Redhawk Caldera Do you think you're better off alone?
Sun Mote Copse
5,134 Posts
Ooc — Kat
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All Welcome 
Meerkat will be an NPC.

Towhee wondered if some sort of Spidey sense was summoning all the wayward Redhawks back for a visit. She wouldn't examine it too closely. She was just glad for Meerkat's company today. After reassuring her Caracal had made it home only to head out adventuring with @Killdeer, then apprising her daughter of the situation here, Towhee's attention naturally wandered to tall, dark and handsome. She needn't even ask, her whole face said it for her: "Who's this?"

Meerkat seemed quite shocked by the news but recovered enough to introduce her companion as @Issorartuyok, the Alpha of Duskfire Glacier. Towhee grinned like a Cheshire cat, at least on the inside. Damn, girl, way to go. Outwardly, she maintained an expression of calm, cool curiosity as she regarded the swarthy dude her daughter may or may not have bagged.

Naturally, the yearling wondered if Towhee would consider coming back with them to the glacier. She wouldn't dream of infringing on Meerkat's space, especially not after she'd gone to such lengths to carve out a life of her own, but she said, "I haven't decided what I'm going to do yet but I'll keep it in mind. Thanks."

She wondered how many grandchildren she might have come springtime, not that she would know them, at least not the way she'd known Killdeer. It was definitely tempting to wedge herself in with Bronco and Fennec, or Meerkat and her possible new beau. She loved helping raise grandchildren. But they had gone their own ways for a reason, right? At long last, she had come to accept this most bittersweet fact of life. Towhee would be happy for them, from a distance. She could always visit.

Meanwhile, she had begun to realize she might end up completely and totally alone when all was said and done. And while that was a massive paradigm shift for her after living her entire life with the Redhawks, what was even more shocking was just how much she was already making her peace with it. It was almost a relief, in a strange way. If you didn't have anything, after all, you had nothing to lose.

Catching herself lost in thought, Towhee blinked, focused and said, "Tell me about yourself, Issorartuyok. And tell me: what are your intentions with my daughter?"
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.

I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
389 Posts
Ooc — Teo
After the duo had met up with Sovereign Towhee, Issorartuyok was sure to keep himself off to the side. He did not believe that it was his place to intrude on moments between mothers and daughters. It seemed as though Meerkat was pleased to visit the leader of the Caldera, that they had things to share with each other that distance had not allowed for. The northerner was pleased to walk beside them, until the older woman set her gaze upon his figure and began to speak to him.

You would be welcome upon the glacier, of course, he interjected quietly. Issorartuyok understood that Towhee would follow her own path, but he wanted to make sure that she understood there was a place for her on the glacier’s claim. Towhee was Meerkat’s mother. This meant that she was to be honored by their village and its people, just the same as the other members of their group.

When Towhee asked him what his intentions were with her daughter, the northerner froze.

Issorartuyok did not understand. His intentions had been nothing but chivalrous. The man wanted only for Meerkat to be happy and protected, for her to have a suitable life that would give her passions she could chase. What had he intended? That was a challenging query.

This one will protect Meerkat. She is an asset to our village and our people. She is proven with children, with coaching and sharing knowledge. I would have her lead, if it was her desire. She is kind in her heart and her spirit shows light when she speaks her thoughts, the swarthy figure spoke clearly. His gaze did not shift from Towhee’s features. Meerkat had been clear that he should make sure his lips could be seen by the Sovereign, that it would allow her to understand what he said.

I only wish for Meerkat to be fulfilled, to be happy, Calderawoman.

The northerner bowed his head. What did she wish to know of him?
Sun Mote Copse
5,134 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
All of her attention was riveted upon him now, anticipating his response, so Towhee didn't notice it when Meerkat's mouth dropped open and she choked out, "MOM—!" And, of course, she didn't hear it, either.

She weighed every single one of Issorartuyok's words and did not find them wanting. If anything, that was a hell of an answer. Her daughter had hit the jackpot with this one. And she deserved somebody like him, especially after what had happened with Atlas...

Towhee bothered to glance at Meerkat, who was now staring at the side of Issorartuyok's face as if utterly starstruck. It was endearing, the way Meerkat looked at him. Towhee's tail wagged, once again struck with happiness at the turn in the yearling's romantic fortunes.

"I'm really happy for you, you know," she said to Meerkat, eyes still fixed on Issorartuyok. "How long have you led at the glacier?" Towhee asked him, wondering if Meerkat would ever take him up on that fairly explicit offer to lead with him.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.

I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
389 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The northerner could feel the burn of Meerkat’s gaze on his face, but he did not pull his eyes from the Sovereign of the Caldera. It was important that he met her, that he respected her word, and that he painted an ideal image of himself for her. Issorartuyok did not imagine that Towhee would have taken kindly to her daughter finding sanctuary with the unruly sort. She appeared, to him, to be a fierce woman with a sharp tongue. The way that she spoke reminded him of the glacier’s scout. Perhaps it was something they shared.

Towhee accepted his response and made a comment to her daughter. Issorartuyok kept his head bowed until the woman inquired again. This time she wanted to know how long he had led at the glacier. The northerner drew his dark brown gaze up to meet her.

Not long, perhaps a moon now. I do not know if it will be a permanent place, but I will do what I can while the man of the glacier heals from his… he faded with his words. The man’s features became thoughtful as he fought for a way to word what had happened to Wintersbane. It had been a tragedy, yes, but the northern wolf did not know how to share that with Towhee in an appropriate way.

Well, until he is ready to resume his role.

The man tilted his head curiously to Towhee.

What is it that you wish for your daughter, Sovereign Towhee?
Sun Mote Copse
5,134 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
His answer caught her by surprise, though he offered up some context. Something had recently happened to the previous leader, so he was only an interim Alpha. Towhee's eyes cut sideways to Meerkat for a moment, though they quickly returned to Issarartuyok, lest she miss anything he was saying.

She wanted to know what had happened, though before she could ask, her guest posed a question of his own. Towhee didn't have to think about that at all, saying, "I want her to be happy and fulfilled, just like you said. Whatever that looks like." Her orange eyes found the yearling's face again, full of fondness.

Since there was no doubt in her mind they were a pair by this point in the conversation, Towhee ran her tongue over her teeth and mulled a moment before asking, "Do you think you'll plan to have kids in the spring?" Her gaze rested most heavily on her daughter now, though it flicked back and forth between her and Issarartuyok. It took two to tango, didn't it?

This time, she didn't miss Meerkat's flustered, "MOM! Issarartuyok and I aren't together." It looked like there was more she wanted to say but was too mortified to get it out.

"Shit," Towhee blurted, "sorry. You're—?" Well, she felt bad for causing Meerkat such clear embarrassment, though she'd seen the way the young woman looked at Issorartuyok. And hell, the guy had basically written her a fucking poem just now. "Why the hell not?" she demanded.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.

I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
389 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Towhee shared similar sentiments, which eased the large wolf into a comfortable state. It seemed that they both had an image of young Meerkat in their minds – happy, warm, fulfilled by her life and her goals – and the northerner was pleased by it.

I will do what I can to make it so, he vowed to her with a solemn bow of his broad skull.

When their conversation shifted toward children, Issorartuyok drew his head back to an attentive state and stared at the Sovereign. A flash of surprise crossed his features. The dark brown of his gaze shifted from the older woman to her daughter, fearful that he might have said something to have led them down this path. The conversation seemed to have shifted without him realizing it.


Issorartuyok shifted upon his paws.

My plans have always been firm. To find a wife, to make a family of many children, to lead them as a father and a man of the village.

When Issorartuyok realized that Towhee had thought he’d paired with her daughter, the northerner felt himself grow warm. Meerkat was swift to leap in, to correct her mother, but it did not halt the Sovereign woman. She wanted to know why they were not together. Issorartuyok had never been asked to explain why he hadn’t made a mate of another wolf.

Sovereign of the Caldera, forgive me, the northern wolf bowed his head again. The heat could be felt in the base of his ears. Young Meerkat would be an exceptional and treasured wife. I simply do not know if it is what she wishes…

Issorartuyok looked to the speckled girl with curiosity.
Sun Mote Copse
5,134 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
Towhee could practically feel the mortification coming off Meerkat in waves as she put both of them on the spot. But she didn't look at her daughter just now. Her gaze remained fastened to Issorartuyok's lips as he spoke. When he lowered his head, so did she, just to avoid missing a single word.

She felt her heart leap in her chest on her Meerkat's behalf at what he said. Towhee finally looked sideways at the yearling when he did. The sandy she-wolf looked a bit like a deer in headlights. Clearly, Towhee had been wrong about the two of them already being a couple. Just as clearly, she had not been wrong that there was something there between them.

"I think you two need to have a conversation," she announced, trying not to sound smug. "I'll be here afterward. Come find me again before you head home, all right?" Towhee said while looking at Meerkat before shifting her eyes to Issorartuyok to say to him, "You have my blessing and all that shit, just don't hurt her. She's been through enough. She deserves that happiness and fulfillment we talked about. And she's a total catch."

Her inner Cheshire cat grinned again as Towhee turned away from the pair and walked away to give them some time and space to talk.

I think I'll start another for Isso and Meerk. I'll tag you!
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.

I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
389 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The lady of the caldera suggested that Issorartuyok and Meerkat speak with each other and then return to her before they left for the glacier.

The northern man regarded his traveling companion with a demur shifting of his eyes. He felt he had dishonored her trust in him, that he had led her mother to believe his intentions were more than a man’s should be. Issorartuyok had said something, surely. If he spoke to Meerkat, he was certain he could offer his apologies and earn her forgiveness.

The duo departed from the scene mutely. Issorartuyok followed the speckled scout away from the caldera and toward the forest that swept out in the distance. Words played on his tongue and never left. He walked silently with Meerkat until he had settled on the things he might say, if he should have to speak to her first.

Thoughts of the glacier had slipped away from him. All that consumed him was the conversation with the Sovereign woman.