It was impossible to tell from over here in the grove, yet Towhee knew the Frosthawks were gone by now. Soon their scents would fade from the forest they'd only inhabited for such a short time. The thought made her insides churn, though she wasn't sad for long. Mostly, she was angry about one chance meeting in a ravine changing the course of so many lives so abruptly. Unwilling to feel bitter toward Raven et al, she could only direct her wrath at one party: the Blackfeathers.
But as soon as Towhee caught herself stewing, she tried to pull herself out of that head space. It kept happening and she kept trying to suppress it. It was a wearisome cycle and Towhee knew she needed some way to escape the emotionally fraught feedback loop. She threw herself into training @Figment and @Fennec, rehearsing messages with X and, most importantly of all, wearing a trench in the pass that separated Asterism Grove from the wilderness where the Blackfeathers ran amok.
Of course, watches were boring and left the Kilonova far too much time to think. Desperate to avoid tumbling into the black abyss of her thoughts, Towhee threw back her head and howled, deciding last minute to call specifically for @Rye.
But as soon as Towhee caught herself stewing, she tried to pull herself out of that head space. It kept happening and she kept trying to suppress it. It was a wearisome cycle and Towhee knew she needed some way to escape the emotionally fraught feedback loop. She threw herself into training @Figment and @Fennec, rehearsing messages with X and, most importantly of all, wearing a trench in the pass that separated Asterism Grove from the wilderness where the Blackfeathers ran amok.
Of course, watches were boring and left the Kilonova far too much time to think. Desperate to avoid tumbling into the black abyss of her thoughts, Towhee threw back her head and howled, deciding last minute to call specifically for @Rye.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
September 08, 2019, 09:51 PM
Rye was none the wiser to the happenings of the Frosthawks or the Blackfeathers. One could say he was blissfully ignorant but all that could possibly come to end with Towhees call. Rye was previously nosing his way through the cache when the call came through. His heart thrummed then beat hard as he ran his way toward her howl. There was no urgency in his run but he wasn't taking a leisurely run either. Speedy but not panicky. He came upon the female withing a matter of minutes, slightly out of breath with bristled fur and alert eyes. Although her call didn't sound urgent, he was still mentally prepared for anything.
He played things cool of course, hoping to lighten anything weighing the females mind down. "Hey," His voice playfully deepened, "You called?" His eyebrows wiggled, with a sly smile stuck to his lips.
He played things cool of course, hoping to lighten anything weighing the females mind down. "Hey," His voice playfully deepened, "You called?" His eyebrows wiggled, with a sly smile stuck to his lips.
"If you lose yourself, your courage soon will follow.
So be strong tonight.
Remember who you are."
So be strong tonight.
Remember who you are."
September 08, 2019, 10:00 PM
She blinked at herself as soon as her voice died. Would Rye come? He'd made a hasty exit the other day, although that was pretty understandable, given the circumstances. Anyway, she didn't have to wonder long. He appeared at the tree line and Towhee found herself honest to goodness smiling for the first time in a few days, although it was a little short-lived.
-"Hey, yeah, I could just,"- she replied, heaving a breath, -"use a friend right now."- She drank in another lungful of air and let it out before telling him, -"I don't know if you've heard but there were some Blackfeathers spotted in the area the other day. The Frosthawks immediately packed their bags and took off."- As she relayed this news, she grimaced. -"Rave came by and told me they'd be gone soon and that was days ago. Surely they've left by now. She said they wouldn't go far, but..."-
And without really thinking about what she was doing, Towhee took a step toward Rye and then thrust herself against him, hiding her face in his neck. She didn't cry or really make any kind of sound at all, just stood there and pressed against his comforting familiarity and warmth.
-"Hey, yeah, I could just,"- she replied, heaving a breath, -"use a friend right now."- She drank in another lungful of air and let it out before telling him, -"I don't know if you've heard but there were some Blackfeathers spotted in the area the other day. The Frosthawks immediately packed their bags and took off."- As she relayed this news, she grimaced. -"Rave came by and told me they'd be gone soon and that was days ago. Surely they've left by now. She said they wouldn't go far, but..."-
And without really thinking about what she was doing, Towhee took a step toward Rye and then thrust herself against him, hiding her face in his neck. She didn't cry or really make any kind of sound at all, just stood there and pressed against his comforting familiarity and warmth.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
September 08, 2019, 10:40 PM
Her fast fading smile told him what he needed, his own smile vanished. His expression turned to concern, he sat and listened to her speak. Hearing her heart break once more as she spoke. He quieted, his body and mind to absorb everything she offered. He felt for Towhee, the Frosthawks were her family and they were moving away. In that moment he wanted to comfort her, embrace her and keep her tucked away in his chest. Towher did just that for him but a little differently but he was thankful. He rest his head on her as well whilst also trying not to disturb her. For a while he stayed that way with her, loving the embrace before he finally spoke up.
"Aye, Towhee. I'm so sorry to hear. Do you know how far? Would you like me to go with you on your visits?" He was worried, Rye had heard about Blackfeathers and how much of bad news they were. He had thoughts of a war brewing, how volatile? How many deaths would follow? "What does Blackfeather being seen mean? Is war not far behind them?" A surge of protectiveness pulsed through his body, he would fight for Towhee. Fight like hell. Damn his feelings were coming back full force but screw it. 'What do we want? A girl worth fighting fooooor'
"Aye, Towhee. I'm so sorry to hear. Do you know how far? Would you like me to go with you on your visits?" He was worried, Rye had heard about Blackfeathers and how much of bad news they were. He had thoughts of a war brewing, how volatile? How many deaths would follow? "What does Blackfeather being seen mean? Is war not far behind them?" A surge of protectiveness pulsed through his body, he would fight for Towhee. Fight like hell. Damn his feelings were coming back full force but screw it. 'What do we want? A girl worth fighting fooooor'
"If you lose yourself, your courage soon will follow.
So be strong tonight.
Remember who you are."
So be strong tonight.
Remember who you are."
September 08, 2019, 10:51 PM
She only withdrew when she felt the rumble of his voice. Towhee leaned back just far enough to read his lips, feeling utterly at ease with their proximity. Some part of her wondered if she should put more space between them, for his sake, to avoid mixed signals. But the Kilonova selfishly maintained her position, their fur still mingling as she watched his words.
-"I'll send X out in a few weeks to scope their new digs,"- she said, unable to hold back the sigh that followed. -"I'm not sure how often I'll visit, it depends on how far. But if I do and you'd like to come, I'd like that."- She was no scout and certainly not a ranger, though she actually sort of liked the thought of road tripping with Rye.
-"No,"- she answered his next question with a lot more conviction than she actually felt. -"Hopefully it means nothing. But after what we've been through, who can blame us for getting all up in arms? We uprooted and put those mountains in between us,"- Towhee said, gesticulating at the Barriers to the east, -"and they still came crawling after us. But it was just a few of them, so hopefully it was an isolated incident and I'm getting all worked up over nothing."-
But it wasn't nothing. Whether or not it had been an overreaction, the Frosthawks had left. They were no longer within easy reach, sister packs in name only and not in practice. Towhee felt a sudden urge to scream and instead threw herself at Rye again. But she didn't just hug against him, she angled her face to lick at the corner of his mouth, her tongue swiping along his lower jaw.
-"I'll send X out in a few weeks to scope their new digs,"- she said, unable to hold back the sigh that followed. -"I'm not sure how often I'll visit, it depends on how far. But if I do and you'd like to come, I'd like that."- She was no scout and certainly not a ranger, though she actually sort of liked the thought of road tripping with Rye.
-"No,"- she answered his next question with a lot more conviction than she actually felt. -"Hopefully it means nothing. But after what we've been through, who can blame us for getting all up in arms? We uprooted and put those mountains in between us,"- Towhee said, gesticulating at the Barriers to the east, -"and they still came crawling after us. But it was just a few of them, so hopefully it was an isolated incident and I'm getting all worked up over nothing."-
But it wasn't nothing. Whether or not it had been an overreaction, the Frosthawks had left. They were no longer within easy reach, sister packs in name only and not in practice. Towhee felt a sudden urge to scream and instead threw herself at Rye again. But she didn't just hug against him, she angled her face to lick at the corner of his mouth, her tongue swiping along his lower jaw.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
His heart raced like a horse, fictitious images flashed across his mind, one of war and death. Rye let his mind run wild with the idea of him in battle but he quickly rid his movie mind of the scene. He trusted Towhee, her word was as good as gold but she gave her doubts. Which set the seeds of his own in his mind, war wasn't off the table and now that the Frosthawks moved. A gap was open, leaving the Firebirds more exposed than ever but Rye only surmised that. Truly it all depended on where the Frosthawks moved to. The male couldn't help but feel Quixote and Raven cowardly for moving but it was an ill judgement, one motivated by Towhee more than anything.
Her heart mattered most to him so when she give him the affection he desired for ages, he melted into her like lava from a freshly erupted volcano. His mind wiped all traces of her rejection and focused on what he wanted to give her, his love. He returned with a lick of his own, a tender lick to the upper neck, just below her jaw. He gave in, no doubts, no second thoughts. He mentally begged and pleaded for more, a whine nearly escaping his mouth but he held it in; replacing it with his reply, he wasn't going to push his luck.
"When you decide to visit, tell me and I'll go with you just say the word. I'll fight if I have too, I'll fight for our home with everything I got Towhee. I promise you that. Not one Blackfeather will get through our borders and do harm to those within our home." His voice was strong, and felt powerful in his chest. He felt so strongly about her, about Asterism Grove and about fighting. He was ready for anything and everyevery. He felt powerful!
Her heart mattered most to him so when she give him the affection he desired for ages, he melted into her like lava from a freshly erupted volcano. His mind wiped all traces of her rejection and focused on what he wanted to give her, his love. He returned with a lick of his own, a tender lick to the upper neck, just below her jaw. He gave in, no doubts, no second thoughts. He mentally begged and pleaded for more, a whine nearly escaping his mouth but he held it in; replacing it with his reply, he wasn't going to push his luck.
"When you decide to visit, tell me and I'll go with you just say the word. I'll fight if I have too, I'll fight for our home with everything I got Towhee. I promise you that. Not one Blackfeather will get through our borders and do harm to those within our home." His voice was strong, and felt powerful in his chest. He felt so strongly about her, about Asterism Grove and about fighting. He was ready for anything and everyevery. He felt powerful!
"If you lose yourself, your courage soon will follow.
So be strong tonight.
Remember who you are."
So be strong tonight.
Remember who you are."
September 09, 2019, 10:26 AM
When he began to talk again, Towhee laughed because her tongue slipped into his mouth for a hot second. She leaned away with a comedic pbbbt and focused her gaze on his lips. His heartfelt declarations made her realize something: she didn't deserve Rye. He was too pure, too wholesome. She appreciated him mightily, though she knew that wasn't enough.
Sliding away from him a few more inches and feeling properly abashed about her behavior, Towhee cleared her throat and said, sincerely, -"That really means a lot, Rye."- And there was something else she wanted to say, although it took her a moment to parse her thoughts. -"You know, I wish this could be a thing, I really do..."- She gestured between them. -"Because you really are incredible, Rye. You're, like, my best friend, aside from my family."- And she knew that's not what he wanted but Towhee couldn't help but express how much it meant to her.
Sliding away from him a few more inches and feeling properly abashed about her behavior, Towhee cleared her throat and said, sincerely, -"That really means a lot, Rye."- And there was something else she wanted to say, although it took her a moment to parse her thoughts. -"You know, I wish this could be a thing, I really do..."- She gestured between them. -"Because you really are incredible, Rye. You're, like, my best friend, aside from my family."- And she knew that's not what he wanted but Towhee couldn't help but express how much it meant to her.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
September 09, 2019, 02:10 PM
A laugh of his own couldn't be contained since Towhees was incredibly infectious. No wolf could explain how Rye adored Towhee. He loved the way she laughed to even the way she sat, it was all her own way. Sadly he was reminded why she wouldn't be with him and his heart siezed, then suddenly it was hard to breathe. He struggled to pull in his next breath to speak but with the help of not wanting to embarrass himself he coolly began to breathe normally. "Right I'm sorry, I over stepped." Rye put distance between himself and her by a full wolfs lenght. How could he let himself slip back into believing they could be something. Rye let the silence grow for a second as he remained in his thoughts; he wanted to try to win her over. There was that burning in his chest, that tingle in his eyes. He ached to feel her love, even at the cost of getting shut down. Love was complicated, why must he be tangled in its web?
"Anyways, if you want me to I can scout for them around the sighted areas. I could use a good stretch if legs." He kept his voice neutral, no sign of much else but pure nothing. Rye wanted to move on quickly, very quickly. So.. The Blackfeathers and Towhee had history, Rye questioned how far back it was. Did she tell him? He wasn't sure, either way he hoped nothing would come of the sightings. It was best to prepare for the worst and hope for the best.
"Anyways, if you want me to I can scout for them around the sighted areas. I could use a good stretch if legs." He kept his voice neutral, no sign of much else but pure nothing. Rye wanted to move on quickly, very quickly. So.. The Blackfeathers and Towhee had history, Rye questioned how far back it was. Did she tell him? He wasn't sure, either way he hoped nothing would come of the sightings. It was best to prepare for the worst and hope for the best.
"If you lose yourself, your courage soon will follow.
So be strong tonight.
Remember who you are."
So be strong tonight.
Remember who you are."
September 09, 2019, 05:58 PM
Her brow furrowed when Rye distanced himself. -"You didn't..."- she replied. Her frown quickly turned upside down as Towhee affectionately shook her head at him. If anyone had crossed boundaries, it had been her. He'd done absolutely nothing wrong and she really didn't want to mess with Rye's head or heart.
He seemed pretty determined to stand up to the Blackfeathers, which made Towhee's heart do a funny thing in her chest. She ignored it, growing more serious as she contemplated ways Rye could help during this trying time, other than simply keeping her company.
-"They were in the ravine east of here,"- she shared, -"and they supposedly took off."- She thought of her warning to Rowan, his subsequent flight, then the conversation with Niamh later on. -"I think it's most important that we keep an eye on the pass and maybe pick up routine sweeps around the territory edges too. Actually, let's do one now."-
He seemed pretty determined to stand up to the Blackfeathers, which made Towhee's heart do a funny thing in her chest. She ignored it, growing more serious as she contemplated ways Rye could help during this trying time, other than simply keeping her company.
-"They were in the ravine east of here,"- she shared, -"and they supposedly took off."- She thought of her warning to Rowan, his subsequent flight, then the conversation with Niamh later on. -"I think it's most important that we keep an eye on the pass and maybe pick up routine sweeps around the territory edges too. Actually, let's do one now."-
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
September 09, 2019, 07:27 PM
She was right, Rye knew she was. She was one dragging his feelings back to the cutting board and dicing them like chives. He felt toyed with, confused, but also hopeful. Hopeful that she was just struggling with her feelings for him and that was all. Her signals were difficult to understand, so maybe, just maybe he was right. Then again the smarter side of Rye wasn't going to fall for it again. He needed to stay distant, for good this time. Emotionally distant at least and distant but only for a short period of time.
He dared not stare at her as she spoke the second part, chosing to stare at a distant squirrel or tree but still listening to her words. A sharp pang thumped his heart upon hearing the ending of Towhees suggestions. He looked at her, a swirl of pain in his eyes. The space he wanted from her was significant, he prayed she meant that they would split up; instead of going together. There was so much conflict in his mind, both sides fighting battle after battle to come out victorious with no contenders left. Stay and help, or go on his own.
Rye had a soft heart, anyone with ears and eyes would know that but even as giving as he was; there were still things he didn't want to deal with. Towhee meant a lot to him but she's bringing back feelings he ought to forget. That sort of hurt drags him down, Rye needed time to rest but god damn it she was hurting too. Enough was enough, "Right, look I think I'll go on my own. I will see you around but you hear or see anyone you don't know you howl for me understand?" It was a demand, not a request. If she wanted to snap at him for not staying in his place then so be it, he was done for the day. Not much worse could bother him.
He dared not stare at her as she spoke the second part, chosing to stare at a distant squirrel or tree but still listening to her words. A sharp pang thumped his heart upon hearing the ending of Towhees suggestions. He looked at her, a swirl of pain in his eyes. The space he wanted from her was significant, he prayed she meant that they would split up; instead of going together. There was so much conflict in his mind, both sides fighting battle after battle to come out victorious with no contenders left. Stay and help, or go on his own.
Rye had a soft heart, anyone with ears and eyes would know that but even as giving as he was; there were still things he didn't want to deal with. Towhee meant a lot to him but she's bringing back feelings he ought to forget. That sort of hurt drags him down, Rye needed time to rest but god damn it she was hurting too. Enough was enough, "Right, look I think I'll go on my own. I will see you around but you hear or see anyone you don't know you howl for me understand?" It was a demand, not a request. If she wanted to snap at him for not staying in his place then so be it, he was done for the day. Not much worse could bother him.
"If you lose yourself, your courage soon will follow.
So be strong tonight.
Remember who you are."
So be strong tonight.
Remember who you are."
September 09, 2019, 08:25 PM
She blinked, heart sinking when Rye said he'd go off on his own. Towhee opened her mouth to explain she'd meant for them to go together, then saw the look on his face. It struck her dumb momentarily. He looked really torn up all of a sudden. Her lips pressed together, wondering what'd changed in the last few heartbeats.
-"Right,"- she managed. Although she schooled her expression, she grimaced inwardly. He wanted to go off on his own but he also wanted her to call him if she needed him? She needed him right now. She'd just told him how much he meant to her too, though Towhee was well aware that Rye wasn't looking for friendship from her.
-"See you, Rye,"- the Kilonova said quietly, wondering if she would. It seemed like he was trying to distance himself, so maybe she should do the same. It sucked but if that's what he needed to get over her, Towhee could hardly blame him. She felt extra chagrined about quite probably leading him on a moment ago.
Swallowing thickly, she watched to see which direction he'd pick, then dutifully went the other way.
-"Right,"- she managed. Although she schooled her expression, she grimaced inwardly. He wanted to go off on his own but he also wanted her to call him if she needed him? She needed him right now. She'd just told him how much he meant to her too, though Towhee was well aware that Rye wasn't looking for friendship from her.
-"See you, Rye,"- the Kilonova said quietly, wondering if she would. It seemed like he was trying to distance himself, so maybe she should do the same. It sucked but if that's what he needed to get over her, Towhee could hardly blame him. She felt extra chagrined about quite probably leading him on a moment ago.
Swallowing thickly, she watched to see which direction he'd pick, then dutifully went the other way.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
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