Days passed in a terrible, febrile blur. Druid sensed others tending to her, @Heda among them, though she was never very lucid for very long. Fortunately, awareness was not required for healing and her caretakers’ efforts paid off when the fever finally broke.
She stirred, waking to cold afternoon light, blinking and squinting. Druid felt disoriented and weak as she struggled to push upright. Her wounds hurt but they looked to be mending. Her sister’s scent wreathed her comfortingly and Druid hoped she wasn’t far.
She stirred, waking to cold afternoon light, blinking and squinting. Druid felt disoriented and weak as she struggled to push upright. Her wounds hurt but they looked to be mending. Her sister’s scent wreathed her comfortingly and Druid hoped she wasn’t far.
Heda?she whispered.
@Lane (and anyone else, really) is welcome as well!
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
January 15, 2022, 05:17 PM
between the duskfire medic, herself, and @Tuuluuwaq, druid made it out of the proverbial forest.
heda was there to clutch her paw and breathe a sigh of relief over her sister's thinned shoulder. "druid. i thought —" she shook her head resolutely. "you're in duskfire glacier. you ran. from rivenwood. someone hurt you."
her sister had only just roused. heda desperately wanted to know what had happened but said no more. she only pressed closer, beginning to bathe the long recovery from druid's fur.
heda was there to clutch her paw and breathe a sigh of relief over her sister's thinned shoulder. "druid. i thought —" she shook her head resolutely. "you're in duskfire glacier. you ran. from rivenwood. someone hurt you."
her sister had only just roused. heda desperately wanted to know what had happened but said no more. she only pressed closer, beginning to bathe the long recovery from druid's fur.

January 15, 2022, 07:05 PM
Heda was right there beside her, a paw slipping into Druid’s own. Though she felt absolutely frail, Druid maneuvered herself so they were facing one another and gently pressed her forehead to her sister’s. When Heda moved to groom her, she felt at once so feeble and so grateful.
Eyes pressed closed, she murmured,
They could all be dead at the raiders’ teeth, for all she knew. Druid wanted to leap to her feet and run right back to Rivenwood to find out. But she didn’t even have the energy to stand, so instead she wept.
Eyes pressed closed, she murmured,
Wolves raided Rivenwood. They came for Laurel. I don’t know why.Now her eyes snapped open, brimming with concern.
I told Witch to run. But I couldn’t find her, or mama, or Mahler. I don’t know what happened to anyone.
They could all be dead at the raiders’ teeth, for all she knew. Druid wanted to leap to her feet and run right back to Rivenwood to find out. But she didn’t even have the energy to stand, so instead she wept.
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
January 15, 2022, 07:34 PM
heda stiffed as druid began to speak and remained that way long after her sister had finished. but she was confused; why laurel? she barely knew the woman. knowing that her sister and mother, along with mahler and the others, had not been seen by druid; it sickened heda.
"maybe we — you know duskfire is rivenwood's ally," she murmured, trying to comfort druid. "i'm sure they'd help look." was she though?
"maybe we — you know duskfire is rivenwood's ally," she murmured, trying to comfort druid. "i'm sure they'd help look." was she though?

January 15, 2022, 10:25 PM
Heda remained quiet for a time as Druid filled the silence with bitter tears, wondering if she’d betrayed Laurel for naught. Her insides twisted at the thought and she puled weakly, draining what little strength she possessed.
Her sister mentioned how the packs were allies. Druid sniffed wetly, thinking of the strangers who’d flitted in and out of her consciousness these past few days. She owed them a debt of gratitude.
Her sister mentioned how the packs were allies. Druid sniffed wetly, thinking of the strangers who’d flitted in and out of her consciousness these past few days. She owed them a debt of gratitude.
Who helped me? I remember a woman…
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
January 16, 2022, 08:59 AM
During one of Druid's brief periods of lucidity, the group had succeeded in moving her to the Duskfire Glacier medicine den, situated at the convergence of the Lupine Flower Meadow, Bosk Iana, and Meltwater Lake.
Lane lingered outside the den for a moment, listening as the voices within exchanged news. This was the first time Druid had been lucid enough to really speak to what happened, and it was worse than Lane had imagined. Druid had not been attacked while on the road, and Lane had expected. She had come all the way from Rivenwood, which had suffered a raid. Lane's breath stilled in her chest. She wondered if Duskfire Glacier could bear another emergency.
Lane ducked into the den once Druid began asking about her. She dropped a mouthful of soaked moss balls onto the floor of the den, freeing her mouth the speak. "..That would be me. My name is Lane. I'm glad to see you looking better, Druid." Lane smiled, although the expression was a bit tight, given the news she had overheard. "..I heard what you were saying, about the raid. I'm so sorry. I'm going to Rivenwood at once, as soon as you're squared away." If Druid seemed healthy enough to keep recovering under the watchful eye of her sister, Lane knew that her medical skills would be more needed in Rivenwood right now.
Lane lingered outside the den for a moment, listening as the voices within exchanged news. This was the first time Druid had been lucid enough to really speak to what happened, and it was worse than Lane had imagined. Druid had not been attacked while on the road, and Lane had expected. She had come all the way from Rivenwood, which had suffered a raid. Lane's breath stilled in her chest. She wondered if Duskfire Glacier could bear another emergency.
Lane ducked into the den once Druid began asking about her. She dropped a mouthful of soaked moss balls onto the floor of the den, freeing her mouth the speak. "..That would be me. My name is Lane. I'm glad to see you looking better, Druid." Lane smiled, although the expression was a bit tight, given the news she had overheard. "..I heard what you were saying, about the raid. I'm so sorry. I'm going to Rivenwood at once, as soon as you're squared away." If Druid seemed healthy enough to keep recovering under the watchful eye of her sister, Lane knew that her medical skills would be more needed in Rivenwood right now.
January 16, 2022, 03:31 PM
Tuulu had remained close to the medicine den today, worrying over the injured girl and curious about her condition. But he had wanted for Lane to check on her first, since he couldn't do much and wouldn't be able to judge much about her condition.
So when he caught the glacier leader's fresh scent heading towards her herb den, he quickly followed. The Tatkret paused outside the den but listened to the conversation inside. It seemed Druid was awake and Lane was talking to her, which seemed like a good sign. When he heard Lane declare that she would be heading to Rivenwood at once, a knot of fear formed in his chest. They had no idea what would be waiting there, and she was just going to go? He didn't like it, but he wasn't sure he could talk her out of going, nor did he think no one should check on the Rivenwood wolves. But if she went, then he went.
He wouldn't barge into the den to ask her about her plans; it was a conversation they could have whenever she was finished. So the northern just posted up outside the medicine quarters, keeping silent guard while his mind raced with all the things that could happen to Lane when she made the journey to the bypass.
So when he caught the glacier leader's fresh scent heading towards her herb den, he quickly followed. The Tatkret paused outside the den but listened to the conversation inside. It seemed Druid was awake and Lane was talking to her, which seemed like a good sign. When he heard Lane declare that she would be heading to Rivenwood at once, a knot of fear formed in his chest. They had no idea what would be waiting there, and she was just going to go? He didn't like it, but he wasn't sure he could talk her out of going, nor did he think no one should check on the Rivenwood wolves. But if she went, then he went.
He wouldn't barge into the den to ask her about her plans; it was a conversation they could have whenever she was finished. So the northern just posted up outside the medicine quarters, keeping silent guard while his mind raced with all the things that could happen to Lane when she made the journey to the bypass.
unless addressed, he can be skipped <3
January 16, 2022, 03:48 PM
before heda could answer, lane reappeared and introduced herself. whatever light that the girl had managed to muster faded beneath a swift and cutting worry. she was not about to argue with her new alpha in front of druid or tuuluuwaq, but her gaze framed a desperation that begged lane to stay.
"druid," she said gently, trying not to panic. "can you tell us about these wolves? the raiders. just — anything you remember."
what if they were still there?
heda inhaled, watching the wan face of her beloved sibling.
"druid," she said gently, trying not to panic. "can you tell us about these wolves? the raiders. just — anything you remember."
what if they were still there?
heda inhaled, watching the wan face of her beloved sibling.

January 16, 2022, 04:10 PM
Someone ducked into the den, something tumbling out of her mouth. Druid twitched, eyes falling to the grassy green objects briefly before lifting to the woman’s face. She said her name, then swore to go to Rivenwood at once.
The youth could only stare at her in absolute gratitude, eyes still brimming with tears. Druid wanted to go with her, of course, but it went without saying that it wouldn’t be possible. She wasn’t certain she had enough energy to leave this den to toilet, much less go on a rescue mission.
Guilt washed through her at the thought. Lane had already done so much for her, now she was going to put herself at risk to search for survivors? Druid swallowed thickly, Heda’s voice capturing her attention. If she couldn’t assist directly, then perhaps information would help them in their endeavor.
Much as she hated to dwell on the nights of her own attack and the subsequent raid, Druid closed her eyes and breathed, concentrating. Although she hadn’t seen much the first night, she had gotten a good look at the she-wolf and her companion during the storming of Rivenwood.
Her eyes slowly cracked open, meeting Heda’s gaze, then glancing at Lane.
It had felt like a necessary evil at the time, though Druid wasn’t so certain now that she wasn’t in the heat of the moment. Her insides curdled suddenly and she didn’t have much time to warn,
The youth could only stare at her in absolute gratitude, eyes still brimming with tears. Druid wanted to go with her, of course, but it went without saying that it wouldn’t be possible. She wasn’t certain she had enough energy to leave this den to toilet, much less go on a rescue mission.
Guilt washed through her at the thought. Lane had already done so much for her, now she was going to put herself at risk to search for survivors? Druid swallowed thickly, Heda’s voice capturing her attention. If she couldn’t assist directly, then perhaps information would help them in their endeavor.
Much as she hated to dwell on the nights of her own attack and the subsequent raid, Druid closed her eyes and breathed, concentrating. Although she hadn’t seen much the first night, she had gotten a good look at the she-wolf and her companion during the storming of Rivenwood.
There was a she-wolf, brownish black with yellow eyes,she described, eyes still shut, tears clinging to her lashes. Especially looking back now, she couldn’t quite remember if she had been with the same man both nights.
There was a male too, black fur…
Her eyes slowly cracked open, meeting Heda’s gaze, then glancing at Lane.
There were more, though. I don’t know how many. I could hear them shouting for Laurel. I…Druid thought about what the two hunters had told her, yet could think of no way to convey it without confessing to her own dastardly deed.
It had felt like a necessary evil at the time, though Druid wasn’t so certain now that she wasn’t in the heat of the moment. Her insides curdled suddenly and she didn’t have much time to warn,
I’m going to be sick,before she promptly vomited all over Lane’s moss balls.
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
January 16, 2022, 09:14 PM
Although late, Ensio converged on the site of the medicine den, where a patient from Rivenwood was being tended. He did not know her personally, but he had seen her in passing. Had smelled her, heard her name mentioned. Druid. Heda's cherished sister. If she was important to her, then she was important to him, as a friend. The once anger prone Duskfire was growing ever the more into a fearsome protector.
He heard voices coming from the den as he drew near. Heda was inside with her sister, and he could see Lane squeezing in too. Tuuluuwaq remained stationed outside. He neared just as he heard, and smelled, the ripeness of vomit. He imagined that now the den floor wouldn't be very fit to lay on.
Good thing he had come bearing a gift, for both sisters. A fresh day old fox skin, courtesy of his own talent in catching the thief. He set it down near the entrance and murmured. "To keep you from the cold. And that." He motioned to the vomit. No lady should have to lay in that. He turned to Tuuluuwaq. "Give me the rundown. What has happened?"
He heard voices coming from the den as he drew near. Heda was inside with her sister, and he could see Lane squeezing in too. Tuuluuwaq remained stationed outside. He neared just as he heard, and smelled, the ripeness of vomit. He imagined that now the den floor wouldn't be very fit to lay on.
Good thing he had come bearing a gift, for both sisters. A fresh day old fox skin, courtesy of his own talent in catching the thief. He set it down near the entrance and murmured. "To keep you from the cold. And that." He motioned to the vomit. No lady should have to lay in that. He turned to Tuuluuwaq. "Give me the rundown. What has happened?"
January 17, 2022, 10:40 AM
Heda pressed her sister for details, which Lane probably would not have recommended. Druid still looked really weak. But given that this was her family on the line, Lane could understand why Heda was desperate.
Druid described two wolves who could honestly have been anyone. There were more, which meant they were likely from a pack. They sought one woman in particular, although they obviously didn't care overmuch who they harmed in the process of finding this "Laurel." It wasn't much to go on. It was likely that one of the adults at Rivenwood would know more, but Lane asn't sure Druid was looking well enough for her to leave. Heda had shot her that look of distress when she'd mentioned it before.
Druid announced that she was going to vomit, which gave Lane just enough time to clear the danger zone. Unfortunately, she did not have time to save her poor moss balls.
Lane swept dirt over the mess quickly. She could hear a voice speaking outside the already-crowded den and sighed inwardly. Now that people had overheard the conversation, the rumors would start flying.
Lane fetched a dock leaf and settled it beside Druid, so she would have a convenient recepticle if she again felt the need to empty her stomach. "A bit of food might settle her stomach," Lane suggested to Heda, "Something very fresh and mild-- fowl, if we have it."
Lane turned to Druid, who just looked pitiful. Her mothering instinct kicked in hard, and she placed some comforting licks on Druid's cheeks, cleaning the remains of the mess off her face. "Get some rest, Druid. I.. I've changed my mind. I'm not going anywhere. You need me here. I'll send a scouting party to Rivenwood for news." Lane looked to Heda, hoping this would bring the anxious sister some comfort too. She nodded conclusively at Heda, indicating that now was a good time for her to dismiss herself if she wanted to go rustle up that food for Druid.
"I'll be right back," Lane promised Druid. She needed to take care of the eavesdroppers outside the den. She grabbed one of her emergency medkits and exited the medicine den.
She found @Ensio and @Tuuluuwaq when she emerged. Both would receive rather tight smiles. "Druid is recovering, but slowly. Her pack was attacked-- Rivenwood, our allies. Druid did not recognize the wolves responsible. I would like you both to go check things out." It might still be dangerous, and Lane's protective instincts surged against this decision. She forged onward before she could change her mind. "Take @Kigipigak, if he wants to go. He is widely traveled and may recognize the scents of the raiders. Take Keyni too, and give her this medkit." Keyni knew a bit about medicine, Lane thought.
Lane's eyes found Tuuluuwaq's chocolate gaze, silently pleading with him to be safe. Never had she imagined that she would be making decisions like this when she volunteered for leadership. It tore her heart in half, choosing between offering aid to an ally or keeping her wolves safe from harm.
Druid described two wolves who could honestly have been anyone. There were more, which meant they were likely from a pack. They sought one woman in particular, although they obviously didn't care overmuch who they harmed in the process of finding this "Laurel." It wasn't much to go on. It was likely that one of the adults at Rivenwood would know more, but Lane asn't sure Druid was looking well enough for her to leave. Heda had shot her that look of distress when she'd mentioned it before.
Druid announced that she was going to vomit, which gave Lane just enough time to clear the danger zone. Unfortunately, she did not have time to save her poor moss balls.
Lane swept dirt over the mess quickly. She could hear a voice speaking outside the already-crowded den and sighed inwardly. Now that people had overheard the conversation, the rumors would start flying.
Lane fetched a dock leaf and settled it beside Druid, so she would have a convenient recepticle if she again felt the need to empty her stomach. "A bit of food might settle her stomach," Lane suggested to Heda, "Something very fresh and mild-- fowl, if we have it."
Lane turned to Druid, who just looked pitiful. Her mothering instinct kicked in hard, and she placed some comforting licks on Druid's cheeks, cleaning the remains of the mess off her face. "Get some rest, Druid. I.. I've changed my mind. I'm not going anywhere. You need me here. I'll send a scouting party to Rivenwood for news." Lane looked to Heda, hoping this would bring the anxious sister some comfort too. She nodded conclusively at Heda, indicating that now was a good time for her to dismiss herself if she wanted to go rustle up that food for Druid.
"I'll be right back," Lane promised Druid. She needed to take care of the eavesdroppers outside the den. She grabbed one of her emergency medkits and exited the medicine den.
She found @Ensio and @Tuuluuwaq when she emerged. Both would receive rather tight smiles. "Druid is recovering, but slowly. Her pack was attacked-- Rivenwood, our allies. Druid did not recognize the wolves responsible. I would like you both to go check things out." It might still be dangerous, and Lane's protective instincts surged against this decision. She forged onward before she could change her mind. "Take @Kigipigak, if he wants to go. He is widely traveled and may recognize the scents of the raiders. Take Keyni too, and give her this medkit." Keyni knew a bit about medicine, Lane thought.
Lane's eyes found Tuuluuwaq's chocolate gaze, silently pleading with him to be safe. Never had she imagined that she would be making decisions like this when she volunteered for leadership. It tore her heart in half, choosing between offering aid to an ally or keeping her wolves safe from harm.
January 17, 2022, 08:02 PM
Tuulu listened quietly to the conversation within the medicine den. Druid described her attackers, though the descriptions would do little to help. He knew it was not her fault; she was young and traumatized. She did, however, mention the it might have been a pack that attacked Rivenwood and that they had been there for someone named Laurel.
He heard the injured girl vomit, then, and the putrid scent of it wafted out soon after.
Ensio arrived then, offering Lane and the girls a couple of fox pelts. Tuulu was happy to see him here and so invested in helping others. The boy took a seat and wanted to know what happened. The Tatkret frowned, worried about letting Ensio know every detail; he was still a child after all, no matter how adult-like he seemed at times.
Before he could answer, Lane hurried out of the den with something grasped between her teeth. Tuulu stood immediately; he could feel her energy and knew things needed to be done. The tightness in her smile told him how worried she was. She repeated the gist of what had been discussed within the den and then moved on to planning. She wanted Tuulu and Ensio to go to Rivenwood with Kigipigak and Keyni to check things out. He wanted to protest her request to take Ensio; he was too young for something so dangerous. He thought better of it, though. If Lane was okay with it, then he would try to be as well. She gave them a med kit to take with them, explaining that Keyni would know how to use it.
He held Lane's gaze, searching her eyes and seeing a silent plea to be safe. His own would be filled with a promise to return. His jaw tightened against the emotion swelling in his chest.
He lingered a moment before moving over to Lane to nuzzle her cheek and offer her a soft kiss. He held her gaze one second longer and then turned to leave, motioning for Ensio to follow.
He heard the injured girl vomit, then, and the putrid scent of it wafted out soon after.
Ensio arrived then, offering Lane and the girls a couple of fox pelts. Tuulu was happy to see him here and so invested in helping others. The boy took a seat and wanted to know what happened. The Tatkret frowned, worried about letting Ensio know every detail; he was still a child after all, no matter how adult-like he seemed at times.
Before he could answer, Lane hurried out of the den with something grasped between her teeth. Tuulu stood immediately; he could feel her energy and knew things needed to be done. The tightness in her smile told him how worried she was. She repeated the gist of what had been discussed within the den and then moved on to planning. She wanted Tuulu and Ensio to go to Rivenwood with Kigipigak and Keyni to check things out. He wanted to protest her request to take Ensio; he was too young for something so dangerous. He thought better of it, though. If Lane was okay with it, then he would try to be as well. She gave them a med kit to take with them, explaining that Keyni would know how to use it.
He held Lane's gaze, searching her eyes and seeing a silent plea to be safe. His own would be filled with a promise to return. His jaw tightened against the emotion swelling in his chest.
Take care of yourself,he told her—it was his own request of her.
We'll be back as soon as we can.Tuuliu hated to leave her, but he knew this was the best plan.
He lingered a moment before moving over to Lane to nuzzle her cheek and offer her a soft kiss. He held her gaze one second longer and then turned to leave, motioning for Ensio to follow.
heda listened. two dark wolves and more shouting for laurel. for the life of her heda still could not know what they had wanted with the unassuming mother. her mind began to circle the idea that it had been her who had known the trespassers.
but then her sister announced that she would be sick, and heda winced. she stood at once when lane gave her suggestion, frame visibly sagging with relief to know her leader would not be going to rivenwood. "thank you," she murmured, departing the den to find the offered bird.
outside, tuuluuwaq and ensio stood. she gave the first a nod and the second a lingering look, but did not stay. her trip to the caches took no time at all, and it was on the return that she heard the tail end of the conversation.
pulling her eyes away from the way that tuuluuwaq touched lane, heda put down the sparrow and cleared her throat. "rivenwood has one entrance. don't go left; go right, along the lagoon. if — if no one answers, i mean." the girl's face contorted; she picked up her prey and entered the den again.
"hey," she said, settling beside druid. "i'm here. eat this and go to sleep." a half smile. she licked the other's cheek and pushed the sparrow closer, gaze haunted with fear and grief.
but then her sister announced that she would be sick, and heda winced. she stood at once when lane gave her suggestion, frame visibly sagging with relief to know her leader would not be going to rivenwood. "thank you," she murmured, departing the den to find the offered bird.
outside, tuuluuwaq and ensio stood. she gave the first a nod and the second a lingering look, but did not stay. her trip to the caches took no time at all, and it was on the return that she heard the tail end of the conversation.
pulling her eyes away from the way that tuuluuwaq touched lane, heda put down the sparrow and cleared her throat. "rivenwood has one entrance. don't go left; go right, along the lagoon. if — if no one answers, i mean." the girl's face contorted; she picked up her prey and entered the den again.
"hey," she said, settling beside druid. "i'm here. eat this and go to sleep." a half smile. she licked the other's cheek and pushed the sparrow closer, gaze haunted with fear and grief.

As soon as her stomach emptied, Druid whispered,
She closed her eyes as Lane instructed Heda to go fetch some food, a thought which made her stomach pinch. Swallowing, she only opened them again when the medic said her name. She said she’d changed her mind about going to Rivenwood in person; she would send scouts in her stead.
This didn’t reassure her much, though she didn’t speak. Lane exited the den and Druid pondered the instruction to rest. She registered several voices just outside and turned toward them halfheartedly. She caught a glimpse of a young male with dark fur and turned away again.
Before she knew it, Heda returned.
Silently, she picked at the kill, eating as much as she could manage. Under the weight of exhaustion, guilt and pain, Druid then succumbed to the singular detachment of sleep.
I’m sorry… I’m so sorry.Likely nobody heard it, above the hubbub in and around the medicine den.
She closed her eyes as Lane instructed Heda to go fetch some food, a thought which made her stomach pinch. Swallowing, she only opened them again when the medic said her name. She said she’d changed her mind about going to Rivenwood in person; she would send scouts in her stead.
This didn’t reassure her much, though she didn’t speak. Lane exited the den and Druid pondered the instruction to rest. She registered several voices just outside and turned toward them halfheartedly. She caught a glimpse of a young male with dark fur and turned away again.
Before she knew it, Heda returned.
Heda,Druid murmured, pressing against her sister with all her strength, which wasn’t very much. As much as it turned her stomach, she knew she should eat to restore it. She didn’t want to waste Heda’s gift.
Silently, she picked at the kill, eating as much as she could manage. Under the weight of exhaustion, guilt and pain, Druid then succumbed to the singular detachment of sleep.
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
February 02, 2022, 09:41 PM
He hung back, clearly hesitant to leave the side of Heda and Druid. But Duskfire Glacier was a strong pack. With Lane here keeping tabs on everyone, surely no harm would come to them. There were others in Rivenwood who were far worse off. They needed their aid. And Ensio, though young, needed this valuable experience if he were to become a guardian.
Pausing just long enough to tuck the fox pelt in the den to lay it gently over Druid, he touched Heda's shoulder lightly with his nose. Sending Lane one last look, eyes serious, he turned and followed after Tuuluuwaq.
Pausing just long enough to tuck the fox pelt in the den to lay it gently over Druid, he touched Heda's shoulder lightly with his nose. Sending Lane one last look, eyes serious, he turned and followed after Tuuluuwaq.
Wordless promises passed between Lane and Tuuluuwaq, and his departure was sealed with a kiss and murmured farewells. Lane swiped her own kiss over Tuuluuwaq's cheek. It was a more chaste parting than Lane's heart desired; over the coming days she would grow to regret not grabbing him and covering him in kisses, insisting that she had changed her mind and he needed to stay.
Her eyes found Ensio, who-- she reminded herself-- was of her own children's age. Her heart leapt into her throat at that thought.
"Ensio," she spoke, "Your job is extremely important. You are a messenger. At the first sign of danger, you need to run home, as hard and fast as you can. If reinforcements are needed in Rivenwood, it is up to you to bring word to us."
When she was certain that Ensio understood the gravity of his responsibility, she would nod conclusively. If it had been her own son, Veteran, she would not have trusted him to tear himself from the battlefield and return home. Ensio, however, had shown a deepened maturity in the past moons, and Lane felt more confident that he would understand the importance of the messenger role.
Heda returned and offered the scouting party more precise directions. With that, the two of them were off. Lane watched the pair disappear for a long moment. With a sigh, she shook herself-- as if she could fling away her fears-- and ducked back into the medicine den, seeking to check on Heda and Druid.
Her eyes found Ensio, who-- she reminded herself-- was of her own children's age. Her heart leapt into her throat at that thought.
"Ensio," she spoke, "Your job is extremely important. You are a messenger. At the first sign of danger, you need to run home, as hard and fast as you can. If reinforcements are needed in Rivenwood, it is up to you to bring word to us."
When she was certain that Ensio understood the gravity of his responsibility, she would nod conclusively. If it had been her own son, Veteran, she would not have trusted him to tear himself from the battlefield and return home. Ensio, however, had shown a deepened maturity in the past moons, and Lane felt more confident that he would understand the importance of the messenger role.
Heda returned and offered the scouting party more precise directions. With that, the two of them were off. Lane watched the pair disappear for a long moment. With a sigh, she shook herself-- as if she could fling away her fears-- and ducked back into the medicine den, seeking to check on Heda and Druid.
Going to fade here and archive, since nearly everyone has exited.
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