Dragoncrest Cliffs why hello there
Sun Mote Copse
130 Posts
Ooc — Chelsie
Set tomorrow, April 26th! @Swordfish @Mercy @Meerkat @Njord I'll only be making one or two posts here to mark the milestone and this can be one post each if you all prefer, but you're welcome to take it over as a full thread too!

It was midday, but it was impossible to tell with how dark the sky was. Heavy clouds hung over Sapphique, pelting the cliffs with relentless rain. The wind blowing in off the ocean was strong, but surprisingly warm despite the downpour and the sharp white caps on the stormy waves.

In his sleep, Stingray had rolled closer to the entrance, and now he woke to the sensation of a fat raindrop breaking against the slope of his brow. His eyes popped open for the first time and immediately shut again when water trickled into the corners. In response to the abrupt, unfamiliar discomfort, Ray screwed up his face and started up with a high, keening whine.

He didn't notice when he opened his eyes again; he was too focused on making his cries as piercing and attention-grabbing as possible.
Sun Mote Copse
1,991 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Coach
Master Therapist
Master Ambassador
The instant she heard her son’s cry, Meerkat lifted her head from where it rested on her crossed forelegs. The burrow was even dimmer than usual, so she didn’t notice anything different at first. She gently closed her mouth around his tiny midriff and lifted him away from the misty doorway, gently laying him on his back on the cushion of her forelegs.

When she began to clean the moisture from his face with a soothingly warm tongue, she saw Stingray looking back at her. Meerkat paused, heart skipping a beat. A huge smile broke out on her face as she nuzzled at his little cheeks, hoping that the comforting, familiar contact would assuage any discomfort that might come with this development.

Eyes were one thing, ears another, and though Meerkat was fairly certain he couldn’t hear her properly, she couldn’t resist crooning to him as she cradled him and stared into his eyes.

I need you before I’m too old…
To have and to hold…
To walk with you and watch you grow…
And know that you’re blessed.

And you, you’ll be blessed…
You’ll have the best, I promise you that…
I’ll pick a star from the sky…
Pull your name from a hat.

I promise you that, I promise you that…

Lyrics belong to Sir Elton John.
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
342 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Swordfish had been napping when the patter of rain had reached their little home. His tiny figure was nestled into whatever warmth was readily available. The boy did not dream of anything. Sleep was deep and restful. 

For the first time, when Swordfish awoke, his eyes fluttered open. The boy could not make sense of the obscure blurred shapes that existed around him. The motion of it spiked his heart to racing. Swordfish’s puppy head wobbled as he blinked away the sharpness that was light. A squeal of confusion erupted from him. The pup did not wish to deal with his weak vision first thing after waking from his nap. 

The gentle song of their mother did not soothe Swordfish, but burrowing his snout into the nearest warm shadow was more than enough. Darkness returned to his eyes. He released a sigh that seemed to ease his full body.
10 Posts
Ooc — KT
all three children slumbered the afternoon away, and all three awoke to find their eyes open.  vixen was uncharacteristically quiet as her brother squealed, too enamored by the light and the blurry shapes it exposed to be concerned with much else.
Sun Mote Copse
971 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
Rain was a common visitor to the Teekons as Spring cast the land into bloom. Every day the grass grew greener, daffodils and early-season wildflowers opened, and small green buds began to grow on the once winter-bare boughs. Njord patrolled closely to the den, often bringing back little snacks for Meerkat to satiate her through the day, to watch for danger. As he rounded back towards home he could hear the shrill little cries of Stingray fussing.

When he drew near, Njord could her the melodic lullaby of Meerkat’s voice. He paused, enchanted by the endless talents his partner possessed, before poking his grey-capped face into the entrance of their burrow. His ears rolled forward with a cock to his crown as if to ask ‘is everything alight?’

In the dim light he could see Ray and Swordfish fussing, but little Vixen was poised, daylight shining on her little face – blue peepers staring right at her dad. Njord’s expression lit up, looking to Meerkat silently and mouthing ‘their eyes!’
Members of Sun Mote Copse are welcome to join all threads and power-play Njord (excepting injury or death) for cohesion and continuity, whether or not he's an active participant in a thread. Just tag me!

Sun Mote Copse
130 Posts
Ooc — Chelsie
This will be my last post in this one, but y’all are welcome to continue on with it!

Stingray may not have been able to hear Meerkat, but her singing sent a gentle vibration zinging through his entire body. It was enough. His startled crying went on for a little while longer, but each softly delivered line relaxed him a little more. By the time Meerkat reached the end of the second verse, Ray was calm again, albeit wracked by tiny hiccups.

This new sense of his was exciting and alarming all at once, especially when the dark form of Njord darkened the door, but the lull of sleep was stronger. He lifted his pudgy arms in a clumsy stretch, squealed out a yawn, and slipped into the welcoming dark of slumber once more. When he awoke again, this whole episode would be forgotten and it would be as though he had always been able to see.
Sun Mote Copse
1,991 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Coach
Master Therapist
Master Ambassador
Her voice trailed off into a hum as Meerkat continued rocking her baby boy. When he seemed settled, she gently parted her forelegs so he was nestled on the ground in between them, tucked up to her chest.

She turned just as Swordfish began to fuss and whimper. She bent down to nose his crown, prepared to airlift him to her anterior to serenade him too. But he settled into the crook behind her elbow, so Meerkat simply smiled as he fell back asleep.

Now her attention turned to her only little girl, who had also discovered eyesight today. She was a little out of reach, though Vixen at least seemed unbothered about this development. Actually, she seemed quite curious. Meerkat watched her, fascinated.

When Njord arrived, their eyes met and Meerkat’s tail thumped. She snuggled a little more tightly around the dozing boys, content to watch father and daughter discover one another.

This will be my last as well.
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)