle, just a few yards from where the river gushed behind her. -"It is you,"- she said, speaking and signing simultaneously on purpose to force herself to get into the habit of doing it all the time (at least when limbs and mouth were free for it).

Although she was angry with Quixote and even Raven, not to mention the wolves she could only think of as her replacements, Rye was not subject of her ire whatsoever. He was just a bystander in all of this, subject to the whims of his leaders, old and new. Towhee immediately wanted to ask him what it was like, being forced to bow to four Alphas, two of them perfect strangers, but she held her tongue on the matter.

Instead, she managed a smile as she said, -"You're a sight for sore eyes. How are ya, Rye?"-

-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
443 Posts
Ooc — Espero
And there she was, off in the distance calling his name. His ears cupped towards her direction and his eyes lightened up as he closed the distance. He was so glad to see her, his tail was wagging and his stance was energetic. To him she looked well, strong as ever, he smiled brightly. "I'm good! Things in the Grove is interesting to say the least, and the new alphas? I don't know, I haven't met them so it wouldn't be fair of me to judge them." He explained, still unsure how he felt about the whole four alphas deal. His brain briefly brought up the fact Towhee was signing, and he was about to question it until he was reminded of the deaf factor. So he assumed she was keeping up on her sign language.

Anywho, "What about you?! How's the new pack?" He asked excitedly. He couldn't remember the name for the life of him, something Grove right? Ah, he didn't know but he was sure happy for Towhee. "But most importantly, are you happy?" His bodily tone went from excited happy to, calm and almost concerned. His tail stopped its swaying, but his eyes remained soft. His question was obviously genuine, and he wasn't afraid to show it. Towhee was a friend, one of the only friends he really had. Every other wolf was mere acquaintances, more so than ever with the new pack joining up. So, he did hold Towhee in a more special place in his life.
"If you lose yourself, your courage soon will follow.
So be strong tonight.
Remember who you are."
5,294 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
He seemed well and even answered some questions she wouldn't have brought up herself, though she was certainly curious. Rye didn't seem to know what to make of the four leaders, though he didn't seem upset about the circumstances. Towhee felt a little riled by that, though she hid it and the feeling soon faded. Staying open-minded seemed to suit Rye pretty well, likely better than Towhee's maelstrom of negative emotions of late had served her.

-"Things are going pretty well. We've settled in Hideaway Strath, just across this river and through the passage,"- Towhee replied, turning broadside to the river to point, though it was impossible to miss the corridor through the mountain pass. Facing him again, she continued, -"I'm not thrilled to hear what's happened with the pack. New leaders, new digs, even a new name, I heard? But I guess that's none of my business now,"- she did think to add.

She drew in a deep breath of the woodsy air, then squinted thoughtfully. -"How about you? Are you happy with all the changes? You can always run away to Asterism Grove if you want..."- It was mostly a jest, as Towhee had never deigned to steal any of the Redhawks from her sister's ranks, aside from the family of four. But she was partly serious too, she realized. Her ears twisted backward almost pensively as she waited to see what he'd say.

-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
443 Posts
Ooc — Espero
Rye followed Towhees gaze and met up with the corridor through the mountain. He made a mental note of it, past the river and to the corridor. It wasn't far from the Grove and that brought Ryes spirits up sky high. He could visit often, and help her out when she needed. His tail went swayin again, and a smile began to show signs of emerging. Back on the conversation at hand, Rye did find himself not too thrilled with the name. Frosthawks. To him it was a serious down grade from Redhawks but again, not his decision to make. " Yeah.. Frosthawks. Not something to particularly strike fear in our enemies." He joked, a chuckle coming from his chest. 

Then Towhee offered something unexpected, something that tossed Ryes pounding heart in his throat. He swallowed hard, and breathed deep. A look of delighted surprise was etched into his face, he was heartwarmed by her offer. Then his better judgement kicked in and made his realize that she must've been joking but, an odd pulling sensation in his chest nudged him to ask; "Towhee, are you being serious?" His tone was hushed, as if Quixote was near them. His heart beat faster and faster as he awaited her answer.
"If you lose yourself, your courage soon will follow.
So be strong tonight.
Remember who you are."
5,294 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
His delighted surprise wasn't that strange, though Towhee hadn't expected the naked hope on his face. He wanted to know if she was serious. She could've easily played it off like a joke, though the mercenary bit her lip. She didn't know Rye all that well, yet he had grown on her all the same. And part of her wanted to steal him just to be petty, though it was a small part. Towhee knew they could genuinely use someone like him, though it really wasn't a joking matter.

-"Yes, I'm serious,"- she admitted after a pause, -"but you don't have to decide right now. Just think about it."- That made Towhee think of her very first conversations with her brother about relocating and she smiled wryly. -"You could even talk to Qui and Rave, although be aware they may not take it well. Either way, you'd be welcome, but no pressure."-

She let that hang between the two of them for a moment before changing the subject. -"Asterism Grove is the name of the pack, in case that wasn't clear. Phox and I are both Alphas, though we're called Kilonovas here. He made up an entire ranking system based on the stars, which aren't my thing but the names sound pretty cool. The grove is an awesome territory, perfect for Fen and very well fortified. I'd show you around but I'll save that for when you switch teams,"- she said with a smirk because Towhee just couldn't help herself.

-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
443 Posts
Ooc — Espero
He couldn't lie to himself he felt extremely honored to be invited to her pack. He kept his bright grin to a soft smile, and nodded his head at her suggestion to think before he acted. She was right even though, deep down, he knew what he wanted. Yet the reminder of Quixote and Raven sent chills down the males spine. He didn't want to end up with a busted shoulder, or torn off ear. "Towhee did one of the alphas give you that wound? I'm sorry to ignore the rest of what you said but I need to know, it's been bothering me for a while now." He was just up front about it, no beating around the bush. So much depended on her answer, if they were responsible, he wasn't sure he wanted to stay in Frosthawks. Attacking a leaving pack member is one thing, but attack a member who put in their time, effort and energy into the pack was a whole nothet problem. 

Anxiety was dripping from his very mind but he refused to show. He was finally going to get answers to who was responsible and it could very well twist his world. Was he truly prepared to up and leave with possible wounds stuck to his body? Surely he was fast enough to escape their jaws but would it start a war between the two packs? That thought forced a frown on his lips, he didn't want his actions to affect Towhee that negatively. "Say I do decide to join and they take it horribly? What if I start something between the two packs? Towhee, I can't put you in that kind of spot, its not right and it sure as hell wouldnt sit right with me."
"If you lose yourself, your courage soon will follow.
So be strong tonight.
Remember who you are."
5,294 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
His question caught her off guard, reminding her of another he'd spat at her, apropos of nothing: "I need to know. Are you carrying?" Her smile faded, the corners of her mouth drooping in a thoughtful frown. -"No,"- she answered him more directly this time, suddenly squinting as she wondered what had given him that idea in the first place. But she said nothing else. She had no desire to think or speak of Tegan and his treachery.

The next few questions he fired at her actually earned a dry bark of laughter from her. -"Hey, hey, it's not like that. Rave and Qui are probably annoyed at us for leaving and we're annoyed at them for taking what feels like a big old shit on the Redhawks' legacy. But we're sister packs,"- she assured, realizing even as she said it that she needed the reminder just as badly as anyone. She liked to think that, in time, all of this would be water under the bridge, hopefully without her older sister ever finding out about Towhee's butthurt. Only time would tell.

-"You should talk to Qui and Rave,"- she repeated encouragingly. -"They probably won't be thrilled but who knows? Maybe they won't mind. It really wouldn't be that big of a deal. Half the pack left to join the Firebirds and everyone's still on good terms there."- Towhee didn't bother mentioning all the bad blood back then but it was all more or less resolved anyhow.

Another thought struck her and although Towhee couldn't help herself again. -"Tell them we'll give them our firstborn in exchange."- With everything else to feel emotive about lately, apparently the fact of her barren womb was now something she could make light of. And it was made funnier because of Rye's pregnancy scare of yore, although she wasn't sure if he would agree or even get it at all. Regardless, she chuckled under her breath at her own morbid joke.

-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
443 Posts
Ooc — Espero
Surprised, yet relieved, that the alphas weren't responsible for her wound, Rye gave a puzzled look. He wanted to know who was responsible, but he was clued in that he wasn't going to get that answer by Towhees own short one. Ryes mystery would still remain so for time longer but he'd learn to let it go. For now he was happy the packs were on speaking terms, Towhee could surely benefit from the alliance. Rye couldn't lie, now with the waters clear, he was tempted to cross but his loyalty lied with the Frosthawks. They gave him, a stranger, a home but then Rye remembered who was the one that accepted him.

Towhee. A soft, nostalgic smile formed on his lips and his expression softened. To say that he held that memory under fond lighting was an understatement, he cherished that memory. Rye cleared his throat once he realized his silence had gone on long enough and his attention was back on Towhee. "I'll definitely do the right thing snd talk to them before I decide to leave. Yet, Towhee, I shouldn't just leave now. Not until the packs on their full feet, were not starving or anything. I simply would feel better knowing that when or if I left, they were up and running smoothly." His heart was split, between doing the right thing with his current pack and going with Towhee to help her pack. A battle was sure to wage over the next few days over his decision. 

Thankfully war was yet to knock on his doorstep and a joke from Towhee was that deciding factor. It was a little saddening considering everything but he laughed nonetheless, Rye couldn't even begin to imagine the look on Quixote or Ravens face. "Yes! You think they'd fall for it? God I dont know if I could keep a straight face." A silly grin was drawn perfectpe on his face, he was excited to use that joke on the two, or just one, alpha(s). Whether or not they found it funny was yet to be seen, but he did know Towhee would at least get a laugh out of it and that in itself was worth the try.

Thank you for the Kudos!!!
"If you lose yourself, your courage soon will follow.
So be strong tonight.
Remember who you are."
5,294 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
-"Rave would probably slap you in the mouth for thinking of trading a puppy, then maybe find it funny after the fact. Qui doesn't have a sense of humor as far as I know, so you'd probably get a long-winded speech about the merits of bread and milk,"- Towhee quipped, glad that Rye seemed to partake in her humor.

Setting that aside for a moment, Towhee had to give Rye props for his fealty. -"That's very conscientious of you, Rye, and a good call. If you do decide to come here, we'll be very lucky to have someone so loyal."- Her features were soft as she spoke. She hope he knew she was being sincere and not pulling his leg or anything.

But Towhee wasn't really one for "chick flick moments," so in the next breath, she said, -"Maybe we could hook up again sometime. Did you know you were my first?"- very cavalierly.

-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
443 Posts
Ooc — Espero
Sorry for the late reply, kind of a rough day!

Long winded speech? Yeah that fit Quixote comfortably, and though Rye wasn't completely familiar with the alpha he sounded and looked to be the type for speeches. Talked like one too. Towhees joke definitely earned a chuckle or two. Laughing, something Rye missed dearly. Not that he was void of humor back at Frosthawks, things were more serious than usual and he missed joking around. Laughing was worth ten times its weight in cache food. Rye was more than happy to share the moment with Towhee, it didn't take a lot to know she probably needed it. "You're right, but I think I'll still say something just to leave with a joke instead of a goodbye." Rye understood that if you get someone happy, they're more apt to take bad, or not so cool new better. Emotional manipulation? Maybe.

Towhees compliment was felt more than heard, a flicker of his ear here and the swish of his tail there. His heart was acting up again, being stubborn and refusing to cease its unnecessary hyperactivity. He kept thinking calm thought in hopes of slowing it manually, it wasn't working, until; Towhee brought up their fling and how she was his first. That was enough to flatline his heart and make the forest a lot warmer. Only due to the fact of his embarrassment and awkward feelings towards the fling. If it wasn't for the fur that covered his body, Towhee coukd easily see the red covering his face. Rye could certainly feel the blood rushing out of his extremities and straight to his (mind out of the gutter now) chest and face. 

He was too innocent for this.. Was he really though? "I did not know that. You were actually my first as well, I uh, yeah." A few embarrassed fidgets later, "If I haven't apologized already for that dumb fight, I'm sorry. I'm sure you understood what got the best of me in that situation."
"If you lose yourself, your courage soon will follow.
So be strong tonight.
Remember who you are."
5,294 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
No worries, there's no such thing as a "late" reply; post at your leisure. I hope today's better!

He admitted that she'd been his first too and Towhee could tell that he was flustered. It was actually kind of endearing. Truth be told, she had no sex drive to speak of outside her heat. But the idea of doing it with Rye again sometime had a strange sort of appeal anyhow, else she would not have suggested it, even in jest.

-"You have nothing to apologize for,"- she assured him in that same casual manner. -"I was the one slutting it up all over the place. I'm sorry that I banged another dude right after you and right in front of you."- Towhee laughed wryly, hoping he didn't hold that against her. -"Hormones are whack, man."-

If memory served, she'd coupled with three males, Rye included. But the other two, whatever their merits at the time, had disappeared and, without pups to remind her of them, they'd already faded in Towhee's memory. Only Rye was still around. Her lips twitched into a faint, fond smile as she peered at him. She really hoped he would consider moving to the grove. Towhee couldn't promise a real relationship, though the two of them could certainly be friends, maybe with benefits.

-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
443 Posts
Ooc — Espero
Right, that other guy Towhee boned. The hakunas on that guy was astonishing to Rye, after all he just barged in and demanded a piece of Towhee. Rude to say the least but Rye took it for the best, even if he did get injured in the process but it was old news. No point getting ruffled about it again. Rye certainly couldn't help but entertain the idea of having another fling with Towhee but his brain stepped back in and instantly shut down the idea. No more flings, it was final. Moving on, Rye nodded in agreement about hormones. It was almost terrifying to be at the will of your own body instead of the usual other way around.

"We'll I can't blame you either, like you said hormones. Water under the bridge as far as I'm concerned." No use crying over spilt milk. "Well, I suppose I should get back to the pack. If you need anything just howl and I'll probably hear you, maybe. See you around." His offers were always genuine, any favor Towhee asked of him would be completed post haste.

As Rye was about to leave a cheeky, perhaps even seductive idea hatched in his mind. Or rather something cheeky he could say. His mind was buzzing with charisma and confidence, an unsual trait for Rye to flat out openly carry but here he was, saying; "Oh and, if you ever need help again, you most certainly know where to find me." His voice held a certain edge to it, hinting at something far more personal than just helping a friend move or something. Where this burst of charisma came from, Rye didn't know but what he did know was he needed to get the hell out of town before he futher made a fool of himself. So with a playful raise of an eyebrow he turned and began walking away. His burst of confidence fading fast, leaving embarrassment left over. 'Oh boy.. I'm dumb'

Smh forgive Rye lol but fade if you'd like!
"If you lose yourself, your courage soon will follow.
So be strong tonight.
Remember who you are."
5,294 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
After reassuring her that bygones were bygones, Rye announced that he should head back home. Towhee nodded, knowing she should do the same. -"Whenever you see Rave, tell her I said 'hey,'"- she requested without thinking, though how could she ever regret sending word to her sister? They may not like each other's choices lately but they were still Redhawks by blood if not by name.

Rye made one last remark before he left that made Towhee jerk her head backward a little in surprise. She then brayed laughter, which surely followed Rye right out of the sweep. She wasn't laughing at him, of course. -"See ya, Rye!"- she shouted as soon as she caught her breath, though he'd already disappeared into the twilit distance.

Swiveling, Towhee raced to the river's edge, eager to make the crossing before full dark and return to the rendezvous site and her family.

Thank you for the wonderful thread.

-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.