Broken Antler Fen And a moment to think
820 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Keepin these ones moving <3 lmk if the assumption isn't okay!  Timeline vague.  If @Wraen wants!  Otherwise I will toss maia in here <3

Bridget was glad they'd managed to retrieve @Teya when they did because by the time they arrived to the place @Sundance spoke of, they were on the preceding edge of what felt like a pretty nasty snowstorm.  They could have hunkered down in the mountains, but survival would have been difficult in an unfamiliar place and when no one else around.  This way they'd have (maybe?) a pack to weather it with.  Bridget's spine tingled at the idea of managing a blizzard alone.  She'd been some manner of the court for as long as she could remember.

Here goes,  she said with a quiet laugh, looking at her companions.  Sundance already had a place here, but that didn't exactly guarantee them one.  She lifted her head and howled, seeking anyone who might be willing to speak with them.
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
Wraen had been a little under the weather lately. Though the worst of her cold she had already suffered through late November, the occasional severe cough had remained. This could be provoked by excitement and running, sometimes the spells visited her during the night, while sleeping. And with the temperatures dropping and winds picking up breathing that should have been effortless and hardly noticeable had become slightly uncomfortable. The feeling was as if someone was running a sandpaper against the bare lining of her respiratory passages. 

Therefore it was a good thing that the call for her or anyone else of the growing group happened right, when she was in the vicinity. She could approach the little company on the borders at a steady pace, without exerting herself too much. The wolves that were waiting for her weren't familiar to her, Wraen pondered briefly, if she should not call for a backup so that she was not outnumbered, but for now the people did not seem that dangerous to her either. "How may I help you?" she asked the trio, stopping at a polite and safe distance away, regarding them curiously.
820 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Permission from eb to pp a bit, I'll keep vague on Sundance though just in case <3

They weren't left to wait long, and Bridget immediately liked the look of the woman who came to greet them.  She seemed more curious than territorial and friendly enough, but got straight to the point.  Bridget didn't mind small talk on a normal day, but she was pretty tired, and she imagined her friends felt the same.

Hey!  My name's Bridget, and this here's Teya n' Sundance.  He, she indicated with her muzzle, was telling us about your pack, and we thought we'd see if we could tag along.  Got space for a few more?  I'm a medic, and Teya here is a tip-top star watcher, as well as in training to help me find supplies.  Bridget glanced back at Teya, her open smile silently checking to see if that assumption was alright.  Whatever she saw, she'd roll with... she knew the other woman would be nervous to speak up herself right now.  She just knew she'd been interested in flowers.

She looked back at Wraen, affable and completely relaxed.  Our old pack kind of fell apart, so you'd be doin us a huge favor.  She finished, smiling.  From what Sundance had said, this pack seemed like a better fit than the others.  Teya was no warrior and Bridget no soldier or serious tactician.  They needed a place to settle in that was easygoing as the Court had been, and it turns out that was a hard feel to find.
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
Once Bridget had finished talking, Wraen ventured few steps closer to have a better look at each of the people, who had come here. The one, who had been introduced as Sundance, she did not recognize, but - perhaps - he had spoken to Maia and she had simply not received the message. At the back of her brain there was an inkling that this was not exactly the first time she had heard this name, but could not pinpoint the exact time or place. Maybe later - when she had chance to interview each more closely. 

Teya was rather ordinary looking save for the bright blue eyes and did not speak much, seemed a little shy even. Maybe also because she was just as tired as the rest. "We are not exactly a pack yet - more like group of wolves, who have banded together for wintertime - it may be so that, when the spring comes, we go our separate ways. Just so you know," she warned. "My name's Wraen and I do think that the territory can host some more of you. You may choose, where you want to rest, but food you will have to provide for yourselves. No caches here, since we ourselves have recently arrived," she told. 

"What pack were you affiliated with before?" she asked, wondering, if this group had been part of any circle she knew personally.
1,182 Posts
Ooc — ebony
"s-seelie c-court," teya managed to stammer out. her ears were folded, posture demure alongside bridget. it was not that she wished to speak, only that something about the compelling apple-wrought stare of the woman wraen urged her to say aloud what must be said.
she had her time among the watch-wolves to thank for that. it had not made her braver, but some of the nervous tension had sloughed away in the last weeks, and so she did not tremble alongside her companions despite her continued shy mien.
[Image: zTO57rj.png]
820 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Bridget opened her mouth to respond, but was pleasantly surprised when Teya spoke up for them instead.  She grinned, glancing at her friend, before looking at Wraen again with a look that indicated that'd be the one.

She didn't mind the sound of a temporary digs if that was what was needed.  Despite the court falling apart, she'd made new friendships that obviously stuck, and what if it was the same here?  Probably would be.  Unless they were a bunch of assholes she was sure she'd get along fine.

We can hunt, no worries there. She added easily, agreeing to those terms.  They'd fed themselves alright so far on their own, so surely it'd be fine going forward too.  Nice to meet ya, Wraen.
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
The shyest of the group uttered her name and Wraen, who had never considered herself a threatening specimen (save for times, when best friend's butts need to be punched new holes in it), found it a little odd that she should be the reason for other person's insecurity. Well, it could well be that this was not something she should particularly take to heart. But still... got you thinking...

"Seelie Court - I have never heard about before. Do tell more - I don't travel much nowadays, therefore it is always interesting to hear about where other people have been and what have they done previously," she said. Useful too.
1,182 Posts
Ooc — ebony
the woman spoke softly, with interest over what the pack had been. teya against her better and jaded judgement felt a bit of tension begin to fade. "was pretty. lumiya called us faeries." the girl was unused to being part of any conversation; she relaxed against bridget, looked fondly toward sundance.
but she had nothing else to add for present, and hoped that the cardinal would fill the space between wraen's request and her own silence.
[Image: zTO57rj.png]
820 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Bridget didn't mind filling in after a pause told that Teya was done.  She knew more about the pack anyway; her history with it was long.  It was an offshoot of my birth pack, Bridget added, but newer, and with a younger Queen.  It was quiet, and peaceful, but then got a bit too quiet.

We had a sort of initiation there, to become a faerie.  Is there anything like that here?  Bridget wondered.  If so, was it mandatory?  The court's hadn't been, and she recalled that Teya had been nervous to perform it.  And she wasn't entirely sure she was down to go for a trip like that herself, as able as she was to use the herbs.
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
"We keep things quite informal here," Wraen replied, but she had already decided that these two fairies weren't going anywhere. It seemed that once you brought in a couple of dragons and made a kindergarten for them, other creatures of the kind came hopping along. "No set rules or traditions yet, but, since the current group has come from a different background, I think it would be nice to keep the pack open to all and let cultures blend and mix up," she mused, though they had not discussed any of this in game yet.

"Come along then - I will give you a little tour around the place, but, since the territory is huge, you will have to do rest of the exploring yourself,"  she said. "In the meanwhile I would love to know more about the fairy court you come from. It's not every day that you get to meet them in person. I feel very honored," she gave each a sincere smile.
1,182 Posts
Ooc — ebony
wraen outlined a plan for the pack that was quite foreign to teya. a sure defect of character, but the girl was unmade without a clear leader. informality did not settle well with the violet.
and yet the woman's earnestness endeared teya to her at once, and this coupled with bridget's readiness to accept brought peace to the girl.
she had known several leaders now, but maybe informality would aid her growth in a new direction.
a smile came to her, small and visible in response to wraen's own, though teya had nothing more to say, and much to consider.
[Image: zTO57rj.png]
820 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Seems like a good place for a wrap on this! <3

Bridget found herself quite liking this woman and her friendly but sincere nature.  A tour sounds perfect, least for the basics.  I'll tell you much as I remember, though warning, most of it is probably pretty damn boring.  Bridget laughed, then shook her head.  Not that boring is a bad thing.  Home needs a little boring, I think.  She'd found herself with a severe lack of it these past few weeks and it'd be nice to have a little of it again.  At least it would make sleep come easier.

Bridget would let Wraen lead the way, walking close beside Teya with Sundance (presumably) on her friend's other side.  She was excited to see what sort of secrets this place held, but she as also excited to be surrounded by others again.  She loved her companions a lot, but she missed the noise and the bustle of pack life.